About those "European" Jews . . . .

Which of the following are "Jews?" I know, I know ... I must be "anti-Semitic" to even ask:




I'll let you decide!!!

This is meaningless as you know. I can post pictures of European Jews that look like Sephardim, and I can post pictures of Sephardim and Mizrahi Jews that look like Ashkenazis. What is your point, Drifting Shit?

Each man in the photos claim to be Jews. Are you saying that they are liars? Sammy Davis & Paul Newman both claim Jewish heritage (by blood).

And your point is?

The point is obvious but you fail to answer my question. No answer?
Which of the following are "Jews?" I know, I know ... I must be "anti-Semitic" to even ask:




I'll let you decide!!!

This is meaningless as you know. I can post pictures of European Jews that look like Sephardim, and I can post pictures of Sephardim and Mizrahi Jews that look like Ashkenazis. What is your point, Drifting Shit?

Each man in the photos claim to be Jews. Are you saying that they are liars? Sammy Davis & Paul Newman both claim Jewish heritage (by blood).

And your point is?

The point is obvious but you fail to answer my question. No answer?
There is no point to your obvious provocation.
Which of the following are "Jews?" I know, I know ... I must be "anti-Semitic" to even ask:




I'll let you decide!!!

This is meaningless as you know. I can post pictures of European Jews that look like Sephardim, and I can post pictures of Sephardim and Mizrahi Jews that look like Ashkenazis. What is your point, Drifting Shit?

Each man in the photos claim to be Jews. Are you saying that they are liars? Sammy Davis & Paul Newman both claim Jewish heritage (by blood).

And your point is?

The point is obvious but you fail to answer my question. No answer?
There is no point to your obvious provocation.
So you can't answer the simple question either? It really is a simple question. Why folks have to twist themselves into pretzels in an attempt to avoid the simple answer is beyond my understanding. But ... it is what it is.
This is meaningless as you know. I can post pictures of European Jews that look like Sephardim, and I can post pictures of Sephardim and Mizrahi Jews that look like Ashkenazis. What is your point, Drifting Shit?

Each man in the photos claim to be Jews. Are you saying that they are liars? Sammy Davis & Paul Newman both claim Jewish heritage (by blood).

And your point is?

The point is obvious but you fail to answer my question. No answer?
There is no point to your obvious provocation.
So you can't answer the simple question either? It really is a simple question. Why folks have to twist themselves into pretzels in an attempt to avoid the simple answer is beyond my understanding. But ... it is what it is.
So who gives a damn?
No you are repeating what is posted on ANTI SEMITIC, NEO NAZI and WHITE SUPREMACIST sites all over the world. The people you refer to are charlatans or their works are taken out of context. Next you will be quoting The Protocols as a work of fact and that it shows the Jews as wanting to dominate all mankind.

Wikipedia is an "anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi" site? Koestler's book is "White Supremacist?" LOL. Koestler was a Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist? Is that what you're really trying to say? The Jewish Almanac (and Jewish Encyclopedia) are "Anti-Semitic" literature? Alrighty then!!!

Anti Semites like "drifting shit" always navigate to other Jews haters like shit does to flies. Benjamin Freedman, a totally unqualified nobody who converted to Catholicism, and then became a professional moron. Oh but he was a Jew so I guess what he says counts. Ha ha ha. Here is your "Benjamin Freedman" and his shining resume:

Benjamin Harrison[1] Freedman (1890 – May 1984)[2] was an American businessman and anti-Zionist[3][4] activist, accused of anti-semitism by ideological opponents.[5][6][7] He converted fromJudaism to Roman Catholicism.[8] Freedman was a partner in a dermatological institute and in small business.

Benjamin H Freedman was listed on the letterhead of the Institute for Arab American Affairs and around 1946, along with his wife, listed as "R M Schoendorf" (Rose M. Schoendorf Freedman), "sponsored a series of advertisements under the imprint of 'The League for Peace with Justice in Palestine'".[11] In 1946 he sued the American Jewish Committee for libel and the case was thrown out in less than a month.

Freedman opposed the nomination of Anna M. Rosenberg to be Assistant Secretary of Defense in 1950.[21] An article in theADL Bulletin entitled The Plot Against Ann Rosenberg attributed the attacks on Rosenberg's loyalty to "professional anti-Semites and lunatic nationalists," including the "Jew-baiting cabal of John Rankin, Benjamin Freedman, and Gerald Smith."[7]

Freedman, an apostate Jew, was well known to the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee as an active supporter of the Arab cause in the Middle East. (fn 33) In the course of his erratic and often contradictory testimony before the Senate committee, Freedman revealed the roles played by anti-Semitic agitators and right-wing anticommunists — including Gerald L.K. Smith, Conde McGinley, the "Reverend" Wesley Swift, Congressman John Rankin, Senator Joseph McCarthy, and J.B. Matthews — in the campaign against the Rosenberg appointment. (fn 34)[7]

He is mentioned in a report by the House Un-American Activities Committee.



