Abortion: A Political Discussion


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
My views on Abortion don't matter, because I'm an old guy and I don't want them to matter. The people who ought to have their opinions given the most weight are 1) The Young; and, out of that cohort: 2) the Women.

I am asking about their views, as I am confused.

Most of the Young and the Women most exercised by this Abortion Issue are from Blue States like California/New York--all the usual.

Do they understand that the recent court case will have absolutely no effect on them? The Court said States should decide, on the very valid grounds provided by the 10th Amendment. So, Arkansas and Kansas and a few others may get more restrictive on Abortions if they wish.

But the way the Lasses in the Blue states act, they don't know this. Either they are Ignorant, or they are Control Freaks (Marxist Inclination #2) who live in California yet insist on telling people in Arkansas they must behave the way California does---precisely what the 10th Amendment is designed to keep Control Freaks from doing.

Which is it?
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Despite the dem's best efforts it's becoming a dead issue as more states hold vote on the utility of abortion and the pro-life crowd is losing big time.....Only 7% see it as a important issue.

At least it's holding up better for the dems than CC which has dropped to 2%.

My views on Abortion don't matter, because I'm an old guy and I don't want them to matter. The people who ought to have their opinions given the most weight are 1) The Young; and, out of that cohort: 2) the Women.

I am asking about their views, as I am confused.

Most of the Young and the Women most exercised by this Abortion Issue are from Blue States like California/New York--all the usual.

Do they understand the the recent court case will have absolutely effect on them? The Court said States should decide, on the very valid grounds provided by the 10th Amendment. So, Arkansas and Kansas and a few others may get more restrictive on Abortions if they wish.

But the way the Lasses in the Blue states act, they don't know this. Either they are Ignorant, or they are Control Freaks (Marxist Inclination #2) who live in California yet insist on telling people in Arkansas they must behave the way California does---precisely what the 10th Amendment is designed to keep Control Freaks from doing.

Which is it?
It gives California and new york the go ahead for abortions up to birth.
Abortion isn't the problem. The problem is, women don't love their children. Women who do love their children have no societal value.

Men don't love their children and have no interest in forming a burdensome family.

Solve these issues and there will be no need for any abortions except in the most dire circumstances.
Despite the dem's best efforts it's becoming a dead issue as more states hold vote on the utility of abortion and the pro-life crowd is losing big time.....Only 7% see it as a important issue.

At least it's holding up better for the dems than CC which has dropped to 2%.

Dead issue, my ass. Republicans and trumpers simply wish it were a dead issue, but no. The very much alive issue will have effect on the 2024 election, nationally and at state level in various states, as well as elections into the future.
Dead issue, my ass. Republicans and trumpers simply wish it were a dead issue, but no. The very much alive issue will have effect on the 2024 election, nationally and at state level in various states, as well as elections into the future.
Nope, there are bigger fish to fry.

If the gop is smart they will get on the "utility" side of the issue.....I mean where are the holy-rollers gonna go?
My views on Abortion don't matter, because I'm an old guy and I don't want them to matter. The people who ought to have their opinions given the most weight are 1) The Young; and, out of that cohort: 2) the Women.

I am asking about their views, as I am confused.

Most of the Young and the Women most exercised by this Abortion Issue are from Blue States like California/New York--all the usual.

Do they understand the the recent court case will have absolutely effect on them? The Court said States should decide, on the very valid grounds provided by the 10th Amendment. So, Arkansas and Kansas and a few others may get more restrictive on Abortions if they wish.

But the way the Lasses in the Blue states act, they don't know this. Either they are Ignorant, or they are Control Freaks (Marxist Inclination #2) who live in California yet insist on telling people in Arkansas they must behave the way California does---precisely what the 10th Amendment is designed to keep Control Freaks from doing.

Which is it?
Leftists will not sleep at night until they have complete control over everyone and everything. They literally never sleep, and to think anyone anywhere in the world might have a thought or action contrary to their own views is abhorrent and intolerable to them. Then they smile and preach diversity, but diversity to them is strictly others coming round to their way of thinking, or its insurrection.

They are fascists after all.
Despite the dem's best efforts it's becoming a dead issue as more states hold vote on the utility of abortion and the pro-life crowd is losing big time.....Only 7% see it as a important issue.

