Accidentally overheard some of the democrat debate... REPARATIONS?

The crazy train just keeps getting crazier. I could have sworn that I heard democrats on the debate stage vouching for reparations trying to out-crazy each other. They have gone full regressive.

What is wrong with these people?

They want to give away money to people who were never slaves, and send the bill to people who were never slave owners. Only geniuses would consider doing that in a country 22 trillion dollars in debt and growing. So what is this really about?

The crazy train just keeps getting crazier. I could have sworn that I heard democrats on the debate stage vouching for reparations trying to out-crazy each other. They have gone full regressive.

What is wrong with these people?

They want to give away money to people who were never slaves, and send the bill to people who were never slave owners. Only geniuses would consider doing that in a country 22 trillion dollars in debt and growing. So what is this really about?

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It is about...


How are reparations actually any different than bail outs?
Ask Obama. He;s seasoned with bailouts. He had at least 4 of them. You can contact him at his global climate change proof beach house.

Why can't I ask Trump? Obama's were bad but Trump's are good?

You can ask whoever you want, but do it in your own thread.

That's not how it works. Why is giving some people evil but giving others all kinds of money is a proper thing to do?

We should have not given the banks money, but the middle finger.

Which is the same we should have done to Fen and Fred... and other government institutions in the center of the crisis.

Socialism is bad.

But we did and we still are under Trump.
The crazy train just keeps getting crazier. I could have sworn that I heard democrats on the debate stage vouching for reparations trying to out-crazy each other. They have gone full regressive.

What is wrong with these people?

It is pie in the sky fantasy, and they are hoping Black Americans will fall for it.

Logistically, there is no way for them to determine who would get it, and who would pay for it. I mean, lets be real here------------>if your nuclear family arrived after the civil war, should you be put upon to pay anything?

And what about people that are Black that arrived after that time period also? They gonna get cut a check?

This is just a smoke screen, plain and simple. Black people want jobs, not hand outs; and they want GOOD JOBS! Handing them 500 bucks for their vote won't even buy them the newest I-phone. Black people are NOT stupid, much to the chagrin of the Democratic party-)
The crazy train just keeps getting crazier. I could have sworn that I heard democrats on the debate stage vouching for reparations trying to out-crazy each other. They have gone full regressive.

What is wrong with these people?

It is pie in the sky fantasy, and they are hoping Black Americans will fall for it.

Logistically, there is no way for them to determine who would get it, and who would pay for it. I mean, lets be real here------------>if your nuclear family arrived after the civil war, should you be put upon to pay anything?

And what about people that are Black that arrived after that time period also? They gonna get cut a check?

This is just a smoke screen, plain and simple. Black people want jobs, not hand outs; and they want GOOD JOBS! Handing them 500 bucks for their vote won't even buy them the newest I-phone. Black people are NOT stupid, much to the chagrin of the Democratic party-)

Many are politically stupid, and that's what the Democrats depend on. After slavery, they were later put back on the plantation by the Democrat party, only in a different way. It's called Obama Money.
The crazy train just keeps getting crazier. I could have sworn that I heard democrats on the debate stage vouching for reparations trying to out-crazy each other. They have gone full regressive.

What is wrong with these people?

It is pie in the sky fantasy, and they are hoping Black Americans will fall for it.

Logistically, there is no way for them to determine who would get it, and who would pay for it. I mean, lets be real here------------>if your nuclear family arrived after the civil war, should you be put upon to pay anything?

And what about people that are Black that arrived after that time period also? They gonna get cut a check?

This is just a smoke screen, plain and simple. Black people want jobs, not hand outs; and they want GOOD JOBS! Handing them 500 bucks for their vote won't even buy them the newest I-phone. Black people are NOT stupid, much to the chagrin of the Democratic party-)

Many are politically stupid, and that's what the Democrats depend on. After slavery, they were later put back on the plantation by the Democrat party, only in a different way. It's called Obama Money.

After the calls for reparations, the dems rooted for black criminals over the regular blacks. Bernie Sanders said he would end bail or something in that direction.

Legitimately crazy people.
How are reparations actually any different than bail outs?

I’m all for reparations provided that the African families and Business empires that started and benefitted from Western Slave trade pay their fair share.
How are reparations actually any different than bail outs?
Ask Obama. He;s seasoned with bailouts. He had at least 4 of them. You can contact him at his global climate change proof beach house.

Why can't I ask Trump? Obama's were bad but Trump's are good?

You can ask whoever you want, but do it in your own thread.

That's not how it works. Why is giving some people evil but giving others all kinds of money is a proper thing to do?

We should have not given the banks money, but the middle finger.

Which is the same we should have done to Fen and Fred... and other government institutions in the center of the crisis.

