About that insurrection.....

Only ones screaming insurrection are the dems......they created and perpetuated the lie everyone has accepted as the truth. That's how the dems roll, the lie becomes the truth if you keep pushing it over and over.

Each time a news reporter, media commentator, or judge refers to Trump as an ā€œinsurrectionist,ā€ or claims heā€™s guilty of ā€œinsurrection,ā€ itā€™s another blatant case of defamation. Same with the other Jan. 6 attendees and participants.

Insurrection is a serious federal crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison under Title 18 U.S. Code 2383. Even with Trumpā€™s enemies in charge at the Department of Justice and other law enforcement bodies, and with all of the scheming and operations theyā€™ve mounted against him, nobody has convicted him of ā€œinsurrection.ā€ Under our system of governing, no judge or election authority has the power to unilaterally accuse and convict any American of a crime, let alone with the accused denied any opportunity to present a defense or to appeal.

Yet thatā€™s just whatā€™s happening when courts and officials in Maine and Colorado remove President Trump from presidential election primary ballots for ā€œinsurrection.ā€ Itā€™s the ultimate defamation. And many are supporting it because, well, they donā€™t like President Trump.

Looking at the evidence today, itā€™s reasonable to hypothesize that, among all the other conspiracies President Trumpā€™s enemies devised, they also conspired in advance to set up his Jan. 6, 2021, rally and the U.S. Capitol breach that followed as an ā€œinsurrectionā€ that could serve as their insurance policy to provide grounds to keep him from ever running for president again.

Such hypotheses may once have been far-fetched, but no more. Letā€™s not forget that then-FBI agent Peter Strzok and his alleged lover, FBI attorney Lisa Page, texted each other in 2016 that they could not permit Trump to be elected president. According to their messages, discussions about the threat of a Trump presidency had taken place with the FBIā€™s then-assistant director, Andrew ā€œAndyā€ McCabe. ā€œI want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andyā€™s office ā€” that thereā€™s no way [Mr. Trump] gets elected,ā€ texted Page, ā€œbut Iā€™m afraid we canā€™t take that risk. Itā€™s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before 40.ā€

The theory that President Trumpā€™s enemies set the stage for Jan. 6 to be called ā€œan insurrectionā€ as a spoiler for his 2024 run could help explain why all of the law enforcement agents and informants planted in advance and among Trump supporters that day didnā€™t serve their usual purpose of preventing crimes and de-escalating events. Instead, by many accounts, they observed and even took part, let crimes happen, and declined to separate the instigators and organizers as they would ordinarily do to defuse tensions and control the crowd. The agents and informants served the odd role of standing down during the event and identifying alleged perpetrators after the fact.

Yet, in the end, there was no insurrectionā€”at least according to prosecutors, who would be the ones to charge such crimes and havenā€™t. And President Trump helped destroy the chance to officially charge him with insurrection by specifically directing his followers that day to ā€œpeacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.ā€

President Trumpā€™s opponents, found in both the Democrat and Republican ranks, are so delighted to see him persecuted, so utterly threatened by a repeat performance of a Trump presidency outside the traditional power and money interests, that they are encouraging of the defamation and other acts against him. With few exceptions, like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., those who would normally criticize actions like the ones being mounted against President Trump have remained silent for fear of being called a Trump supporter in an environment where that opens them to ostracization and worse. The media and those who control our information are so conflicted by their respective biases, nobody is left to stop the madness.

The real meaning of whatā€™s being done to President Trump is this: They think heā€™s going to win. Heā€™s like Christmas, and his enemies are like the Grinch. Despite the impeachments, improper wiretapping, censorship, intel agency conspiracies, criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and turncoats operating against him on the insideā€”President Trumpā€™s popularity has increased. They havenā€™t stopped him from coming to the fore in 2024. He came! He came without Twitter. He came without Facebook. He came without Snapchat or Discord or Stripe. Somehow or other, he came just the same!

Pulling President Trump off ballots is the establishmentā€™s latest attempt to censor a candidate that they clearly believe will winā€”if the people are left to decide. Weā€™ve reached a dangerous and scary point when so many are willing to look the other way because their preferred candidate isnā€™t the one under attack.

To end where we beganā€”President Trump potentially has actionable defamation claims against all those who continue to label him an insurrectionist. That includes judges on the Colorado Supreme Court and Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows. But thatā€™s likely not a battle he could win. The 2024 race? Thatā€™s another matter.

The Continuing Plot to Silence Trumpā€™s 2024 Comeback
This OP is pure, bat-shit crazy, MAGAt Trumptard cultist bullshit.
First of all the Jan. 6th 2021 attack on The U.S. Capitol WAS most certainly an insurrection according to Webster's Dictionary's definition of the word:



inĀ·surĀ·recĀ·tion ĖŒin(t)-sə-Ėˆrek-shən

: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government

Now, let's take a look at the synonyms for the word "insurrection."

