About those "European" Jews . . . .

You are the terrorist and child killer worshipper. You support the murderous Israeli Jews that killed several hundred children this summer over a period of a few weeks. How many Jewish children did the Palestinians kill?

Monti, speaking of not getting any answers, or not being able to reason, when are you going to answer this question I ask you in every fucking thread you post this bullshit in?

In case you forgot, here is the question:

Why is it war or resistance when Hamas fires rockets and mortars in Israel, but murder when Israel fights back?
It's my belief that there are millions of folks of all races claiming to be Jews. Look online and you'll see black Jews; red-headed Jews with white skin; and olive complected Jews. Are all of them literal Jews by blood or are they Jews by religion?

Hmm, judging by the color of skin and hair again are we? I can remember something about Solomon having relations with an African queen some where along the line.

Another thing. Is there something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? Is it "anti-Semitic" to suggest that peoples have converted to Judaism? I fail to see the logic in reaching that conclusion. How about you?

And now you go down the same road as many others by spewing confusing information. Where did I say that I think there is something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? You are stating I reached a 'conclusion' that I didn't even hint at. In other words, you are reading something I did not write.

OMG! Another Polish background Ashkenazi Jew, Jon Stewart,with semetic dark features! I sense Drifting Shit's theory collapsing before our eyes.


Oh! I have an idea, how about we call only the Jews who are dark hair / dark eyes "chosen"? Plus, they get to call themselves "true Israelites". Ha ha ha.

Please reiterate what my "theory" is? You're so far off of the mark that you look like a bumbling fool.

Your theory is European Jews aren't Jews, nor do they look like Jews, which is FULLA DRIFTING SHIT. That's why you promote
Here's an American Ashkenazi Jew, Jerry Sienfeild. Looks more like a Middle Eastern Sephardic / Mizrahi Jew to me, dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin.

How did this Brooklyn born "European" Ashkenazi Jew end up looking so semetic? Please elaborate, Drifting Shit:


I suppose the same way that Sammy Davis Jr. did. Is he "chosen" because he's Ashkenazi or because he's Sephardic? You still fail to answer my initial question. Is a person "chosen" because they adhere to Judaism or is it by race? If you can't answer just be honest and say so. (If you can be honest).

I already answered it five times, you illiterate fool. Judaism can be a race, a nationality, and a religion. Chosen refers to spreading the message, therefore once you have decided to convert to another faith, you are no longer considered a Jew. Now ask me again five more times. Perhaps you should hire a translator?
Okay ... you're officially an imbecile. Go take your meds, get plenty of rest and fluids. You're on the verge of a breakdown.

If the term "Jew" has such a broad definition then I guess you won't mind if Arthur Koestler makes the claim that the Khazars converted to Judaism in the 8th century. Dork!

Like I said the Khazar theory has been debunked by modern genetics.

Now Go find some more adopted Jewish blacks and blond blue eyed Jews, and then create a post saying "hey, look at these guys, they can't possibly be Jews / chosen, can they?" Ha ha ha.

Can I pay you for this free entertainment?
It's my belief that there are millions of folks of all races claiming to be Jews. Look online and you'll see black Jews; red-headed Jews with white skin; and olive complected Jews. Are all of them literal Jews by blood or are they Jews by religion?

Hmm, judging by the color of skin and hair again are we? I can remember something about Solomon having relations with an African queen some where along the line.

Another thing. Is there something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? Is it "anti-Semitic" to suggest that peoples have converted to Judaism? I fail to see the logic in reaching that conclusion. How about you?

And now you go down the same road as many others by spewing confusing information. Where did I say that I think there is something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? You are stating I reached a 'conclusion' that I didn't even hint at. In other words, you are reading something I did not write.

OMG! Another Polish background Ashkenazi Jew, Jon Stewart,with semetic dark features! I sense Drifting Shit's theory collapsing before our eyes.


Oh! I have an idea, how about we call only the Jews who are dark hair / dark eyes "chosen"? Plus, they get to call themselves "true Israelites". Ha ha ha.

Please reiterate what my "theory" is? You're so far off of the mark that you look like a bumbling fool.

Your theory is European Jews aren't Jews, nor do they look like Jews, which is FULLA DRIFTING SHIT. That's why you promote
Here's an American Ashkenazi Jew, Jerry Sienfeild. Looks more like a Middle Eastern Sephardic / Mizrahi Jew to me, dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin.

How did this Brooklyn born "European" Ashkenazi Jew end up looking so semetic? Please elaborate, Drifting Shit:


I suppose the same way that Sammy Davis Jr. did. Is he "chosen" because he's Ashkenazi or because he's Sephardic? You still fail to answer my initial question. Is a person "chosen" because they adhere to Judaism or is it by race? If you can't answer just be honest and say so. (If you can be honest).

