About those "European" Jews . . . .

we have all seen it posted time and time again that the Jews who now inhabit Israel are 'invaders' from Europe

I have never seen anyone claim that. Has anyone else?

Yes, many times. But I dismantled that lie by reminding them that the British has invited the Jews and facilitated their immigration. Also, I posted links showing that an invasion is a military offensive which has nothing to do with immigration.

You dismantled nothing you idiot. The Pope invited Spain and Portugal to settle the Americas. When a settlement and immigration dispossesses and expels the people that had been living in an area for thousands of years, it is an invasion.
The expulsions had nothing to do with the immigration. It had to do with a war that was initiated by 5 Arab states. An invasion is a MILITARY OFFENSIVE BY COMBATANTS. I already gave you links providing that definition. You cannot just change the definition of words to fit y

The Arab states attempted to prevent the expulsion of the Christians and Muslims, they were attempting to stop the Jews from implementing Plan Dalet. You have it backwards.

Was the European settlement of the lands of the Native Americans not, effectively, an invasion?
we have all seen it posted time and time again that the Jews who now inhabit Israel are 'invaders' from Europe

I have never seen anyone claim that. Has anyone else?

Yes, many times. But I dismantled that lie by reminding them that the British has invited the Jews and facilitated their immigration. Also, I posted links showing that an invasion is a military offensive which has nothing to do with immigration.

You dismantled nothing you idiot. The Pope invited Spain and Portugal to settle the Americas. When a settlement and immigration dispossesses and expels the people that had been living in an area for thousands of years, it is an invasion.
The expulsions had nothing to do with the immigration. It had to do with a war that was initiated by 5 Arab states. An invasion is a MILITARY OFFENSIVE BY COMBATANTS. I already gave you links providing that definition. You cannot just change the definition of words to fit y

The Arab states attempted to prevent the expulsion of the Christians and Muslims, they were attempting to stop the Jews from implementing Plan Dalet. You have it backwards.

Was the European settlement of the lands of the Native Americans not, effectively, an invasion?

What do I have backwards? The 5 Arab states attacked Israel first after invading the region. Not the other way around.
oh, and:

Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict

“I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre or the Crusader wars.”
- Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League
(Akhbar al-Yom, Egypt, October 11, 1947; quoted in David Barnett and Efraim Karsh, “Azzam’s Genocidal Threat,” Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2011)

“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea… Even if we are beaten now in Palestine, we will never submit. We will never accept the Jewish state... But for politics, the Egyptian army alone, or volunteers of the Muslim Brotherhood, could have destroyed the Jews.”
- Hassan al-Banna, Muslim Brotherhood founder
(New York Times, August 2, 1948)
The Pope invited Spain and Portugal to settle the Americas. When a settlement and immigration dispossesses and expels the people that had been living in an area for thousands of years, it is an invasion.
So, who "invited" arabs to settle palestine, first, and then to invade it, second?

During the Muslim conquests, when Palestine was conquered, the Christian Byzantine ruling elites were given the option to convert to Islam or leave. Most left. The Arab elites took over the vacant Byzantine estates and continued where the Byzantines left off. There was never any mass migration of Arabs from Arabia into Palestine; later migrants went to Mesopotamia. The population of Byzantine Palestine just exchanged one set of rulers for another. The "locals" were always there, always had been, and remained until 1947 when the Zionist colonists started ethnically cleansing them.
Which of the following are "Jews?" I know, I know ... I must be "anti-Semitic" to even ask:




I'll let you decide!!!

A better question to ask would be, "Which of the three is the Ashkenazi?"

Just a reminder, Israel belongs to ALL Jews. Ashkenazi, Sephardic...it doesn't matter where their ancestors came from. Try and get that through your shitty little brain :)

And Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492. Please stay focused, Toasty, the subject is about European Jews and has nothing at all to do with whom Israel belongs to. My comment merely attempted, perhaps poorly, to show how easy it is to tell the Ashkenazi Jews (Europeans) from others . . . you horse's caboose you :)

All caps is shouting. I'm only quoting what today's Jews say about themselves. God will judge you for rejecting truth and accepting a lie. He will also judge the religious-self-righteous who believe they have the right to judge the souls of believers in Christ. I find it interesting that you are so quick to condemn someone who has accepted the blood of Christ and Him as Savior while defending them who reject Christ as the Son of God. You should reflect on that fact and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit:

John 3:18, "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

No you are repeating what is posted on ANTI SEMITIC, NEO NAZI and WHITE SUPREMACIST sites all over the world. The people you refer to are charlatans or their works are taken out of context. Next you will be quoting The Protocols as a work of fact and that it shows the Jews as wanting to dominate all mankind.

