A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights

Thank goodness the courts look at our Constitution and laws as the basis for their rulings and not some foreigner with an axe to grind.

Doesn't matter what the Courts say anymore on this issue. Texas has effectively told the Courts to stuff it. And most other states not already lost to Leftism will soon follow suit.

But I wouldn't worry about it, history shows that Nature has a cure for this sort of problem... and we're quickly approaching that fix. And all indications are that such is comin' sooner, rather than later.

Global warming is going to kill us all?


And when did Pubes stop believing in the Constitution?

All Americans believe in the Constitution... it is after all, founded upon self-evident truth. What's there to "believe"? It's obvious to anyone of any discernible reason... .

It's the Relativist; such as yourself Sphincter, who reject the principled tenets of such.

And like you, you're cult and it's feckless ideology, Global Warming is a deceitful joke, manifested from little more than Old Testament evil.

Now was there a point you had hoped to make, which failed to come across due to your deficient intellectual acuity?

Take a breath, feel about what it is you're trying to hide and say whatever you must to avoid letting the cat out of the bag.
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... What you both share in common is an irrational hatred for a group of people you idiotically think will lead to the destruction of your country.

Oh now THAT is fascinatin', right there.

You really seem to have your rhetorical finger on the pulse of reasoned discourse.

But you're making some pretty serious charges. So since debate is about the intellectual pursuit of the truth, it's only fair and sensible that we test your assertion.

So, here's how that works:

You said I my position was consistently irrational... now I disagree, so let's be sure that you understand what that word means:

Irrational: not logical or reasonable.

Is that what you meant to convey when you advised the reader that my position was irrational?

If so, by all means correct that definition with whatever was flitterin' through your noggin' when you spewed out a word you didn't actually understand and used because it 'felt right to ya'.


(Reader, if you've got somewhere else to be, you might as well get there... because this crank is most likely to be struck with an irresistible obsession with something else beside this thread... literally ANYTHING else beside this thread. But I'll give it a reasonable period of time to respond, before it concedes by default, whereupon I'll note and accept such... check back any time. This only ever goes one way...)
... What you both share in common is an irrational hatred for a group of people you idiotically think will lead to the destruction of your country.

Oh now THAT is fascinatin', right there.

You really seem to have your rhetorical finger on the pulse of reasoned discourse.

But you're making some pretty serious charges. So since debate is about the intellectual pursuit of the truth, it's only fair and sensible that we test your assertion.

So, here's how that works:

You said I my position was consistently irrational... now I disagree, so let's be sure that you understand what that word means:

Irrational: not logical or reasonable.

Is that what you meant to convey when you advised the reader that my position was irrational?

If so, by all means correct that definition with whatever was flitterin' through your noggin' when you spewed out a word you didn't actually understand and used because it 'felt right to ya'.


(Reader, if you've got somewhere else to be, you might as well get there... because this crank is most likely to be struck with an irresistible obsession with something else beside this thread... literally ANYTHING else beside this thread. But I'll give it a reasonable period of time to respond, before it concedes by default, whereupon I'll note and accept such... check back any time. This only ever goes one way...)
Sure ... you said "normalizing" gay sex will lead to "the total annihilation of a culture. You can't get more irrational than that. That's completely fucking unhinged. The gay community is not turning straight people gay. Even if it were normalized, straight people will remain repulsed by gay sex. And for those who are not straight but fought gay urges due to society's disapproval, they will remain a small minority of the population; which will continue to flourish because most people will still be straight. And that's not even counting the gay couples who will also continue procreating, contributing to population growth.

But even funnier is your notion that gay sex is being normalized. It's not. No one is being forced to accept gay sex as normal. What our country is going to force on bigots like you is to treat gays as equals under the law. Their rights cannot be denied because rightwing freaks are stuck in the year 10,000BC. Basically, you've constructed a strawman and exposed a dark side of yourself over it. That is quite illogical and far from reasonable.

Thanks! You helped demonstrate that "irrational" is the perfect word to describe you. :thup:

See? That was easy. Of course, it helps with you being sooo gay.
Oh my 20 minutes and nothing comes to mind...

LOL! Color me SHOCKED! :ack-1:
Another 25 Minutes... and STILL nothing comes to mind.

LOL! Pitiful...
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

wheres_my_gay_brain thinks I hang on his every word. He actually thinks I do nothing but wait for him to post. :ack-1:


Guess what, GayBlade...? This verifies you are as delusional as you are irrational. :thup:

drive home from work .... 30 minutes ....

have dinner with the family .... 1 hour ....

describing how the forum's gay blade is irrational .... 5 minutes ....

the entertainment that will derive from this .... priceless

  1. A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights




Are the Canucks prophets?

How can pursuing happiness be considered "an erosion of fundamental rights" - the opposite is true - is an AFFIRMATION of fundamental rights.

Check your premises.


Another 25 Minutes... and STILL nothing comes to mind.

