About those "European" Jews . . . .

This is meaningless as you know. I can post pictures of European Jews that look like Sephardim, and I can post pictures of Sephardim and Mizrahi Jews that look like Ashkenazis. What is your point, Drifting Shit?

Is this guy an Ashkenazi Jew, a Catholic, an Arab, or a Muslim?

Robert Spencer, Catholic

Looks like a sephardic Jew to me. Ha ha ha.

So the "chosen people" are chosen -- not based on race -- but on religion. Gotcha. That takes us back to the fact that the Khazars converted and became "chosen" (based on your logic).

No that isn't what I said. I said the being a Jew isn't based on ONE factor. Your mental illness is causing severe reading comprehension problems, Jew hater.
I was just going to say something about a giant red-assed Jew-hater. You beat me to it.

Must be red from all the spanking it gets on this board. Ha ha ha.
I don't know what the problem is, in here.

Modern-day Jews, taken as a group, are actually a richly diverse collection of genetic material, with connections to (1) the kingdoms of Israel and Judah et al of antiquity, (2) Asia Minor, Central Asia, North Africa, East Africa, and the Urals, the Ukraine, Poland and points west.

Modern-day Jewish claims to the Holy Land are largely spiritual and religion-based in nature rather than that of genetic inheritance.

However, the presence of substantial generic connection to Israel and Judah, amongst that group at large, is sufficient for their purposes.

In the final analysis, it matters very little, whether one's maternal line stretches back to Antiquity, nor if one converted to Judaism day-before-yesterday.

The Jews of our times are in the process of resurrecting their spiritual and ancestral homeland, as the one place on earth, where a Jew can go, and be sure he is welcome

Some of today's Jews have documented connections to the Faith that stretch back into the Middle Ages or even into Antiquity.

Many of today's Jews have document-able lineages that do not stretch back very far at all.

What connects them is their spirituality, their perception of God and what God wants of them, and, in many cases, centuries of suffering and wariness and bare-bones survival and waiting and hoping for better times and a homeland of their own again.

They have that homeland now.

I get the impression that they plan to hold it against all comers.

I believe them.
Robert Spencer, Catholic

Looks like a sephardic Jew to me. Ha ha ha.

So the "chosen people" are chosen -- not based on race -- but on religion. Gotcha. That takes us back to the fact that the Khazars converted and became "chosen" (based on your logic).

No that isn't what I said. I said the being a Jew isn't based on ONE factor. Your mental illness is causing severe reading comprehension problems, Jew hater.
I was just going to say something about a giant red-assed Jew-hater. You beat me to it.

Must be red from all the spanking it gets on this board. Ha ha ha.

It is you clowns that are looking like fools. It's like taking candy from a baby. HAHAHAHAAH
Drifting shit: "Okay. Let's try this: I know of some Irishmen who converted to Judaism. Am I being "anti-Semitic" or "anti-Irish?" "

Wow, you can't be that stupid. That makes them Jewish. And it makes you none of the above. Got any more "hard" questions, dipweed? Make it multiple choice if you wish. LOL

Let's try this one more time. Are you saying that they have become "God's Chosen People" by converting to Judaism? Please try not to be so dense in your response. I can't believe you are such a total idiot!!!!
Hey Drifting Shit, does this guy look like a Polish Ashknazi Jew to you? Looks more like a Sephardic Jew to me.


I also know many Middle Eastern Jews who have very light hair, white skin, and blue / green eyes. You see how stupid and ignorant you are? Yes you do, yes you do.

Do you get to see too many Jews around that trailer park of yours in the woods?
Looks like a sephardic Jew to me. Ha ha ha.

So the "chosen people" are chosen -- not based on race -- but on religion. Gotcha. That takes us back to the fact that the Khazars converted and became "chosen" (based on your logic).

No that isn't what I said. I said the being a Jew isn't based on ONE factor. Your mental illness is causing severe reading comprehension problems, Jew hater.
I was just going to say something about a giant red-assed Jew-hater. You beat me to it.

Must be red from all the spanking it gets on this board. Ha ha ha.

It is you clowns that are looking like fools. It's like taking candy from a baby. HAHAHAHAAH

FYI. That's not candy you're sucking on. It's your Mooslem boyfriend's.
I don't know what the problem is, in here.

Modern-day Jews, taken as a group, are actually a richly diverse collection of genetic material, with connections to (1) the kingdoms of Israel and Judah et al of antiquity, (2) Asia Minor, Central Asia, North Africa, East Africa, and the Urals, the Ukraine, Poland and points west.

