abolish the FBI, CIA, DEA, EPA, the UN, EU, UNICEF, NATO, The Fed, & the Department of Defense

Secretary Clinton is 70 and in failing health and has lost two presidential campaigns. she has a bright future!

Insane as he is, the orange twitterer in chief is still preferable over the psycho princess

She might try again though, Hillary is addicted to power and scheming, she's still convinced it's her turn and I wouldn't count on the DNC to try to stop her....

Secretary Clinton is 70 and in failing health and has lost two presidential campaigns. she has a bright future!

Insane as he is, the orange twitterer in chief is still preferable over the psycho princess

She might try again though, Hillary is addicted to power and scheming, she's still convinced it's her turn and I wouldn't count on the DNC to try to stop her....

so who do you like. you hate Trump. you hate Hillary. tell us who you fucking like
Secretary Clinton is 70 and in failing health and has lost two presidential campaigns. she has a bright future!

Insane as he is, the orange twitterer in chief is still preferable over the psycho princess

She might try again though, Hillary is addicted to power and scheming, she's still convinced it's her turn and I wouldn't count on the DNC to try to stop her....

just because we must endure a negative thing doesnt mean we cant overcome it. Trump will defeat and destroy the deep state just like he defeated and destroyed isis
so who do you like. you hate Trump. you hate Hillary. tell us who you fucking like

But I don't hate the orange clown, I actually agree with his (stated) policy that being friendly with Russia makes more sense than the endless warmongering of the #resistance and talking with little rocket boy is a good thing too. I also agree with him that the MSM is fake news and Hillary should be in jail

I still think he's a clown though and while I appreciate the comedy I'll do my best to make fun of him and his loyal deplorables, I do the same thing on the other side though, Hillary's traumatized minions deserve everything that's coming for them

we went crazy with the war on drugs. we have folks in jail for life for nonviolent drug offenses. this is a crime in and of itself!
government should only protect individual and property rights

which >>>


can do....!

government should only protect individual and property rights
That's what Vladimir Putin has been trying to convince Trump of.

He figures if he can trick America into disbanding it's miliary he can move right in.

He's probably white, er, right.
President Trump has spent 700 billion dollars on the military, donated his entire salary every month to the military.

short of nuking Russia, nothing Trump will do will make you say nice things about him, so fuck you. to hell with you. nobody cares what you think. let me say that again to you: nobody cares what you think.
Oh puh leaze.

What does he need a White House salary for?

His son in law and daughter made 82 million last year. How much do you think he made?

It's better to trick the ignorant yokels into believing he gave something up when he's making untold millions off this country. If he released his tax returns we would know exactly how much.
Careful your jealousy is showing
government should only protect individual and property rights
at least we'll still have:
VA verterans affiars
DOJ (how will they investigate anything without FBI?)
US Treasury (at least we'll still have the IRS)
DHS (can they stop terror attacks without FBI?)
The U.S. doesn't have the power to abolish long standing U.N. agencies but maybe some (foreign?) lefties can tell us how effective UNICEF has been.

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