Socialism is bad.

Years from now when the truth comes out of the media blackout... what the Obama administration did with the TARP funds will be the single greatest crime against the people in American history. Nothing else even comes close.

Consider... 10,000,000 people lost their homes between 2008 and 2014. But the banks who owned the mortgages were bailed out. The banks got their cash and the property also. It is not an accident that these banks made record profits while the homeowners were kicked to the curb. A Republican didn't do that. A Democrat did.
Also consider, that all the way to 2015, the Obama administration was still providing $70 BILLION - PER MONTH - in free loans to Investment banks/Super corporations and Wall Street firms - despite the fact they were all making historic profits - WHY???
The crazy train just keeps getting crazier. I could have sworn that I heard democrats on the debate stage vouching for reparations trying to out-crazy each other. They have gone full regressive.

What is wrong with these people?

It is pie in the sky fantasy, and they are hoping Black Americans will fall for it.

Logistically, there is no way for them to determine who would get it, and who would pay for it. I mean, lets be real here------------>if your nuclear family arrived after the civil war, should you be put upon to pay anything?

And what about people that are Black that arrived after that time period also? They gonna get cut a check?

This is just a smoke screen, plain and simple. Black people want jobs, not hand outs; and they want GOOD JOBS! Handing them 500 bucks for their vote won't even buy them the newest I-phone. Black people are NOT stupid, much to the chagrin of the Democratic party-)

Many are politically stupid, and that's what the Democrats depend on. After slavery, they were later put back on the plantation by the Democrat party, only in a different way. It's called Obama Money.

After the calls for reparations, the dems rooted for black criminals over the regular blacks. Bernie Sanders said he would end bail or something in that direction.

Legitimately crazy people.

Politics is not an interesting subject for many black people. They vote Democrat because they've been brainwashed to believe the Democrats are for them. Reparations are unrealistic, and the party once again is trying to pull the wool over their eyes. Why don't they do something realistic; something that would actually help blacks, like side with Republicans who want to stop invaders from coming here and taking jobs black people should be working at?
The crazy train just keeps getting crazier. I could have sworn that I heard democrats on the debate stage vouching for reparations trying to out-crazy each other. They have gone full regressive.

What is wrong with these people?

It is pie in the sky fantasy, and they are hoping Black Americans will fall for it.

Logistically, there is no way for them to determine who would get it, and who would pay for it. I mean, lets be real here------------>if your nuclear family arrived after the civil war, should you be put upon to pay anything?

And what about people that are Black that arrived after that time period also? They gonna get cut a check?

This is just a smoke screen, plain and simple. Black people want jobs, not hand outs; and they want GOOD JOBS! Handing them 500 bucks for their vote won't even buy them the newest I-phone. Black people are NOT stupid, much to the chagrin of the Democratic party-)

Many are politically stupid, and that's what the Democrats depend on. After slavery, they were later put back on the plantation by the Democrat party, only in a different way. It's called Obama Money.

After the calls for reparations, the dems rooted for black criminals over the regular blacks. Bernie Sanders said he would end bail or something in that direction.

Legitimately crazy people.

Politics is not an interesting subject for many black people. They vote Democrat because they've been brainwashed to believe the Democrats are for them. Reparations are unrealistic, and the party once again is trying to pull the wool over their eyes. Why don't they do something realistic; something that would actually help blacks, like side with Republicans who want to stop invaders from coming here and taking jobs black people should be working at?

Because for the Left; it is not really about helping Black Americans, it is about keeping their vote.

Let me tell you something Ray----------------->if EVER 51% of Black America votes GOP in 2 consecutive elections, they will join the ranks of evil white guys in the press.
How are reparations actually any different than bail outs?

I’m all for reparations provided that the African families and Business empires that started and benefitted from Western Slave trade pay their fair share.

And you point out an extremely important factor which NO ONE brings up when candidates make these blanket statements.

Also, I'm curious, will the genealogy tests be used to determine the amount someone is eligible for depending on their race percentage breakdown? If they are part white will they no longer be eligible to receive reparations?

I'm soooooo confused
Ask Obama. He;s seasoned with bailouts. He had at least 4 of them. You can contact him at his global climate change proof beach house.

Why can't I ask Trump? Obama's were bad but Trump's are good?

You can ask whoever you want, but do it in your own thread.

That's not how it works. Why is giving some people evil but giving others all kinds of money is a proper thing to do?

We should have not given the banks money, but the middle finger.

Which is the same we should have done to Fen and Fred... and other government institutions in the center of the crisis.

Socialism is bad.

Years from now when the truth comes out of the media blackout... what the Obama administration did with the TARP funds will be the single greatest crime against the people in American history. Nothing else even comes close.

