Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

Prohibitions on abortion have always had more to do with shaming women for having sex, than they have been about any interest in unborn children.
Depends who you talk to. While I don't think that premarital sex is neccesarily a good thing, my main objection is that the fetus is killed rather senselessly. I mean I can understand a woman not wanting to raise a child, but why not just give it up for adoption? There are plenty of childless people who would be happy to raise it.

Because they have no medical benefits, and because they will likely be fired if they become pregnant or when ask for time off for the birth and recovery, women who are in a committed relationship are unlikely to have a child and put it up for adoption. That isn't even a practical solution for such women.

The #1 reason why women choose to end a pregnancy by abortion is their financial inability to carry the child to term.
No, it's their RELUCTANCE to tax their finances.

BTW, I worked the day I gave birth to my youngest, and was back to work on the third day after his birth.
BTW, I worked the day I gave birth to my youngest, and was back to work on the third day after his birth.

Why bother to have a baby if you have no intention of caring for it? A child needs to the first year with its parents in order to properly bond and socialize. Bragging about leaving a three-day old infant to go to work is, at best, very poor parenting, and suggests that you had no interest in the child you bore.

I guess that's the difference with being stuck with a child you're not interested just because you happened to get pregnant, and really planning for and wanting a baby.
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Oh..you mean "that's the difference between taking responsibility for your decisions and moving forward with your life and killing an inconvenient baby."

So do you maintain that all women who work in the first year of their baby's life are bad mothers, and the babies better off dead?

Because that is what you said.
PS...what is "parently"????? Because for me to do it well, I'd like to first know exactly what it is, cuz I've never heard that term before.

I'm such a dumb, backwards parent! Woe is me....

But what would justify an abortion even when the cause was rape?

I can't even imagine what being raped must be like, and I'm sure it's a horrible experience for women that are victims. But is that a reason to prematurely end an innocent life? To me, an abortion in this case would still be murder.

I see your point, why should the offspring suffer because of the father's crime....

It's a touchy subject, and I wouldn't even consider voicing an oppinion on it either way to a victim. It's something so horrifying that I would have no business suggesting anything to a rape victim. Other than maybe the next time she goes out for a jog try bringing a .38

Like I said before though, conservative women generally don't have the procedure, liberals do. Liberals taking themselves out of the genepool is a positive thing. After they're all gone you can outlaw abortion and no one will care.
Unfortunately, liberals never stop with their own abortions.

They want EVERYONE to get them.

And oh yeah, they also want old people to off themselves, or be offed....as well as those inconvenient disabled non-persons.
Unfortunately, liberals never stop with their own abortions.

They want EVERYONE to get them.

And oh yeah, they also want old people to off themselves, or be offed....as well as those inconvenient disabled non-persons.

Liberals want other people to get abortions? You have some support for this?

Personally, I've never understood our 20th century fascination of what other people, and people's wives and daughters, were doing? I'd prefer not to know, unless it involved something against their will.
Prohibitions on abortion have always had more to do with shaming women for having sex, than they have been about any interest in unborn children.
Depends who you talk to. While I don't think that premarital sex is neccesarily a good thing, my main objection is that the fetus is killed rather senselessly. I mean I can understand a woman not wanting to raise a child, but why not just give it up for adoption? There are plenty of childless people who would be happy to raise it.

Because they have no medical benefits, and because they will likely be fired if they become pregnant or when ask for time off for the birth and recovery, women who are in a committed relationship are unlikely to have a child and put it up for adoption. That isn't even a practical solution for such women.

The #1 reason why women choose to end a pregnancy by abortion is their financial inability to carry the child to term.
Then by all rights we should work to make adoption a viable option for these women. Change the system. Instead of insisting that government protect abortion, would it not be more constructive and humane to change employment laws to make adoption the preferable option?
Unfortunately, liberals never stop with their own abortions.

They want EVERYONE to get them.

And oh yeah, they also want old people to off themselves, or be offed....as well as those inconvenient disabled non-persons.

Liberals want other people to get abortions? You have some support for this?

Personally, I've never understood our 20th century fascination of what other people, and people's wives and daughters, were doing? I'd prefer not to know, unless it involved something against their will.

We're only interested in what they're doing when what they're doing is killing babies.

"....the “abortion rights” absolutists who hotly deny that infants are ever born alive during botched abortions — because in Philadelphia, an abortionist is on trial.
"Dr. Kermit Gosnell is on trial for murder in the deaths of one woman and seven second-trimester babies. The 41-year-old woman had sought an abortion and was given an overdose of narcotics at Gosnell’s clinic. The seven babies were all born alive, according to the indictment. Gosnell then used scissors to “snip” their spinal columns. One of his assistants, who has pled guilty to third-degree murder, said that such “snippings” were “routine” for late-term abortions — so there were probably many more than seven.
"Gosnell wasn’t at all particular about gestational age. An ultrasound technician recorded the age of one baby as 29.4 weeks, or about 7.5 months. In Pennsylvania, abortions are not permitted beyond 24 weeks (and the survival rate is above 85 percent for babies born at 27 weeks). In one case, a nurse testified that a baby cried after being born. Gosnell snipped his neck and told the nurse that there was nothing to worry about."