Wikipedia is an "anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi" site? Koestler's book is "White Supremacist?" LOL. Koestler was a Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist? Is that what you're really trying to say? The Jewish Almanac (and Jewish Encyclopedia) are "Anti-Semitic" literature? Alrighty then!!!

Another Jewish historian by the name of Benjamin Freedman also postulated that the majority of modern Jews are descendants of the Khazars in his booklet, "Facts are Facts." Freedman was raised in Judaism but converted to Catholicism and was an opponent of the Zionist movement:

Benjamin H. Freedman - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Facts are Facts: FACTS ARE FACTS including illustrations by Benjamin H. Freedman

Anti Semites like "drifting shit" always navigate to other Jews haters like shit does to flies. Benjamin Freedman, a totally unqualified nobody who converted to Catholicism, and then became a professional moron. Oh but he was a Jew so I guess what he says counts. Ha ha ha. Here is your "Benjamin Freedman" and his shining resume:

Benjamin Harrison[1] Freedman (1890 – May 1984)[2] was an American businessman and anti-Zionist[3][4] activist, accused of anti-semitism by ideological opponents.[5][6][7] He converted fromJudaism to Roman Catholicism.[8] Freedman was a partner in a dermatological institute and in small business.

Benjamin H Freedman was listed on the letterhead of the Institute for Arab American Affairs and around 1946, along with his wife, listed as "R M Schoendorf" (Rose M. Schoendorf Freedman), "sponsored a series of advertisements under the imprint of 'The League for Peace with Justice in Palestine'".[11] In 1946 he sued the American Jewish Committee for libel and the case was thrown out in less than a month.

Freedman opposed the nomination of Anna M. Rosenberg to be Assistant Secretary of Defense in 1950.[21] An article in theADL Bulletin entitled The Plot Against Ann Rosenberg attributed the attacks on Rosenberg's loyalty to "professional anti-Semites and lunatic nationalists," including the "Jew-baiting cabal of John Rankin, Benjamin Freedman, and Gerald Smith."[7]

Freedman, an apostate Jew, was well known to the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee as an active supporter of the Arab cause in the Middle East. (fn 33) In the course of his erratic and often contradictory testimony before the Senate committee, Freedman revealed the roles played by anti-Semitic agitators and right-wing anticommunists — including Gerald L.K. Smith, Conde McGinley, the "Reverend" Wesley Swift, Congressman John Rankin, Senator Joseph McCarthy, and J.B. Matthews — in the campaign against the Rosenberg appointment. (fn 34)[7]

He is mentioned in a report by the House Un-American Activities Committee.



Another yuppy who resorts to name-calling when he lacks the facts to defend his incorrect position. Don't like Obama? You're a "racist." Don't agree with gay marriage? You're a "homophobe." Believe in a secure border? You're a "xenophobe." Don't believe that today's Jews are related to biblical Israel? You're a "Jew hater." See how it works folks. Attack the messenger while ignoring the message.

Just posted what your own source Wikipedia says about your hero "Benjamin Freedman". So yes, if you're quoting people like David Duke, then chances are you guys think alike.

Are you trying to say you're not a Jew hater, weasel? Then stop quoting career Jew haters. Simple. Ha ha ha.

Man ... you seem filled with hatred and animosity. I post something written by a Jew and I'm a "Jew hater?" Just how do you come to that conclusion -- genius? Your very best arguments are name-calling and misrepresentation of me and my beliefs. You lower you level of integrity when you resort to slander and Liberal tactics. Time to grow up and learn to communicate in an adult manner.

Benjamin Freedman is a Jew who happens to disagree with other Jews. That, in and of itself, doesn't make him a monster, a racist, or a kook. It just means that he sees things from a different perspective than you do. Nevertheless, he's a Jew who had an opinion and I simply posted it. Take it or leave it. It matters not to me.

Benjamin Freedman WAS a Jew who converted to Catholicism who made a career out of hating Jews and Israel. Read your own source, Drifting Shit. You constant reference to career Jew haters and garden variety anti semites makes you what you are, a drifty Jew hating bullshiter who likes to bait Jews. Get a life.
Driftingsand, interesting this "Thirteenth Tribe" you mention. I will have to give it a bit of a read. I did google the Khazars talked about and came across this tibdit:

Beginning in the 8th century, Khazar royalty and notable segments of the aristocracy converted to Judaism; the populace appears to have been multi-confessional—a mosaic of pagan, Tengrist, Jewish, Christian and Muslim worshippers—and polyethnic.[15] A modern theory, that the core of Ashkenazi Jewry emerged from a hypothetical Khazarian Jewish diaspora, is now viewed with scepticism by most scholars,[16] but occasionally supported by others.[17] This Khazarian hypothesis is sometimes associated with antisemitism and anti-Zionism.

