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I agree with you about the Christian Churchs that support the death penalty for homosexuals but I don't think Radical Muslims and Radical Christians are the same thing, I don't see Radical Christians indoctrinating new generations of Radical Christians and Madrassas and sending them to wage jihad in other countries, I don't see Radical Christians brainwashing their youth to become suicide bombers, I don't see Radical Christians trying to overthrow governments to make them more Christians. I see Radical Muslims doing all of this on a daily basis.

You're right. Radical Christians in our country are not violent. They are in Northern Ireland, however.

Terrorists are misusing Islamic religious rhetoric and brainwashing their youth to become suicide bombers.

That is NOT a function of the cause as being Islam.

The cause of terrorism is narrow minded extremism, lack of feeling other methods will work and hatred.

The terrorists in Northern Ireland have for the most part kept their attacks in the UK, I don't recall them attacking the US, Russia or Germany for example. Islamic terrorists for the most part just want to kill everyone, even other Muslims.

That's not true. Terrorists want the west out of their lands. Those who want to 'kill everybody' are psychopaths.
Did you know Ropey wants me to go to Iran?

I think hes just using Iran as an example, I wouldn't even wish my worst enemy to go to Iran, its a shame because I love Iranian cuisine and their women are banging!

No. He wants me to go there so I can experience his definition of physical submission instead of my version of spiritual surrender.

If this was before 1979 I would go there, Persian cuisine is some of my favorite, would love to eat it from the motherland.
You're right. Radical Christians in our country are not violent. They are in Northern Ireland, however.

Terrorists are misusing Islamic religious rhetoric and brainwashing their youth to become suicide bombers.

That is NOT a function of the cause as being Islam.

The cause of terrorism is narrow minded extremism, lack of feeling other methods will work and hatred.

The terrorists in Northern Ireland have for the most part kept their attacks in the UK, I don't recall them attacking the US, Russia or Germany for example. Islamic terrorists for the most part just want to kill everyone, even other Muslims.

That's not true. Terrorists want the west out of their lands.

Thats all? than why the 9/11 attacks? Khobar towers? the US Embassy attacks in Africa? when all of this happened, there were 0 US Troops in Iraq or Afghanistan.
You are the one making assumptions. If facts are laid on the table and they are ugly, covering them with a pretty cloth of deceit does not make them go away. When the reporter was raped (by muslims) in Egypt, it really troubled you. We are trying to figure out how to openly discuss the "facts" and how to improve our own "infidel" relationship with muslims (since they are such a huge portion of the population). If we walk into any country in the world that is run by islam (and we are not muslim or male), we are in danger. That is not racist, it is not predjudice, it is fact. As a conservative, I would like to see the freedoms offered in this country exported to other countries. I would like to see peaceful societies co-exist. If we are unwilling to "mention" problems, the problems will only get worse. By exposing Shariah for what it is, forces muslims to acknowledge there might be a better way (of government), as demonstrated by riots all over the ME. You claim to be knowledgeable with suffis(?sp). You have claimed they are peaceful. Do you know if they use Shariah? Do you know if women are given equal rights? Help us, don't stop the dialog.

What assumptions do you think I am making? The OP link is anti-islamic propaganda. It condemns the entire religion.

If you were to travel in Malaysia you would as a westerner have no problem even though that is a Muslim majority culture. I would not be afraid to travel in Malaysia.

I completely salute the Egyptian people for throwing Mubarak out and I hope the Libyans do the same to Qadaffi.

I've never heard of Sufi's using Shariah Law, but I am not an expert on Sufism or Shariah Law. Like you, I've only heard of Shariah Law as it is practiced horribly in some Islamic theocracies.

I've known Sufis and was very close to one, who mentored me in counseling back in the mid-eighties. The Sufi who mentored me was a woman. I am a great fan of Sufi poets, and find their spiritual message completely compatible with Buddhism.

Mention all the problems you have with Shariah Law. I have plenty myself. But don't tell me all of Islam is violent and that the Islamic religion is INHERENTLY violent.

I traveled in Muslim areas and did not fear for my safety. I was unnerved however, by not seeing any women out in public unless they were accompanied by men and wearing veils.

Article: US warns of possible terrorist attacks in Malaysia ...
Free article about 'US warns of possible terrorist attacks in Malaysia.' at AccessMyLibrary.com. Search information that libraries trust!

www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-23276145_ITMTerrorist attacks in Bali by 3 Malaysia suicide bombers from Al ...
Weblog | Articles | Satire | Links | About | Contact. Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Terrorist attacks in Bali by 3 ...

Militant Islam Monitor Advice for Malaysia - Australian Department of Foreign ...

We advise you to exercise caution and monitor developments that might affect your safety in Malaysia because of the risk of terrorist attack. In planning your activities ...

