A victory for white life.

No, I doubt she read it wrong.

U.S. Rep. Mary Miller immediately drew fierce backlash on social media and elsewhere at a Saturday night rally with former President Donald Trump when she credited him for the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade calling it a “victory for white life.”

Rep. Miller thanks Trump for 'victory for white life,' campaign says she misread remarks

Were the cheers all by mistake also? No, it just sounded right to the audience.
Obviously Miss Miller spoke out of turn.Maybe unaware that Black
females have 5 times the number of abortions than White females.
American Blacks are little more than pawns to be used by Career
White Democrat pols in an effort to maintain control over their flock.
As evidenced on an hourly basis now.Talk about overkill.
Which now has the stain placed directly on the Democrat party.
A Party seemingly proud to Lie,lie and lie even more as they turn
a blind eye on the Unborn.As if merely swatting away Flies at some
hot 4th of July picnic.These buffonish Democrats don't much cotton
the 4 th either.The United States has never been in such unabridged
turmoil.Worse than some Twilight Zone episode.Because even Rod Serling
could not allow an Episode where Hoodlum troublemakers wearing
all black and masks are perfectly at ease with raising town squares and
terrorizing citizens.Running up behind citizens and taking pot shots
at their face.An act of demostrable Unamerican cowardice the likes of
which would never have been allowed in most any bonafide Hollywood
Western.lest of which a Twilight Zone episode.
yet that is precisely where Drat Democrats have placed Joe American.
Along with Joe American's pregnant wife.
It's about poverty statistics

White people are (depending on which stats you look at) somewhere around the 7%-10% in poverty rate. Blacks and Hispanics are in the 25%-30% rate.

Meaning they're less likely to travel to get an abortion, more likely to end up having kids.
We have spent trillions of dollars on the Great Society and pushed "diversity". Which has split us up. Our nation is about assimilation into the unique culture. And there are people who do not want that.
We have spent trillions of dollars on the Great Society and pushed "diversity". Which has split us up. Our nation is about assimilation into the unique culture. And there are people who do not want that.
Just ask and make yer garden Variety Democrat explain and
qualify { Defend } e pluribus unum
Big Government was NOT on the minds of our Founders.
But rather Limited Government.Meaning Federalism { letting
states decide }.Now { not Ironically } the Democrats are back to
blaming the Conservatives on the Supreme court as being Fascist.
Not prone to Democracy.
Like Sanctuary city's and Open borders and Lockdowns are
key ingredients of Democracy.Limiting Travel and free speech.
Remember ... The Bigger the Government the
Smaller the Citizen!
Just ask and make yer garden Variety Democrat explain and
qualify { Defend } e pluribus unum
Big Government was NOT on the minds of our Founders.
But rather Limited Government.Meaning Federalism { letting
states decide }.Now { not Ironically } the Democrats are back to
blaming the Conservatives on the Supreme court as being Fascist.
Not prone to Democracy.
Like Sanctuary city's and Open borders and Lockdowns are
key ingredients of Democracy.Limiting Travel and free speech.
Remember ... The Bigger the Government the
Smaller the Citizen!

Immigration is specifically spelled out in the Constitution as the Federal governments job, not the states.
We have spent trillions of dollars on the Great Society and pushed "diversity". Which has split us up. Our nation is about assimilation into the unique culture. And there are people who do not want that.
America was united generally prior the The Great Divider Obummer.
Immigration is specifically spelled out in the Constitution as the Federal governments job, not the states.
And when a Potus is Inaugurated and takes the Oath,
What it is that a New President Swears allegiance to.
That being The United States.To Defend and Protect.
Is that what this Biden clown is managing.To defend and
protect our Borders.
And when a Potus is Inaugurated and takes the Oath,
What it is that a New President Swears allegiance to.
That being The United States.To Defend and Protect.
Is that what this Biden clown is managing.To defend and
protect our Borders.

I didn't vote for Biden so I have no obligation to defend him.

That noted, no one actually does what is needed to protect our borders.
Crazy bitch with a faux pas that accidentally revealed how she really felt. She's done it before.

It wasn't the first time Miller, R-Oakland, has been ensnared in a verbal controversy.

At a Jan. 5, 2021 rally for Trump, Miller said children were being "propagandized" and that “Hitler was right on one thing. He said, ‘Whoever has the youth has the future.’"

Miller was paraphrasing a remark Hitler gave at a 1935 rally. She later apologized.

I didn't vote for Biden so I have no obligation to defend him.

That noted, no one actually does what is needed to protect our borders.
Under Trump we had the most secure Border in decades.
Tom Homan { Former acting ICE Director } says so.
He's not one to tell fibs.Like dat Homeland Security creep { Mayorkas }
Under Trump we had the most secure Border in decades.
Tom Homan { Former acting ICE Director } says so.
He's not one to tell fibs.Like dat Homeland Security creep { Mayorkas }

They came by the thousands under Trump. Jobs were waiting.
If you say so..............


Planned Parenthood Closes Boise, Idaho Abortion Business That Killed Babies for 15 Years"​

Some are closing already/
We have spent trillions of dollars on the Great Society and pushed "diversity". Which has split us up. Our nation is about assimilation into the unique culture. And there are people who do not want that.

I fail to see how your response is replying to what I said.


Planned Parenthood Closes Boise, Idaho Abortion Business That Killed Babies for 15 Years"​

Some are closing already/

Some will but this won't be fleshed out in a couple days.
Some will but this won't be fleshed out in a couple days.

I didn't say it would. But they'll get no funding from states that ban abortions, and they'll struggle to stay open, so they'll close. And then people in those states won't have access to PP.
Because of diversity and how it is promoted I believe that poverty would still be here, but we would have less of it.

And are those people who want to ban abortions the sort of people pushing for more equality, especially in black and Native American communities?

Fuck no, they're they ones trying too keep them in their place.
I didn't say it would. But they'll get no funding from states that ban abortions, and they'll struggle to stay open, so they'll close. And then people in those states won't have access to PP.

All they need is a small office to disperse the millions they will get in donations to pay for travel.
Yeah, and this small office will get targeted by the state, or even outright banned.

As much as you hope they will not, they will figure it out. Call an office in NY. They send the money to your closest provider where after your procedure you get X dollars to cover your expenses.

Millions of women also get their health care and contraceptives at P.P. Bravo, more unwanted pregnancies.
As much as you hope they will not, they will figure it out. Call an office in NY. They send the money to your closest provider where after your procedure you get X dollars to cover your expenses.

Millions of women also get their health care and contraceptives at P.P. Bravo, more unwanted pregnancies.

And yet we'll see the number of babies being born rise in such states because....

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