Another yuppy who resorts to name-calling when he lacks the facts to defend his incorrect position. Don't like Obama? You're a "racist." Don't agree with gay marriage? You're a "homophobe." Believe in a secure border? You're a "xenophobe." Don't believe that today's Jews are related to biblical Israel? You're a "Jew hater." See how it works folks. Attack the messenger while ignoring the message.

Just posted what your own source Wikipedia says about your hero "Benjamin Freedman". So yes, if you're quoting people like David Duke, then chances are you guys think alike.

Are you trying to say you're not a Jew hater, weasel? Then stop quoting career Jew haters. Simple. Ha ha ha.

Man ... you seem filled with hatred and animosity. I post something written by a Jew and I'm a "Jew hater?" Just how do you come to that conclusion -- genius? Your very best arguments are name-calling and misrepresentation of me and my beliefs. You lower you level of integrity when you resort to slander and Liberal tactics. Time to grow up and learn to communicate in an adult manner.

Benjamin Freedman is a Jew who happens to disagree with other Jews. That, in and of itself, doesn't make him a monster, a racist, or a kook. It just means that he sees things from a different perspective than you do. Nevertheless, he's a Jew who had an opinion and I simply posted it. Take it or leave it. It matters not to me.

Benjamin Freedman WAS a Jew who converted to Catholicism who made a career out of hating Jews and Israel. Read your own source, Drifting Shit. You constant reference to career Jew haters and garden variety anti semites makes you what you are, a drifty Jew hating bullshiter who likes to bait Jews. Get a life.

Listen, Roudy. I'll only say this once. I put that person on ignore on my way out of here last night but when they invited me to the "Bible Study Forum" they had started on the other USMB board - other people on USMB wondered why I declined her invitation and refused to join it or have my name affiliated with it in any way, shape or form. I discerned in my spirit she was a phoney back then and so this latest revelation comes as no surprise to me. I thank God for the Holy Spirit because you can't fool the Holy Spirit! When he says, watch out! You had better heed that warning and realize He knows something about that person that you don't! I thank God for the Holy Spirit and I've already shaken the dust from my feet on the former matter - it's done. You have a nice day, Roudy, and please do not waste another moment listening to that person. There is more going on than meets the eye here.

Thanks. I'm not listening to Drifting Shit, I'm laughing at it. Dont worry.
Each man in the photos claim to be Jews. Are you saying that they are liars? Sammy Davis & Paul Newman both claim Jewish heritage (by blood).

And your point is?

The point is obvious but you fail to answer my question. No answer?
There is no point to your obvious provocation.
So you can't answer the simple question either? It really is a simple question. Why folks have to twist themselves into pretzels in an attempt to avoid the simple answer is beyond my understanding. But ... it is what it is.
So who gives a damn?

Just say you can't answer. I'll understand. No biggy to me.
Wikipedia is an "anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi" site? Koestler's book is "White Supremacist?" LOL. Koestler was a Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist? Is that what you're really trying to say? The Jewish Almanac (and Jewish Encyclopedia) are "Anti-Semitic" literature? Alrighty then!!!

Another yuppy who resorts to name-calling when he lacks the facts to defend his incorrect position. Don't like Obama? You're a "racist." Don't agree with gay marriage? You're a "homophobe." Believe in a secure border? You're a "xenophobe." Don't believe that today's Jews are related to biblical Israel? You're a "Jew hater." See how it works folks. Attack the messenger while ignoring the message.

Just posted what your own source Wikipedia says about your hero "Benjamin Freedman". So yes, if you're quoting people like David Duke, then chances are you guys think alike.

Are you trying to say you're not a Jew hater, weasel? Then stop quoting career Jew haters. Simple. Ha ha ha.

Man ... you seem filled with hatred and animosity. I post something written by a Jew and I'm a "Jew hater?" Just how do you come to that conclusion -- genius? Your very best arguments are name-calling and misrepresentation of me and my beliefs. You lower you level of integrity when you resort to slander and Liberal tactics. Time to grow up and learn to communicate in an adult manner.