Link: Khazars - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I also took a look at Arthur Koestler's wiki article and saw this:

After arriving (in Palestine), for a few weeks Koestler lived in a kibbutz, an agricultural collective. His application to join the collective (Kvutzat Heftziba) was rejected by its members.[8]

Link:Arthur Koestler - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So I have to wonder if that colored his thoughts, as well as the fact that he used to be a zionist but changed.

But seriously, forget the DNA testing and all that. Can one actually think that most of the world's Jews are now from a little ancient country that converted to Judiasm and now is no more? If so, does this mean that the Jews who did come from ancient Israel, another ancient country, no longer exist at all?

I think not. Logic defies that notion.

Koestler's theory was flushed down the toilet due to the latest DNA findings.
The Pope invited Spain and Portugal to settle the Americas. When a settlement and immigration dispossesses and expels the people that had been living in an area for thousands of years, it is an invasion.
So, who "invited" arabs to settle palestine, first, and then to invade it, second?

During the Muslim conquests, when Palestine was conquered, the Christian Byzantine ruling elites were given the option to convert to Islam or leave. Most left. The Arab elites took over the vacant Byzantine estates and continued where the Byzantines left off. There was never any mass migration of Arabs from Arabia into Palestine; later migrants went to Mesopotamia. The population of Byzantine Palestine just exchanged one set of rulers for another. The "locals" were always there, always had been, and remained until 1947 when the Zionist colonists started ethnically cleansing them.

Your opinions of population demographics and migrations going back to the Crusades and Jihads are totally worthless.

Can you show us evidence of this "ethnic cleansing" by Zionists? In fact, the evidence shows the exact opposite.
Which of the following are "Jews?" I know, I know ... I must be "anti-Semitic" to even ask:




I'll let you decide!!!

This is meaningless as you know. I can post pictures of European Jews that look like Sephardim, and I can post pictures of Sephardim and Mizrahi Jews that look like Ashkenazis. What is your point, Drifting Shit?

Is this guy an Ashkenazi Jew, a Catholic, an Arab, or a Muslim?


And here's an "ashkenazi Jew" for you:


Your attempts at generalizing have failed miserably, now run along before you embarass yourself even more.
Last edited:
All caps is shouting. I'm only quoting what today's Jews say about themselves. God will judge you for rejecting truth and accepting a lie. He will also judge the religious-self-righteous who believe they have the right to judge the souls of believers in Christ. I find it interesting that you are so quick to condemn someone who has accepted the blood of Christ and Him as Savior while defending them who reject Christ as the Son of God. You should reflect on that fact and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit:

John 3:18, "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

No you are repeating what is posted on ANTI SEMITIC, NEO NAZI and WHITE SUPREMACIST sites all over the world. The people you refer to are charlatans or their works are taken out of context. Next you will be quoting The Protocols as a work of fact and that it shows the Jews as wanting to dominate all mankind.

Wikipedia is an "anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi" site? Koestler's book is "White Supremacist?" LOL. Koestler was a Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist? Is that what you're really trying to say? The Jewish Almanac (and Jewish Encyclopedia) are "Anti-Semitic" literature? Alrighty then!!!

Another Jewish historian by the name of Benjamin Freedman also postulated that the majority of modern Jews are descendants of the Khazars in his booklet, "Facts are Facts." Freedman was raised in Judaism but converted to Catholicism and was an opponent of the Zionist movement:

Benjamin H. Freedman - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Facts are Facts: FACTS ARE FACTS including illustrations by Benjamin H. Freedman

Anti Semites like "drifting shit" always navigate to other Jews haters like shit does to flies. Benjamin Freedman, a totally unqualified nobody who converted to Catholicism, and then became a professional moron. Oh but he was a Jew so I guess what he says counts. Ha ha ha. Here is your "Benjamin Freedman" and his shining resume:

Benjamin Harrison[1] Freedman (1890 – May 1984)[2] was an American businessman and anti-Zionist[3][4] activist, accused of anti-semitism by ideological opponents.[5][6][7] He converted fromJudaism to Roman Catholicism.[8] Freedman was a partner in a dermatological institute and in small business.