Consider... 10,000,000 people lost their homes between 2008 and 2014. But the banks who owned the mortgages were bailed out. The banks got their cash and the property also. It is not an accident that these banks made record profits while the homeowners were kicked to the curb. A Republican didn't do that. A Democrat did.
Also consider, that all the way to 2015, the Obama administration was still providing $70 BILLION - PER MONTH - in free loans to Investment banks/Super corporations and Wall Street firms - despite the fact they were all making historic profits - WHY???

The real crime was the story behind the HARP funds
The crazy train just keeps getting crazier. I could have sworn that I heard democrats on the debate stage vouching for reparations trying to out-crazy each other. They have gone full regressive.

What is wrong with these people?

It is pie in the sky fantasy, and they are hoping Black Americans will fall for it.

Logistically, there is no way for them to determine who would get it, and who would pay for it. I mean, lets be real here------------>if your nuclear family arrived after the civil war, should you be put upon to pay anything?

And what about people that are Black that arrived after that time period also? They gonna get cut a check?

This is just a smoke screen, plain and simple. Black people want jobs, not hand outs; and they want GOOD JOBS! Handing them 500 bucks for their vote won't even buy them the newest I-phone. Black people are NOT stupid, much to the chagrin of the Democratic party-)

Many are politically stupid, and that's what the Democrats depend on. After slavery, they were later put back on the plantation by the Democrat party, only in a different way. It's called Obama Money.

After the calls for reparations, the dems rooted for black criminals over the regular blacks. Bernie Sanders said he would end bail or something in that direction.

Legitimately crazy people.

Politics is not an interesting subject for many black people. They vote Democrat because they've been brainwashed to believe the Democrats are for them. Reparations are unrealistic, and the party once again is trying to pull the wool over their eyes. Why don't they do something realistic; something that would actually help blacks, like side with Republicans who want to stop invaders from coming here and taking jobs black people should be working at?

Because for the Left; it is not really about helping Black Americans, it is about keeping their vote.

Let me tell you something Ray----------------->if EVER 51% of Black America votes GOP in 2 consecutive elections, they will join the ranks of evil white guys in the press.

Hell, if the Republicans got 30% of the black vote, the Democrats are finished. Blacks vote 95 plus percent for Democrats in every presidential election, and look how close some of those races were.

If more blacks would open their eyes to politics and history, they would see that being treated like that slow kid in class is not the answer. Trump's philosophy is that a rising tide lifts all boats. Because of that, blacks are enjoying the lowest unemployment for their race since statistics began, and higher wages for working. Trump never made any special policy for blacks. They just benefited equally like any other group in the country.
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It is pie in the sky fantasy, and they are hoping Black Americans will fall for it.

Logistically, there is no way for them to determine who would get it, and who would pay for it. I mean, lets be real here------------>if your nuclear family arrived after the civil war, should you be put upon to pay anything?

And what about people that are Black that arrived after that time period also? They gonna get cut a check?

This is just a smoke screen, plain and simple. Black people want jobs, not hand outs; and they want GOOD JOBS! Handing them 500 bucks for their vote won't even buy them the newest I-phone. Black people are NOT stupid, much to the chagrin of the Democratic party-)

Many are politically stupid, and that's what the Democrats depend on. After slavery, they were later put back on the plantation by the Democrat party, only in a different way. It's called Obama Money.

After the calls for reparations, the dems rooted for black criminals over the regular blacks. Bernie Sanders said he would end bail or something in that direction.

Legitimately crazy people.

Politics is not an interesting subject for many black people. They vote Democrat because they've been brainwashed to believe the Democrats are for them. Reparations are unrealistic, and the party once again is trying to pull the wool over their eyes. Why don't they do something realistic; something that would actually help blacks, like side with Republicans who want to stop invaders from coming here and taking jobs black people should be working at?

Because for the Left; it is not really about helping Black Americans, it is about keeping their vote.

Let me tell you something Ray----------------->if EVER 51% of Black America votes GOP in 2 consecutive elections, they will join the ranks of evil white guys in the press.

Hell, if the Republicans got 30% of the black vote, the Democrats are finished. Blacks vote 95 plus percent for Democrats in every presidential election, and look how close some of those races were.

If more blacks would open their eyes to politics and history, they would see that being treated like that slow kid in class is not the answer. Trump's philosophy is that a rising tide lifts all boats. Because of that, blacks are enjoying the lowest unemployment for their race since statistics began, and higher wages for working. Trump never made any special policy for blacks. They just benefited equally like any other group in the country.

Republicans are not going to get 30% of the black vote. That's a pipe dream. They could have made progress years ago but they've fallen back decades under this President and his Administration.
It is pie in the sky fantasy, and they are hoping Black Americans will fall for it.

