Accepting The Results Of The Election


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) in questioning Secretary of State Mike Pompeo premised a question on President Trump's not committing to Mike Wallace that he would accept the results of the 2020 election if mail in balloting was widely used. He was asking Pompeo if he would accept the results of the election.

Of course, Secretary Pompeo's response was that he would respect the law.

What the dimwit Udall failed to mention is that the ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PARTY, following the lead of Bitchillary Clinton has YET to accept the results of the 2016 election. It's going on 4 years now that they have sought to ignore the legitimacy of that election. (Remember Hillary saying that refusal to accept the results would amount to undermining democracy? This is exactly what the Democrat Party has been doing for over three years now.)

...and of course, Udall did not mention that candidate Donald Trump did not commit in 2016 as well.

Mr. Genius Udall further went on in his questioning to accuse President Trump of undermining the credibility of the free press. That's a hoot! The FACT that the free press has demonstrated without doubt that IT HAS LITTLE OR NO CREDIBILITY is the reason for Trump's calling THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA the enemy of the people.

The Democrats, by way of blatant hypocrisy and outright lies demonstrate continuously (day and night) that they truly do not believe in fairness or truthfulness...and the liberal press supports them regardless of what they do.

All they both believe in is winning by any means necessary.
Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) in questioning Secretary of State Mike Pompeo premised a question on President Trump's not committing to Mike Wallace that he would accept the results of the 2020 election if mail in balloting was widely used. He was asking Pompeo if he would accept the results of the election.

Of course, Secretary Pompeo's response was that he would respect the law.

What the dimwit Udall failed to mention is that the ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PARTY, following the lead of Bitchillary Clinton has YET to accept the results of the 2016 election. It's going on 4 years now that they have sought to ignore the legitimacy of that election. (Remember Hillary saying that refusal to accept the results would amount to undermining democracy? This is exactly what the Democrat Party has been doing for over three years now.)

...and of course, Udall did not mention that candidate Donald Trump did not commit in 2016 as well.

Mr. Genius Udall further went on in his questioning to accuse President Trump of undermining the credibility of the free press. That's a hoot! The FACT that the free press has demonstrated without doubt that IT HAS LITTLE OR NO CREDIBILITY is the reason for Trump's calling THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA the enemy of the people.

The Democrats, by way of blatant hypocrisy and outright lies demonstrate continuously (day and night) that they truly do not believe in fairness or truthfulness...and the liberal press supports them regardless of what they do.

All they both believe in is winning by any means necessary.

It may be because Hillary beat pussygrabber by 3 million votes despite the face pusssygrabber conspired with russians to interfere with our elections...

I expect if mail in voting is used that both candidates will if they lose want to verify each and every vote to make sure Mickey Mouse isn't voting.....or some Russian may take 3 weeks to get the results...
Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) in questioning Secretary of State Mike Pompeo premised a question on President Trump's not committing to Mike Wallace that he would accept the results of the 2020 election if mail in balloting was widely used. He was asking Pompeo if he would accept the results of the election.

Of course, Secretary Pompeo's response was that he would respect the law.

What the dimwit Udall failed to mention is that the ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PARTY, following the lead of Bitchillary Clinton has YET to accept the results of the 2016 election. It's going on 4 years now that they have sought to ignore the legitimacy of that election. (Remember Hillary saying that refusal to accept the results would amount to undermining democracy? This is exactly what the Democrat Party has been doing for over three years now.)

...and of course, Udall did not mention that candidate Donald Trump did not commit in 2016 as well.

Mr. Genius Udall further went on in his questioning to accuse President Trump of undermining the credibility of the free press. That's a hoot! The FACT that the free press has demonstrated without doubt that IT HAS LITTLE OR NO CREDIBILITY is the reason for Trump's calling THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA the enemy of the people.

The Democrats, by way of blatant hypocrisy and outright lies demonstrate continuously (day and night) that they truly do not believe in fairness or truthfulness...and the liberal press supports them regardless of what they do.

All they both believe in is winning by any means necessary.

It may be because Hillary beat pussygrabber by 3 million votes despite the face pusssygrabber conspired with russians to interfere with our elections...

View attachment 369164
The National popular vote means nothing.
Do you understand now?
Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) in questioning Secretary of State Mike Pompeo premised a question on President Trump's not committing to Mike Wallace that he would accept the results of the 2020 election if mail in balloting was widely used. He was asking Pompeo if he would accept the results of the election.

