abolish the FBI, CIA, DEA, EPA, the UN, EU, UNICEF, NATO, The Fed, & the Department of Defense

eliminate the government. let me decide my own fate
You're an idiot.

Don't try to decide my fate by trying to eliminate the / my govt. If you want a place that has no govt I will help you pack to leave to go out and search for such a place.
eliminate the government. let me decide my own fate
You're an idiot.

Don't try to decide my fate by trying to eliminate the / my govt. If you want a place that has no govt I will help you pack to leave to go out and search for such a place.
repeating you're an idiot over and over, does not make you win the debate. i love america. i want to live in america as a free man, and its people like you in this Trump/EasyT government that are trampling all over my freedoms
George W Bush is immortalized as an American idiot...
...by the same idiots who think the President who spent 8 years financing / supplying / arming / training / aiding / abetting / protecting / defending / dragging the US into 2 un-Constitutional wars to help TERRORISTS....

....by the same idiots who think the President who violated both Constitution and law, who illegally spied on Americans, US Senators, USSC JUSTICES, and perpetrated his own treasonous 'Watergate'...

....by the same idiots who think THAT asshole was one of if not the best Presidents ever.

You're deluding yourself if you think being nice to terrorists would get them to behave. Just look at all the shit that goes on in Europe because of these savages.

You're 100% right again.

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama told us that when he became President, the Muslim community would look at America differently.

What a joke.
if you abolish all government agencies, you can abolish all taxes

Eh, how does this abolishing of all the deep state agencies work exactly?

A new revolution is an excellent idea but I'm afraid you'd still have taxes afterward

you are smug like peter strozk. he'll be in jail. where will you be?

Strzok won't be in jail, that would make the deep state look bad and they already have a big PR problem

And I'll be still here, making fun of the orange regime and the #resistance

But you didn't answer my question, how do you see the abolishment of the deep state agencies happening in practice?

you are smug like peter strozk. he'll be in jail. where will you be?

Strzok won't be in jail, that would make the deep state look bad and they already have a big PR problem

And I'll be still here, making fun of the orange regime and the #resistance

But you didn't answer my question, how do you see the abolishment of the deep state agencies happening in practice?

we just abolish them. through Trump's power as president.
we just abolish them. through Trump's power as president.

I see, so you're just kidding

The orange pussy grabber in chief can't even abolish the Mueller inquisition so you can forget about getting rid of the deep state with him


we just abolish them. through Trump's power as president.

I see, so you're just kidding

The orange pussy grabber in chief can't even abolish the Mueller inquisition so you can forget about getting rid of the deep state with him


the orange pussy grabber is commander in chief of the free world. what are you?

the orange pussy grabber is commander in chief of the free world. what are you?


The "free world" bull$hit went out of the window decades ago comrade and the very stable orange genius doesn't command anything, that should be obvious by now

If he did Hillary would be in jail and you would have a beautiful wall


the orange pussy grabber is commander in chief of the free world. what are you?


The "free world" bull$hit went out of the window decades ago comrade and the very stable orange genius doesn't command anything, that should be obvious by now

If he did Hillary would be in jail and you would have a beautiful wall


tax cuts. ISIS destroyed. coal jobs. manufacturing jobs. tech jobs. everything jobs. peace Korea. Gorsuch. Kavanaugh. i'm not tired of winning.
tax cuts. ISIS destroyed. coal jobs. manufacturing jobs. tech jobs. everything jobs. peace Korea. Gorsuch. Kavanaugh. i'm not tired of winning.

Ah, so you're a true believer

Good for you I guess, but I still would like to see Hillary in jail

You think your orange idol will keep that promise?

tax cuts. ISIS destroyed. coal jobs. manufacturing jobs. tech jobs. everything jobs. peace Korea. Gorsuch. Kavanaugh. i'm not tired of winning.

Ah, so you're a true believer

Good for you I guess, but I still would like to see Hillary in jail

You think your orange idol will keep that promise?

Secretary Clinton is 70 and in failing health and has lost two presidential campaigns. she has a bright future!
Good for you I guess, but I still would like to see Hillary in jail

You think your orange idol will keep that promise?
I saw him here in Tampa last Monday. His skin tone was a light tan. No orange. Some people might need to get their eyes checked.

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