Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

This bans ALL abortions after 6 weeks. Not only does that end 85% of abortions… it makes no exception for rape or incest.


Welcome to Gilead

Say, did you post that before reading the law? Can you show us the part where it doesn't make an exception for rape or incest?

If you say 85%, I'm assuming the 15% are due to rape and incest, no?

Welcome to logic.
I was talking about The Supreme Court's silence on the matter, and now lack of action. It has effectively stripped Texas Women of their rights as defined under the 1973 precedent.

Perhaps you should make your point clear.

Say, did you post that before reading the law? Can you show us the part where it doesn't make an exception for rape or incest?
I can show you. Here is the law: Texas SB8 | 2021-2022 | 87th Legislature

As you can see, the only exception is for medical emergencies. See 171.205.

You can see there is no section which makes exceptions for rape or incest.

You're welcome.

If you say 85%, I'm assuming the 15% are due to rape and incest, no?
No. According to the pro-choice Guttmacher Institute, only about 1 percent of abortions are due to rape or incest.

You're welcome.
I can show you. Here is the law: Texas SB8 | 2021-2022 | 87th Legislature

As you can see, the only exception is for medical emergencies. See 171.205.

You can see there is no section which makes exceptions for rape or incest.

You're welcome.
Do you guys even bother to read or do you let passion dictate your overall intellectual output?

Sec. 171.208 (j)

(j) Notwithstanding any other law, a civil action under this section may not be brought by a person who impregnated the abortion patient through an act of rape, sexual assault, incest, or any other act prohibited by Sections 22.011, 22.021, or 25.02, Penal Code.

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See you are having a difficult time understanding simple Biology.

I'll explain it to you.

When a woman gets knocked up there is a new human being created. That is a biological fact. Do I have to give you a reading assignment to prove it?

It is our responsibility to protect those that can't protect themselves. That is the cornerstone of civilization going back thousands of years.

The right of the child to live supersedes the right of the mother to kill it. Just like your right to live supersedes my right to kill you.

The fact that the mother carries the child around in her doesn't change a goddamn thing.

The Supreme Court did the right thing in this case. Live with it just like we Americans had to live with Roe v Wade for all these years.
I think a biology lesson is in order for someone who does not know the basic difference between bowels and uterus.
If you say 85%, I'm assuming the 15% are due to rape and incest, no?

Do you guys even bother to read or do you let passion dictate your overall intellectual output?

Sec. 171.208 (j)

(j) Notwithstanding any other law, a civil action under this section may not be brought by a person who impregnated the abortion patient through an act of rape, sexual assault, incest, or any other act prohibited by Sections 22.011, 22.021, or 25.02, Penal Code.

Do you guys even bother to read or do you let passion dictate your overall intellectual output?

Sec. 171.208 (j)

(j) Notwithstanding any other law, a civil action under this section may not be brought by a person who impregnated the abortion patient through an act of rape, sexual assault, incest, or any other act prohibited by Sections 22.011, 22.021, or 25.02, Penal Code.

Your comprehension is lacking.

It says you cannot sue someone in civil court who impregnated the woman through rape or incest because they can be prosecuted in criminal court under the cited penal codes.

It does NOT say that woman can get an abortion who have been raped/molested.
The Second is Constitutional, abortion isn't.

Poor deflection

Abortion is Constitutional, and must remain so. Moreover, requiring counseling before a person may exercise a constitutional right apparently does not violate that right. You people just love Big Government. Buying a gun doesn't involve a person's body. It's merely acquiring an object.
All it took was one simple google search of "rape" and/or "incest" in the actual text of the law to show that women who are raped or are victims of incest can have an abortion without being held liable by their attacker.

As for the overall health of the mother, see Section 2.
All it took was one simple google search of "rape" and/or "incest" in the actual text of the law to show that women who are raped or are victims of incest can have an abortion without being held liable by their attacker.

As for the overall health of the mother, see Section 2.
Wrong again. You misread what the law is saying.
The Republican Party has been the party of death for a very long time.

They don't give a rat's ass about over 600 thousand Americans who have died.

They don't give a rat's ass about the thousands suffering.

They don't give a rat's ass about the children suffering and dying from the virus.

In fact they are doing everything in their power to cause it all.

They are proud of it.

They pass laws to prevent the spread and force children to be in schools without masks and social distancing so they will be infected. The children suffer and some die.

This isn't pro life.

This isn't anything close to having any concern or respect for children.

All this is, is republicans doing all they can to kill as many children and adults as possible and inflict as much suffering on as many people as possible.

Republicans don't give a flying fig about any zygote, embryo or fetus beyond their ability to use it as a weapon against anyone who doesn't agree with them.

Everything they say about valuing life and protecting life is nothing but a HUGE load of total BS.
Time to take your meds? Looks like you might be getting close to a panic attack.
Biology and ethics are irrelevant. The contents of my body are not up for debate. They are, utterly and completely, none of your concern.

I think it's extremely hypocritical of the person you replied to, to say one word about biology and ethics.

That person and so many others have absolutely no respect for biology and ethics when it comes to a deadly virus that has killed over 600 thousand Americans including thousands of children. They don't know what ethics is when they scream my body my choice to excuse not taking very simple steps to prevent the virus to spread and kill children.

They applaud politicians who allow people to work and go to schools without being vaccinated or wearing a mask.

People like the one you replied to are proud of spreading the virus to all they can to inflict as much suffering and death as possible. Including children suffering and dying.

If they had even the least bit of ethics, respect and concern for children they would be doing all they can to make sure everyone in those schools 12 years old and up are vaccinated, everyone wears masks and there is proper social distancing.

You know, for the children these people pretend to care so much about.

People like that also believe that "my body my choice" only applies to those who don't want to vaccinate, won't wear a mask and won't social distance.

They scream that simply asking someone if they are vaccinated is a violation of HIPAA laws rights yet they have no problem violating a woman's HIPAA laws rights.
Your comprehension is lacking.

It says you cannot sue someone in civil court who impregnated the woman through rape or incest because they can be prosecuted in criminal court under the cited penal codes.

It does NOT say that woman can get an abortion who have been raped/molested.

Stop lying.

It specifically states that the person who committed the act of rape or incest cannot sue the abortion provider for aborting the pregnancy they caused. It protects the woman from reprisal and the provider from any civil liability.

You're welcome.
We DO want only reasonable gun control...
You cannot demonstrate the necessity for, or efficacy of, any of the restrictions you seek to lay on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding -- thus, there's noting "reasonable" about them.

We don't trust you because you lie about your intentions and goals.
No. The law clearly violates the precedent set in 1973. By silently allowing the law to go into effect they are allowing the denial of Texas citizens rights by that precedent setting decision without the justification of a ruling of their own reversing that precedent.
The people of the state of TX have every right to take this law to both state and federal court; the refusal of the USSC to grant an emergency stayy does nothing to diminish this.

I challenge anyone to find a Section which says Exception for Rape or Exception for Incest.

There simply isn't one.

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