About those "European" Jews . . . .

Question for you folks who worship Judaism and idolize its adherents:

Would I be more "chosen" if I converted from Christianity to Judaism? Of course, I will have to reject Christ to buy into that religion.

They're not interested. But I'm sure there are many Islamists that will be more than happy to convert you to Islam. You'll fit right in.
You mean like the lie that Europeans somehow had Palestine given to them by God?

And what was the reason Muslim animals invaded lands and raped and looted, shoving their filthy religion down people's throats by force? Do say.
It's my belief that there are millions of folks of all races claiming to be Jews. Look online and you'll see black Jews; red-headed Jews with white skin; and olive complected Jews. Are all of them literal Jews by blood or are they Jews by religion?

Hmm, judging by the color of skin and hair again are we? I can remember something about Solomon having relations with an African queen some where along the line.

Another thing. Is there something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? Is it "anti-Semitic" to suggest that peoples have converted to Judaism? I fail to see the logic in reaching that conclusion. How about you?

And now you go down the same road as many others by spewing confusing information. Where did I say that I think there is something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? You are stating I reached a 'conclusion' that I didn't even hint at. In other words, you are reading something I did not write.

OMG! Another Polish background Ashkenazi Jew, Jon Stewart,with semetic dark features! I sense Drifting Shit's theory collapsing before our eyes.


Oh! I have an idea, how about we call only the Jews who are dark hair / dark eyes "chosen"? Plus, they get to call themselves "true Israelites". Ha ha ha.

Stewart's family emigrated to the U.S. from Poland, Ukraine and Belarus; one of his grandfathers was born in Manzhouli (now part of Inner Mongolia).

Jon Stewart - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Righto, majority of his family was from Ashkenazi lands like Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus, one of his grandfathers probably emigrated from Europe to Mongolia, and now suddenly Stewart is full blooded Mongolian. Which by the way, doesn't make him "Sephardic" either.

Lame, Jose Feleciano, very lame.
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You mean like the lie that Europeans somehow had Palestine given to them by God?

And what was the reason Muslim animals invaded lands and raped and looted, shoving their filthy religion down people's throats by force? Do say.

The Muslims are human beings just as Jews are. Only racists and Nazis like you would say anything different.

Yeah, then why don't Muslims treat other beings especially non Muslims, as equal human beings? And have gone around murdering and beheading all those who oppose their violent intolerant cult? Can you shed some light on that one?
You mean like the lie that Europeans somehow had Palestine given to them by God?

And what was the reason Muslim animals invaded lands and raped and looted, shoving their filthy religion down people's throats by force? Do say.

The Muslims are human beings just as Jews are. Only racists and Nazis like you would say anything different.
Then explain how Islam came to be in all those countries.
It's my belief that there are millions of folks of all races claiming to be Jews. Look online and you'll see black Jews; red-headed Jews with white skin; and olive complected Jews. Are all of them literal Jews by blood or are they Jews by religion?

Hmm, judging by the color of skin and hair again are we? I can remember something about Solomon having relations with an African queen some where along the line.

Another thing. Is there something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? Is it "anti-Semitic" to suggest that peoples have converted to Judaism? I fail to see the logic in reaching that conclusion. How about you?

And now you go down the same road as many others by spewing confusing information. Where did I say that I think there is something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? You are stating I reached a 'conclusion' that I didn't even hint at. In other words, you are reading something I did not write.

OMG! Another Polish background Ashkenazi Jew, Jon Stewart,with semetic dark features! I sense Drifting Shit's theory collapsing before our eyes.


Oh! I have an idea, how about we call only the Jews who are dark hair / dark eyes "chosen"? Plus, they get to call themselves "true Israelites". Ha ha ha.

Stewart's family emigrated to the U.S. from Poland, Ukraine and Belarus; one of his grandfathers was born in Manzhouli (now part of Inner Mongolia).

Jon Stewart - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Righto, majority of his family was from Ashkenazi lands like Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus, one of his grandfathers probably emigrated from Europe to Mongolia, and now suddenly Stewart is full blooded Mongolian. Which by the way, doesn't make him "Sephardic either"

You are a hero to racists and sociopaths, if not psychopaths and duller than a stick of butter.
You mean like the lie that Europeans somehow had Palestine given to them by God?

And what was the reason Muslim animals invaded lands and raped and looted, shoving their filthy religion down people's throats by force? Do say.

The Muslims are human beings just as Jews are. Only racists and Nazis like you would say anything different.
Then explain how Islam came to be in all those countries.