Modern-day Jewish claims to the Holy Land are largely spiritual and religion-based in nature rather than that of genetic inheritance.

However, the presence of substantial generic connection to Israel and Judah, amongst that group at large, is sufficient for their purposes.

In the final analysis, it matters very little, whether one's maternal line stretches back to Antiquity, nor if one converted to Judaism day-before-yesterday.

The Jews of our times are in the process of resurrecting their spiritual and ancestral homeland, as the one place on earth, where a Jew can go, and be sure he is welcome

Some of today's Jews have documented connections to the Faith that stretch back into the Middle Ages or even into Antiquity.

Many of today's Jews have document-able lineages that do not stretch back very far at all.

What connects them is their spirituality, their perception of God and what God wants of them, and, in many cases, centuries of suffering and wariness and bare-bones survival and waiting and hoping for better times and a homeland of their own again.

They have that homeland now.

I get the impression that they plan to hold it against all comers.

I believe them.

Although I don't agree with you (fully) I do appreciate an adult response that isn't based on knee-jerk emotionalism. That's a breath of fresh air (where this thread is concerned).

I believe that the "promised" land will be revealed when we see "a new Heaven" and "a new earth." Revelation says that the "New Jerusalem" will descend from out of Heaven and it won't be a place created by men (Jews or otherwise).
Drifting shit: "Okay. Let's try this: I know of some Irishmen who converted to Judaism. Am I being "anti-Semitic" or "anti-Irish?" "

Wow, you can't be that stupid. That makes them Jewish. And it makes you none of the above. Got any more "hard" questions, dipweed? Make it multiple choice if you wish. LOL

Let's try this one more time. Are you saying that they have become "God's Chosen People" by converting to Judaism? Please try not to be so dense in your response. I can't believe you are such a total idiot!!!!

God's chosen people to keep and spread his message, yes. Idiot. Like I said, the faith is one component.

Are you saying that converts to Judaism aren't considered Jews? Then why convert to Judaism then. :cuckoo:
I don't know what the problem is, in here.

Modern-day Jews, taken as a group, are actually a richly diverse collection of genetic material, with connections to (1) the kingdoms of Israel and Judah et al of antiquity, (2) Asia Minor, Central Asia, North Africa, East Africa, and the Urals, the Ukraine, Poland and points west.

Modern-day Jewish claims to the Holy Land are largely spiritual and religion-based in nature rather than that of genetic inheritance.

However, the presence of substantial generic connection to Israel and Judah, amongst that group at large, is sufficient for their purposes.

In the final analysis, it matters very little, whether one's maternal line stretches back to Antiquity, nor if one converted to Judaism day-before-yesterday.

The Jews of our times are in the process of resurrecting their spiritual and ancestral homeland, as the one place on earth, where a Jew can go, and be sure he is welcome

Some of today's Jews have documented connections to the Faith that stretch back into the Middle Ages or even into Antiquity.

Many of today's Jews have document-able lineages that do not stretch back very far at all.

What connects them is their spirituality, their perception of God and what God wants of them, and, in many cases, centuries of suffering and wariness and bare-bones survival and waiting and hoping for better times and a homeland of their own again.

They have that homeland now.

I get the impression that they plan to hold it against all comers.

I believe them.

Although I don't agree with you (fully) I do appreciate an adult response that isn't based on knee-jerk emotionalism. That's a breath of fresh air (where this thread is concerned).

I believe that the "promised" land will be revealed when we see "a new Heaven" and "a new earth." Revelation says that the "New Jerusalem" will descend from out of Heaven and it won't be a place created by men (Jews or otherwise).

Yup, that's what Neo Nazi replacement theologists believe. The Jews are no longer Jews, the Kingdom of Israel now became a spiritual kingdom. The Muslims have a similar bullshit replacement theology going as well. That's why Muslim and neo Nazi replacement theologists get along so well. But they don't bother to actually look in the Old and New Testament nor the Koran, if they did, they would see that all three books are actually 100% ZIONIST. Ha ha ha.
It's my belief that there are millions of folks of all races claiming to be Jews. Look online and you'll see black Jews; red-headed Jews with white skin; and olive complected Jews. Are all of them literal Jews by blood or are they Jews by religion?

Hmm, judging by the color of skin and hair again are we? I can remember something about Solomon having relations with an African queen some where along the line.

Another thing. Is there something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? Is it "anti-Semitic" to suggest that peoples have converted to Judaism? I fail to see the logic in reaching that conclusion. How about you?