I already answered it five times, you illiterate fool. Judaism can be a race, a nationality, and a religion. Chosen refers to spreading the message, therefore once you have decided to convert to another faith, you are no longer considered a Jew. Now ask me again five more times. Perhaps you should hire a translator?
Okay ... you're officially an imbecile. Go take your meds, get plenty of rest and fluids. You're on the verge of a breakdown.

If the term "Jew" has such a broad definition then I guess you won't mind if Arthur Koestler makes the claim that the Khazars converted to Judaism in the 8th century. Dork!
Okay. Let's try this: I know of some Irishmen who converted to Judaism. Am I being "anti-Semitic" or "anti-Irish?" Come on dumb ass ... answer.

Neither. You are just being a baiting dumb ass, asshole.
...who is fun to play with, wouldn't you agree?
[QUOTE="Roudy, post: 9947679, member: 36154"...who is fun to play with, wouldn't you agree?[/QUOTE]

Sort of. funny that he accuses people of reading the first three words when it is obvious that that is what he is doing. Like putting the words into my mouth.

And since you got your panties all in a bunch, to simply answer the question sandy, there is nothing wrong with anyone converting to Judaism.
Here's an American Ashkenazi Jew, Jerry Sienfeild. Looks more like a Middle Eastern Sephardic / Mizrahi Jew to me, dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin.

How did this Brooklyn born "European" Ashkenazi Jew end up looking so semetic? Please elaborate, Drifting Shit:

Could it be the result of L'Oreal products and Hollywood makeup artists?

Hoss: "Could it be the result of L'Oreal products and Hollywood makeup artists?"

Ha ha ha. Chanel no. 5 for fake Jews who want to look Semetic?
Last edited:
Question for you folks who worship Judaism and idolize its adherents:

Would I be more "chosen" if I converted from Christianity to Judaism? Of course, I will have to reject Christ to buy into that religion.
You are the terrorist and child killer worshipper. You support the murderous Israeli Jews that killed several hundred children this summer over a period of a few weeks. How many Jewish children did the Palestinians kill?

Monti, speaking of not getting any answers, or not being able to reason, when are you going to answer this question I ask you in every fucking thread you post this bullshit in?

In case you forgot, here is the question:

Why is it war or resistance when Hamas fires rockets and mortars in Israel, but murder when Israel fights back?

I think you need to understand who initiated the act of war:

"Under international and US law, blockades are acts of war and variously defined as:

– surrounding a nation or objective with hostile forces;

– measures to isolate an enemy;

– encirclement and besieging;

– preventing the passage in or out of supplies, military forces or aid in time of or as an act of war; and

– an act of naval warfare to block access to an enemy’s coastline and deny entry to all vessels and aircraft"

Blockades Acts of War Global Research
You are the terrorist and child killer worshipper. You support the murderous Israeli Jews that killed several hundred children this summer over a period of a few weeks. How many Jewish children did the Palestinians kill?

Monti, speaking of not getting any answers, or not being able to reason, when are you going to answer this question I ask you in every fucking thread you post this bullshit in?

In case you forgot, here is the question:

Why is it war or resistance when Hamas fires rockets and mortars in Israel, but murder when Israel fights back?

I think you need to understand who initiated the act of war:

"Under international and US law, blockades are acts of war and variously defined as:

– surrounding a nation or objective with hostile forces;

– measures to isolate an enemy;

– encirclement and besieging;

– preventing the passage in or out of supplies, military forces or aid in time of or as an act of war; and

– an act of naval warfare to block access to an enemy’s coastline and deny entry to all vessels and aircraft"

Blockades Acts of War Global Research
Question for you folks who worship Judaism and idolize its adherents:

Would I be more "chosen" if I converted from Christianity to Judaism? Of course, I will have to reject Christ to buy into that religion.

Question for stupid antisemite "How could you reject Jesus if you have never accepted Him?"
It's my belief that there are millions of folks of all races claiming to be Jews. Look online and you'll see black Jews; red-headed Jews with white skin; and olive complected Jews. Are all of them literal Jews by blood or are they Jews by religion?

Hmm, judging by the color of skin and hair again are we? I can remember something about Solomon having relations with an African queen some where along the line.

Another thing. Is there something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? Is it "anti-Semitic" to suggest that peoples have converted to Judaism? I fail to see the logic in reaching that conclusion. How about you?

And now you go down the same road as many others by spewing confusing information. Where did I say that I think there is something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? You are stating I reached a 'conclusion' that I didn't even hint at. In other words, you are reading something I did not write.

OMG! Another Polish background Ashkenazi Jew, Jon Stewart,with semetic dark features! I sense Drifting Shit's theory collapsing before our eyes.


