A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights

Well it's really easy... When one person's exercising their right, infringes on the means of ithers to do the same thing.


Homosexuals do not infringe upon your right merely because they choose to exercise theirs.

You are still free to marry whomever.


Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

And in 37 of 50 States, also one man and one man, or one woman and one woman.

False... Because the Leftists sitting on the Federal Judiciary don't determine natural design and nature defines Marriage through the design of the human species, wherein two distinct but complimenting genders are respectively designed; both physically and emotionally to join with the other. Two distinct bodies joining to form one sustainable body.

Such being impossible for one gender... .

See how that works? It's well above the scope and power the sub-human element of the federal judiciary.
Marriage is not found in nature. Mating is, fucking is, but not marriage. Like God that is man-made.

Exactly. There's fucking in nature. But fucking isn't marriage. Keys keeps bizarrely equating them. And in the process demonstrates yet again how predictably worthless his subjective personal opinion is in defining anything objective.
The only 'rights' that same sex marriage erodes are those wrongly invented by bigots and falsely claimed by bigots.
The only 'rights' that same sex marriage erodes are those wrongly invented by bigots and falsely claimed by bigots.

Which of the rights that you and people like you wrongly invented and falsely claim, are you speaking of Gilligan?

Be as specific as your limited intellectual means allow.
Well it's really easy... When one person's exercising their right, infringes on the means of ithers to do the same thing.


Homosexuals do not infringe upon your right merely because they choose to exercise theirs.

You are still free to marry whomever.


Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

And in 37 of 50 States, also one man and one man, or one woman and one woman.

False... Because the Leftists sitting on the Federal Judiciary don't determine natural design and nature defines Marriage through the design of the human species, wherein two distinct but complimenting genders are respectively designed; both physically and emotionally to join with the other. Two distinct bodies joining to form one sustainable body.

Such being impossible for one gender... .

See how that works? It's well above the scope and power the sub-human element of the federal judiciary.
Marriage is not found in nature. Mating is, fucking is, but not marriage. Like God that is man-made.
Marriage occurs in humanity...OKA: The element of nature withy the means to reason beyond Base instinct.

Ergo, Marriage occurs in nature... .

See how that works?
I am at a loss to come up with a single right or privilege that I have lost, as a married heterosexual, since gay marriage was legalized in Canada. Not one single thing has been lost.
Must have been of some interest to you to make a post about it. So do is it your contention to advocate the idea by Canada? Or not?

Doesn't Canada have universal health care?
So you are advocating following their lead!

Ran across this article which conveys what I have been saying about the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality Cult and what we should expect as a consequence of its effect on our culture, from people who have experienced the effects on theirs.

"Americans need to understand that the endgame of the LGBT rights movement involves centralized state power—and the end of First Amendment freedoms."

"I am the daughter of a gay father who died of AIDS. I described my experiences in my book: Out From Under: The Impact of Homosexual Parenting. Over fifty adult children who were raised by LGBT parents have communicated with me and share my concerns about same-sex marriage and parenting. Many of us struggle with our own sexuality and sense of gender because of the influences in our household environments growing up.

We have great compassion for people who struggle with their sexuality and gender identity—not animosity. And we love our parents. Yet, when we go public with our stories, we often face ostracism, silencing, and threats.

I want to warn America to expect severe erosion of First Amendment freedoms if the US Supreme Court mandates same-sex marriage. The consequences have played out in Canada for ten years now, and they are truly Orwellian in nature and scope. ... "

The Americans who are concerned about normalizing the mental disorder that presents sexual deviancy, should read the entire article, which you can find here:

A Warning from Canada Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights Public Discourse

It's evil... of the Old Testament variety and it will bring the same wrath to our time that it brought to the ancient people, destroying their cultures by the gross.
I'm advocating for not followingn Canada on this.

No American is advocating following Canada on this.
Homosexuals do not infringe upon your right merely because they choose to exercise theirs.

You are still free to marry whomever.


Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

And in 37 of 50 States, also one man and one man, or one woman and one woman.

False... Because the Leftists sitting on the Federal Judiciary don't determine natural design and nature defines Marriage through the design of the human species, wherein two distinct but complimenting genders are respectively designed; both physically and emotionally to join with the other. Two distinct bodies joining to form one sustainable body.

Such being impossible for one gender... .

See how that works? It's well above the scope and power the sub-human element of the federal judiciary.
Marriage is not found in nature. Mating is, fucking is, but not marriage. Like God that is man-made.
Marriage occurs in humanity...OKA: The element of nature withy the means to reason beyond Base instinct.

And now marriage occurs with one man and one man or one woman and one woman. As we're still humanity. As there's no rational reason to deny gays and lesbians marriage.

With all that 'base instinct' nonsense just being you trying to push your subjective religious beliefs onto our law. Believe whatever you'd like. But your personal beliefs aren't the basis of someone else's marriage.

See how that works?
I am at a loss to come up with a single right or privilege that I have lost, as a married heterosexual, since gay marriage was legalized in Canada. Not one single thing has been lost.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Must have been of some interest to you to make a post about it. So do is it your contention to advocate the idea by Canada? Or not?