And now you go down the same road as many others by spewing confusing information. Where did I say that I think there is something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? You are stating I reached a 'conclusion' that I didn't even hint at. In other words, you are reading something I did not write.
Here's an American Ashkenazi Jew, Jerry Sienfeild. Looks more like a Middle Eastern Sephardic / Mizrahi Jew to me, dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin.

How did this Brooklyn born "European" Ashkenazi Jew end up looking so semetic? Please elaborate, Drifting Shit:

Here's an American Ashkenazi Jew, Jerry Sienfeild. Looks more like a Middle Eastern Sephardic / Mizrahi Jew to me, dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin.

How did this Brooklyn born "European" Ashkenazi Jew end up looking so semetic? Please elaborate, Drifting Shit:

Could it be the result of L'Oreal products and Hollywood makeup artists?
Which of the following are "Jews?" I know, I know ... I must be "anti-Semitic" to even ask:




I'll let you decide!!!
In all honesty, I think you are showing a racist side. Which may fit judging from some of your other information sources you have posted in this thread.
It's my belief that there are millions of folks of all races claiming to be Jews. Look online and you'll see black Jews; red-headed Jews with white skin; and olive complected Jews. Are all of them literal Jews by blood or are they Jews by religion?

Hmm, judging by the color of skin and hair again are we? I can remember something about Solomon having relations with an African queen some where along the line.

Who's judging? Can anyone read in this forum? So far, I believe that folks read the first three words of my posts then react almost violently on what they THINK I might say next (without ever actually reading the rest of post). Slow down and pay attention. I simply said that there are folks of ALL RACES who consider themselves Jews. They're the ones making the claim ... not me.

Another thing. Is there something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? Is it "anti-Semitic" to suggest that peoples have converted to Judaism? I fail to see the logic in reaching that conclusion. How about you?

And now you go down the same road as many others by spewing confusing information. Where did I say that I think there is something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? You are stating I reached a 'conclusion' that I didn't even hint at. In other words, you are reading something I did not write.

I asked a question. I didn't accuse anyone of anything. My gosh ... am I in a Twilight Zone episode? This thread has gone bonkers.
It's my belief that there are millions of folks of all races claiming to be Jews. Look online and you'll see black Jews; red-headed Jews with white skin; and olive complected Jews. Are all of them literal Jews by blood or are they Jews by religion?

Hmm, judging by the color of skin and hair again are we? I can remember something about Solomon having relations with an African queen some where along the line.

Another thing. Is there something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? Is it "anti-Semitic" to suggest that peoples have converted to Judaism? I fail to see the logic in reaching that conclusion. How about you?

And now you go down the same road as many others by spewing confusing information. Where did I say that I think there is something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? You are stating I reached a 'conclusion' that I didn't even hint at. In other words, you are reading something I did not write.

OMG! Another Polish background Ashkenazi Jew, Jon Stewart,with semetic dark features! I sense Drifting Shit's theory collapsing before our eyes.


Oh! I have an idea, how about we call only the Jews who are dark hair / dark eyes "chosen"? Plus, they get to call themselves "true Israelites". Ha ha ha.
Here's an American Ashkenazi Jew, Jerry Sienfeild. Looks more like a Middle Eastern Sephardic / Mizrahi Jew to me, dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin.

How did this Brooklyn born "European" Ashkenazi Jew end up looking so semetic? Please elaborate, Drifting Shit:


I suppose the same way that Sammy Davis Jr. did. Is he "chosen" because he's Ashkenazi or because he's Sephardic? You still fail to answer my initial question. Is a person "chosen" because they adhere to Judaism or is it by race? If you can't answer just be honest and say so. (If you can be honest).
It's my belief that there are millions of folks of all races claiming to be Jews. Look online and you'll see black Jews; red-headed Jews with white skin; and olive complected Jews. Are all of them literal Jews by blood or are they Jews by religion?

Hmm, judging by the color of skin and hair again are we? I can remember something about Solomon having relations with an African queen some where along the line.

Another thing. Is there something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? Is it "anti-Semitic" to suggest that peoples have converted to Judaism? I fail to see the logic in reaching that conclusion. How about you?

And now you go down the same road as many others by spewing confusing information. Where did I say that I think there is something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? You are stating I reached a 'conclusion' that I didn't even hint at. In other words, you are reading something I did not write.

OMG! Another Polish background Ashkenazi Jew, Jon Stewart,with semetic dark features! I sense Drifting Shit's theory collapsing before our eyes.


Oh! I have an idea, how about we call only the Jews who are dark hair / dark eyes "chosen"? Plus, they get to call themselves "true Israelites". Ha ha ha.