Benjamin H Freedman was listed on the letterhead of the Institute for Arab American Affairs and around 1946, along with his wife, listed as "R M Schoendorf" (Rose M. Schoendorf Freedman), "sponsored a series of advertisements under the imprint of 'The League for Peace with Justice in Palestine'".[11] In 1946 he sued the American Jewish Committee for libel and the case was thrown out in less than a month.

Freedman opposed the nomination of Anna M. Rosenberg to be Assistant Secretary of Defense in 1950.[21] An article in theADL Bulletin entitled The Plot Against Ann Rosenberg attributed the attacks on Rosenberg's loyalty to "professional anti-Semites and lunatic nationalists," including the "Jew-baiting cabal of John Rankin, Benjamin Freedman, and Gerald Smith."[7]

Freedman, an apostate Jew, was well known to the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee as an active supporter of the Arab cause in the Middle East. (fn 33) In the course of his erratic and often contradictory testimony before the Senate committee, Freedman revealed the roles played by anti-Semitic agitators and right-wing anticommunists — including Gerald L.K. Smith, Conde McGinley, the "Reverend" Wesley Swift, Congressman John Rankin, Senator Joseph McCarthy, and J.B. Matthews — in the campaign against the Rosenberg appointment. (fn 34)[7]

He is mentioned in a report by the House Un-American Activities Committee.



Another yuppy who resorts to name-calling when he lacks the facts to defend his incorrect position. Don't like Obama? You're a "racist." Don't agree with gay marriage? You're a "homophobe." Believe in a secure border? You're a "xenophobe." Don't believe that today's Jews are related to biblical Israel? You're a "Jew hater." See how it works folks. Attack the messenger while ignoring the message.

Just posted what your own source Wikipedia says about your hero "Benjamin Freedman". So yes, if you're quoting people like David Duke, then chances are you guys think alike.

Are you trying to say you're not a Jew hater, weasel? Then stop quoting career Jew haters. Simple. Ha ha ha.

Man ... you seem filled with hatred and animosity. I post something written by a Jew and I'm a "Jew hater?" Just how do you come to that conclusion -- genius? Your very best arguments are name-calling and misrepresentation of me and my beliefs. You lower you level of integrity when you resort to slander and Liberal tactics. Time to grow up and learn to communicate in an adult manner.

Benjamin Freedman is a Jew who happens to disagree with other Jews. That, in and of itself, doesn't make him a monster, a racist, or a kook. It just means that he sees things from a different perspective than you do. Nevertheless, he's a Jew who had an opinion and I simply posted it. Take it or leave it. It matters not to me.

Benjamin Freedman WAS a Jew who converted to Catholicism who made a career out of hating Jews and Israel. Read your own source, Drifting Shit. You constant reference to career Jew haters and garden variety anti semites makes you what you are, a drifty Jew hating bullshiter who likes to bait Jews. Get a life.

Freedman "WAS" a Jew by blood or a Jew by religion? If you are saying that a Jew is only a Jew by religion then how can anyone claim to be "God's chosen" by race?
Which of the following are "Jews?" I know, I know ... I must be "anti-Semitic" to even ask:




I'll let you decide!!!

This is meaningless as you know. I can post pictures of European Jews that look like Sephardim, and I can post pictures of Sephardim and Mizrahi Jews that look like Ashkenazis. What is your point, Drifting Shit?

Each man in the photos claim to be Jews. Are you saying that they are liars? Sammy Davis & Paul Newman both claim Jewish heritage (by blood).
Which of the following are "Jews?" I know, I know ... I must be "anti-Semitic" to even ask:




I'll let you decide!!!

This is meaningless as you know. I can post pictures of European Jews that look like Sephardim, and I can post pictures of Sephardim and Mizrahi Jews that look like Ashkenazis. What is your point, Drifting Shit?

Is this guy an Ashkenazi Jew, a Catholic, an Arab, or a Muslim?