LOL! Pitiful...
Time check, gay blade ....

So... We have 43 pages of the Homo-cult doing everything the author in the OP said they're doin'... even as they deny that it's happening.


You can NOT make this crap up!
Actually, no...we have 43 pages of people pointing and laughing at you!

  1. A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights




Are the Canucks prophets?

How can pursuing happiness be considered "an erosion of fundamental rights" - the opposite is true - is an AFFIRMATION of fundamental rights.

Check your premises.


Well it's really easy... When one person's exercising their right, infringes on the means of ithers to do the same thing.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

That means that two people of the same gender are not suited for marriage.

Demanding that MARRIAGE change to suit them... Alters the meaning of marriage.

Now... It's truly no more complex than that.

Sexual deviants are not precluded from marriage. They, like everyone else, are merely requires to marry others who are of the distinct gender.

Demanding that people of the same gender are qualified for marriage is a lie.

No different than the "hands up don't shoot" ruse is a lie.

Just because a lot of people believe it, doesn't make it true.
So... We have 43 pages of the Homo-cult doing everything the author in the OP said they're doin'... even as they deny that it's happening.


You can NOT make this crap up!
Actually, no...we have 43 pages of people pointing and laughing at you!

Well that is a wonderful demonstration of delusion.

(Reader, delusion is the mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy... So the above profession follows...)
Keys, your paranoia regarding gays is the very definition if irrationality.
What paranoia is that?

Define paranoia ... As you feel that it means, then show from the evidence contained in this discussion, the presentation of paranoia.

Of course... When you fail to do so, you will concede through that failure that when you made the assertion, you did so knowing that you had no evidence to sustain that charge.

This demonstrating that you are overtly attempting to mislead the Readers of this forum.
... What you both share in common is an irrational hatred for a group of people you idiotically think will lead to the destruction of your country.

Oh now THAT is fascinatin', right there.

You really seem to have your rhetorical finger on the pulse of reasoned discourse.

But you're making some pretty serious charges. So since debate is about the intellectual pursuit of the truth, it's only fair and sensible that we test your assertion.

So, here's how that works:

You said I my position was consistently irrational... now I disagree, so let's be sure that you understand what that word means:

Irrational: not logical or reasonable.

Is that what you meant to convey when you advised the reader that my position was irrational?

If so, by all means correct that definition with whatever was flitterin' through your noggin' when you spewed out a word you didn't actually understand and used because it 'felt right to ya'.


(Reader, if you've got somewhere else to be, you might as well get there... because this crank is most likely to be struck with an irresistible obsession with something else beside this thread... literally ANYTHING else beside this thread. But I'll give it a reasonable period of time to respond, before it concedes by default, whereupon I'll note and accept such... check back any time. This only ever goes one way...)
Sure ... you said "normalizing" gay sex will lead to "the total annihilation of a culture. You can't get more irrational than that. That's completely fucking unhinged. The gay community is not turning straight people gay. Even if it were normalized, straight people will remain repulsed by gay sex. And for those who are not straight but fought gay urges due to society's disapproval, they will remain a small minority of the population; which will continue to flourish because most people will still be straight. And that's not even counting the gay couples who will also continue procreating, contributing to population growth.

But even funnier is your notion that gay sex is being normalized. It's not. No one is being forced to accept gay sex as normal. What our country is going to force on bigots like you is to treat gays as equals under the law. Their rights cannot be denied because rightwing freaks are stuck in the year 10,000BC. Basically, you've constructed a strawman and exposed a dark side of yourself over it. That is quite illogical and far from reasonable.

Thanks! You helped demonstrate that "irrational" is the perfect word to describe you. :thup:

See? That was easy. Of course, it helps with you being sooo gay.
yes... Feckless deception is always easy.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
So... We have 43 pages of the Homo-cult doing everything the author in the OP said they're doin'... even as they deny that it's happening.


You can NOT make this crap up!
Actually, no...we have 43 pages of people pointing and laughing at you!

Well that is a wonderful demonstration of delusion.

(Reader, delusion is the mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy... So the above profession follows...)
Mornin', gay blade. An introspective inspection would do you wonders. If you look carefully, you'll discover a severe lack of self awareness in your gay self that is more obvious in you than I suspect you're cognizant of. :thup:

By the way ... how many minutes since my last post? :lmao:
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... What you both share in common is an irrational hatred for a group of people you idiotically think will lead to the destruction of your country.

Oh now THAT is fascinatin', right there.

You really seem to have your rhetorical finger on the pulse of reasoned discourse.

But you're making some pretty serious charges. So since debate is about the intellectual pursuit of the truth, it's only fair and sensible that we test your assertion.

So, here's how that works:

You said I my position was consistently irrational... now I disagree, so let's be sure that you understand what that word means:

Irrational: not logical or reasonable.

Is that what you meant to convey when you advised the reader that my position was irrational?

