About Suspensions and Expulsions

I'd have preferred dental work.

I love learning new things.

Working my way through Titus Andronicus as we speak.

The poet Borges pictured Heaven as I do....

“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.”​

I love learning new things.

Working my way through Titus Andronicus as we speak.

The poet Borges pictured Heaven as I do....

“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.”​

I agree. That was the problem...I learned very little in school. I admit, there were some important life lessons, but those were invariably taught by accident.
I agree. That was the problem...I learned very little in school. I admit, there were some important life lessons, but those were invariably taught by accident.

I have been privileged to attend the best schools in the world, but say without hesitation that I've learned far more on my own.
I have been privileged to attend the best schools in the world, but say without hesitation that I've learned far more on my own.
School taught me some important lessons. Things like: trust nobody. If someone has your back, it's probably because they plan to put a knife in it. Look out for number one-first, last, and always-because nobody else will. Never trust anyone.
You'd know...that is what makes up a fair number of your 200,000+ posts.

Seriously...do you EVER leave your basement?

I rarely cut and paste
Makes me the most honored poster on USMB
School taught me some important lessons. Things like: trust nobody. If someone has your back, it's probably because they plan to put a knife in it. Look out for number one-first, last, and always-because nobody else will. Never trust anyone.

Well.....there is something to be said for cynicism.

I'll go part way on that...with Reagan: "Trust, but verify."
School taught me some important lessons. Things like: trust nobody. If someone has your back, it's probably because they plan to put a knife in it. Look out for number one-first, last, and always-because nobody else will. Never trust anyone.
Did you earn a degree in being miserable and paranoid?
Reagan was either a fool or a traitor.

The finest President in the last hundred years.

Saved the American worker, and saved the world from the communist threat.

Of course, the Democrat Party rushed to the rescue of Marxism.

Here is Tom Perez, who served as the Chair of the Democratic National Committee, calling you a liar.

DNC chairman Tom Perez s
aid Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”

DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”

One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”

A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

The Democratic Socialists of America behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
Did you earn a degree in being miserable and paranoid?

I wouldn't be surprised if colleges were offering a degree in that.......and the feds gave college loans to get it.

these 20 twisted majors are 100 percent real:

1. Wine Making. College isn't just about boozing after hours. Students at a host of schools can take viticulture -- learning to make wine from the grape growing to the grape stomping (or pressing these days) and beyond.

2. Golf Management. Four years on the links doesn't sound all that hard, but these students actually learn everything from how to keep a green "green" to hospitality.

3. Boilermaking. Not just the Purdue mascot, it's the study of how to make and repair steam parts.

4. Franchising. An entire line of study can help you run your own fast food chain. It's a far cry from flipping burgers.

5. Philology. A fancy name for the study of language. Take your pick from Tagalog to Urdu.

6. Meat Cutting. Thank a meat-cutting major for your steak tonight.

7. Home Ec. Yes, even in this day and age -- although they call it "family and consumer sciences" these days.

8. Home Furnishings and Equipment Installers. A roundabout way of saying "interior design," but they sound large and in charge this way.

9. Auctioneering. Classes to make you talk faster! New Yorkers need not apply.

10. Fashion and Fabric Consultation. Next stop: personal shopper.

11. Aromatherapy. You mean there's more to it than walking through Yankee Candle and taking home what smells good?

12. Human Sexuality. Let's talk about sex, baby! They do it at Widener University!

13. Canadian History. Our neighbor to the north is YOUNGER than the United States. And that's saying a lot.

14. Gunsmithing. As long as there's a right to bear arms, someone has to make them, right?

15. Mortuary Science and Embalming. Somebody's got to do it, but way to bring a pallor to your party days.

16. Logic. Can we sign everyone up for a year of this?

17. Security and Loss Prevention. They're NOT just mall cops apparently.

18. Cartooning. It's not a well-known college, but there's a school devoted entirely to comic books. Spider-Man eat your heart out.

19. Bagpiping. There's never a shortage of pipers at Scottish funerals ... or weddings ... thanks to Carnegie Mellon.

20. Sports Ministry. Get out there with your pastor and play paddleball at Belhaven. You'll be in sports heaven.

Would you pay for these?

Meatcutting and 19 More Strange College Majors Parents Are Paying For
The finest President in the last hundred years.

Saved the American worker, and saved the world from the communist threat.

Of course, the Democrat Party rushed to the rescue of Marxism.

Here is Tom Perez, who served as the Chair of the Democratic National Committee, calling you a liar.

DNC chairman Tom Perez s
aid Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”

DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”

One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”

A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

The Democratic Socialists of America behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
He opened the floodgates to the third world, and we're dealing with that even thirty years later. That along should have gotten him shot for treason.