Of course, Secretary Pompeo's response was that he would respect the law.

What the dimwit Udall failed to mention is that the ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PARTY, following the lead of Bitchillary Clinton has YET to accept the results of the 2016 election. It's going on 4 years now that they have sought to ignore the legitimacy of that election. (Remember Hillary saying that refusal to accept the results would amount to undermining democracy? This is exactly what the Democrat Party has been doing for over three years now.)

...and of course, Udall did not mention that candidate Donald Trump did not commit in 2016 as well.

Mr. Genius Udall further went on in his questioning to accuse President Trump of undermining the credibility of the free press. That's a hoot! The FACT that the free press has demonstrated without doubt that IT HAS LITTLE OR NO CREDIBILITY is the reason for Trump's calling THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA the enemy of the people.

The Democrats, by way of blatant hypocrisy and outright lies demonstrate continuously (day and night) that they truly do not believe in fairness or truthfulness...and the liberal press supports them regardless of what they do.

All they both believe in is winning by any means necessary.

The only people seem to be stuck in 2016 and the constant Hillary mentioning are Trump supporters. I firmly believe this is because they know they backed a liar and a fraud who squeaked into the White House by the narrowest of margins. Ever since he was elected, his supporters have been non stop trying to justify his Presidency, almost as if they were ashamed they voted for him and got him elected. He's made all of his own problems and scandals. Due to the fact that he's corrupt and he's a complete moron. Unfit to sit in the Oval Office. And his supporters know this. So it's non-stop deflection....look over there!!...don't pay attention to his lies....whatabout X?? (insert weekly boogeyman here).
Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) in questioning Secretary of State Mike Pompeo premised a question on President Trump's not committing to Mike Wallace that he would accept the results of the 2020 election if mail in balloting was widely used. He was asking Pompeo if he would accept the results of the election.

Of course, Secretary Pompeo's response was that he would respect the law.

What the dimwit Udall failed to mention is that the ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PARTY, following the lead of Bitchillary Clinton has YET to accept the results of the 2016 election. It's going on 4 years now that they have sought to ignore the legitimacy of that election. (Remember Hillary saying that refusal to accept the results would amount to undermining democracy? This is exactly what the Democrat Party has been doing for over three years now.)

...and of course, Udall did not mention that candidate Donald Trump did not commit in 2016 as well.

Mr. Genius Udall further went on in his questioning to accuse President Trump of undermining the credibility of the free press. That's a hoot! The FACT that the free press has demonstrated without doubt that IT HAS LITTLE OR NO CREDIBILITY is the reason for Trump's calling THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA the enemy of the people.

The Democrats, by way of blatant hypocrisy and outright lies demonstrate continuously (day and night) that they truly do not believe in fairness or truthfulness...and the liberal press supports them regardless of what they do.

All they both believe in is winning by any means necessary.

You kidding?

They still haven't got over the 2000 election
Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) in questioning Secretary of State Mike Pompeo premised a question on President Trump's not committing to Mike Wallace that he would accept the results of the 2020 election if mail in balloting was widely used. He was asking Pompeo if he would accept the results of the election.

Of course, Secretary Pompeo's response was that he would respect the law.

What the dimwit Udall failed to mention is that the ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PARTY, following the lead of Bitchillary Clinton has YET to accept the results of the 2016 election. It's going on 4 years now that they have sought to ignore the legitimacy of that election. (Remember Hillary saying that refusal to accept the results would amount to undermining democracy? This is exactly what the Democrat Party has been doing for over three years now.)

...and of course, Udall did not mention that candidate Donald Trump did not commit in 2016 as well.

Mr. Genius Udall further went on in his questioning to accuse President Trump of undermining the credibility of the free press. That's a hoot! The FACT that the free press has demonstrated without doubt that IT HAS LITTLE OR NO CREDIBILITY is the reason for Trump's calling THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA the enemy of the people.

The Democrats, by way of blatant hypocrisy and outright lies demonstrate continuously (day and night) that they truly do not believe in fairness or truthfulness...and the liberal press supports them regardless of what they do.

All they both believe in is winning by any means necessary.
Strange. The left wing never accepted the results of 2016.
Correct, not only have Dems refused to accept the 2016 election results they broke the law in an attempt to undermine the will of the people and that election by launching multiple witch hunts against president Trump and members of his cabinet and campaign. So Dems can just shut their big fat lying puke mouths about it.
Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) in questioning Secretary of State Mike Pompeo premised a question on President Trump's not committing to Mike Wallace that he would accept the results of the 2020 election if mail in balloting was widely used. He was asking Pompeo if he would accept the results of the election.