Inconvenient Headlines - Mona Charen - National Review Online

So yeah, we're interested when you use terms like "choice" and "privacy" to justify the brutal murder of infants, and the exploitation of women and girls.
Personally, I've never understood our 20th century fascination of what other people, and people's wives and daughters, were doing? I'd prefer not to know, unless it involved something against their will.

*21st century.

I'm not concerned so much with what others 'are doing' so much as preventing the abuse of humanity. Whether you like it or not, abortion undeniably destroys a developing human being, and thus I make it my business to advocate against it.
Unfortunately, liberals never stop with their own abortions.

They want EVERYONE to get them.

No we don't. I never had an abortion, and neither of my daughters have had one. We believe that abortion is wrong so we never had one. Wasn't that easy? If you believe that abortion is killing a baby, which in fact, I do, you can do what I did and don't have an abortion.

Now, I was never faced with having to raise a disabled child, and four of my five pregnancies were planned. I became pregnant with my son when my marriage was on the verge of collapse. My ex and I stayed together until our son was two but by then the marriaged was over.

But I also believe, as a Christian woman, that I do not have the right to judge what another woman does until I've walked in her shoes, so when friends have come to me to help support them through THEIR choice, I have gone to the hospital with them, and taken them home after, and stayed until they were sure they were OK.

THIS is what liberals mean by pro-choice.
"Let’s See What the Bible Really Says About Judging:

"The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment." (Psa 37:30)

"With my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth." (Psa 119:13)

"Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy." (Prov 31:9)

Jesus commended Simon, "Thou hast rightly judged." (Luke 7:43)

"Now, thou son of man, wilt thou judge, wilt thou judge the bloody city? yea, thou shalt show her all her abominations." (Ezek 22:2)

"But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man." (1 Cor 2:15)

"Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?" (1 Cor 6:2)

"Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?" (1 Cor 6:3)

There are many other passages and verses in the Bible about judging. While God is our ultimate Judge, He has also commanded us to judge according to the Word of God."

Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged
Show me where, in the word of God, He has said abortion is wrong.

It is MY belief that those of you who persecute, harass and intimidate abortion workers and their clients, will be judged by God for their viciousness and cruelty to other.

I say again, if God wanted all life to be sacred, and all babies to be born, women would not have miscarriages. Miscarriage is God's way of telling us that it's our choice, not His.
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Exodus 21:22–23

22 “If men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so that 1she gives birth prematurely, yet there is no injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman’s husband 2may demand of him, and he shall apay 3as the judges decide.

23 “But if there is any further injury, athen you shall appoint as a penalty life for life,"

http://biblia.com/bible/nasb95/Exodus 21.22–23
You'd think with right wing conservatives being so adamantly against abortion, they'd be the first ones pushing for massive sex ed at an earlier age, bowls of condoms and birth control pills everywhere, funding for Planned Parenthood etc.... basically fighting for everything and anything they can in order to prevent an abortion. What's the only thing they actually promote: abstinence.

all that stuff was put into place without our support, and the result is that there are more abortions, more unplanned pregnancies, and more and more virulent strains of stds circulating among ever younger groups of people.

Anything else?
all that stuff was put into place without our support, and the result is that there are more abortions, more unplanned pregnancies, and more and more virulent strains of stds circulating among ever younger groups of people.

NONE of those things are in place. There is no mandatory sex education in public schools, parents can opt their kid out. Parents fear that learning about sex will encourage the kids to satisfy their curiosity. Studies have shown that just the opposite is true.

Christian schools teach abstinence only, and girls are expected to make chastity pledges. A friend of mine who teaches in one of these schools tells me that these sweet Christian girls are engaging in oral and annal sex in such numbers that their parents would be shocked, but not vaginal sex because they have to remain virgins.

So in an effort to not break their pledges, these girls are engaging in dangerous forms of sex which could lead to injury or infection. Since these kids haven't had proper education on how their bodies function sexually, they have no idea how dangerous some of these practices may be. Call it the law of unintended consequences.
Should women be allowed to choose what they do with their bodies? Absolutely.

And they have plenty of options to choose from. Birth control pills, condoms, abstinence and natural sex.

Those are all choices.

Pregnancy isn't a choice; it's the outcome of a decision that had a choice.

And abortions aren't about a woman's body; they're about another body, very much alive, forming within the woman's body. So a woman's "right-to-choose" should be about what the woman does with her body; not the body of an infant she chose to have.

And if we can all agree that every human being is born with the inherent right to live, then abortions are clear violations of this right. As the baby is never consulted with when abortions are decided.

Republicans always want to "allow" someone. They want to "allow" minorities. They want to "allow" gays.

Well, I want to "allow" them to have a black president.

And I want a black president that isn't a spend thrift and a Socialistic Humanist.

What does that mean?

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