Oh! I have an idea, how about we call only the Jews who are dark hair / dark eyes "chosen"? Plus, they get to call themselves "true Israelites". Ha ha ha.

Please reiterate what my "theory" is? You're so far off of the mark that you look like a bumbling fool.

Your theory is European Jews aren't Jews, nor do they look like Jews, which is FULLA DRIFTING SHIT. That's why you promote
Here's an American Ashkenazi Jew, Jerry Sienfeild. Looks more like a Middle Eastern Sephardic / Mizrahi Jew to me, dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin.

How did this Brooklyn born "European" Ashkenazi Jew end up looking so semetic? Please elaborate, Drifting Shit:


I suppose the same way that Sammy Davis Jr. did. Is he "chosen" because he's Ashkenazi or because he's Sephardic? You still fail to answer my initial question. Is a person "chosen" because they adhere to Judaism or is it by race? If you can't answer just be honest and say so. (If you can be honest).

I already answered it five times, you illiterate fool. Judaism can be a race, a nationality, and a religion. Chosen refers to spreading the message, therefore once you have decided to convert to another faith, you are no longer considered a Jew. Now ask me again five more times. Perhaps you should hire a translator?
Okay ... you're officially an imbecile. Go take your meds, get plenty of rest and fluids. You're on the verge of a breakdown.

If the term "Jew" has such a broad definition then I guess you won't mind if Arthur Koestler makes the claim that the Khazars converted to Judaism in the 8th century. Dork!
I think that any reasonable person who isn't anti-Semitic realizes just why you even brought up this topic. Since all of our ancestors are supposed to have come out of Africa many thousands of years ago, is your skin color, hair texture and facial features the same as some man who was born in the Congo? Why not send in a sample and get your own DNA checked. You might be surprised at what you find out. Horrors. You might even have a Jew or two in the family tree. :dance: :woohoo: :scared1:

Whenever I see Roudy's posts I envision a maching gun madly spitting propaganda in all directions hoping that people will not check it out.
Here's an American Ashkenazi Jew, Jerry Sienfeild. Looks more like a Middle Eastern Sephardic / Mizrahi Jew to me, dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin.

How did this Brooklyn born "European" Ashkenazi Jew end up looking so semetic? Please elaborate, Drifting Shit:


Jerry Seinfeld was born in Brooklyn, New York. His father, Kálmán Seinfeld (1918–1985), was a sign maker of Hungarian Jewish[2][3]descent;[4] his mother, Betty (née Hesney; born 1915),[5] is of Syrian Jewish descent; her family lived in Aleppo.[6]

Jerry Seinfeld - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
It's my belief that there are millions of folks of all races claiming to be Jews. Look online and you'll see black Jews; red-headed Jews with white skin; and olive complected Jews. Are all of them literal Jews by blood or are they Jews by religion?

Hmm, judging by the color of skin and hair again are we? I can remember something about Solomon having relations with an African queen some where along the line.

Another thing. Is there something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? Is it "anti-Semitic" to suggest that peoples have converted to Judaism? I fail to see the logic in reaching that conclusion. How about you?

And now you go down the same road as many others by spewing confusing information. Where did I say that I think there is something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? You are stating I reached a 'conclusion' that I didn't even hint at. In other words, you are reading something I did not write.

OMG! Another Polish background Ashkenazi Jew, Jon Stewart,with semetic dark features! I sense Drifting Shit's theory collapsing before our eyes.


Oh! I have an idea, how about we call only the Jews who are dark hair / dark eyes "chosen"? Plus, they get to call themselves "true Israelites". Ha ha ha.

Stewart's family emigrated to the U.S. from Poland, Ukraine and Belarus; one of his grandfathers was born in Manzhouli (now part of Inner Mongolia).

Jon Stewart - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Of course not all askhenazis are blond with blue eyes...

GENETICALLY, not CULTURALLY, they are europeans, indistinguishable from the rest of the european gentile population.

So why pray tell should they all look like a scandinavian God?

Are all russian, polish, ukrainian and german gentiles blond with blue eyes by any chance?
Why is it war or resistance when Hamas fires rockets and mortars in Israel, but murder when Israel fights back?

I think you need to understand who initiated the act of war:

"Under international and US law, blockades are acts of war and variously defined as:

– surrounding a nation or objective with hostile forces;

– measures to isolate an enemy;

– encirclement and besieging;

– preventing the passage in or out of supplies, military forces or aid in time of or as an act of war; and

– an act of naval warfare to block access to an enemy’s coastline and deny entry to all vessels and aircraft"

Blockades Acts of War Global Research

OK, just as usual with your ilk, you half answer, deflect, detract and try to confuse the issue somewhat. Your half of an answer does explain why it _could_ be considered war when Hamas fires rockets and mortars into Israel. But why do you call it murder when Israel fires back?

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