REBELLION implies an open formidable resistance that is often unsuccessful.
open rebellion against the officers

REVOLUTION applies to a successful rebellion resulting in a major change (as in government).
a political revolution that toppled the monarchy

UPRISING implies a brief, limited, and often immediately ineffective rebellion.
quickly put down the uprising

REVOLT and INSURRECTION imply an armed uprising that quickly fails or succeeds.
a revolt by the Young Turks that surprised party leaders

MUTINY applies to group insubordination or insurrection especially against naval authority.
a mutiny led by the ship's cook

So as you can see it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that what took place at The U.S. Capitol on January 6th 2021 was WITHOUT A DOUBT an insurgency.
The violent result of an attempted coup by the outgoing President Donald J. Trump following his election loss to Joe Biden.

It doesn't matter if there has or has not been any formal "conviction" in Congress or in any court of law codifying the word "insurgency" as a specific charge against Donald Trump. Anybody with even a modicum of observational skills and deductive reasoning can simply LOOK at the evidence; what we all witnessed with our own eyes on that day, and what has been presented to us by The House Select Committee that investigated this attack on our Capitol, and know without a doubt that an insurgency is exactly what occured.

Now, the OP here trots out even the most ludicrous, long ago debunked, horse shit conspiracy theories trying to deflect the blame for this insurgency from those actually responsible for it.
As if just recycling the same old tired lies after they've been debunked and put to rest will somehow make them true the second, third, tenth, or even twentieth time around.
It doesn't.

Eventually you just have to come to your senses and believe your own eyes and ears and call BULLSHIT on all the rest....all the stupid static and distraction from the facts!
Notice how little facts there were in her article, and just rampant bizarre speculation that she claims should be taken seriously because she says so.
Kinda like liberals in general, that.
Nah. Don't swing that way. But hey, keep trolling. All of you fellow trumptards are closet gays so you should find someone. Good luck.
Spoken like a true demo-shitlib lol

This OP is pure, bat-shit crazy, MAGAt Trumptard cultist bullshit.
First of all the Jan. 6th 2021 attack on The U.S. Capitol WAS most certainly an insurrection according to Webster's Dictionary's definition of the word:



inĀ·surĀ·recĀ·tion ĖŒin(t)-sə-Ėˆrek-shən

: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government

Now, let's take a look at the synonyms for the word "insurrection."

REBELLION implies an open formidable resistance that is often unsuccessful.
open rebellion against the officers

REVOLUTION applies to a successful rebellion resulting in a major change (as in government).
a political revolution that toppled the monarchy

UPRISING implies a brief, limited, and often immediately ineffective rebellion.
quickly put down the uprising

REVOLT and INSURRECTION imply an armed uprising that quickly fails or succeeds.
a revolt by the Young Turks that surprised party leaders

MUTINY applies to group insubordination or insurrection especially against naval authority.
a mutiny led by the ship's cook

So as you can see it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that what took place at The U.S. Capitol on January 6th 2021 was WITHOUT A DOUBT an insurgency.
The violent result of an attempted coup by the outgoing President Donald J. Trump following his election loss to Joe Biden.

It doesn't matter if there has or has not been any formal "conviction" in Congress or in any court of law codifying the word "insurgency" as a specific charge against Donald Trump. Anybody with even a modicum of observational skills and deductive reasoning can simply LOOK at the evidence; what we all witnessed with our own eyes on that day, and what has been presented to us by The House Select Committee that investigated this attack on our Capitol, and know without a doubt that an insurgency is exactly what occured.

Now, the OP here trots out even the most ludicrous, long ago debunked, horse shit conspiracy theories trying to deflect the blame for this insurgency from those actually responsible for it.
As if just recycling the same old tired lies after they've been debunked and put to rest will somehow make them true the second, third, tenth, or even twentieth time around.
It doesn't.

Eventually you just have to come to your senses and believe your own eyes and ears and call BULLSHIT on all the rest....all the stupid static and distraction from the facts!
Hahahahaha you left some shit out. You lie like a true democrat! Omission.

Hahahahaha you left some shit out. You lie like a true democrat! Omission.

View attachment 882581
Thank you for helping to make my point.
The J6 insurrectionists marched on The Capitol in an organized attempt to defeat their government and take control of their government (illegally) by stopping the certification of the vote thereby preventing the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in our nation's history.
And yes, violence was certainly a component of it all.

Thanks again.
Happy, I noticed you? That's my boy. Now, run along. That's a good little retard.

Youā€™re getting very good at repeating my comments about you.

Originality isnā€™t in your toolkit.