Robert Spencer, Catholic
The Pope invited Spain and Portugal to settle the Americas. When a settlement and immigration dispossesses and expels the people that had been living in an area for thousands of years, it is an invasion.
So, who "invited" arabs to settle palestine, first, and then to invade it, second?
During the Muslim conquests, when Palestine was conquered, the Christian Byzantine ruling elites were given the option to convert to Islam or leave. Most left. The Arab elites took over the vacant Byzantine estates and continued where the Byzantines left off. There was never any mass migration of Arabs from Arabia into Palestine; later migrants went to Mesopotamia. The population of Byzantine Palestine just exchanged one set of rulers for another. The "locals" were always there, always had been, and remained until 1947 when the Zionist colonists started ethnically cleansing them.
But, as described by Winnie Churchill of blessed memory, "So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population.".
Churchill definitely knew what he was writing about, of course.
No you are repeating what is posted on ANTI SEMITIC, NEO NAZI and WHITE SUPREMACIST sites all over the world. The people you refer to are charlatans or their works are taken out of context. Next you will be quoting The Protocols as a work of fact and that it shows the Jews as wanting to dominate all mankind.

Wikipedia is an "anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi" site? Koestler's book is "White Supremacist?" LOL. Koestler was a Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist? Is that what you're really trying to say? The Jewish Almanac (and Jewish Encyclopedia) are "Anti-Semitic" literature? Alrighty then!!!

Anti Semites like "drifting shit" always navigate to other Jews haters like shit does to flies. Benjamin Freedman, a totally unqualified nobody who converted to Catholicism, and then became a professional moron. Oh but he was a Jew so I guess what he says counts. Ha ha ha. Here is your "Benjamin Freedman" and his shining resume:

Benjamin Harrison[1] Freedman (1890 – May 1984)[2] was an American businessman and anti-Zionist[3][4] activist, accused of anti-semitism by ideological opponents.[5][6][7] He converted fromJudaism to Roman Catholicism.[8] Freedman was a partner in a dermatological institute and in small business.

Benjamin H Freedman was listed on the letterhead of the Institute for Arab American Affairs and around 1946, along with his wife, listed as "R M Schoendorf" (Rose M. Schoendorf Freedman), "sponsored a series of advertisements under the imprint of 'The League for Peace with Justice in Palestine'".[11] In 1946 he sued the American Jewish Committee for libel and the case was thrown out in less than a month.

Freedman opposed the nomination of Anna M. Rosenberg to be Assistant Secretary of Defense in 1950.[21] An article in theADL Bulletin entitled The Plot Against Ann Rosenberg attributed the attacks on Rosenberg's loyalty to "professional anti-Semites and lunatic nationalists," including the "Jew-baiting cabal of John Rankin, Benjamin Freedman, and Gerald Smith."[7]

Freedman, an apostate Jew, was well known to the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee as an active supporter of the Arab cause in the Middle East. (fn 33) In the course of his erratic and often contradictory testimony before the Senate committee, Freedman revealed the roles played by anti-Semitic agitators and right-wing anticommunists — including Gerald L.K. Smith, Conde McGinley, the "Reverend" Wesley Swift, Congressman John Rankin, Senator Joseph McCarthy, and J.B. Matthews — in the campaign against the Rosenberg appointment. (fn 34)[7]

He is mentioned in a report by the House Un-American Activities Committee.



Another yuppy who resorts to name-calling when he lacks the facts to defend his incorrect position. Don't like Obama? You're a "racist." Don't agree with gay marriage? You're a "homophobe." Believe in a secure border? You're a "xenophobe." Don't believe that today's Jews are related to biblical Israel? You're a "Jew hater." See how it works folks. Attack the messenger while ignoring the message.

Just posted what your own source Wikipedia says about your hero "Benjamin Freedman". So yes, if you're quoting people like David Duke, then chances are you guys think alike.

Are you trying to say you're not a Jew hater, weasel? Then stop quoting career Jew haters. Simple. Ha ha ha.

Man ... you seem filled with hatred and animosity. I post something written by a Jew and I'm a "Jew hater?" Just how do you come to that conclusion -- genius? Your very best arguments are name-calling and misrepresentation of me and my beliefs. You lower you level of integrity when you resort to slander and Liberal tactics. Time to grow up and learn to communicate in an adult manner.

Benjamin Freedman is a Jew who happens to disagree with other Jews. That, in and of itself, doesn't make him a monster, a racist, or a kook. It just means that he sees things from a different perspective than you do. Nevertheless, he's a Jew who had an opinion and I simply posted it. Take it or leave it. It matters not to me.

Benjamin Freedman WAS a Jew who converted to Catholicism who made a career out of hating Jews and Israel. Read your own source, Drifting Shit. You constant reference to career Jew haters and garden variety anti semites makes you what you are, a drifty Jew hating bullshiter who likes to bait Jews. Get a life.

Freedman "WAS" a Jew by blood or a Jew by religion? If you are saying that a Jew is only a Jew by religion then how can anyone claim to be "God's chosen" by race?

