Abortion is murder

Peter is thirty years old. Peter grew up, went to college and then joined the Navy and became a pilot. One evening he was aboard a commercial flight from DWF to Atlanta. The aircraft was flying at 40K feet when the pilot suffered a stroke. The co-pilot froze and went into shock as the aircraft began to rapidly descend. Peter took the iitiative and took charge of the situation landing the aircraft and its 160 passangers safely. Peter drove his automobile from the parking lot to his home where his wife and children awaited him.

Peter was thirty months inside his mother's womb when she aborted him. Peter died and his body was disected and its parts sold for profit. Peter's Mom suffered emotional distress for the rest of her life because she knew she had murdered her son. Peter never grew up and went to college. Peter never joined the navy and became a pilot. Peter never flew from DWF to Atlanta. The flight that did fly from DWF to Atlanta on that particular evening crashed killing all 160 souls that were onboard. Peter knew nothing about the crash for Peter had been murdered by his mother.
Fetus Fetish

Although he was an unwanted pregnancy, the third Peter was not aborted and grew up to be a mass murder. See how easy it is to be illogical in proving your point?

No. What I do see though is how depraved and evil you are.
Peter is thirty years old. Peter grew up, went to college and then joined the Navy and became a pilot. One evening he was aboard a commercial flight from DWF to Atlanta. The aircraft was flying at 40K feet when the pilot suffered a stroke. The co-pilot froze and went into shock as the aircraft began to rapidly descend. Peter took the iitiative and took charge of the situation landing the aircraft and its 160 passangers safely. Peter drove his automobile from the parking lot to his home where his wife and children awaited him.

Peter was thirty months inside his mother's womb when she aborted him. Peter died and his body was disected and its parts sold for profit. Peter's Mom suffered emotional distress for the rest of her life because she knew she had murdered her son. Peter never grew up and went to college. Peter never joined the navy and became a pilot. Peter never flew from DWF to Atlanta. The flight that did fly from DWF to Atlanta on that particular evening crashed killing all 160 souls that were onboard. Peter knew nothing about the crash for Peter had been murdered by his mother.
Fetus Fetish

Although he was an unwanted pregnancy, the third Peter was not aborted and grew up to be a mass murder. See how easy it is to be illogical in proving your point?

No. What I do see though is how depraved and evil you are.
Keys to the Kingdom

Fine. I can accept whatever makes you feel morally superior. I wouldn't want to interfere with your therapy for being inferior in everything else.
Conception is a death sentence, if one wishes to look at it that way.

If abortion is murder- is a miscarriage manslaughter?
Peter is thirty years old. Peter grew up, went to college and then joined the Navy and became a pilot. One evening he was aboard a commercial flight from DWF to Atlanta. The aircraft was flying at 40K feet when the pilot suffered a stroke. The co-pilot froze and went into shock as the aircraft began to rapidly descend. Peter took the iitiative and took charge of the situation landing the aircraft and its 160 passangers safely. Peter drove his automobile from the parking lot to his home where his wife and children awaited him.

Peter was thirty months inside his mother's womb when she aborted him. Peter died and his body was disected and its parts sold for profit. Peter's Mom suffered emotional distress for the rest of her life because she knew she had murdered her son. Peter never grew up and went to college. Peter never joined the navy and became a pilot. Peter never flew from DWF to Atlanta. The flight that did fly from DWF to Atlanta on that particular evening crashed killing all 160 souls that were onboard. Peter knew nothing about the crash for Peter had been murdered by his mother.
Fetus Fetish

Although he was an unwanted pregnancy, the third Peter was not aborted and grew up to be a mass murder. See how easy it is to be illogical in proving your point?

No. What I do see though is how depraved and evil you are.
Keys to the Kingdom

Fine. I can accept whatever makes you feel morally superior. I wouldn't want to interfere with your therapy for being inferior in everything else.

Right. I am morally superior to you. Most baboons are morally superior to you.
Those who maintain abortion is murder would do something serious about it. Those who just say it without action to back it up are merely hypocrites. They accept societal standards and go along with the system while trying to convince themselves they are moral.
I heard Hillary call abortion heath care.... How the fuck is ending a life care????Regressives care deeply for slaughtering mostly poor black babies... They are sick and demented.
Don't give me this crap. I have been in a local children's hospital in which the lobby is chocked FULL of plaques and drawings and artwork created by deceased children .Killed by god's will under the guise of Cancer or other incurable diseases. So how is abortion so evil if god kills children with so much pain and suffering? Doesn't the Bible say" Suffer the little children..." ? God is a merciful loving god? It's hard to tell with all that mean hateful sadistic crap life deals out. God must be a child murdering sadist.
Don't give me this crap. I have been in a local children's hospital in which the lobby is chocked FULL of plaques and drawings and artwork created by deceased children .Killed by god's will under the guise of Cancer or other incurable diseases. So how is abortion so evil if god kills children with so much pain and suffering? Doesn't the Bible say" Suffer the little children..." ? God is a merciful loving god? It's hard to tell with all that mean hateful sadistic crap life deals out.

Take that one up with God. Hillary Clinton is certainly not God.
Don't give me this crap. I have been in a local children's hospital in which the lobby is chocked FULL of plaques and drawings and artwork created by deceased children .Killed by god's will under the guise of Cancer or other incurable diseases. So how is abortion so evil if god kills children with so much pain and suffering? Doesn't the Bible say" Suffer the little children..." ? God is a merciful loving god? It's hard to tell with all that mean hateful sadistic crap life deals out. God must be a child murdering sadist.
What's God got to do with YOU murdering someone?
Don't give me this crap. I have been in a local children's hospital in which the lobby is chocked FULL of plaques and drawings and artwork created by deceased children .Killed by god's will under the guise of Cancer or other incurable diseases. So how is abortion so evil if god kills children with so much pain and suffering? Doesn't the Bible say" Suffer the little children..." ? God is a merciful loving god? It's hard to tell with all that mean hateful sadistic crap life deals out. God must be a child murdering sadist.
What's God got to do with YOU murdering someone?
Actually it is the very most hateful and barbaric form of murder. We have given the femal the right to commit premeditated first degree murder and accomplish that murder via contract murder negotiated with another individual. She not only is permitted to commit premeditated first degree murder on the most defenseless and innocent of victims but she is permitted to hire out the actual commission of the evil deed.
Is it murder? A fetal mass and cancer mass have the same basic DNA and are just as human. Now, if god dosen't seem to spare children and innocent people disease or harm, perhaps abortion is just part of Gods random mean spirited "Will" too?
Actually it is the very most hateful and barbaric form of murder. We have given the femal the right to commit premeditated first degree murder and accomplish that murder via contract murder negotiated with another individual. She not only is permitted to commit premeditated first degree murder on the most defenseless and innocent of victims but she is permitted to hire out the actual commission of the evil deed.
Yes, convincing the competition to kill their own offspring. pretty creepy. Feminists chill my blood.
Don't give me this crap. I have been in a local children's hospital in which the lobby is chocked FULL of plaques and drawings and artwork created by deceased children .Killed by god's will under the guise of Cancer or other incurable diseases. So how is abortion so evil if god kills children with so much pain and suffering? Doesn't the Bible say" Suffer the little children..." ? God is a merciful loving god? It's hard to tell with all that mean hateful sadistic crap life deals out. God must be a child murdering sadist.
You are not God bitch . He gives them eternal life in paradise you only throw them in the garbage can or sell them piece by piece ...

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