Travel Advice for MalaysiaMalaysia - Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade says US terrorist attack warning on Sabah "misleading"
KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia has urged the United States to review a travel advisory that warned terrorists are targeting Borneo tourist destinations, describing it as ...

Malaysia says US terrorist attack warning on Sabah misleading - Channel NewsAsia regroup in southern Thailand
In fact, Washington had in May issued a warning of possible terrorist attacks emanating from Sabah, Malaysia, and ...

www.atimes.com/atimes/Southeast_Asia/EH19Ae05.htmlU.S. warns of possible terrorist attack in Malaysia Truly Asia
0 posts · By Cole
"It is the responsibility of Islam to embrace the liberties required for citizens of a modern state, and not the other way around." Family Security Matters

thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/11/27/nation/20081127152958&sec=nationTerrorism Arrives In Malaysia
Jan 12, 2010 · A recent spate of church attacks forces the nation to examine ... fiction, Velvet and Cinder Blocks, details a planned attack on a Christian landmark in Malaysia.


You think Malaysia is safe? Do you think that you (alone) would be safe anywhere a predominant muslim population was?

I am not saying that all muslims are evil and violent. I am saying that there are too many muslims that are... evil and violent. How do we change that? How do we reach people that think they are listening to a prophet that died fourteen hundred years ago that told them to force conversion, kill or treat as second class citizen those that do not believe as they do.

Instead of preaching how full of love you are for all (except Christians), why don't you help us figure out how to make it better?

You're still telling me I hate Christians. We can't talk with you holding that view. It doesn't fit for me.

Bye. If you insist on telling me I'm a hater I will just have to put you on ignore.

Too bad. I would love to talk about how to create peace.
Last edited:
What assumptions do you think I am making? The OP link is anti-islamic propaganda. It condemns the entire religion.

If you were to travel in Malaysia you would as a westerner have no problem even though that is a Muslim majority culture. I would not be afraid to travel in Malaysia.

I completely salute the Egyptian people for throwing Mubarak out and I hope the Libyans do the same to Qadaffi.

I've never heard of Sufi's using Shariah Law, but I am not an expert on Sufism or Shariah Law. Like you, I've only heard of Shariah Law as it is practiced horribly in some Islamic theocracies.

I've known Sufis and was very close to one, who mentored me in counseling back in the mid-eighties. The Sufi who mentored me was a woman. I am a great fan of Sufi poets, and find their spiritual message completely compatible with Buddhism.

Mention all the problems you have with Shariah Law. I have plenty myself. But don't tell me all of Islam is violent and that the Islamic religion is INHERENTLY violent.

I traveled in Muslim areas and did not fear for my safety. I was unnerved however, by not seeing any women out in public unless they were accompanied by men and wearing veils.

Article: US warns of possible terrorist attacks in Malaysia ...
Free article about 'US warns of possible terrorist attacks in Malaysia.' at AccessMyLibrary.com. Search information that libraries trust!

www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-23276145_ITMTerrorist attacks in Bali by 3 Malaysia suicide bombers from Al ...
Weblog | Articles | Satire | Links | About | Contact. Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Terrorist attacks in Bali by 3 ...

Militant Islam Monitor Advice for Malaysia - Australian Department of Foreign ...

We advise you to exercise caution and monitor developments that might affect your safety in Malaysia because of the risk of terrorist attack. In planning your activities ...

Travel Advice for MalaysiaMalaysia - Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade says US terrorist attack warning on Sabah "misleading"
KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia has urged the United States to review a travel advisory that warned terrorists are targeting Borneo tourist destinations, describing it as ...

Malaysia says US terrorist attack warning on Sabah misleading - Channel NewsAsia regroup in southern Thailand
In fact, Washington had in May issued a warning of possible terrorist attacks emanating from Sabah, Malaysia, and ...

www.atimes.com/atimes/Southeast_Asia/EH19Ae05.htmlU.S. warns of possible terrorist attack in Malaysia Truly Asia
0 posts · By Cole
"It is the responsibility of Islam to embrace the liberties required for citizens of a modern state, and not the other way around." Family Security Matters

thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/11/27/nation/20081127152958&sec=nationTerrorism Arrives In Malaysia
Jan 12, 2010 · A recent spate of church attacks forces the nation to examine ... fiction, Velvet and Cinder Blocks, details a planned attack on a Christian landmark in Malaysia.


You think Malaysia is safe? Do you think that you (alone) would be safe anywhere a predominant muslim population was?

I am not saying that all muslims are evil and violent. I am saying that there are too many muslims that are... evil and violent. How do we change that? How do we reach people that think they are listening to a prophet that died fourteen hundred years ago that told them to force conversion, kill or treat as second class citizen those that do not believe as they do.

Instead of preaching how full of love you are for all (except Christians), why don't you help us figure out how to make it better?