There are various factors obviously, knucklehead. A Jew who converts to Islam and joins Al Queda is obviously no longer considered a Jew. Why don't you educate yourself a little before you bray on the internet?

Are Jews a Nation or a Religion?

Judaism can be thought of as being simultaneously a religion, a nationality and a culture.

Throughout the middle ages and into the 20th century, most of the European world agreed that Jews constituted a distinct nation. This concept of nation does not require that a nation have either a territory nor a government, but rather, it identifies, as a nation any distinct group of people with a common language and culture. Only in the 19th century did it become common to assume that each nation should have its own distinct government; this is the political philosophy of nationalism. In fact, Jews had a remarkable degree of self-government until the 19th century. So long as Jews lived in their ghettos, they were allowed to collect their own taxes, run their own courts, and otherwise behave as citizens of a landless and distinctly second-class Jewish nation.

Of course, Judaism is a religion, and it is this religion that forms the central element of the Jewish culture that binds Jews together as a nation. It is the religion that defines foods as being kosher and non-kosher, and this underlies Jewish cuisine. It is the religion that sets the calendar of Jewish feast and fast days, and it is the religion that has preserved the Hebrew language.

Is Judaism an ethnicity? In short, not any more. Although Judaism arose out of a single ethnicity in the Middle East, there have always been conversions into and out of the religion. Thus, there are those who may have been ethnically part of the original group who are no longer part of Judaism, and those of other ethnic groups who have converted into Judaism.

If you are referring to a nation in the sense of race, Judaism is not a nation. People are free to convert into Judaism; once converted, they are considered the same as if they were born Jewish. This is not true for a race.
The Arab states attempted to prevent the expulsion of the Christians and Muslims, they were attempting to stop the Jews from implementing Plan Dalet.
Who made that up?

If the Jews were not intending on establishing rule over the land and expelling the non-Jewish population, there would have been no need for the non-Jews to fight expulsion.

If the Muslims wouldn't have massacred and committed ethnic cleansing on the ancient Jews of Hebron in 1929, the Jews wouldn't find it necessary to arm themselves and form militias to defend themselves from the savage animals.
Which of the following are "Jews?" I know, I know ... I must be "anti-Semitic" to even ask:




I'll let you decide!!!

This is meaningless as you know. I can post pictures of European Jews that look like Sephardim, and I can post pictures of Sephardim and Mizrahi Jews that look like Ashkenazis. What is your point, Drifting Shit?

Is this guy an Ashkenazi Jew, a Catholic, an Arab, or a Muslim?

Robert Spencer, Catholic

Looks like a sephardic Jew to me. Ha ha ha.
Which of the following are "Jews?" I know, I know ... I must be "anti-Semitic" to even ask:




I'll let you decide!!!

This is meaningless as you know. I can post pictures of European Jews that look like Sephardim, and I can post pictures of Sephardim and Mizrahi Jews that look like Ashkenazis. What is your point, Drifting Shit?

Each man in the photos claim to be Jews. Are you saying that they are liars? Sammy Davis & Paul Newman both claim Jewish heritage (by blood).

And your point is?
All caps is shouting. I'm only quoting what today's Jews say about themselves. God will judge you for rejecting truth and accepting a lie. He will also judge the religious-self-righteous who believe they have the right to judge the souls of believers in Christ. I find it interesting that you are so quick to condemn someone who has accepted the blood of Christ and Him as Savior while defending them who reject Christ as the Son of God. You should reflect on that fact and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit:

John 3:18, "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

No you are repeating what is posted on ANTI SEMITIC, NEO NAZI and WHITE SUPREMACIST sites all over the world. The people you refer to are charlatans or their works are taken out of context. Next you will be quoting The Protocols as a work of fact and that it shows the Jews as wanting to dominate all mankind.

Wikipedia is an "anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi" site? Koestler's book is "White Supremacist?" LOL. Koestler was a Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist? Is that what you're really trying to say? The Jewish Almanac (and Jewish Encyclopedia) are "Anti-Semitic" literature? Alrighty then!!!