Sadly, neither is a measurable IQ.
Thank you for helping to make my point.
The J6 insurrectionists marched on The Capitol in an organized attempt to defeat their government and take control of their government (illegally) by stopping the certification of the vote thereby preventing the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in our nation's history.
And yes, violence was certainly a component of it all.

Thanks again.
No thank you, touche, it wasn't organized hahaha. The only organizing was by the Democrats playing their games.
This OP is pure, bat-shit crazy, MAGAt Trumptard cultist bullshit.
First of all the Jan. 6th 2021 attack on The U.S. Capitol WAS most certainly an insurrection according to Webster's Dictionary's definition of the word:



inĀ·surĀ·recĀ·tion ĖŒin(t)-sə-Ėˆrek-shən

: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government

Now, let's take a look at the synonyms for the word "insurrection."

REBELLION implies an open formidable resistance that is often unsuccessful.
open rebellion against the officers

REVOLUTION applies to a successful rebellion resulting in a major change (as in government).
a political revolution that toppled the monarchy

UPRISING implies a brief, limited, and often immediately ineffective rebellion.
quickly put down the uprising

REVOLT and INSURRECTION imply an armed uprising that quickly fails or succeeds.
a revolt by the Young Turks that surprised party leaders

MUTINY applies to group insubordination or insurrection especially against naval authority.
a mutiny led by the ship's cook

So as you can see it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that what took place at The U.S. Capitol on January 6th 2021 was WITHOUT A DOUBT an insurgency.
The violent result of an attempted coup by the outgoing President Donald J. Trump following his election loss to Joe Biden.

It doesn't matter if there has or has not been any formal "conviction" in Congress or in any court of law codifying the word "insurgency" as a specific charge against Donald Trump. Anybody with even a modicum of observational skills and deductive reasoning can simply LOOK at the evidence; what we all witnessed with our own eyes on that day, and what has been presented to us by The House Select Committee that investigated this attack on our Capitol, and know without a doubt that an insurgency is exactly what occured.

Now, the OP here trots out even the most ludicrous, long ago debunked, horse shit conspiracy theories trying to deflect the blame for this insurgency from those actually responsible for it.
As if just recycling the same old tired lies after they've been debunked and put to rest will somehow make them true the second, third, tenth, or even twentieth time around.
It doesn't.

Eventually you just have to come to your senses and believe your own eyes and ears and call BULLSHIT on all the rest....all the stupid static and distraction from the facts!

You donā€™t know any thing.

And you donā€™t grasp even the meaning of the words you quote.

Quite sad.
ā€œOnly ones screaming insurrection are the demsā€¦ā€ and yet you mention Liz Cheney who also condemned and found your orange fuhrer guilty of insurrection.
Guilty in the legal sense or in the J6 TV extravaganza?

Lizzie, your 'Super Patriot' got her ass handed to her in her home state, Padre.

Lizzie, along with little Adam, weren't Pelosi preferred undercover dem's?
the dems got away for a while with the phony Russian hoax, they decided to go for 2 big li
November is coming....
Nah. Don't swing that way. But hey, keep trolling. All of you fellow trumptards are closet gays so you should find someone. Good luck.
A closet gay slur.......how bigoted of you Padre.....
Only ones screaming insurrection are the dems......they created and perpetuated the lie everyone has accepted as the truth. That's how the dems roll, the lie becomes the truth if you keep pushing it over and over.

Each time a news reporter, media commentator, or judge refers to Trump as an ā€œinsurrectionist,ā€ or claims heā€™s guilty of ā€œinsurrection,ā€ itā€™s another blatant case of defamation. Same with the other Jan. 6 attendees and participants.

Insurrection is a serious federal crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison under Title 18 U.S. Code 2383. Even with Trumpā€™s enemies in charge at the Department of Justice and other law enforcement bodies, and with all of the scheming and operations theyā€™ve mounted against him, nobody has convicted him of ā€œinsurrection.ā€ Under our system of governing, no judge or election authority has the power to unilaterally accuse and convict any American of a crime, let alone with the accused denied any opportunity to present a defense or to appeal.

Yet thatā€™s just whatā€™s happening when courts and officials in Maine and Colorado remove President Trump from presidential election primary ballots for ā€œinsurrection.ā€ Itā€™s the ultimate defamation. And many are supporting it because, well, they donā€™t like President Trump.

Looking at the evidence today, itā€™s reasonable to hypothesize that, among all the other conspiracies President Trumpā€™s enemies devised, they also conspired in advance to set up his Jan. 6, 2021, rally and the U.S. Capitol breach that followed as an ā€œinsurrectionā€ that could serve as their insurance policy to provide grounds to keep him from ever running for president again.