He also signed off on the Hughes Amendment.
I wouldn't be surprised if colleges were offering a degree in that.......and the feds gave college loans to get it.

these 20 twisted majors are 100 percent real:

1. Wine Making. College isn't just about boozing after hours. Students at a host of schools can take viticulture -- learning to make wine from the grape growing to the grape stomping (or pressing these days) and beyond.

2. Golf Management. Four years on the links doesn't sound all that hard, but these students actually learn everything from how to keep a green "green" to hospitality.

3. Boilermaking. Not just the Purdue mascot, it's the study of how to make and repair steam parts.

4. Franchising. An entire line of study can help you run your own fast food chain. It's a far cry from flipping burgers.

5. Philology. A fancy name for the study of language. Take your pick from Tagalog to Urdu.

6. Meat Cutting. Thank a meat-cutting major for your steak tonight.

7. Home Ec. Yes, even in this day and age -- although they call it "family and consumer sciences" these days.

8. Home Furnishings and Equipment Installers. A roundabout way of saying "interior design," but they sound large and in charge this way.

9. Auctioneering. Classes to make you talk faster! New Yorkers need not apply.

10. Fashion and Fabric Consultation. Next stop: personal shopper.

11. Aromatherapy. You mean there's more to it than walking through Yankee Candle and taking home what smells good?

12. Human Sexuality. Let's talk about sex, baby! They do it at Widener University!

13. Canadian History. Our neighbor to the north is YOUNGER than the United States. And that's saying a lot.

14. Gunsmithing. As long as there's a right to bear arms, someone has to make them, right?

15. Mortuary Science and Embalming. Somebody's got to do it, but way to bring a pallor to your party days.

16. Logic. Can we sign everyone up for a year of this?

17. Security and Loss Prevention. They're NOT just mall cops apparently.

18. Cartooning. It's not a well-known college, but there's a school devoted entirely to comic books. Spider-Man eat your heart out.

19. Bagpiping. There's never a shortage of pipers at Scottish funerals ... or weddings ... thanks to Carnegie Mellon.

20. Sports Ministry. Get out there with your pastor and play paddleball at Belhaven. You'll be in sports heaven.

Would you pay for these?

Meatcutting and 19 More Strange College Majors Parents Are Paying For
Some of these actually make sense. Hell, a certified boilermaker can damn near write his own ticket.
He opened the floodgates to the third world, and we're dealing with that even thirty years later. That along should have gotten him shot for treason.

He also signed off on the Hughes Amendment.

  1. The benefits from Reaganomics:
    1. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rate…compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
    2. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
    3. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
    4. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
    5. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95) http://www.gpoaccess.gov/eop/tables10.html
    6. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,” p. 116

b. and c. Kiva Lending Team: Team REAL Americans | Kiva

While the ranks of the wealthy quickly multiplied, middle-class investors also entered the stock market in rapidly growing numbers. The creation by Congress in 1978 of the 401(k) tax-deferred retirement plan provided new incentives for workers to invest their savings in the stock market (often through mutual funds) rather than relying on company-funded pensions for retirement. The 401(k) led to a kind of democratization of Wall Street, as the percentage of American households owning some stake in the stock market—either directly or through mutual funds—shot quickly from 15.9% in 1983 to 29.6% in 1989.23 Thus the great bull market of the 1980s created more wealth, for more American families, than any previous boom in history.

Investment Company Institute, "Equity Ownership in America, 2005," http://www.ici.org/pdf/rpt_05_equity_owners.pdf,

Worth reading:

  1. The benefits from Reaganomics:
    1. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rate…compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
    2. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
    3. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
    4. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
    5. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95) http://www.gpoaccess.gov/eop/tables10.html
    6. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,” p. 116

b. and c. Kiva Lending Team: Team REAL Americans | Kiva

While the ranks of the wealthy quickly multiplied, middle-class investors also entered the stock market in rapidly growing numbers. The creation by Congress in 1978 of the 401(k) tax-deferred retirement plan provided new incentives for workers to invest their savings in the stock market (often through mutual funds) rather than relying on company-funded pensions for retirement. The 401(k) led to a kind of democratization of Wall Street, as the percentage of American households owning some stake in the stock market—either directly or through mutual funds—shot quickly from 15.9% in 1983 to 29.6% in 1989.23 Thus the great bull market of the 1980s created more wealth, for more American families, than any previous boom in history.