Benjamin Freedman is a Jew who happens to disagree with other Jews. That, in and of itself, doesn't make him a monster, a racist, or a kook. It just means that he sees things from a different perspective than you do. Nevertheless, he's a Jew who had an opinion and I simply posted it. Take it or leave it. It matters not to me.

Benjamin Freedman WAS a Jew who converted to Catholicism who made a career out of hating Jews and Israel. Read your own source, Drifting Shit. You constant reference to career Jew haters and garden variety anti semites makes you what you are, a drifty Jew hating bullshiter who likes to bait Jews. Get a life.

Listen, Roudy. I'll only say this once. I put that person on ignore on my way out of here last night but when they invited me to the "Bible Study Forum" they had started on the other USMB board - other people on USMB wondered why I declined her invitation and refused to join it or have my name affiliated with it in any way, shape or form. I discerned in my spirit she was a phoney back then and so this latest revelation comes as no surprise to me. I thank God for the Holy Spirit because you can't fool the Holy Spirit! When he says, watch out! You had better heed that warning and realize He knows something about that person that you don't! I thank God for the Holy Spirit and I've already shaken the dust from my feet on the former matter - it's done. You have a nice day, Roudy, and please do not waste another moment listening to that person. There is more going on than meets the eye here.

Thanks. I'm not listening to Drifting Shit, I'm laughing at it. Dont worry.

I win again!!!
Which of the following are "Jews?" I know, I know ... I must be "anti-Semitic" to even ask:




I'll let you decide!!!

This is meaningless as you know. I can post pictures of European Jews that look like Sephardim, and I can post pictures of Sephardim and Mizrahi Jews that look like Ashkenazis. What is your point, Drifting Shit?

Is this guy an Ashkenazi Jew, a Catholic, an Arab, or a Muslim?

Robert Spencer, Catholic

Looks like a sephardic Jew to me. Ha ha ha.

So the "chosen people" are chosen -- not based on race -- but on religion. Gotcha. That takes us back to the fact that the Khazars converted and became "chosen" (based on your logic).
You can't discuss rationally with these zealots. They are a brainwashed bunch of morons. Hossfly is not the worst of them, but he and his co-religionists all can't accept the facts.
You can't discuss rationally with these zealots. They are a brainwashed bunch of morons. Hossfly is not the worst of them, but he and his co-religionists all can't accept the facts.

You must be talking about yourself and your fellow Pali-Nazi IslamoNazi terrorist worshippers.
You can't discuss rationally with these zealots. They are a brainwashed bunch of morons. Hossfly is not the worst of them, but he and his co-religionists all can't accept the facts.

It's truly amazing! I could say something about the Irish and nobody would raise an eyebrow. I would talk about Brazilians and get a yawn. But say one thing about the Jews that isn't lock-step, politically correct, and folks poke out their eyes; slobber all over the place; and scream to the top of their lungs in a knee-jerk response. I feel like I'm talking to a bunch of pre-schoolers who haven't had their afternoon candy bar. They've been literally programmed to respond as CNN has trained them to. Sad, really.
Which of the following are "Jews?" I know, I know ... I must be "anti-Semitic" to even ask:




I'll let you decide!!!

This is meaningless as you know. I can post pictures of European Jews that look like Sephardim, and I can post pictures of Sephardim and Mizrahi Jews that look like Ashkenazis. What is your point, Drifting Shit?

Is this guy an Ashkenazi Jew, a Catholic, an Arab, or a Muslim?

Robert Spencer, Catholic

Looks like a sephardic Jew to me. Ha ha ha.

So the "chosen people" are chosen -- not based on race -- but on religion. Gotcha. That takes us back to the fact that the Khazars converted and became "chosen" (based on your logic).

No that isn't what I said. I said the being a Jew isn't based on ONE factor. Your mental illness is causing severe reading comprehension problems, Jew hater.
You can't discuss rationally with these zealots. They are a brainwashed bunch of morons. Hossfly is not the worst of them, but he and his co-religionists all can't accept the facts.

You must be talking about yourself and your fellow Pali-Nazi IslamoNazi terrorist worshippers.

You are the terrorist and child killer worshipper. You support the murderous Israeli Jews that killed several hundred children this summer over a period of a few weeks. How many Jewish children did the Palestinians kill?
Which of the following are "Jews?" I know, I know ... I must be "anti-Semitic" to even ask:




I'll let you decide!!!

This is meaningless as you know. I can post pictures of European Jews that look like Sephardim, and I can post pictures of Sephardim and Mizrahi Jews that look like Ashkenazis. What is your point, Drifting Shit?