Another Jewish historian by the name of Benjamin Freedman also postulated that the majority of modern Jews are descendants of the Khazars in his booklet, "Facts are Facts." Freedman was raised in Judaism but converted to Catholicism and was an opponent of the Zionist movement:

Benjamin H. Freedman - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Facts are Facts: FACTS ARE FACTS including illustrations by Benjamin H. Freedman

Anti Semites like "drifting shit" always navigate to other Jews haters like shit does to flies. Benjamin Freedman, a totally unqualified nobody who converted to Catholicism, and then became a professional moron. Oh but he was a Jew so I guess what he says counts. Ha ha ha. Here is your "Benjamin Freedman" and his shining resume:

Benjamin Harrison[1] Freedman (1890 – May 1984)[2] was an American businessman and anti-Zionist[3][4] activist, accused of anti-semitism by ideological opponents.[5][6][7] He converted fromJudaism to Roman Catholicism.[8] Freedman was a partner in a dermatological institute and in small business.

Benjamin H Freedman was listed on the letterhead of the Institute for Arab American Affairs and around 1946, along with his wife, listed as "R M Schoendorf" (Rose M. Schoendorf Freedman), "sponsored a series of advertisements under the imprint of 'The League for Peace with Justice in Palestine'".[11] In 1946 he sued the American Jewish Committee for libel and the case was thrown out in less than a month.

Freedman opposed the nomination of Anna M. Rosenberg to be Assistant Secretary of Defense in 1950.[21] An article in theADL Bulletin entitled The Plot Against Ann Rosenberg attributed the attacks on Rosenberg's loyalty to "professional anti-Semites and lunatic nationalists," including the "Jew-baiting cabal of John Rankin, Benjamin Freedman, and Gerald Smith."[7]

Freedman, an apostate Jew, was well known to the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee as an active supporter of the Arab cause in the Middle East. (fn 33) In the course of his erratic and often contradictory testimony before the Senate committee, Freedman revealed the roles played by anti-Semitic agitators and right-wing anticommunists — including Gerald L.K. Smith, Conde McGinley, the "Reverend" Wesley Swift, Congressman John Rankin, Senator Joseph McCarthy, and J.B. Matthews — in the campaign against the Rosenberg appointment. (fn 34)[7]

He is mentioned in a report by the House Un-American Activities Committee.



Another yuppy who resorts to name-calling when he lacks the facts to defend his incorrect position. Don't like Obama? You're a "racist." Don't agree with gay marriage? You're a "homophobe." Believe in a secure border? You're a "xenophobe." Don't believe that today's Jews are related to biblical Israel? You're a "Jew hater." See how it works folks. Attack the messenger while ignoring the message.

Just posted what your own source Wikipedia says about your hero "Benjamin Freedman". So yes, if you're quoting people like David Duke, then chances are you guys think alike.

Are you trying to say you're not a Jew hater, weasel? Then stop quoting career Jew haters. Simple. Ha ha ha.

Man ... you seem filled with hatred and animosity. I post something written by a Jew and I'm a "Jew hater?" Just how do you come to that conclusion -- genius? Your very best arguments are name-calling and misrepresentation of me and my beliefs. You lower you level of integrity when you resort to slander and Liberal tactics. Time to grow up and learn to communicate in an adult manner.

Benjamin Freedman is a Jew who happens to disagree with other Jews. That, in and of itself, doesn't make him a monster, a racist, or a kook. It just means that he sees things from a different perspective than you do. Nevertheless, he's a Jew who had an opinion and I simply posted it. Take it or leave it. It matters not to me.

Benjamin Freedman WAS a Jew who converted to Catholicism who made a career out of hating Jews and Israel. Read your own source, Drifting Shit. You constant reference to career Jew haters and garden variety anti semites makes you what you are, a drifty Jew hating bullshiter who likes to bait Jews. Get a life.

Listen, Roudy. I'll only say this once. I put that person on ignore on my way out of here last night but when they invited me to the "Bible Study Forum" they had started on the other USMB board - other people on USMB wondered why I declined her invitation and refused to join it or have my name affiliated with it in any way, shape or form. I discerned in my spirit she was a phoney back then and so this latest revelation comes as no surprise to me. I thank God for the Holy Spirit because you can't fool the Holy Spirit! When he says, watch out! You had better heed that warning and realize He knows something about that person that you don't! I thank God for the Holy Spirit and I've already shaken the dust from my feet on the former matter - it's done. You have a nice day, Roudy, and please do not waste another moment listening to that person. There is more going on than meets the eye here.
No you are repeating what is posted on ANTI SEMITIC, NEO NAZI and WHITE SUPREMACIST sites all over the world. The people you refer to are charlatans or their works are taken out of context. Next you will be quoting The Protocols as a work of fact and that it shows the Jews as wanting to dominate all mankind.