Please reiterate what my "theory" is? You're so far off of the mark that you look like a bumbling fool.
It's my belief that there are millions of folks of all races claiming to be Jews. Look online and you'll see black Jews; red-headed Jews with white skin; and olive complected Jews. Are all of them literal Jews by blood or are they Jews by religion?

Hmm, judging by the color of skin and hair again are we? I can remember something about Solomon having relations with an African queen some where along the line.

Another thing. Is there something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? Is it "anti-Semitic" to suggest that peoples have converted to Judaism? I fail to see the logic in reaching that conclusion. How about you?

And now you go down the same road as many others by spewing confusing information. Where did I say that I think there is something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? You are stating I reached a 'conclusion' that I didn't even hint at. In other words, you are reading something I did not write.

OMG! Another Polish background Ashkenazi Jew, Jon Stewart,with semetic dark features! I sense Drifting Shit's theory collapsing before our eyes.


Oh! I have an idea, how about we call only the Jews who are dark hair / dark eyes "chosen"? Plus, they get to call themselves "true Israelites". Ha ha ha.

Please reiterate what my "theory" is? You're so far off of the mark that you look like a bumbling fool.

Your theory is European Jews aren't Jews, nor do they look like Jews, which is FULLA DRIFTING SHIT. That's why you promote
Here's an American Ashkenazi Jew, Jerry Sienfeild. Looks more like a Middle Eastern Sephardic / Mizrahi Jew to me, dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin.

How did this Brooklyn born "European" Ashkenazi Jew end up looking so semetic? Please elaborate, Drifting Shit:


I suppose the same way that Sammy Davis Jr. did. Is he "chosen" because he's Ashkenazi or because he's Sephardic? You still fail to answer my initial question. Is a person "chosen" because they adhere to Judaism or is it by race? If you can't answer just be honest and say so. (If you can be honest).

I already answered it five times, you illiterate fool. Judaism can be a race, a nationality, and a religion. Chosen refers to spreading the message, therefore once you have decided to convert to another faith, you are no longer considered a Jew. Now ask me again five more times. Perhaps you should hire a translator?
So here's this Austrian background American Ashkenazi Jew, Fed Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, who looks more like an Arab or Middle Eastern Jew.

How did that happen? I guess he gets to live in Israel if he wanted to, now that he doesn't have blond hair and blue eyes, eh, Drifting Shitola? Ha ha ha.

It's my belief that there are millions of folks of all races claiming to be Jews. Look online and you'll see black Jews; red-headed Jews with white skin; and olive complected Jews. Are all of them literal Jews by blood or are they Jews by religion?

Hmm, judging by the color of skin and hair again are we? I can remember something about Solomon having relations with an African queen some where along the line.

Another thing. Is there something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? Is it "anti-Semitic" to suggest that peoples have converted to Judaism? I fail to see the logic in reaching that conclusion. How about you?

And now you go down the same road as many others by spewing confusing information. Where did I say that I think there is something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? You are stating I reached a 'conclusion' that I didn't even hint at. In other words, you are reading something I did not write.

OMG! Another Polish background Ashkenazi Jew, Jon Stewart,with semetic dark features! I sense Drifting Shit's theory collapsing before our eyes.


Oh! I have an idea, how about we call only the Jews who are dark hair / dark eyes "chosen"? Plus, they get to call themselves "true Israelites". Ha ha ha.

Please reiterate what my "theory" is? You're so far off of the mark that you look like a bumbling fool.

Your theory is European Jews aren't Jews, nor do they look like Jews, which is FULLA DRIFTING SHIT. That's why you promote
Here's an American Ashkenazi Jew, Jerry Sienfeild. Looks more like a Middle Eastern Sephardic / Mizrahi Jew to me, dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin.

How did this Brooklyn born "European" Ashkenazi Jew end up looking so semetic? Please elaborate, Drifting Shit:


I suppose the same way that Sammy Davis Jr. did. Is he "chosen" because he's Ashkenazi or because he's Sephardic? You still fail to answer my initial question. Is a person "chosen" because they adhere to Judaism or is it by race? If you can't answer just be honest and say so. (If you can be honest).

I already answered it five times, you illiterate fool. Judaism can be a race, a nationality, and a religion. Chosen refers to spreading the message, therefore once you have decided to convert to another faith, you are no longer considered a Jew. Now ask me again five more times. Perhaps you should hire a translator?
Okay ... you're officially an imbecile. Go take your meds, get plenty of rest and fluids. You're on the verge of a breakdown.

If the term "Jew" has such a broad definition then I guess you won't mind if Arthur Koestler makes the claim that the Khazars converted to Judaism in the 8th century. Dork!

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