If so, by all means correct that definition with whatever was flitterin' through your noggin' when you spewed out a word you didn't actually understand and used because it 'felt right to ya'.


(Reader, if you've got somewhere else to be, you might as well get there... because this crank is most likely to be struck with an irresistible obsession with something else beside this thread... literally ANYTHING else beside this thread. But I'll give it a reasonable period of time to respond, before it concedes by default, whereupon I'll note and accept such... check back any time. This only ever goes one way...)
Sure ... you said "normalizing" gay sex will lead to "the total annihilation of a culture. You can't get more irrational than that. That's completely fucking unhinged. The gay community is not turning straight people gay. Even if it were normalized, straight people will remain repulsed by gay sex. And for those who are not straight but fought gay urges due to society's disapproval, they will remain a small minority of the population; which will continue to flourish because most people will still be straight. And that's not even counting the gay couples who will also continue procreating, contributing to population growth.

But even funnier is your notion that gay sex is being normalized. It's not. No one is being forced to accept gay sex as normal. What our country is going to force on bigots like you is to treat gays as equals under the law. Their rights cannot be denied because rightwing freaks are stuck in the year 10,000BC. Basically, you've constructed a strawman and exposed a dark side of yourself over it. That is quite illogical and far from reasonable.

Thanks! You helped demonstrate that "irrational" is the perfect word to describe you. :thup:

See? That was easy. Of course, it helps with you being sooo gay.
yes... Feckless deception is always easy.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Nope, my post was neither feckless nor deceptive. You're welcome to expeditiously dismiss it but all you're doing is exposing a feigned objection which is based on nothing other than your wish that it's not true. Meanwhile, most everyone here has come to recognize that is nothing more than a knee-jerk auto-response from you.

  1. A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights




Are the Canucks prophets?

How can pursuing happiness be considered "an erosion of fundamental rights" - the opposite is true - is an AFFIRMATION of fundamental rights.

Check your premises.


Well it's really easy... When one person's exercising their right, infringes on the means of ithers to do the same thing.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

That means that two people of the same gender are not suited for marriage.

Demanding that MARRIAGE change to suit them... Alters the meaning of marriage.

Now... It's truly no more complex than that.

Sexual deviants are not precluded from marriage. They, like everyone else, are merely requires to marry others who are of the distinct gender.

Demanding that people of the same gender are qualified for marriage is a lie.

No different than the "hands up don't shoot" ruse is a lie.

Just because a lot of people believe it, doesn't make it true.
Insisting marriage is between a man and a woman that gay people seek to alter bears little distinction in principle from saying marriage is a life long contract that heterosexual people sought to alter with divorce. In fact, divorce is far more detrimental to the fabric of society than is recognizing same-sex marriage, yet I don't see you ranting about how divorce will lead to the destruction of our society like you claim normalizing homosexuality will?
Thank goodness the courts look at our Constitution and laws as the basis for their rulings and not some foreigner with an axe to grind.

Doesn't matter what the Courts say anymore on this issue. Texas has effectively told the Courts to stuff it. And most other states not already lost to Leftism will soon follow suit.

But I wouldn't worry about it, history shows that Nature has a cure for this sort of problem... and we're quickly approaching that fix. And all indications are that such is comin' sooner, rather than later.

Global warming is going to kill us all?


And when did Pubes stop believing in the Constitution?

All Americans believe in the Constitution... it is after all, founded upon self-evident truth. What's there to "believe"? It's obvious to anyone of any discernible reason... .

It's the Relativist; such as yourself Sphincter, who reject the principled tenets of such.

And like you, you're cult and it's feckless ideology, Global Warming is a deceitful joke, manifested from little more than Old Testament evil.

Now was there a point you had hoped to make, which failed to come across due to your deficient intellectual acuity?

Take a breath, feel about what it is you're trying to hide and say whatever you must to avoid letting the cat out of the bag.

"All Americans believe in the Constitution... it is after all, founded upon self-evident truth. What's there to "believe"? It's obvious to anyone of any discernible reason... . "

Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix. Is this self-evident truth? How many amendments are there to the Constitution?
Keys, your paranoia regarding gays is the very definition if irrationality.
What paranoia is that?

Define paranoia ... As you feel that it means, then show from the evidence contained in this discussion, the presentation of paranoia.

Of course... When you fail to do so, you will concede through that failure that when you made the assertion, you did so knowing that you had no evidence to sustain that charge.

This demonstrating that you are overtly attempting to mislead the Readers of this forum.

Um, you insisting that gays are more dangerous than Thermo-nuclear war and they will destroy our entire civilization is pretty paranoid.

You've kinda doubled down on batshit when it comes to gays. With casual genocide of 'eradicating homosexuals' mixed in for spice.

And the cherry on the insanity cake? Your imaginary "natural right to eradicate homosexuals''.

You can't teach that kinda crazy. But you can point and laugh at it.

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