Doesn't Canada have universal health care?
So you are advocating following their lead!

Ran across this article which conveys what I have been saying about the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality Cult and what we should expect as a consequence of its effect on our culture, from people who have experienced the effects on theirs.

"Americans need to understand that the endgame of the LGBT rights movement involves centralized state power—and the end of First Amendment freedoms."

"I am the daughter of a gay father who died of AIDS. I described my experiences in my book: Out From Under: The Impact of Homosexual Parenting. Over fifty adult children who were raised by LGBT parents have communicated with me and share my concerns about same-sex marriage and parenting. Many of us struggle with our own sexuality and sense of gender because of the influences in our household environments growing up.

We have great compassion for people who struggle with their sexuality and gender identity—not animosity. And we love our parents. Yet, when we go public with our stories, we often face ostracism, silencing, and threats.

I want to warn America to expect severe erosion of First Amendment freedoms if the US Supreme Court mandates same-sex marriage. The consequences have played out in Canada for ten years now, and they are truly Orwellian in nature and scope. ... "

The Americans who are concerned about normalizing the mental disorder that presents sexual deviancy, should read the entire article, which you can find here:

A Warning from Canada Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights Public Discourse

It's evil... of the Old Testament variety and it will bring the same wrath to our time that it brought to the ancient people, destroying their cultures by the gross.
I'm advocating for not followingn Canada on this.

No American is advocating following Canada on this.
Look... I can see that you're a little slow and that's fine. But the article cited in the OP serves to warn AMERICANS of the decay that comes with decadence.

If you feel that this serves as a means to advocate degeneracy... Then you should limit your participation to the likes of the "FIRE HOT!" Forum.
Marriage occurs in humanity...OKA: The element of nature withy the means to reason beyond Base instinct.

And now marriage occurs with one man and one man or one woman and one woman.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. And that immutable Law of Nature would not be altered if every human being on the planet believed otherwise to the depths of their core. Humanity would simply suffer the consequences common to degeneracy, that's all.
I am at a loss to come up with a single right or privilege that I have lost, as a married heterosexual, since gay marriage was legalized in Canada. Not one single thing has been lost.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Untrue then, untrue now. Give a rest.

Oh my... They're breaking out the time tested "NUH HUH" defense.

Lmao! Reader you cannot make this crap up.
Marriage occurs in humanity...OKA: The element of nature withy the means to reason beyond Base instinct.

And now marriage occurs with one man and one man or one woman and one woman.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. And that immutable Law of Nature would not be altered if every human being on the planet believed otherwise to the depths of their core. Humanity would simply suffer the consequences common to degeneracy, that's all.

There is no 'immutable law of marriage'. That's just your imagination. And your imagination is irrelevant to our laws. Marriage is our creation. And as such it is what we say it is.

In 37 states, it includes one man and one man and one woman and one woman.

Ignore as you will. It really doesn't matter.
I am at a loss to come up with a single right or privilege that I have lost, as a married heterosexual, since gay marriage was legalized in Canada. Not one single thing has been lost.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Untrue then, untrue now. Give a rest.

Oh my... They're breaking out the time tested "NUH HUH" defense.

Lmao! Reader you cannot make this crap up.

Laughing......says the guy that offers a Begging the Question fallacy has his basis of argument.

Try again when your claims aren't based on a fallacy of logic.
You sure don't seem to understand anything. So I have to let this go.And your snide remarks show the shallow mind you posses.

Must have been of some interest to you to make a post about it. So do is it your contention to advocate the idea by Canada? Or not?

Doesn't Canada have universal health care?
So you are advocating following their lead!

Ran across this article which conveys what I have been saying about the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality Cult and what we should expect as a consequence of its effect on our culture, from people who have experienced the effects on theirs.

"Americans need to understand that the endgame of the LGBT rights movement involves centralized state power—and the end of First Amendment freedoms."

"I am the daughter of a gay father who died of AIDS. I described my experiences in my book: Out From Under: The Impact of Homosexual Parenting. Over fifty adult children who were raised by LGBT parents have communicated with me and share my concerns about same-sex marriage and parenting. Many of us struggle with our own sexuality and sense of gender because of the influences in our household environments growing up.

We have great compassion for people who struggle with their sexuality and gender identity—not animosity. And we love our parents. Yet, when we go public with our stories, we often face ostracism, silencing, and threats.

I want to warn America to expect severe erosion of First Amendment freedoms if the US Supreme Court mandates same-sex marriage. The consequences have played out in Canada for ten years now, and they are truly Orwellian in nature and scope. ... "

The Americans who are concerned about normalizing the mental disorder that presents sexual deviancy, should read the entire article, which you can find here:

A Warning from Canada Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights Public Discourse

It's evil... of the Old Testament variety and it will bring the same wrath to our time that it brought to the ancient people, destroying their cultures by the gross.
I'm advocating for not followingn Canada on this.

