Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

It's absurd. Passing a law that punishes people for doing lawful things. Driving someone in a car. Loaning someone money. Providing legal medical services. These are not activities that Americans should be sued for.
Fact remains: If the court agrees with you, it will overturn the law.
Until then, the law remains in effect.
uh... no. that's a false equivalency. a woman having an abortion doesn't affect me or you personally, or society as a whole. does it?

not in the least. but yer fucking covid cooties getting on me could, either making me sick or worse & the transmission rate in the society of covidiots is rising so much we are starting to see the damn body freezers again.
And there we have it. My body my choice ONLY applies when lefties get to celebrate MURDERING an unborn child. Add in more bullshit about Covid and you see a leftie who has shot everything they have. And failed.
i wonder how many of them forced births will freeze to death this winter from texas' lack of a updated power grid - or HEY!!!! make sure they aren't forced to mask up in school!

as long as they're born, then - it's all good.
Shove it drunky. Educated people reject your Covid panic porn. Assholes like you love trying to tell other people how to raise their kids while murdering yours. By all means wear a full face mask so we don’t have to see your ugly mug. As well as knowing who to mock.
Once again, it doesn't matter what you might think is in my body, it's none of your business. Understand?

There might be an entire civilization living in my bowels - and it's still none of your business. To say otherwise is to grant government sovereignty it should never have. We are not owned by the government. It's the other way around.
This you can not mandate vaccines or masks. My body isn’t your business right?
I think it's extremely hypocritical of the person you replied to, to say one word about biology and ethics.

That person and so many others have absolutely no respect for biology and ethics when it comes to a deadly virus that has killed over 600 thousand Americans including thousands of children. They don't know what ethics is when they scream my body my choice to excuse not taking very simple steps to prevent the virus to spread and kill children.

They applaud politicians who allow people to work and go to schools without being vaccinated or wearing a mask.

People like the one you replied to are proud of spreading the virus to all they can to inflict as much suffering and death as possible. Including children suffering and dying.

If they had even the least bit of ethics, respect and concern for children they would be doing all they can to make sure everyone in those schools 12 years old and up are vaccinated, everyone wears masks and there is proper social distancing.

You know, for the children these people pretend to care so much about.

People like that also believe that "my body my choice" only applies to those who don't want to vaccinate, won't wear a mask and won't social distance.

They scream that simply asking someone if they are vaccinated is a violation of HIPAA laws rights yet they have no problem violating a woman's HIPAA laws rights.
Please, before embarrassing yourself any more, just shut up. We know you celebrate murdering unborn children. We know you celebrate and actively search for ANY death from Covid so you can virtue signal. We know you’re a disgusting pig. Just stop already.
Only racists support abortion because it kills several hundred thousand Black kids each year.

That is the reason the founder of Planned Parenthood said she supported it.
Oh hell well we know you support ABORTION 100% if that is the case.
What's so funny is liberals who will fight to keep someone from carrying a gun on their person open carry will then fight just as hard to allow a woman to kill her unborn baby because she has a "right to do with her body what she wants." So she has a right to kill a baby, but not holster a Glock on her hip? Hmmm ok.
If the number of rape and incest survivors is so low, why not make exceptions for rape and incest?

I will never understand why anyone would ever force a rape or incest survivor to carry a pregnancy to term.

My opinion is to do such a thing is beyond sick.
So if that were to happen to you, you’d wait 6 weeks for treatment or help? Another swing and miss....
What's so funny is liberals who will fight to keep someone from carrying a gun on their person open carry will then fight just as hard to allow a woman to kill her unborn baby because she has a "right to do with her body what she wants." So she has a right to kill a baby, but not holster a Glock on her hip? Hmmm ok.
Then go find one of those people and whine to them.
That is not an exemption, fool. Look at the WHOLE list. Did you think those were all exemptions!!?!?!?!

I did read the whole list, else I would never have cited it.

Rape and incest are illegal in Texas (as with almost everywhere else), and thus remedies are given to the woman to reverse the results of both, hence that exemption. Like I told you before, exemptions already exist in Texas law, therefore there was no need for it to be rehashed here. Your argument was weak, to begin with, and claiming that this law makes no exemptions for rape or incest (thus Texas has no exemptions, seemingly according to you) while ignoring the existing exemptions already codified in Texas law makes you appear unintelligent.

People like you are why there are such large, misinformed segments of the populous out there in America. Your willful attempt to mislead me has failed.

(By the way, I attached a link to the red bolded "INCEST" in the rest of the post you conveniently cut out. I can't help it if you refuse to see the nuances of the law or, for that matter, read it. Go back and read it if you can possibly spare the effort.)
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Maybe I'm thinking about this too simplistically, but...just don't tell anyone you're having an abortion? Problem solved? If they don't know, a random person can't sue, which means the only ones left would be people you know personally, who are probably not going to sue you.

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