At least it's holding up better for the dems than CC which has dropped to 2%.

The Left like to make everyone think that certain issues are settled, whether it be abortion, or climate change, or a whole host of other topics. But these issues in their little small minds are only settled if the outcome is in their favor, otherwise, it is never settled. This is why Kamala was quoted as saying she was shocked when Roe vs. Wade was overturned. She had no idea other people had other thoughts on the issue than what she thought about it.

Just because you or the entire nation may think that abortion is of no significance does not make it so, rather, it's just what you think. Usually, people like that never even consider when life actually starts, or they simply don't care. Which is it for you?
The Left like to make everyone think that certain issues are settled, whether it be abortion, or climate change, or a whole host of other topics. But these issues in their little small minds are only settled if the outcome is in their favor, otherwise, it is never settled. This is why Kamala was quoted as saying she was shocked when Roe vs. Wade was overturned. She had no idea other people had other thoughts on the issue than what she thought about it.

Just because you or the entire nation may think that abortion is of no significance does not make it so, rather, it's just what you think. Usually, people like that never even consider when life actually starts, or they simply don't care. Which is it for you?
Don't care and I also don't give two shits about a "woman's right to choose" either.....I just see the valuable utility of the practice of abortion.....Go ahead, put some guardrails up if it helps your feels but the utility must remain.
Aren't young girls taught how to track their fertility cycle, then to learn how to say "no". Seems like a no-brainer to me.
Don't care and I also don't give two shits about a "woman's right to choose" either.....I just see the valuable utility of the practice of abortion.....Go ahead, put some guardrails up if it helps your feels but the utility must remain.
Well, the thing is, your opinion does not matter in the least except to you.

I figured that you did not care whether it was akin to murdering a living baby, which you probably don't care about either, or akin to stepping on an ant and squashing it to death.

I'm sure there were also many Germans in Nazi Germany who felt the same about the Jews.
My views on Abortion don't matter, because I'm an old guy and I don't want them to matter. The people who ought to have their opinions given the most weight are 1) The Young; and, out of that cohort: 2) the Women.

I am asking about their views, as I am confused.

Most of the Young and the Women most exercised by this Abortion Issue are from Blue States like California/New York--all the usual.

Do they understand the the recent court case will have absolutely effect on them? The Court said States should decide, on the very valid grounds provided by the 10th Amendment. So, Arkansas and Kansas and a few others may get more restrictive on Abortions if they wish.

But the way the Lasses in the Blue states act, they don't know this. Either they are Ignorant, or they are Control Freaks (Marxist Inclination #2) who live in California yet insist on telling people in Arkansas they must behave the way California does---precisely what the 10th Amendment is designed to keep Control Freaks from doing.

Which is it?
Why do you think that women in Arkansas feel different about second class citizen status than women in California?
Well, the thing is, your opinion does not matter in the least except to you.

I figured that you did not care whether it was akin to murdering a living baby, which you probably don't care about either, or akin to stepping on an ant and squashing it to death.

I'm sure there were also many Germans in Nazi Germany who felt the same about the Jews.
You efforts at trying to make me feel bad are wasted on me. So go be sanctimonious someplace else.
Leftists will not sleep at night until they have complete control over everyone and everything. They literally never sleep, and to think anyone anywhere in the world might have a thought or action contrary to their own views is abhorrent and intolerable to them. Then they smile and preach diversity, but diversity to them is strictly others coming round to their way of thinking, or its insurrection.

They are fascists after all.
Very much agree. I trace the need or desire to Control back to the Puritan Tradition coming out of New England---which has unfortunately spread out to the West Coast.

Puritan came to America for "religious freedom". Declared themselves "The Elect of God" which gave them moral and intellectual superiority---and the duty to tell the Unwashed what was good for them. (Thus the love of Control.) Within a generation or so were hanging women in Boston Commons for being Quakers instead of Puritans. (Google Mary Dyer. )

They no longer know the Lord but they still love the Control.

There is another psychological component to the issue. Most of these hard core "progressives---read Marxists---are so because of either Jealousy or Fear which drives the need for Control.