Is this guy an Ashkenazi Jew, a Catholic, an Arab, or a Muslim?

Robert Spencer, Catholic

Looks like a sephardic Jew to me. Ha ha ha.

So the "chosen people" are chosen -- not based on race -- but on religion. Gotcha. That takes us back to the fact that the Khazars converted and became "chosen" (based on your logic).

No that isn't what I said. I said the being a Jew isn't based on ONE factor. Your mental illness is causing severe reading comprehension problems, Jew hater.
I was just going to say something about a giant red-assed Jew-hater. You beat me to it.
You can't discuss rationally with these zealots. They are a brainwashed bunch of morons. Hossfly is not the worst of them, but he and his co-religionists all can't accept the facts.

It's truly amazing! I could say something about the Irish and nobody would raise an eyebrow. I would talk about Brazilians and get a yawn. But say one thing about the Jews that isn't lock-step, politically correct, and folks poke out their eyes; slobber all over the place; and scream to the top of their lungs in a knee-jerk response. I feel like I'm talking to a bunch of pre-schoolers who haven't had their afternoon candy bar. They've been literally programmed to respond as CNN has trained them to. Sad, really.

Depends on what you say about the Irish or Brazilians, and how you say it, and what the context is, idiot. The Irish for one are very proud of their race and nationality, you say the wrong thing, you'll end up with a nice black eye shortly thereafter. Do I need to elaborate, Miss thick as a brick?
You can't discuss rationally with these zealots. They are a brainwashed bunch of morons. Hossfly is not the worst of them, but he and his co-religionists all can't accept the facts.

You must be talking about yourself and your fellow Pali-Nazi IslamoNazi terrorist worshippers.

You are the terrorist and child killer worshipper. You support the murderous Israeli Jews that killed several hundred children this summer over a period of a few weeks. How many Jewish children did the Palestinians kill?
One too many.
You can't discuss rationally with these zealots. They are a brainwashed bunch of morons. Hossfly is not the worst of them, but he and his co-religionists all can't accept the facts.

It's truly amazing! I could say something about the Irish and nobody would raise an eyebrow. I would talk about Brazilians and get a yawn. But say one thing about the Jews that isn't lock-step, politically correct, and folks poke out their eyes; slobber all over the place; and scream to the top of their lungs in a knee-jerk response. I feel like I'm talking to a bunch of pre-schoolers who haven't had their afternoon candy bar. They've been literally programmed to respond as CNN has trained them to. Sad, really.

Depends on what you say about the Irish or Brazilians, and how you say it, and what the context is, idiot. The Irish for one are very proud of their race and nationality, you say the wrong thing, you'll end up with a nice black eye shortly thereafter. Do I need to elaborate, Miss thick as a brick?

Okay. Let's try this: I know of some Irishmen who converted to Judaism. Am I being "anti-Semitic" or "anti-Irish?" Come on dumb ass ... answer.
You can't discuss rationally with these zealots. They are a brainwashed bunch of morons. Hossfly is not the worst of them, but he and his co-religionists all can't accept the facts.

You must be talking about yourself and your fellow Pali-Nazi IslamoNazi terrorist worshippers.

You are the terrorist and child killer worshipper. You support the murderous Israeli Jews that killed several hundred children this summer over a period of a few weeks. How many Jewish children did the Palestinians kill?

Ha ha ha, the terrorist ass licker is loosing it. How many innocent Christians in Lebanon have your beloved Palestinian terrorist savages killed? 150,000.

Let me know when you're done squirming. Then you can answer how many people in various countries Palestinians have helped kill, oppress, terrorize, and torture. We'll go down the list one by one, dirtbag.
Drifting shit: "Okay. Let's try this: I know of some Irishmen who converted to Judaism. Am I being "anti-Semitic" or "anti-Irish?" "

Wow, you can't be that stupid. That makes them Jewish. And it makes you none of the above. Got any more "hard" questions, dipweed? Make it multiple choice if you wish. LOL
You can't discuss rationally with these zealots. They are a brainwashed bunch of morons. Hossfly is not the worst of them, but he and his co-religionists all can't accept the facts.

You must be talking about yourself and your fellow Pali-Nazi IslamoNazi terrorist worshippers.

You are the terrorist and child killer worshipper. You support the murderous Israeli Jews that killed several hundred children this summer over a period of a few weeks. How many Jewish children did the Palestinians kill?
One too many.

For every dead innocent Israeli child killed, 1000 Palestinian terrorist animals should be killed. Fair is fair.

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