Abu Musab Al-zarqawi Killed In Iraq

Rico said:
Yep I heard that shitass question from the Time guy and wanted to disembowel him on the spot. Good God the left is just pathetic. Victims? I'll show you a victim you sonofabitch. The real victims are the American people that have to wade through the absolute garbage that passes for "journalism" from our friends in the press.

By the way an aside, heard an interview with Nick Berg's dad and he blamed George Bush equally with Zarqawi for his death. What an absolute fuckin' idiot!!! Said he really didn't desire revenge for his sons beheadiin. At least the Air Force has the balls to avenge his sons gruesome murder even if his surviving father is a emasculated coward.

I know liberals can't relate to this but everytime I hear or see our military doing something like this even on a smaller scale, I get an overwhelming feeling of pride, and security about our soldiers, and our country.
dmp said:




You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to dmp again.


:firing: :ali:
Perhaps tomorrow's news, though some has already been evident today:

al Jazeera's commentators: "Zarqawi's death won't stop al Qaida"
By Walid Phares

Reacting to the killing of Abu Mus'ab al Zarqawi in Iraq, pro-Jihadi commentators on al Jazeera rushed to assert that the
"death of Zarqawi won't weaken al Qaida but will actually unify the organization."​
Abdelbari Atwan, the editor of al Quds al Arabi accused Jordanian and US intelligence of penetrating the inner circles of Zarqawi and were successful in getting to him.
" He added that the killing of Zarqawi was coordinated with the appointment of the ministers of defense and interior in Baghdad.​

Projecting further terror, Atwan said the
"Jihadists will increase their operations in Iraq. For the more the organization is repressed the more it will produce Jihadists."​
He stated that in any event,
Zarqawi was isolated inside the organization and restrained to military operations."​
Other commentators also stated that the near future will show that al Qaida is a movement not a group of supporters to one man.

But Iraqi leaders, including the speaker of the Kurdish Parliament, responded on al Jazeera that
"the Iraqi people has memorized the names of all those who were involved in Terror against civilians, and will continue the struggle"
(More analysis later)

June 8, 2006 04:24 AM
A huge roundup including pics and prophecies, links:

By Andrew Cochran

LAST UPDATE AT 10:45 am ET. “Today, al-Zarqawi was terminated” (Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki). From the AP story: "Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, al-Qaida's leader in Iraq who led a bloody campaign of suicide bombings and kidnappings, has been killed in an air strike, U.S. and Iraqi officials said Thursday...a major victory in the U.S.-led war in Iraq and the broader war on terror." The attack occurred 8 km north of Baqubah (about 30 miles north of Baghdad). Press conference by U.S. General Casey and Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki: U.S. air strike followed by Iraqi police raid confirms that al-Zarqawi and 7 aides killed - facial recognition, fingerprints, and DNA testing confirmed he was killed at 6:15 pm on June 7 in Iraq. U.S. General also reports that AZ's "spiritual advisor," Sheik Abd-Al-Rahman, also killed. Multinational Force press release reports that “tips and intelligence from Iraqi senior leaders from his network" led to the raid. Jordanian officials claim that they assisted in the identification of the safehouse location for coalition forces. You can read a summary of al-Zarqawi's life and murderous acts on the CNN site and on the Washington Post site. News reports also indicate that Iraqi police captured one aide and a computer at the scene. Fox News reports two 500-pound laser-guided bombs hit the safehouse - see the result below.

At the Multiunational Force press conference in Iraq this morning, Maj. Gen. Caldwell added that the strike enabled coalition forces to also raid 17 other targets in Iraq and find a "treasure trove" of intelligence. Gen. Caldwell said they didn't want to strike the other targets prior to the air strike. This further indicates that the strike was the result of detailed planning and pursuit over several weeks.

President Bush this morning (White House transcript): Our forces "delivered justice...This violent man will never murder again...this is a severe blow to al-Qaida in Iraq." He complimented U.S. and Iraqi forces for their "persistence and determination" and warned that the "difficult mission" in Iraq continues, with more violence ahead.

Al Qaeda in Iraq confirmed Zarqawi's death: "We herald the martyrdom of our mujahid (warrior) Sheikh Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq... and we stress that this is an honour to our nation," signed by Zarqawi's deputy, Abu Abdulrahman al-Iraqi.

