Abortion Laws Don't Work, So Why Do We Have Them??

We will look back on abortion one day the way we look back at slavery.

Wanna bet? Comparing the enslavement of a race of humans in this country to a woman choosing to end a pregnancy demonstrates how little you understand both topics.

Woman choosing to end a life. You're right. There is no comparison.

A fetus is not a life any more than a skin cell is a life.
Both are alive, but neither is a life.
States with the strongest anti abortion laws have the most unwed mothers, is that working?

Why do we have laws against rape and murder and robbery ?? After all, they happen every day anyways so why have them? What the fuck is wrong with you people and your crappy thinking skills!!

We have laws against rape, murder, and robbery in order to protect others with a deterrent.
Laws against abortion protect no one, and result in more unhappy, under financed, and over populated society.
The Thanos solution
So your solution to population growth is to kill the unborn? how communist of you
What Actually Happens When a Country Bans Abortion

This whole abortion ban saga is basically pointless...Especially if you are not willing to charge the mother, the person who drove her to the clinic, the doctor who performed the abortion, the staff who helped him.. all the way down to the receptionist at the clinic ...all of them need to be charged with conspiracy to commit murder if you are serious about what you preach..

...At the end of the day, abortion control won't work because the criminals, in this case, the bad women will just find ways around the law. The wealthy killer moms will just bribe doctors to perform abortions, or have contraceptive IUDs smuggled in from Canada and sell them on the black market....who knows, maybe there will be abortion clinics popping up at gun shows, taking advantage of them loop-holes in the name of the NRA..

So very much like gun control, if you know the bad girls will just break abortion control laws, why even have them??

Why have laws against rape? It happens every day anyway so why have laws against it?
Why have laws against murder? It happens every day anyway so why have laws it them?
Why have laws against drunk driving? It happens every day anyway so why have laws against it?
Why have laws against robbery? It happens every day anyway so why have laws against it?

Do I need to go on, or have you figured out how STUPID AND IGNORANT your frigging post is. People like you make me sick.

Abortion is the murder of innocent human beings. THAT is why there should be laws against it. The fact that people will disobey the law is besides the point. People disobey EVERY law you half-wit

The purpose of most laws is in order to provide a deterrent in order to protect the rights of others.
But in the case of abortion, it is ONLY the woman who has any interests at all.
No one else has any standing to be able to have any say at all.

A fetus not only is not at all a human being, but clearly with over population and dwindling resources, is a threat to all other human beings.
While we need some fetuses in order for humanity to continue, we need to carefully select only the best possible circumstances to make that commitment.
Human reproductive rates are WAY too high and would destroy the whole planet unless we actively control population rates.

Very few people will disobey a law that is right, but everyone will disobey a law that is wrong, and that will destroy society completely.
There is nothing more harmful to society than a law that is wrong.
That ruins the whole credibility of government and ends confidence in society as a whole.
I take it you have not kept up with the fact that birth rates are dropping in almost every first world country.

Funny that every one always routes it is only the woman's choice. Why is it that they always forget to mention the man? It is as if suddenly they believe in immaculate conception. They were both involved they should both have a say.

You claim that a fetus is not human where does this ne suddenly become human? Six weeks, six minutes months, the second of birth, a year after birth? What exactly marks that transition? If a human fetus is not a human is it a dog, an ape? Should the humane society be involved if a fetus is not human?
We will look back on abortion one day the way we look back at slavery.

Wanna bet? Comparing the enslavement of a race of humans in this country to a woman choosing to end a pregnancy demonstrates how little you understand both topics.

Woman choosing to end a life. You're right. There is no comparison.

A fetus is not a life any more than a skin cell is a life.
Both are alive, but neither is a life.
a fetus meets every medical science criteria to be called an alive individual human.
after 12 weeks has a heartbeat has brain activity and its own distinct DNA
does skin cell have that you fucking idiot?
We will look back on abortion one day the way we look back at slavery.
Except people were forced into slavery.........
and the unborn are forced into abortions against their will
at least slaves had value and kept alive

An unborn has no will or feelings at all.
They are totally spared the pains of what slaves were forced to endure, like repeated rapes.
after 20 weeks and possibly below science has proven the unborn does
We will look back on abortion one day the way we look back at slavery.

Wanna bet? Comparing the enslavement of a race of humans in this country to a woman choosing to end a pregnancy demonstrates how little you understand both topics.

Forcing a women to go through the painful process of child birth when she does not want to and is not ready for it, is about the worst kind of slavery one could imagine. It is far worse than rape.

if you don't want lung cancer you don't smoke if you don't want to get pregnant you don't have sex

when you consent to an action you are also giving consent to the consequences of that action if you are informed of those consequences

you smoke you then accept the risk of lung cancer you have sex you accept the risk of a pregnancy
We will look back on abortion one day the way we look back at slavery.
Except people were forced into slavery.........
and the unborn are forced into abortions against their will
at least slaves had value and kept alive

An unborn has no will or feelings at all.
They are totally spared the pains of what slaves were forced to endure, like repeated rapes.

You can try to sanitize this to assuage your emotions. That doesn't change the fact that a human is being killed.
We will look back on abortion one day the way we look back at slavery.

Wanna bet? Comparing the enslavement of a race of humans in this country to a woman choosing to end a pregnancy demonstrates how little you understand both topics.

Woman choosing to end a life. You're right. There is no comparison.

A fetus is not a life any more than a skin cell is a life.
Both are alive, but neither is a life.

Its a human. Its not going to turn into a whale. It is life. Its not dead. It is living.
We will look back on abortion one day the way we look back at slavery.

Wanna bet? Comparing the enslavement of a race of humans in this country to a woman choosing to end a pregnancy demonstrates how little you understand both topics.

Forcing a women to go through the painful process of child birth when she does not want to and is not ready for it, is about the worst kind of slavery one could imagine. It is far worse than rape.

I am pro choice, yet that is about the worse argument for abortion rights I have ever heard. It hurts so just kill it. Really dude, lame, so lame.

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