Logistically, there is no way for them to determine who would get it, and who would pay for it. I mean, lets be real here------------>if your nuclear family arrived after the civil war, should you be put upon to pay anything?

And what about people that are Black that arrived after that time period also? They gonna get cut a check?

This is just a smoke screen, plain and simple. Black people want jobs, not hand outs; and they want GOOD JOBS! Handing them 500 bucks for their vote won't even buy them the newest I-phone. Black people are NOT stupid, much to the chagrin of the Democratic party-)

Many are politically stupid, and that's what the Democrats depend on. After slavery, they were later put back on the plantation by the Democrat party, only in a different way. It's called Obama Money.

After the calls for reparations, the dems rooted for black criminals over the regular blacks. Bernie Sanders said he would end bail or something in that direction.

Legitimately crazy people.

Politics is not an interesting subject for many black people. They vote Democrat because they've been brainwashed to believe the Democrats are for them. Reparations are unrealistic, and the party once again is trying to pull the wool over their eyes. Why don't they do something realistic; something that would actually help blacks, like side with Republicans who want to stop invaders from coming here and taking jobs black people should be working at?

Because for the Left; it is not really about helping Black Americans, it is about keeping their vote.

Let me tell you something Ray----------------->if EVER 51% of Black America votes GOP in 2 consecutive elections, they will join the ranks of evil white guys in the press.

Hell, if the Republicans got 30% of the black vote, the Democrats are finished. Blacks vote 95 plus percent for Democrats in every presidential election, and look how close some of those races were.

If more blacks would open their eyes to politics and history, they would see that being treated like that slow kid in class is not the answer. Trump's philosophy is that a rising tide lifts all boats. Because of that, blacks are enjoying the lowest unemployment for their race since statistics began, and higher wages for working. Trump never made any special policy for blacks. They just benefited equally like any other group in the country.

Point of order------------>My daughter is going out with a Black guy. He was a Democrat, lol! We pushed him, gave him confidence as much as we could, and now he a finance manager for a Honda dealer in NW Indiana.

He is making 6 figures, but that is NOT the end of the story, lol.

The guy is paying more in taxes than he ever made before, and didn't understand the situation. I explained to him, that he is now the EVIL WEALTHY since he and my daughter together make in the low 200,000 dollar range.

Low and behold, he and my daughter went to a Trump rally! That was it, he is now a Trumper! But his extended family, many, disown him. They blame his WHITE family for his losing his way.

I am proud of the guy; not because he is now a Trumper, but because he made a choice--------------->if you like Leftists policies, give up more of your money. He said, "no, hell no!" I work 55 to 60hrs a week to make this, and I deserve to keep as much as possible of it.

Now you know why the Left really do not want Black people moving up the economic ladder. For if they do, the money the Left wants to steal, partially comes from them!
How are reparations actually any different than bail outs?

(CAUTION: those scared of truth as it relates to dark folks will piss their panties if they read any further.)
Not sure what “bail outs” you speak of but I’d guess bail outs often offer the American public a potential ROi whereas investing in black people has never returned shit.
How are reparations actually any different than bail outs?

(CAUTION: those scared of truth as it relates to dark folks will piss their panties if they read any further.)
Not sure what “bail outs” you speak of but I’d guess bail outs often offer the American public a potential ROi whereas investing in black people has never returned shit.

So simply helping people is bad but boosting big business is good.
How are reparations actually any different than bail outs?

I’m all for reparations provided that the African families and Business empires that started and benefitted from Western Slave trade pay their fair share.

And you point out an extremely important factor which NO ONE brings up when candidates make these blanket statements.

Also, I'm curious, will the genealogy tests be used to determine the amount someone is eligible for depending on their race percentage breakdown? If they are part white will they no longer be eligible to receive reparations?

I'm soooooo confused

It will be confusing because even if you can trace your ancestors to being US slaves, many have white blood in them and not by choice but as the result of forced sex. Look, there is no question that US Slavery is probably the ugliest mark on an otherwise glorious history. My thing is that the US did not invade Africa and take slaves. Africans were sold against their will by Africans to Westerners. It was a practice that westerners quickly ceased in comparison to the many cultures that have practiced it for centuries and continue to this day. If reparations are going to be made, then the families and businesses from these lands that started it need to pay up as well.
How are reparations actually any different than bail outs?

I’m all for reparations provided that the African families and Business empires that started and benefitted from Western Slave trade pay their fair share.

Businesses great but no, no one ever benefitted by being a slave.

I did not say that. I am saying there are African families that captured and sold slaves. They are the ones that benefitted.

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