abolish the FBI, CIA, DEA, EPA, the UN, EU, UNICEF, NATO, The Fed, & the Department of Defense

Our freedoms to do simple things like look at internet porn, women wear pants, and being able to curse, are all things that can get someone punished up to death in other countries.

So does Japan. How come they've never been attacked? How come Australia has never been attacked? Brazil? Mexico? Iceland?

I can go on, if you want.

I believe the last country to attack Japan was us. You know why? Because they came to our land and fucked with us, so we killed thousands of their people in one fell swoop. Sound familiar?
Japan has never been attacked because they don't allow Muzzie savages into the country. The same goes for Brazil and Iceland. I'm not sure about Mexico. The place is a perpetual war zone.
I was supposed to dominate this thread, not Dont Taz Me Bro & his minions

he is the only who has more stamina than me

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government should only protect individual and property rights
That's what Vladimir Putin has been trying to convince Trump of.

He figures if he can trick America into disbanding it's miliary he can move right in.

He's probably white, er, right.
The U.S. will ALWAYS be a target of terrorist simply because of the way we live and the freedoms we have


You don't actually believe that do you? 2002 called. It wants its Bush Administration propaganda back.

There are many factors including the U.S. being in other countries, the U.S. forcing our way of life on countries that may not want it, but one thing that can not be fixed or changed, is other people's hatred of the ideology we live with in the United States. Our freedoms to do simple things like look at internet porn, women wear pants, and being able to curse, are all things that can get someone punished up to death in other countries.
Look at any place in the world where you find strife and bloodshed, and there you will find Muslims.
Or Republicans.
government should only protect individual and property rights
That's what Vladimir Putin has been trying to convince Trump of.

He figures if he can trick America into disbanding it's miliary he can move right in.

He's probably white, er, right.
President Trump has spent 700 billion dollars on the military, donated his entire salary every month to the military.

short of nuking Russia, nothing Trump will do will make you say nice things about him, so fuck you. to hell with you. nobody cares what you think. let me say that again to you: nobody cares what you think.
government should only protect individual and property rights
That's what Vladimir Putin has been trying to convince Trump of.

He figures if he can trick America into disbanding it's miliary he can move right in.

He's probably white, er, right.
President Trump has spent 700 billion dollars on the military

Bullshit. The guy barely pays any taxes compared to his actual income.

Other than that he is busy fracturing NATO, undermining our intelligence and turning a blind eye to Russian attacks on our elections.
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government should only protect individual and property rights

Brilliant idea! Let's see how many terrorist attacks happen.

That's the thing about most of these agencies, you only hear about them when they screw up, not when they save your ass.

You mean false flag attacks like the WTC bombing of 1993? The OKC Murrah building bombing in 1995 and of course the "Mac Daddy" of all false flag events that was 9 /11/01? Seems that the only "attacks" these alphabet agencies have prevented is when they have entrapped someone by setting bait and then claiming that they (snicker) "STOPPED a terrorist but the threat is growing more severe and need their budgets increased and freedom of restraints in order to do more surveillance sans a judge's writ. You really are naive....but it doesn't surprise me coming from someone that made worked for "da gunermint" for the princely sum of 15 bucks an hour in the penal system. You are one of those that scores in the "double digits" on I.Q tests....I am guessing low to mid 80's????
government should only protect individual and property rights
That's what Vladimir Putin has been trying to convince Trump of.

He figures if he can trick America into disbanding it's miliary he can move right in.

He's probably white, er, right.
President Trump has spent 700 billion dollars on the military, donated his entire salary every month to the military.

short of nuking Russia, nothing Trump will do will make you say nice things about him, so fuck you. to hell with you. nobody cares what you think. let me say that again to you: nobody cares what you think.
Oh puh leaze.

What does he need a White House salary for?

His son in law and daughter made 82 million last year. How much do you think he made?

It's better to trick the ignorant yokels into believing he gave something up when he's making untold millions off this country. If he released his tax returns we would know exactly how much.
if you abolish all government agencies, you can abolish all taxes
government should only protect individual and property rights

Brilliant idea! Let's see how many terrorist attacks happen.

That's the thing about most of these agencies, you only hear about them when they screw up, not when they save your ass.
destroying the presidency of the greatest economic president ever is saving my ass? my sexy meaty white ass?

Who are you talking about?
President! Donald! J! TRUMP!
government should only protect individual and property rights

Brilliant idea! Let's see how many terrorist attacks happen.

That's the thing about most of these agencies, you only hear about them when they screw up, not when they save your ass.

If we weren't constantly meddling in the business of the rest of the world we wouldn't be a terrorist target. Our foreign policy is what caused this.
government should only protect individual and property rights
You neglected DOE, HHS, Homeland Security, Interior, IRS, BIA, Commerce, VA,
there was no space left. abolish the federal government and make the states into 50 separate countries!
Agreed. I suspect though that it will something more like...
“The Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to us. I have just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the council permanently. The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away.”
“The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line”
'Abolish the FBI, CIA, DEA, EPA, the UN, EU, UNICEF, NATO, The Fed, & the Department of Defense'

I would agree with the CIA, DEA, EPA (maybe) and (DEFINITELY) the Fed and pull out of NATO (it was designed for the Cold War - which is long over). I would keep the FBI and the DoD.

The UN is highly flawed and needs changes...but is better than nothing. UNICEF seems - again - flawed but better than nothing.

America has nothing to do with the EU directly.
government should only protect individual and property rights
You're an idiot....
there's a reason FREEDOM is the most popular political message. freedom has the power to unite us.

we need to respect each other as individuals with rights and cooperate.
You're an idiot.

ELIMINATE the FBI....because of a couple traitorous assholes no one wants to hold accountable for their crimes?

ELIMINATE the Dept of Defense...because of some corrupt a-holes who should be dealt with / held accountable?

(If you had said 's all away from the UN, I would be right there with you....)

The best thing Barry & Democrats could have done for the American people / this country in 2016 would have been to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her crimes, proving the laws we are governed by apply to EVERYONE.


INSTEAD ... it's 'SSDD' every day. 2 America's - 1 for us & 1 for the criminal dictator wannabes.
government should only protect individual and property rights
You're an idiot....
there's a reason FREEDOM is the most popular political message. freedom has the power to unite us.

we need to respect each other as individuals with rights and cooperate.
You're an idiot.

ELIMINATE the FBI....because of a couple traitorous assholes no one wants to hold accountable for their crimes?

ELIMINATE the Dept of Defense...because of some corrupt a-holes who should be dealt with / held accountable?

(If you had said 's all away from the UN, I would be right there with you....)

The best thing Barry & Democrats could have done for the American people / this country in 2016 would have been to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her crimes, proving the laws we are governed by apply to EVERYONE.


INSTEAD ... it's 'SSDD' every day. 2 America's - 1 for us & 1 for the criminal dictator wannabes.
eliminate the government. let me decide my own fate

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