Investment Company Institute, "Equity Ownership in America, 2005," http://www.ici.org/pdf/rpt_05_equity_owners.pdf,

Worth reading:
None of which matters, because he opened the floodgates to the third world, which may yet destroy the country.
I wouldn't be surprised if colleges were offering a degree in that.......and the feds gave college loans to get it.

these 20 twisted majors are 100 percent real:

1. Wine Making. College isn't just about boozing after hours. Students at a host of schools can take viticulture -- learning to make wine from the grape growing to the grape stomping (or pressing these days) and beyond.

2. Golf Management. Four years on the links doesn't sound all that hard, but these students actually learn everything from how to keep a green "green" to hospitality.

3. Boilermaking. Not just the Purdue mascot, it's the study of how to make and repair steam parts.

4. Franchising. An entire line of study can help you run your own fast food chain. It's a far cry from flipping burgers.

5. Philology. A fancy name for the study of language. Take your pick from Tagalog to Urdu.

6. Meat Cutting. Thank a meat-cutting major for your steak tonight.

7. Home Ec. Yes, even in this day and age -- although they call it "family and consumer sciences" these days.

8. Home Furnishings and Equipment Installers. A roundabout way of saying "interior design," but they sound large and in charge this way.

9. Auctioneering. Classes to make you talk faster! New Yorkers need not apply.

10. Fashion and Fabric Consultation. Next stop: personal shopper.

11. Aromatherapy. You mean there's more to it than walking through Yankee Candle and taking home what smells good?

12. Human Sexuality. Let's talk about sex, baby! They do it at Widener University!

13. Canadian History. Our neighbor to the north is YOUNGER than the United States. And that's saying a lot.

14. Gunsmithing. As long as there's a right to bear arms, someone has to make them, right?

15. Mortuary Science and Embalming. Somebody's got to do it, but way to bring a pallor to your party days.

16. Logic. Can we sign everyone up for a year of this?

17. Security and Loss Prevention. They're NOT just mall cops apparently.

18. Cartooning. It's not a well-known college, but there's a school devoted entirely to comic books. Spider-Man eat your heart out.

19. Bagpiping. There's never a shortage of pipers at Scottish funerals ... or weddings ... thanks to Carnegie Mellon.

20. Sports Ministry. Get out there with your pastor and play paddleball at Belhaven. You'll be in sports heaven.

Would you pay for these?

Meatcutting and 19 More Strange College Majors Parents Are Paying For
21. Cut and Paste. Why have to resort to original thought when you can just cut and paste their ideas as your own?
I wouldn't be surprised if colleges were offering a degree in that.......and the feds gave college loans to get it.

these 20 twisted majors are 100 percent real:

1. Wine Making. College isn't just about boozing after hours. Students at a host of schools can take viticulture -- learning to make wine from the grape growing to the grape stomping (or pressing these days) and beyond.

2. Golf Management. Four years on the links doesn't sound all that hard, but these students actually learn everything from how to keep a green "green" to hospitality.

3. Boilermaking. Not just the Purdue mascot, it's the study of how to make and repair steam parts.

4. Franchising. An entire line of study can help you run your own fast food chain. It's a far cry from flipping burgers.

5. Philology. A fancy name for the study of language. Take your pick from Tagalog to Urdu.

6. Meat Cutting. Thank a meat-cutting major for your steak tonight.

7. Home Ec. Yes, even in this day and age -- although they call it "family and consumer sciences" these days.

8. Home Furnishings and Equipment Installers. A roundabout way of saying "interior design," but they sound large and in charge this way.

9. Auctioneering. Classes to make you talk faster! New Yorkers need not apply.

10. Fashion and Fabric Consultation. Next stop: personal shopper.

11. Aromatherapy. You mean there's more to it than walking through Yankee Candle and taking home what smells good?

12. Human Sexuality. Let's talk about sex, baby! They do it at Widener University!

13. Canadian History. Our neighbor to the north is YOUNGER than the United States. And that's saying a lot.

14. Gunsmithing. As long as there's a right to bear arms, someone has to make them, right?

15. Mortuary Science and Embalming. Somebody's got to do it, but way to bring a pallor to your party days.

16. Logic. Can we sign everyone up for a year of this?

17. Security and Loss Prevention. They're NOT just mall cops apparently.

18. Cartooning. It's not a well-known college, but there's a school devoted entirely to comic books. Spider-Man eat your heart out.

19. Bagpiping. There's never a shortage of pipers at Scottish funerals ... or weddings ... thanks to Carnegie Mellon.

20. Sports Ministry. Get out there with your pastor and play paddleball at Belhaven. You'll be in sports heaven.

Would you pay for these?

Meatcutting and 19 More Strange College Majors Parents Are Paying For
Some of those look pretty good. A few useful trade skills, cartoonists can make big $$$, and some academic topics are valuable in their own right.

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