Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

The law exempts ALL women who get an abortion from being sued. Instead of being lazy and doing a single word search, read the damn law.

Anyone who assists the woman in her abortion can be sued by any vigilante in the state of Texas. The only people who can't sue the abortionist are rapists and family molesters.

That's not what it says.

You can keep asserting otherwise, foolishly, I might add. But you will continue to be wrong.

The law exempts ALL women who get an abortion from being sued.

Isn't that what is meant by "protects (a woman) from reprisal"?

You really gotta start reading my posts before you rush headlong into your attempts to prove me wrong.
I’m a LOT Leary of extremists that would force a rape or incest victim to bear the result of that heinous act

If the number of rape and incest survivors is so low, why not make exceptions for rape and incest?

I will never understand why anyone would ever force a rape or incest survivor to carry a pregnancy to term.

My opinion is to do such a thing is beyond sick.
The law does not exempt rape and incest abortions from being liable to a lawsuit.

That's not what I said.

Stop half-assing your arguments.

It protects the woman and the provider from being sued in that particular circumstance. I never once said it exempted rape and incest from lawsuits.

Here you are attacking my reading comprehension skills when you clearly lack any of your own.
It protects the woman and the provider from being sued in that particular circumstance.
No, it does not protect the provider from being sued by anyone but the rapist. You are quite wrong about that. Any vigilante can sue the abortionist for providing an abortion to a rape victim.
If a rape victim gets an abortion, the abortionist can be sued by any Joe Schmoe in Texas who isn't the rapist.

That's not true. If the abortionist provides documentation stating the abortion is necessary to the health and life of the mother, it shields the provider and the mother from liability.
I would support using my tax money to sterilize any Negro or Moon Bat.

You really gotta stop doing that.

The whole idea of being pro-life here is that we don't discriminate against what race life has to be in order to be classified as life.
That's not true. If the abortionist provides documentation stating the abortion is necessary to the health and life of the mother, it shields the provider and the mother from liability.
Rape or incest don't make an abortion "necessary to the health and life of the mother". Got anything else?
Rape or incest don't make an abortion "necessary to the health and life of the mother". Got anything else?

Hey, genius, health in this context can mean one of two things:

1) Physical


2) Mental

You completely forget the psychological impact rape has on a woman. If the damage to her psychological health is too much to bear, then the woman is prone to attempting suicide, which endangers her physical health. Mental and physical health go hand in hand.

Got anything else for me?
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Hey, genius, health in this context can mean one of two things:

1) Physical


2) Mental

You completely forget the psychological impact rape has on a woman. If the psychological damage is too much to bear, then the woman is prone to killing herself. Mental and physical health go hand in hand.

Got anything else for me?

Oh. I didn't realize it included mental health. That leaves an out for most any woman who wants to claim it. Not sure there's anything more stressful than having a kid.
If a case on this law makes it's way to the Supreme Court it will open the door to overturn Roe v Wade.
I think the Texas law was a little over the top but it may be intentional to induce a case going to the Supreme Court. Kind of a Trojan horse to overturn Roe v Wade.
I think the Texas law was a little over the top but it may be intentional to induce a case going to the Supreme Court. Kind of a Trojan horse to overturn Roe v Wade.
The Court already signed off on it.
Sec. 171.105. HEARING. (a) A physician who is the subject of a criminal or civil action for a violation of Section 171.102 may request a hearing before the Texas Medical Board on whether the physician's conduct was necessary to save the life of a mother whose life was endangered by a physical disorder, physical illness, or physical injury, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy.
(b) The board's findings under Subsection (a) are admissible in any court proceeding against the physician arising from that conduct. On the physician's motion, the court shall delay the beginning of a criminal or civil trial for not more than 60 days for the hearing to be held under Subsection (a).

Added by Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. 441 (S.B. 8), Sec. 6, eff. September 1, 2017.

The women in Texas really should wake up.

The politicians in Texas are taking away their rights and our courts won't do anything about it.

The women and all intelligent people of Texas really should vote those republicans out of office.

The women of child bearing years in Texas will now have to take pregnancy tests monthly so they know if they are pregnant before that 6 week deadline.

We will see women leave Texas for their abortions. We will see women and young girls die or harmed because of this law. They will try to induce miscarriage or go on line to buy the abortion pill and take it without doctor to monitor the process for any complications. Women could end up bleeding which could cause infertility or even die.

This could cause backlash big time on the republicans.

Worthless Dimm's continue to lash Republican's daily now for years! :whip:

What is this word 'backlash'???
The Court already signed off on it.
Not exactly. They chose not to stay the law. It can still be challenged by plaintiffs seeking relief. The case just has to make its way through the courts first.

My point is this isn't over. Someone may bring a case and that could backfire on them. I doubt this court will do what the other court did. They will base their decision on when does a human life begin and is that human life a specific person. Not when does a soul enter the body which was always a red herring to allow roe v wade to stand.

This will come back to the states as it should have.
The Court already signed off on it.
No. The court refused to issue an emergency stay.
Now, if this law is appealed to the USSC, the USSC hears the case, and upholds it, then yes -- the court signed off on it.
But not until.

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