The same as Christianity came to all the countries it is now. Don't you think. I mean, it came from Roman Palestine and is now in Latin America and the Phillippines.
It's my belief that there are millions of folks of all races claiming to be Jews. Look online and you'll see black Jews; red-headed Jews with white skin; and olive complected Jews. Are all of them literal Jews by blood or are they Jews by religion?

Hmm, judging by the color of skin and hair again are we? I can remember something about Solomon having relations with an African queen some where along the line.

Another thing. Is there something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? Is it "anti-Semitic" to suggest that peoples have converted to Judaism? I fail to see the logic in reaching that conclusion. How about you?

And now you go down the same road as many others by spewing confusing information. Where did I say that I think there is something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? You are stating I reached a 'conclusion' that I didn't even hint at. In other words, you are reading something I did not write.

OMG! Another Polish background Ashkenazi Jew, Jon Stewart,with semetic dark features! I sense Drifting Shit's theory collapsing before our eyes.


Oh! I have an idea, how about we call only the Jews who are dark hair / dark eyes "chosen"? Plus, they get to call themselves "true Israelites". Ha ha ha.

Stewart's family emigrated to the U.S. from Poland, Ukraine and Belarus; one of his grandfathers was born in Manzhouli (now part of Inner Mongolia).

Jon Stewart - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Righto, majority of his family was from Ashkenazi lands like Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus, one of his grandfathers probably emigrated from Europe to Mongolia, and now suddenly Stewart is full blooded Mongolian. Which by the way, doesn't make him "Sephardic either"

You are a hero to racists and sociopaths, if not psychopaths and duller than a stick of butter.

Somehow you remind me of a vacuum, very good at sucking.
You mean like the lie that Europeans somehow had Palestine given to them by God?

And what was the reason Muslim animals invaded lands and raped and looted, shoving their filthy religion down people's throats by force? Do say.

The Muslims are human beings just as Jews are. Only racists and Nazis like you would say anything different.
Then explain how Islam came to be in all those countries.

The same as Christianity came to all the countries it is now. Don't you think. I mean, it came from Roman Palestine and is now in Latin America and the Phillippines.

Ah I see, but you don't see Christianity today running around like apes chopping people's heads off, or ramming jets into buildings while screaming off the top of their lungs, "SUBMIT TO CHRISTIANITY OR DIE! JESUS IS LORD!"

Nor do you see, Christians today exclaiming "we are establishing a Christian Kingdom and all non Christians must submit and agree to live a second class citizens"

Maybe they decided it's time to stop being neanderthal medieval barbarians a few hundred years ago?
For the so-called "Bible believers" in this thread: what do you make of the following verses?:

Revelation 2:9, "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
Revelation 3:9, "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

Who "call themselves Jews but are not? Whomever they are, they are liars like their father the devil (see John 8:44).

Note that the word "Jew" is a short version of the word "Judah." If the Jews are of the tribe of Judah then where are the other 11 tribes?:

James 1:1, "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting."

Then take a look at the following verse and please tell me which of the two subjects of the verse are the "chosen people."

Hebrews 8:8, "For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:"

Who is chosen? The "house of Israel" or the "house of Judah?" If they are one and the same then why does the Bible present them as two separate groups?

For more fun, read the opening verses of Revelation chapter 7. Twelve DIFFERENT tribes are mentioned by name and not all of them are "Judah."

You mean like the lie that Europeans somehow had Palestine given to them by God?

And what was the reason Muslim animals invaded lands and raped and looted, shoving their filthy religion down people's throats by force? Do say.

The Muslims are human beings just as Jews are. Only racists and Nazis like you would say anything different.
Then explain how Islam came to be in all those countries.

The same as Christianity came to all the countries it is now. Don't you think. I mean, it came from Roman Palestine and is now in Latin America and the Phillippines.

Ah I see, but you don't see Christianity today running around like apes chopping people's heads off, or ramming jets into buildings while screaming off the top of their lungs, "SUBMIT TO CHRISTIANITY OR DIE! JESUS IS LORD!"

Nor do you see, Christians today exclaiming "we are establishing a Christian Kingdom and all non Christians must submit and agree to live a second class citizens"

Maybe they decided it's time to stop being neanderthal medieval barbarians a few hundred years ago?

Well, Iraq was destroyed by mostly Christians, wasn't it? I was a soldier in Vietnam and I am a Christian. Did Muslims drop the first nukes on people? Christians were not too peace loving in World War 2. I don't think Muslims have a monopoly on violence.
Cutting and pasting off neo Nazi sites again, Drifting Shit?

Did those neo Nazi sites tell you that Jesus was a Zionist Jew who practiced the Old Testament? LOL

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