Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

If the pseudo-science heart-beat test becomes the norm in Red States, women need help take over enough states governments to pass a new Constitutional amendment specifically for Abortion Rights for all American women.
I don't see it happening. I think the comb of 9/11 and Trump have tilted us into "full retard" territory.
Of course - it's different when you do it. Because you have reasons!
I may think I have a right to kill you. Because you are an asshole. However, the government takes that right away from me. For you that is a good thing. You get to live.

Killing a child for the sake of convenience is an absolute despicable thing to do. A right of a child to live supersedes any reason a woman would have to kill the child for her own convenience. Any moral person would think so. Stupid hate filled Libtards don't. Thank god that the Supreme Court finally had the balls to do the right thing and protect the children.

Once a woman gets knocked up there are two distinctly separate human beings. A mother should not have the right kill the other person just because the other person may inconvenience her.

Is that moral clarity too complicated for you to understand?
I may think I have a right to kill you. Because you are an asshole. However, the government takes that right away from me. For you that is a good thing. You get to live.

Killing a child for the sake of convenience is an absolute despicable thing to do. A right of a child to live supersedes any reason a woman would have to kill the child for her own convenience. Any moral person would think so. Stupid hate filled Libtards don't. Thank god that the Supreme Court finally had the balls to do the right thing and protect the children.

Once a woman gets knocked up there are two distinctly separate human beings. A mother should not have the right kill the other person just because the other person may inconvenience her.

Is that moral clarity too complicated for you to understand?
Once again, it doesn't matter what you might think is in my body, it's none of your business. Understand?

There might be an entire civilization living in my bowels - and it's still none of your business. To say otherwise is to grant government sovereignty it should never have. We are not owned by the government. It's the other way around.
I may think I have a right to kill you. Because you are an asshole. However, the government takes that right away from me. For you that is a good thing. You get to live.

Killing a child for the sake of convenience is an absolute despicable thing to do. A right of a child to live supersedes any reason a woman would have to kill the child for her own convenience. Any moral person would think so. Stupid hate filled Libtards don't. Thank god that the Supreme Court finally had the balls to do the right thing and protect the children.

Once a woman gets knocked up there are two distinctly separate human beings. A mother should not have the right kill the other person just because the other person may inconvenience her.

Is that moral clarity too complicated for you to understand?
Get back to me when there’s a possibility that you might get pregnant and this would apply to you
Once again, it doesn't matter what you might think is in my body, it's none of your business. Understand?

There might be an entire civilization living in my bowels - and it's still none of your business. To say otherwise is to grant government sovereignty it should never have. We are not owned by the government. It's the other way around.

See you are having a difficult time understanding simple Biology.

I'll explain it to you.

When a woman gets knocked up there is a new human being created. That is a biological fact. Do I have to give you a reading assignment to prove it?

It is our responsibility to protect those that can't protect themselves. That is the cornerstone of civilization going back thousands of years.

The right of the child to live supersedes the right of the mother to kill it. Just like your right to live supersedes my right to kill you.

The fact that the mother carries the child around in her doesn't change a goddamn thing.

The Supreme Court did the right thing in this case. Live with it just like we Americans had to live with Roe v Wade for all these years.
It was immoral for the Supreme Court to side with the abortionists in Roe V Wade. Thank god this ruling corrects some of it.
They corrected nothing.

They refused to hear the case
They corrected nothing.

They refused to hear the case

As the song says, "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"
No need. It doesn't matter what you think is in my body. It's none of your business. Keep out.

Go take a course in Biology and Ethics and then maybe you will learn something and you won't be so damn confused.
Go take a course in Biology and Ethics and then maybe you will learn something and you won't be so damn confused.
Biology and ethics are irrelevant. The contents of my body are not up for debate. They are, utterly and completely, none of your concern.
I am pro-life, and I think the Texas law is a little harsh. Particularly for not making exceptions for rape and incest.

However, rape and incest make up only about 1 percent of all abortions. I am weary of pro-abortion people using these victims of the most heinous of crimes as human shields to protect the 99 percent of abortions which are convenience abortions.

As for abortions due to rape, this can and is mitigated by the availability of the "morning after pill" which can be administered immediately following the rape.

I believe abortions would be greatly reduced if people would just use birth control. More than half of all abortions are the result of NO birth control being used or the improper use of birth control. This is flat out ridiculous considering the wide availability and low cost of birth control. Low income people can get birth control for free.

It is incredibly irresponsible to have sex without using birth control if you don't want to get pregnant. The onus of an unwanted pregnancy is entirely on the woman. There simply is no excuse, so I don't have much pity if they get pregnant and demand an abortion.
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The death cult are the republicans, after they force women to have their babies, republicans could give a fuck about them.

The Republican Party has been the party of death for a very long time.

They don't give a rat's ass about over 600 thousand Americans who have died.

They don't give a rat's ass about the thousands suffering.

They don't give a rat's ass about the children suffering and dying from the virus.

In fact they are doing everything in their power to cause it all.

They are proud of it.

They pass laws to prevent the spread and force children to be in schools without masks and social distancing so they will be infected. The children suffer and some die.

This isn't pro life.

This isn't anything close to having any concern or respect for children.

All this is, is republicans doing all they can to kill as many children and adults as possible and inflict as much suffering on as many people as possible.

Republicans don't give a flying fig about any zygote, embryo or fetus beyond their ability to use it as a weapon against anyone who doesn't agree with them.

Everything they say about valuing life and protecting life is nothing but a HUGE load of total BS.
I am pro-life, and I think the Texas law is a little harsh. Particularly for not making exceptions for rape and incest.

However, rape and incest make up only about 1 percent of all abortions. I am weary of pro-abortion people using these victims of the most heinous of crimes as human shields to protect the 99 percent of abortions which are convenience abortions.

As for abortions due to rape, this can and is mitigated by the availability of the "morning after pill" which can be administered immediately following the rape.

I believe abortions would be greatly reduced if people would just use birth control. Nearly half of all abortions are the result of NO birth control being used or the improper use of birth control. This is flat out ridiculous considering the wide availability and low cost of birth control. Low income people can get birth control for free.

It is incredibly irresponsible to have sex without using birth control if you don't want to get pregnant. The onus of an unwanted pregnancy is entirely on the woman. There simply is no excuse, so I don't have much pity if they get pregnant and demand an abortion.
I’m a LOT Leary of extremists that would force a rape or incest victim to bear the result of that heinous act
Biology and ethics are irrelevant. The contents of my body are not up for debate. They are, utterly and completely, none of your concern.

It is not irrelevant to the child being killed you moron.

Let me explain this to you once again because your reading comprehension skills are poor.

If I want to cut off my hair then it is none of the government's business because it only effects me.

If I want to cut off my big toe then it is none of the government's business because it only effects me.

If i want to get tats all over my body then it is none of the government's business because it only effects me.

However, if I want to kill another human being then it does become the government's business because we charge the government with the responsibility to protect human life, especially our children. One of the very few legitimate functions of government.

It doesn't take a PhD in Ethics to understand that, however, you seem to be very confused. Have you ever taken a course in Biology or Ethics? It doesn't seem like you have. Do you get your information on things like this from the placards at a Feminazi rally?

For decades the US government didn't protect the children because of the infamous Roe v Wade. Now more moral Justices chose to let Texas do it. That is a good thing. Learn to live it with just like we had to live with Roe V Wade.

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