You're still telling me I hate Christians. We can't talk with you holding that view. It doesn't fit for me.

Bye. If you insist on telling me I'm a hater I will just have to put you on ignore.

Promises! Promises! And More Promises! :D
I have a problem with ANY faith seeking to impose itself on others. Muslims are not alone in that. Historically, other religions have practiced violent conversion.

In 777 , Charlemagne, a devout Christian, after conquering the Saxon rebels, gave them a choice between baptism and execution. When they refused to convert, he had 4500 of them beheaded in one morning.

How about comparing the numbers killed by each religion in this century Sky Dancer? Or does the truth bother you too much? If you want you can take it a century at a time. You can even compare the numbers killed by islam in the seven hundreds, not that you would do that, you might have to face "truth".

How does bashing those that want to expose truth, help? How does defending an entire religios group (including those that kill and maim for pleasure) seperate those that are crimminal? There is no one here that belives every muslim is evil. We want to figure out how to stop the violence and abuse.

If you want to figure out how to stop the violence in the Middle East that's one thing. Consider all the causes and conditions NOT JUST religion. Consider tribalism. Consider theocracy itself. Consider totalitarian regimes. Don't condemn THE ENTIRE RELIGION.

I am bashing no one. I simply offer an alternative view.

If you want Muslims to take responsibility for their governments then support their efforts to be free. Salute the Egyptians and the Libyans for throwing out dictators. Don't ignore the fact that Muslims are not the only ones who have historically converted by force. Don't ignore that religious violence occurs in the world with other religions than Islam.

Stop trying to make me out as some kind of supporter of violence and abuse because I have known peaceful Muslims and love Sufism. I'm trying to offer some balance to the usual Muslim hate that goes on in these threads.

The climate in our own country is hateful toward Muslims. Why is it you have no concerns about that? Muslim Americans are not committing the violence and abuse that so concern you.

Maybe we ought stay out of the Middle East and not impose western culture on them.

How about some links for all the violence done to muslims in this country? I am not ignoring history. I am using history to point out that unless islam is prevented from spreading the violent sects/parts/people, it will continue (check history).

If you are not condemning violence (speaking out against it), it is a tolerance for violence done (against others). If you are not calling out the muslims that use their faith to committ violence, it is like you are supporting them.
The terrorists in Northern Ireland have for the most part kept their attacks in the UK, I don't recall them attacking the US, Russia or Germany for example. Islamic terrorists for the most part just want to kill everyone, even other Muslims.

That's not true. Terrorists want the west out of their lands.

Thats all? than why the 9/11 attacks? Khobar towers? the US Embassy attacks in Africa? when all of this happened, there were 0 US Troops in Iraq or Afghanistan.

I oversimplifed. If you want to discuss 9/11. We can do that. If you want to discuss the US Embassy attacks in Africa, we can do that.

If you want to tie it all together into some conspiracy theory, I'm out.
That's not true. Terrorists want the west out of their lands.

Thats all? than why the 9/11 attacks? Khobar towers? the US Embassy attacks in Africa? when all of this happened, there were 0 US Troops in Iraq or Afghanistan.

I oversimplifed. If you want to discuss 9/11. We can do that. If you want to discuss the US Embassy attacks in Africa, we can do that.

If you want to tie it all together into some conspiracy theory, I'm out.

Both attacks were done by Radical Muslims and both attacks were sanctioned by Bin Laden, what conspiracy theories are you talking about?
The terrorists in Northern Ireland have for the most part kept their attacks in the UK, I don't recall them attacking the US, Russia or Germany for example. Islamic terrorists for the most part just want to kill everyone, even other Muslims.

That's not true. Terrorists want the west out of their lands.

Thats all? than why the 9/11 attacks?

I don't understand why this question is still being asked...

"As for those who condemned these operations looked at the event in isolation and failed to connect them to past events and did not look at the causes that led to this result... So these blessed and successful strikes are but in reaction to what happened in our lands..." [sic]​

They were motivated by a century of interventionism.

How about comparing the numbers killed by each religion in this century Sky Dancer? Or does the truth bother you too much? If you want you can take it a century at a time. You can even compare the numbers killed by islam in the seven hundreds, not that you would do that, you might have to face "truth".

How does bashing those that want to expose truth, help? How does defending an entire religios group (including those that kill and maim for pleasure) seperate those that are crimminal? There is no one here that belives every muslim is evil. We want to figure out how to stop the violence and abuse.

If you want to figure out how to stop the violence in the Middle East that's one thing. Consider all the causes and conditions NOT JUST religion. Consider tribalism. Consider theocracy itself. Consider totalitarian regimes. Don't condemn THE ENTIRE RELIGION.

I am bashing no one. I simply offer an alternative view.