Of course, Secretary Pompeo's response was that he would respect the law.

What the dimwit Udall failed to mention is that the ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PARTY, following the lead of Bitchillary Clinton has YET to accept the results of the 2016 election. It's going on 4 years now that they have sought to ignore the legitimacy of that election. (Remember Hillary saying that refusal to accept the results would amount to undermining democracy? This is exactly what the Democrat Party has been doing for over three years now.)

...and of course, Udall did not mention that candidate Donald Trump did not commit in 2016 as well.

Mr. Genius Udall further went on in his questioning to accuse President Trump of undermining the credibility of the free press. That's a hoot! The FACT that the free press has demonstrated without doubt that IT HAS LITTLE OR NO CREDIBILITY is the reason for Trump's calling THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA the enemy of the people.

The Democrats, by way of blatant hypocrisy and outright lies demonstrate continuously (day and night) that they truly do not believe in fairness or truthfulness...and the liberal press supports them regardless of what they do.

All they both believe in is winning by any means necessary.

It may be because Hillary beat pussygrabber by 3 million votes despite the face pusssygrabber conspired with russians to interfere with our elections...
It wouldn't have mattered if Bitchillary got 30 million more votes in California. She'd still have lost the election. As it appears, she got only 3 million illegal votes, likely all in states that she would have won without them.

It's that pesty old Electoral College (that the Dems hate so much) that correctly made the election legitimate.

Now the dimwit Dems are seeking ways to circumvent the EC.

By their delusional way of thinking, the liberal metropolitan areas should be allowed to set policies for the entire nation based simply on MOB RULE!

Screw the Democrat Party!
Trump won the electoral college and was sworn in as president. He's been in the Oval office for the past 3 1/2 years, so I'm pretty sure that everyone has accepted the results of the election.

But now, Trump is tweeting that the election needs to be delayed, but the only people that can do that is the House and Senate, not the president. That is per the Constitution. Only problem is, there wouldn't be much of a delay in the election, because also according to the Constitution, the new president is supposed to take office on the 20th of January. So, the most it could be delayed is a little over 2 months.

Someone needs to tell Trump that his idea is a non starter.
Trump won the electoral college and was sworn in as president. He's been in the Oval office for the past 3 1/2 years, so I'm pretty sure that everyone has accepted the results of the election.

But now, Trump is tweeting that the election needs to be delayed, but the only people that can do that is the House and Senate, not the president. That is per the Constitution. Only problem is, there wouldn't be much of a delay in the election, because also according to the Constitution, the new president is supposed to take office on the 20th of January. So, the most it could be delayed is a little over 2 months.

Someone needs to tell Trump that his idea is a non starter.
I believe he's aware of that. He's just expressing an opinion. He knows he can't delay the election by executive order.

I rest assured that the 2020 election will be contested regardless of which way it goes...especially if mail in voting is prevalent.

...and I remember when Obama expressed a desire to have his own police force--equal to the US military. He likely knew he couldn't do that on his own.

Delaying the election would not be legal or wise. Absentee ballots are not the same as mail in voting would be. People who are afraid the get out and vote could request absentee ballots, mailed directly to them and identified with markings to show their name.

The way the Dems want to do mail in voting, they might as well just say, "Write your name on a postcard and send it in. Regardless of the postmark, we'll count it!"

Odds are, there will be more votes than registered voters in multiple precincts, regardless of the authorized methods of voting.

I plan to vote on October 13, 2020--the second day of scheduled early voting here.

ABikerSailor said:
Trump won the electoral college and was sworn in as president. He's been in the Oval office for the past 3 1/2 years, so I'm pretty sure that everyone has accepted the results of the election.
Not so. Many a person has said that he's not their president. Even the late John Lewis (admittedly a great man) called Trump an illegitimate president.

The fact that the Democrat Party has relentless tried to get Trump out of office by hook or crook attests to the fact that they have not accepted the 2016 results.

There is no way to tell just how much money has been absolutely wasted pursuing his impeachment (which was obtained illegitimately) and he's still our President.

There's no way to tell just how many good things could have been accomplished for the American people by Congress had the Democrat Party members not hated Trump more than they love the people.