Bill Roggio has reported here on the operations of U.S. Task Force 145, a Special Ops unit that was chasing AZ constantly and was probably involved in this raid. Selected posts:
Iraqi Government Forms; Recent Counterterrorism Ops
Task Force 145 Strikes in Latifiyah; Nets Abu Mustafa
The Battle of Yusifayah

Evan Kohlmann is one of the world's leading experts on al-Zarqawi and his network. His "Chart of Major Sunni Militant Groups in Iraq," which included the al-Zarqawi network, is a reference used and cited worldwide, including by U.S. military forces in Iraq. Some of his recent and pertinent posts here on CTB:
More Stories of Fallen Al-Qaida Fighters in Iraq
The Inside Story of Al-Qaida's First Terrorist Training Camp in Iraq
Interview with Co-Founder of Al-Qaida's anti-Shiite Omar Corps in Iraq
Sunni Iraqi Insurgents Deny Reported Friction With Zarqawi
Notes on the New Zarqawi Video
The State of Al-Qaida in Saudi Arabia, Connections to Zarqawi in Iraq
You can also see more on Evan's site, GlobalTerrorAlert.com.

Walid Phares analyzed AZ's sole video in "Troubles Behind the Al-Zarqawi Video?

Steven Emerson on MSNBC today: Combination of intel from Iraqi and Jordanian sources led to the safehouse; Jordanians confirmed location just prior to the strike. Strike "decapitates" AQ in Iraq, which will be in some disarray until a new leader is anointed.

Iraqi bloggers are understandably rejoicing - see "Iraq the Model." Prime Minister al-Miliki also announced his nominees to head the Defense and Interior Ministries, and the Iraqi Parliament confirmed them quickly, an important development in the formation of the new Iraqi government.

As of 9:55 am ET, crude oil is down about $1 a barrel, after being down more earlier. Gold is down over $12/ounce. Don't expect al-Zarqawi's death to have any long-term impact on financial markets - the difficulties in Iraq's oil industry are due to a myriad of sources, including Sunni insurgent attacks and corruption.

Pictures of the press conference, site of al-Zarqawi's death, and dead al-Zarqawi
jasendorf said:
Lighten up Francis. Jeez... maybe it's just me, but I thought the little winky smiley face was a clear sign that I was just kiddin' around...

Sarcasm takes a sense of irony to be valid and takes a certain amount of brains to pull off..... I have found much more naivete' with the comments you have made on this board and as far as brain power.......:duh3:

Kinda like the old cry wolf deal, make 100 asslike posts and the one that might have a chance of making sense will be glossed over......you've made your bed, so I guess you get to sleep in it for now.

As far as the Francis comment above, psycho blues is the actual Francis on the board, he actually mistakes his roll in "Stripes" for actual service in the armed forces......pscho's screen name is self diagnosis on his part.:funnyface
Bonnie said:
I know liberals can't relate to this but everytime I hear or see our military doing something like this even on a smaller scale, I get an overwhelming feeling of pride, and security about our soldiers, and our country.

Does Murtha still think the military is broken and over stretched?
red states rule said:
Does Murtha still think the military is broken and over stretched?

I don't believe he ever thought that, but more a wish to pander to the leftie elites. At least we had a few good hours before the they all jumped in with the negative spin:rolleyes:
Mr. P said:
Just love a pilot, that'll do.:)

I heard this morning that these pilots are not told what their mission is, only that it's a high value target, I wonder why? Maybe it is to keep them completely objective?
Bonnie said:
I heard this morning that these pilots are not told what their mission is, only that it's a high value target, I wonder why? Maybe it is to keep them completely objective?

Because they are going after a 'target' - NOT a 'person'.
I just watched the video. I love how the pilots drop one, circle around and debate whether one was enough, then drop another for good measure :thup:

"Do you think its blown to shit enough?"

"Fuck no! Drop another"

Bonnie said:
I heard this morning that these pilots are not told what their mission is, only that it's a high value target, I wonder why? Maybe it is to keep them completely objective?
Cold hard truth is yes that's it...no psyc stuff..not women children, dogs cats to think about etc..it's a mission. That is the focus, no room for distraction.
Bonnie said:
I don't believe he ever thought that, but more a wish to pander to the leftie elites. At least we had a few good hours before the they all jumped in with the negative spin:rolleyes:

The same way he really did not mean it when he said our troops killed civilians in cold blood?
The ClayTaurus said:
I just watched the video. I love how the pilots drop one, circle around and debate whether one was enough, then drop another for good measure :thup:

"Do you think its blown to shit enough?"

"Fuck no! Drop another"

Gotta link for that video, clay?

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