Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

Spare me the sanctimony, it's clear that none of the leftists on this board have read the law comprehensively.
The people of the state of TX have every right to take this law to both state and federal court; the refusal of the USSC to grant an emergency stayy does nothing to diminish this.
The Supreme Court left the door open for anyone with standing to challenge this law.

All they decided a few days ago was not to put an injunction on the law before it can be challenged.

I challenge anyone to find a Section which says Exception for Rape or Exception for Incest.

There simply isn't one.

I challenge you to look again:

SECTION 2. The legislature finds that the State of Texas never repealed, either expressly or by implication, the state statutes enacted before the ruling in Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), that prohibit and criminalize abortion unless the mother's life is in danger.

The laws for that already exist in Texas code.
It specifically states that the person who committed the act of rape or incest cannot sue the abortion provider for aborting the pregnancy they caused.
That in no way says that abortions due to rape or incest are exempted from the law. If a woman who was raped gets an abortion, the rapist can't sue the abortionist. But anyone else can.

All caught up now?
Don't compound your reading incomprehension with snarkiness. It just makes you look even more stupid.

Don't insult my intelligence, g5.

The laws making exceptions for the life and health of the mother already exist, as I just got through explaining. Anyone who can read more than a paragraph can easily spot why there isn't, in Section 2, at the beginning of the law's text.

Have a seat please.
That in no way says that abortions due to rape or incest are exempted from the law. If a woman who was raped gets an abortion, the rapist can't sue the abortionist. But anyone else can.

All caught up now?
I challenge you to look again:

SECTION 2. The legislature finds that the State of Texas never repealed, either expressly or by implication, the state statutes enacted before the ruling in Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), that prohibit and criminalize abortion unless the mother's life is in danger.

The laws for that already exist in Texas code.

Are you?

Read them and weep.


(a) If an abortion is performed or induced on a pregnant woman because of a medical emergency, the physician who performs or induces the abortion shall execute a written document that certifies the abortion is necessary due to a medical emergency and specifies the woman's medical condition requiring the abortion.

I’m a LOT Leary of extremists that would force a rape or incest victim to bear the result of that heinous act
This is where you are confused Moon Bat.

Rape, incest and legitimate medical concerns are a very small percentage of the abortions in the US. I have seen anywhere from 1-4%.

The other 96-99% is simply killing a child for the sake of convenience and that is morally wrong.

Because the filthy ass Feminazi Liberals are unwilling to compromise on the immorality of killing a child on demand then we can't compromise on the rape, incest and medical necessity.

I am a pro lifer that would always say abortion for legitimate medical reasons is acceptable.

I don't think we should kill a child because the father is an asshole in the case of rape and incest but I would be willing to compromise on that of we stop abortions for the sake of convenience. However, none of the Libtard filth are willing to do that. They insist on killing the children for any fucking reason. Scumbags!
You may be confused. Late last night they issued a 5-4 decision siding with Texas.

It was just reported a couple of hours ago.

The remained silent on the effect the new law has on the rights of Texas women
I may think I have a right to kill you. Because you are an asshole. However, the government takes that right away from me. For you that is a good thing. You get to live.

Killing a child for the sake of convenience is an absolute despicable thing to do. A right of a child to live supersedes any reason a woman would have to kill the child for her own convenience. Any moral person would think so. Stupid hate filled Libtards don't. Thank god that the Supreme Court finally had the balls to do the right thing and protect the children.

Once a woman gets knocked up there are two distinctly separate human beings. A mother should not have the right kill the other person just because the other person may inconvenience her.

Perhaps you should make your point clear.

Maybe you should develop better reading comprehension skills.
Rape, incest and legitimate medical concerns is a very small percentage of the abortions in the US. I have seen anywhere from 1-4%.

That's about the same % rate of late term abortions due to medical necessity as well. Very small % of all abortions, but a very big issue for the anti-choice crowd.
The remained silent on the effect the new law has on the rights of Texas women

Maybe you should develop better reading comprehension skills.

Did you read the decision? It said that the case brought before them did not meet the criteria to be overthrown. It was not on procedural grounds but substantive grounds.

The decision said that the children killers in Texas would have to come up with a much better reasons to overthrow the law than what they saw in the case.
I think it's extremely hypocritical of the person you replied to, to say one word about biology and ethics.

Yes. The board is rife with hypocrisy. Most people just see government as a way to get one over on the other guy. If they cite any principles to defend their position, it's entirely circumstantial. They're sure to contradict them on another issue.
Did you read the decision? It said that the case brought before them did not meet the criteria to be overthrown. It was not on procedural grounds but substantive grounds.

The decision said that the children killers in Texas would have to come up with a much better reasons to overthrow the law than what they saw in the case.

Of course, it was a technicality the 5 hid behind to remain silent. We knew their enforcement tactic, didn't think it would work. They did not have to remain silent on the matter as the effect and intent of the law is to deny the women of Texas the same constitutional right that the women in all other 49 states still have.


(a) A physician or other person may not knowingly perform a partial-birth abortion.

(b) Subsection (a) does not apply to a physician who performs a partial-birth abortion that is necessary to save the life of a mother whose life is endangered by a physical disorder, physical illness, or physical injury, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy.
Stop lying.

It specifically states that the person who committed the act of rape or incest cannot sue the abortion provider for aborting the pregnancy they caused. It protects the woman from reprisal and the provider from any civil liability.

You're welcome.
The law exempts ALL women who get an abortion from being sued. Instead of being lazy and doing a single word search, read the damn law.

Anyone who assists the woman in her abortion can be sued by any vigilante in the state of Texas. The only people who can't sue the abortionist are rapists and family molesters.

The law does not exempt rape and incest abortions from being liable to a lawsuit. If a rape victim gets an abortion, the abortionist can be sued by any Joe Schmoe in Texas who isn't the rapist. The ONLY exemption is for medical emergencies.

NOW are you all caught up?
Abortion should have never been legal. The Supreme court finally corrected itself.
This genocide must stop!

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