If you want Muslims to take responsibility for their governments then support their efforts to be free. Salute the Egyptians and the Libyans for throwing out dictators. Don't ignore the fact that Muslims are not the only ones who have historically converted by force. Don't ignore that religious violence occurs in the world with other religions than Islam.

Stop trying to make me out as some kind of supporter of violence and abuse because I have known peaceful Muslims and love Sufism. I'm trying to offer some balance to the usual Muslim hate that goes on in these threads.

The climate in our own country is hateful toward Muslims. Why is it you have no concerns about that? Muslim Americans are not committing the violence and abuse that so concern you.

Maybe we ought stay out of the Middle East and not impose western culture on them.

How about some links for all the violence done to muslims in this country? I am not ignoring history. I am using history to point out that unless islam is prevented from spreading the violent sects/parts/people, it will continue (check history).

If you are not condemning violence (speaking out against it), it is a tolerance for violence done (against others). If you are not calling out the muslims that use their faith to committ violence, it is like you are supporting them.

To date, you have called me a hater, a bigot and a supporter of violence. I'm done talking to you.
That's not true. Terrorists want the west out of their lands.

Thats all? than why the 9/11 attacks?

I don't understand why this question is still being asked...

"As for those who condemned these operations looked at the event in isolation and failed to connect them to past events and did not look at the causes that led to this result... So these blessed and successful strikes are but in reaction to what happened in our lands..." [sic]​

They were motivated by a century of interventionism.


Before 9/11 what Muslims countries was the US occupying?
Muslims are not a monolith that acts in total unison with the tenets of the Islamic religion. Discussion is pointless as long as you fail to acknowledge this obvious truth.

I believe that is the very reason for this thread... to figure out how to reach the muslims that are interested in freedom and liberty and how to reduce the number that are "misinterpreting scripture".

Why is it you don't focus on helping violent Christians see the error of their ways? Go on a mission to Northern Ireland.

Is that really about Christianity? Or is it about the English taking the land of the Irish and watching/forcing the Irish to starve?
Did you know Ropey wants me to go to Iran?

I think hes just using Iran as an example, I wouldn't even wish my worst enemy to go to Iran, its a shame because I love Iranian cuisine and their women are banging!

No. He wants me to go there so I can experience his definition of physical submission instead of my version of spiritual surrender.

Since you support Islam, then you must learn what Islam is on the ground where it is and not where you are protected.


You care not for the effects on the ground as much as you care for the philosophies of those who do the acts on the ground.

That is a fail.
First of all, I don't go to clubs. I've been married a long time and I'm modest in my behavior especially travelling in foreign lands.

I guess if you didn't show any affection towards your lover you would be ok but still, I wouldn't feel comfortable there if I were gay. They are just not imprisoning gay who go to "clubs" though, they can arrest you if you were caught kissing your wife in a grocery store or pharmacy. I don't think you understand how Muslims in general feel about homosexuality.

First of all, I don't kiss my wife in public here in America. What on earth makes you think I would make a display in a foreign land?

I was kicked out of a restaurant in America for holding hands across the table with a woman who was crying. Wh can't we work on our own issues?

Why is it we think we need to take over other countries?

I don't know. Why is it whenever there is a catastrophie (man-made or natural) the USA is the first one called?
I believe that is the very reason for this thread... to figure out how to reach the muslims that are interested in freedom and liberty and how to reduce the number that are "misinterpreting scripture".

Why is it you don't focus on helping violent Christians see the error of their ways? Go on a mission to Northern Ireland.

Is that really about Christianity? Or is it about the English taking the land of the Irish and watching/forcing the Irish to starve?

If they were Muslims it would certainly be about Islam. Ask Ropey.
That's not true. Terrorists want the west out of their lands.

Thats all? than why the 9/11 attacks?

I don't understand why this question is still being asked...

"As for those who condemned these operations looked at the event in isolation and failed to connect them to past events and did not look at the causes that led to this result... So these blessed and successful strikes are but in reaction to what happened in our lands..." [sic]​

They were motivated by a century of interventionism.


Poor Muslims. 21 Border wars. Flying planes into American buildings. Blowing up religious sites all over the world.

They are simply protecting themselves Kalam? :eusa_hand:

My mistake. :eusa_whistle: (PC)
Thats all? than why the 9/11 attacks? Khobar towers? the US Embassy attacks in Africa? when all of this happened, there were 0 US Troops in Iraq or Afghanistan.

I oversimplifed. If you want to discuss 9/11. We can do that. If you want to discuss the US Embassy attacks in Africa, we can do that.

If you want to tie it all together into some conspiracy theory, I'm out.

Both attacks were done by Radical Muslims and both attacks were sanctioned by Bin Laden, what conspiracy theories are you talking about?

They were done by separate groups not by some world wide mass of Muslims out to getcha.

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