Wikipedia is an "anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi" site? Koestler's book is "White Supremacist?" LOL. Koestler was a Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist? Is that what you're really trying to say? The Jewish Almanac (and Jewish Encyclopedia) are "Anti-Semitic" literature? Alrighty then!!!

Anti Semites like "drifting shit" always navigate to other Jews haters like shit does to flies. Benjamin Freedman, a totally unqualified nobody who converted to Catholicism, and then became a professional moron. Oh but he was a Jew so I guess what he says counts. Ha ha ha. Here is your "Benjamin Freedman" and his shining resume:

Benjamin Harrison[1] Freedman (1890 – May 1984)[2] was an American businessman and anti-Zionist[3][4] activist, accused of anti-semitism by ideological opponents.[5][6][7] He converted fromJudaism to Roman Catholicism.[8] Freedman was a partner in a dermatological institute and in small business.

Benjamin H Freedman was listed on the letterhead of the Institute for Arab American Affairs and around 1946, along with his wife, listed as "R M Schoendorf" (Rose M. Schoendorf Freedman), "sponsored a series of advertisements under the imprint of 'The League for Peace with Justice in Palestine'".[11] In 1946 he sued the American Jewish Committee for libel and the case was thrown out in less than a month.

Freedman opposed the nomination of Anna M. Rosenberg to be Assistant Secretary of Defense in 1950.[21] An article in theADL Bulletin entitled The Plot Against Ann Rosenberg attributed the attacks on Rosenberg's loyalty to "professional anti-Semites and lunatic nationalists," including the "Jew-baiting cabal of John Rankin, Benjamin Freedman, and Gerald Smith."[7]

Freedman, an apostate Jew, was well known to the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee as an active supporter of the Arab cause in the Middle East. (fn 33) In the course of his erratic and often contradictory testimony before the Senate committee, Freedman revealed the roles played by anti-Semitic agitators and right-wing anticommunists — including Gerald L.K. Smith, Conde McGinley, the "Reverend" Wesley Swift, Congressman John Rankin, Senator Joseph McCarthy, and J.B. Matthews — in the campaign against the Rosenberg appointment. (fn 34)[7]

He is mentioned in a report by the House Un-American Activities Committee.



Another yuppy who resorts to name-calling when he lacks the facts to defend his incorrect position. Don't like Obama? You're a "racist." Don't agree with gay marriage? You're a "homophobe." Believe in a secure border? You're a "xenophobe." Don't believe that today's Jews are related to biblical Israel? You're a "Jew hater." See how it works folks. Attack the messenger while ignoring the message.

Just posted what your own source Wikipedia says about your hero "Benjamin Freedman". So yes, if you're quoting people like David Duke, then chances are you guys think alike.

Are you trying to say you're not a Jew hater, weasel? Then stop quoting career Jew haters. Simple. Ha ha ha.

Man ... you seem filled with hatred and animosity. I post something written by a Jew and I'm a "Jew hater?" Just how do you come to that conclusion -- genius? Your very best arguments are name-calling and misrepresentation of me and my beliefs. You lower you level of integrity when you resort to slander and Liberal tactics. Time to grow up and learn to communicate in an adult manner.

Benjamin Freedman is a Jew who happens to disagree with other Jews. That, in and of itself, doesn't make him a monster, a racist, or a kook. It just means that he sees things from a different perspective than you do. Nevertheless, he's a Jew who had an opinion and I simply posted it. Take it or leave it. It matters not to me.

Benjamin Freedman WAS a Jew who converted to Catholicism who made a career out of hating Jews and Israel. Read your own source, Drifting Shit. You constant reference to career Jew haters and garden variety anti semites makes you what you are, a drifty Jew hating bullshiter who likes to bait Jews. Get a life.

Listen, Roudy. I'll only say this once. I put that person on ignore on my way out of here last night but when they invited me to the "Bible Study Forum" they had started on the other USMB board - other people on USMB wondered why I declined her invitation and refused to join it or have my name affiliated with it in any way, shape or form. I discerned in my spirit she was a phoney back then and so this latest revelation comes as no surprise to me. I thank God for the Holy Spirit because you can't fool the Holy Spirit! When he says, watch out! You had better heed that warning and realize He knows something about that person that you don't! I thank God for the Holy Spirit and I've already shaken the dust from my feet on the former matter - it's done. You have a nice day, Roudy.

Just because YOU think the Holy Spirit is speaking doesn't mean that He is. Perhaps "another" spirit has you under his grip and you don't realize it. You don't put people on "ignore" unless you have no other intelligent response. Good to know the REAL you.

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