To HELL with the Democrat Party!
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Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) in questioning Secretary of State Mike Pompeo premised a question on President Trump's not committing to Mike Wallace that he would accept the results of the 2020 election if mail in balloting was widely used. He was asking Pompeo if he would accept the results of the election.

Of course, Secretary Pompeo's response was that he would respect the law.

What the dimwit Udall failed to mention is that the ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PARTY, following the lead of Bitchillary Clinton has YET to accept the results of the 2016 election. It's going on 4 years now that they have sought to ignore the legitimacy of that election. (Remember Hillary saying that refusal to accept the results would amount to undermining democracy? This is exactly what the Democrat Party has been doing for over three years now.)

...and of course, Udall did not mention that candidate Donald Trump did not commit in 2016 as well.

Mr. Genius Udall further went on in his questioning to accuse President Trump of undermining the credibility of the free press. That's a hoot! The FACT that the free press has demonstrated without doubt that IT HAS LITTLE OR NO CREDIBILITY is the reason for Trump's calling THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA the enemy of the people.

The Democrats, by way of blatant hypocrisy and outright lies demonstrate continuously (day and night) that they truly do not believe in fairness or truthfulness...and the liberal press supports them regardless of what they do.

All they both believe in is winning by any means necessary.

It may be because Hillary beat pussygrabber by 3 million votes despite the face pusssygrabber conspired with russians to interfere with our elections...

View attachment 369164

The difference between Trump and Fingers Joe.....they let Trump grab their pussies.
Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) in questioning Secretary of State Mike Pompeo premised a question on President Trump's not committing to Mike Wallace that he would accept the results of the 2020 election if mail in balloting was widely used. He was asking Pompeo if he would accept the results of the election.

Of course, Secretary Pompeo's response was that he would respect the law.

What the dimwit Udall failed to mention is that the ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PARTY, following the lead of Bitchillary Clinton has YET to accept the results of the 2016 election. It's going on 4 years now that they have sought to ignore the legitimacy of that election. (Remember Hillary saying that refusal to accept the results would amount to undermining democracy? This is exactly what the Democrat Party has been doing for over three years now.)

...and of course, Udall did not mention that candidate Donald Trump did not commit in 2016 as well.

Mr. Genius Udall further went on in his questioning to accuse President Trump of undermining the credibility of the free press. That's a hoot! The FACT that the free press has demonstrated without doubt that IT HAS LITTLE OR NO CREDIBILITY is the reason for Trump's calling THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA the enemy of the people.

The Democrats, by way of blatant hypocrisy and outright lies demonstrate continuously (day and night) that they truly do not believe in fairness or truthfulness...and the liberal press supports them regardless of what they do.

All they both believe in is winning by any means necessary.

It may be because Hillary beat pussygrabber by 3 million votes despite the face pusssygrabber conspired with russians to interfere with our elections...

View attachment 369164

Holy crap, Hillary won the election?! Did you tell her? Did anyone explain to you the election process in this country? Dumbass.
Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) in questioning Secretary of State Mike Pompeo premised a question on President Trump's not committing to Mike Wallace that he would accept the results of the 2020 election if mail in balloting was widely used. He was asking Pompeo if he would accept the results of the election.

Of course, Secretary Pompeo's response was that he would respect the law.

What the dimwit Udall failed to mention is that the ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PARTY, following the lead of Bitchillary Clinton has YET to accept the results of the 2016 election. It's going on 4 years now that they have sought to ignore the legitimacy of that election. (Remember Hillary saying that refusal to accept the results would amount to undermining democracy? This is exactly what the Democrat Party has been doing for over three years now.)

...and of course, Udall did not mention that candidate Donald Trump did not commit in 2016 as well.

Mr. Genius Udall further went on in his questioning to accuse President Trump of undermining the credibility of the free press. That's a hoot! The FACT that the free press has demonstrated without doubt that IT HAS LITTLE OR NO CREDIBILITY is the reason for Trump's calling THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA the enemy of the people.

The Democrats, by way of blatant hypocrisy and outright lies demonstrate continuously (day and night) that they truly do not believe in fairness or truthfulness...and the liberal press supports them regardless of what they do.

All they both believe in is winning by any means necessary.

It may be because Hillary beat pussygrabber by 3 million votes despite the face pusssygrabber conspired with russians to interfere with our elections...
You are a deluded, sick, lying idiot--a perfect Democrat voter.
As I remember it, Hillary was at Trump’s inauguration, dumbasses. That is the very definition of accepting the election results.

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