Thank you for your comments.
Why do you think that women in Arkansas feel different about second class citizen status than women in California?
I don't agree with your premise--it's close to what is commonly known as a red herring fallacy---so I don't care to answer.

If you are going to respond to my post, why don't you answer my question before you spin off into another issue---especially one framed on a bogus premise?
Very much agree. I trace the need or desire to Control back to the Puritan Tradition coming out of New England---which has unfortunately spread out to the West Coast.

Puritan came to America for "religious freedom". Declared themselves "The Elect of God" which gave them moral and intellectual superiority---and the duty to tell the Unwashed what was good for them. (Thus the love of Control.) Within a generation or so were hanging women in Boston Commons for being Quakers instead of Puritans. (Google Mary Dyer. )

They no longer know the Lord but they still love the Control.

There is another psychological component to the issue. Most of these hard core "progressives---read Marxists---are so because of either Jealousy or Fear which drives the need for Control.

Thank you for your comments.
Leftism is the most successful religion of our era and just because they say they don't believe in God they say that their beliefs are based in reason, while everyone else's opinions are based on the myth of a God. But these same people then declare men can have babies and declare that differences in the sexes is all a myth, and at the same time, fail to see their ludicrous insanity and hypocrisy of those beliefs.
You efforts at trying to make me feel bad are wasted on me. So go be sanctimonious someplace else.
Feeling bad about yourself is not always a bad thing

You do realize that, right?

Everyone has done bad things or thought bad things, so its best not to feel good about yourself when you do.

Otherwise, it makes you a sociopath.
I don't agree with your premise--it's close to what is commonly known as a red herring fallacy---so I don't care to answer.

If you are going to respond to my post, why don't you answer my question before you spin off into another issue---especially one framed on a bogus premise?
You don't have to. Makes no difference to women all over the country whether or not you agree. We vote and we get our pound of flesh from the GOP
It gives California and new york the go ahead for abortions up to birth.
This is another issue which interests me, because so many spins are employed. It is almost impossible to pin anyone truly down, but most people would agree that a late term abortion to SAVE the MOTHER's LIFE is acceptable.

But the committed Abortion Marxists--though they try not to admit it--want late term abortion for the "Health" of the mother and Senator Blumenthal--in a rare moment of truth-telling, admitted that in his bill on Late Term abortion "Health" of the mother included "Emotional" Health---which will mean "she's got a new boyfriend and he don't want to raise someone else's kid" within its gambit---we all know that; it's how "progressives" roll.

Within a few years any excuse will do as "health of the mother" for killing a child who would live if just delivered and not killed before being delivered.

You can't get them to admit to this chicanery. When they can't truly reveal their true positions--they know they are on Nutso side or the "Follow the Money" Rule is in effect

----Don't you love how they hide things with words: "Gender Affirming Care"=cutting off breasts and penises, apparently sometimes including minors without their parents knowledge or consent.

Thanks for your response.
This is another issue which interests me, because so many spins are employed. It is almost impossible to pin anyone truly down, but most people would agree that a late term abortion to SAVE the MOTHER's LIFE is acceptable.

But the committed Abortion Marxists--though they try not to admit it--want late term abortion for the "Health" of the mother and Senator Blumenthal--in a rare moment of truth-telling, admitted that in his bill on Late Term abortion "Health" of the mother included "Emotional" Health---which will mean "she's got a new boyfriend and he don't want to raise someone else's kid" within its gambit---we all know that; it's how "progressives" roll.

Within a few years any excuse will do as "health of the mother" for killing a child who would live if just delivered and not killed before being delivered.

You can't get them to admit to this chicanery. When they can't truly reveal their true positions--they know they are on Nutso side or the "Follow the Money" Rule is in effect

----Don't you love how they hide things with words: "Gender Affirming Care"=cutting off breasts and penises, apparently sometimes including minors without their parents knowledge or consent.

Thanks for your response.
Abortionists always use sad story arguments to justify abortion on demand. They say, what if the mother must choose between her life and that of her child, what if it is a child, what if it is a back-alley abortion if she can't get a legal abortion, etc. The argument is never made to justify abortion on the basis of simply not wanting to care for the child or pay for the child. In fact, the vast number of abortions are done due to money reasons.

That speaks volumes and indicates they know that their position is acutely flawed, if not down right evil.

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