Such hypotheses may once have been far-fetched, but no more. Letā€™s not forget that then-FBI agent Peter Strzok and his alleged lover, FBI attorney Lisa Page, texted each other in 2016 that they could not permit Trump to be elected president. According to their messages, discussions about the threat of a Trump presidency had taken place with the FBIā€™s then-assistant director, Andrew ā€œAndyā€ McCabe. ā€œI want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andyā€™s office ā€” that thereā€™s no way [Mr. Trump] gets elected,ā€ texted Page, ā€œbut Iā€™m afraid we canā€™t take that risk. Itā€™s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before 40.ā€

The theory that President Trumpā€™s enemies set the stage for Jan. 6 to be called ā€œan insurrectionā€ as a spoiler for his 2024 run could help explain why all of the law enforcement agents and informants planted in advance and among Trump supporters that day didnā€™t serve their usual purpose of preventing crimes and de-escalating events. Instead, by many accounts, they observed and even took part, let crimes happen, and declined to separate the instigators and organizers as they would ordinarily do to defuse tensions and control the crowd. The agents and informants served the odd role of standing down during the event and identifying alleged perpetrators after the fact.

Yet, in the end, there was no insurrectionā€”at least according to prosecutors, who would be the ones to charge such crimes and havenā€™t. And President Trump helped destroy the chance to officially charge him with insurrection by specifically directing his followers that day to ā€œpeacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.ā€

President Trumpā€™s opponents, found in both the Democrat and Republican ranks, are so delighted to see him persecuted, so utterly threatened by a repeat performance of a Trump presidency outside the traditional power and money interests, that they are encouraging of the defamation and other acts against him. With few exceptions, like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., those who would normally criticize actions like the ones being mounted against President Trump have remained silent for fear of being called a Trump supporter in an environment where that opens them to ostracization and worse. The media and those who control our information are so conflicted by their respective biases, nobody is left to stop the madness.

The real meaning of whatā€™s being done to President Trump is this: They think heā€™s going to win. Heā€™s like Christmas, and his enemies are like the Grinch. Despite the impeachments, improper wiretapping, censorship, intel agency conspiracies, criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and turncoats operating against him on the insideā€”President Trumpā€™s popularity has increased. They havenā€™t stopped him from coming to the fore in 2024. He came! He came without Twitter. He came without Facebook. He came without Snapchat or Discord or Stripe. Somehow or other, he came just the same!

Pulling President Trump off ballots is the establishmentā€™s latest attempt to censor a candidate that they clearly believe will winā€”if the people are left to decide. Weā€™ve reached a dangerous and scary point when so many are willing to look the other way because their preferred candidate isnā€™t the one under attack.

To end where we beganā€”President Trump potentially has actionable defamation claims against all those who continue to label him an insurrectionist. That includes judges on the Colorado Supreme Court and Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows. But thatā€™s likely not a battle he could win. The 2024 race? Thatā€™s another matter.

The Continuing Plot to Silence Trumpā€™s 2024 Comeback
You are correct about one thing there was no insurrection ; it was an attempted insurrection. It would have been an insurrection if it had been successful.
How does a president have an insurrection of his own government?
When they place themselves above the Constitution and the well-being of the nation. Our presidents are usually good leaders as well as being good public servants. We have no kings in America. All men are created equal.
A self-coup, also called an autocoup (from Spanishautogolpe) or coup from the top, is a form of coup d'Ć©tatin which a nation's head, having come to power through legal means, tries to stay in power through illegal means. The leader may dissolve or render powerless the national legislature and unlawfully assume extraordinary powers not granted under normal circumstances. Other measures may include annulling the nation's constitution, suspending civil courts, and having the head of government assume dictatorial powers.[1][2]
Sounds a lot like what our Democrat state governor did during early COVID -2020.
When they place themselves above the Constitution and the well-being of the nation. Our presidents are usually good leaders as well as being good public servants. We have no kings in America. All men are created equal.
A president doesn't attack their own government.
Guilty in the legal sense or in the J6 TV extravaganza?

Lizzie, your 'Super Patriot' got her ass handed to her in her home state, Padre.

Lizzie, along with little Adam, weren't Pelosi preferred undercover dem's?
Yeah, she knew her political future would be in jeopardy if she goes up against your orange fuhrer and yet she dared to do so.

But, that still doesn't answer my question. You started this thread with the claim that only Dems think the orange douchebag is an insurrectionist - making it appear as some sort of partisan - but then you bring in Liz Cheney, a hard right-wing Conservative who did find Trump guilty of insurrection.

So, in effect, trashing your own thread. :auiqs.jpg: You really are a moron, aren't you? :itsok:
You are correct about one thing there was no insurrection ; it was an attempted insurrection. It would have been an insurrection if it had been successful.
FBI blew that out of the water..........try again.
LOL You think I am a "Padre" for not being into gay retards? Thanks for confirming you are a moron. :auiqs.jpg:
Actually you're more like a Skippy. You just wish there were more gay retards you can dip your stick easier LOL.

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