No American is advocating following Canada on this.
Look... I can see that you're a little slow and that's fine. But the article cited in the OP serves to warn AMERICANS of the decay that comes with decadence.

If you feel that this serves as a means to advocate degeneracy... Then you should limit your participation to the likes of the "FIRE HOT!" Forum.
Marriage occurs in humanity...OKA: The element of nature withy the means to reason beyond Base instinct.

And now marriage occurs with one man and one man or one woman and one woman.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. And that immutable Law of Nature would not be altered if every human being on the planet believed otherwise to the depths of their core. Humanity would simply suffer the consequences common to degeneracy, that's all.
Again, you confuse mating with marriage. They are nothing alike, not a thing.

The only thing natural about marriage is, well, nothing.
You sure don't seem to understand anything. So I have to let this go.And your snide remarks show the shallow mind you posses.

Must have been of some interest to you to make a post about it. So do is it your contention to advocate the idea by Canada? Or not?

Doesn't Canada have universal health care?
So you are advocating following their lead!

Ran across this article which conveys what I have been saying about the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality Cult and what we should expect as a consequence of its effect on our culture, from people who have experienced the effects on theirs.

"Americans need to understand that the endgame of the LGBT rights movement involves centralized state power—and the end of First Amendment freedoms."

"I am the daughter of a gay father who died of AIDS. I described my experiences in my book: Out From Under: The Impact of Homosexual Parenting. Over fifty adult children who were raised by LGBT parents have communicated with me and share my concerns about same-sex marriage and parenting. Many of us struggle with our own sexuality and sense of gender because of the influences in our household environments growing up.

We have great compassion for people who struggle with their sexuality and gender identity—not animosity. And we love our parents. Yet, when we go public with our stories, we often face ostracism, silencing, and threats.

I want to warn America to expect severe erosion of First Amendment freedoms if the US Supreme Court mandates same-sex marriage. The consequences have played out in Canada for ten years now, and they are truly Orwellian in nature and scope. ... "

The Americans who are concerned about normalizing the mental disorder that presents sexual deviancy, should read the entire article, which you can find here:

A Warning from Canada Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights Public Discourse

It's evil... of the Old Testament variety and it will bring the same wrath to our time that it brought to the ancient people, destroying their cultures by the gross.
I'm advocating for not followingn Canada on this.

No American is advocating following Canada on this.
Look... I can see that you're a little slow and that's fine. But the article cited in the OP serves to warn AMERICANS of the decay that comes with decadence.

If you feel that this serves as a means to advocate degeneracy... Then you should limit your participation to the likes of the "FIRE HOT!" Forum.

LOL... Good for you. Know your limitations.
Marriage occurs in humanity...OKA: The element of nature withy the means to reason beyond Base instinct.

And now marriage occurs with one man and one man or one woman and one woman.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. And that immutable Law of Nature would not be altered if every human being on the planet believed otherwise to the depths of their core. Humanity would simply suffer the consequences common to degeneracy, that's all.

There is no 'immutable law of marriage'. That's just your imagination. And your imagination is irrelevant to our laws. Marriage is our creation. And as such it is what we say it is.

In 37 states, it includes one man and one man and one woman and one woman.

Ignore as you will. It really doesn't matter.

US Law is irrelevant where the issue is Natural Law.

If the US loses the means to respect Natural Law, the U.S. will simply suffer the consequences of its failure to do so.

And without regard to what the subhuman elements of the IS Judicial say or do... MARRIAGE is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Always has been, always will be... . And that is because Nature designed the human species with two distinct, but complimenting genders... Each respectively designed... Both physically and emotionally, with the other; wherein two distinct bodies join as one sustainable body... Marriage is merely th legal extension of that natural core element of civilization.
Marriage occurs in humanity...OKA: The element of nature withy the means to reason beyond Base instinct.

And now marriage occurs with one man and one man or one woman and one woman.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. And that immutable Law of Nature would not be altered if every human being on the planet believed otherwise to the depths of their core. Humanity would simply suffer the consequences common to degeneracy, that's all.

There is no 'immutable law of marriage'. That's just your imagination. And your imagination is irrelevant to our laws. Marriage is our creation. And as such it is what we say it is.

In 37 states, it includes one man and one man and one woman and one woman.

Ignore as you will. It really doesn't matter.

US Law is irrelevant where the issue is Natural Law.

The obvious problem with your argument being that there is no 'natural law of marriage'. You've made it up, citing only yourself. There is no marriage in nature. Making your entire argument moot.

And without regard to what the subhuman elements of the IS Judicial say or do... MARRIAGE is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

And one man and one man or one woman and one woman. We made marriage. Thus, we define marriage. Not you. And not your religion.

Always has been, always will be... . And that is because Nature designed the human species with two distinct, but complimenting genders... Each respectively designed... Both physically and emotionally, with the other; wherein two distinct bodies join as one sustainable body... Marriage is merely th legal extension of that natural core element of civilization.

You're confusing sex with marriage again. They aren't the same thing. Rendering your argument yet another pile of illogical nonsense.

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