According to new research, Crazy Bernie's Medicare for All plan would cost $33trillion over 10 years

OK Republicans....

Your turn ...You don’t want Obamacare, you don’t want Medicare for all

What is your plan?
On this day in 1965, Medicare and Medicaid were signed into law by LBJ
LBJs greatest legacy
That is where the majority of this nations debt comes from. You silly little fucker
Saves people lives

Try finding an insurance policy on the open market when you are 65
I will never buy insurance I think it’s nothing more than a Ponzi scheme… You certainly cannot depend on it
it does not require our participation....
It does if we decide it does ...welcome to America, enjoy your stay.
See, that’s why Social entitlement programs will never work for the good of the people. Anything like that, that’s forced is destined for failure
Social Security works
Medicare works

Let em die doesn’t work
socialist entitlement programs only work for socialists... They love spending other People’s Money
This is the classic "no brainer". As was pointed out in one of the first posts, #7, America is already paying this bill. There would not be an increase, but in fact a savings and more people would get better service. What's not to like? Calling it 'socialism' in order to make people react against it is an obvious tactic to benefit insurance companies. What is the interest in subsidizing them?
We are doing something wrong. This page and the next courtesy of List of countries by total health expenditure per capita - Wikipedia

What we are doing wrong is not have every single US citizen pay federal taxes, and allowing illegals to pour over the borders by the millions!

Our Presdent does not pay federal taxes

Why should a family struggling to support themselves?
The 15% of Americans who are the biggest users of healthcare are already on Medicare. The government helpfully takes them off the hands of for-profit insurers once they became elderly and high-risk.

Is that a great system or what?
The 15% of Americans who are the biggest users of healthcare are already on Medicare. The government helpfully takes them off the hands of for-profit insurers once they became elderly and high-risk.

Is that a great system or what?

No private insurer would want to cover them
We are doing something wrong. This page and the next courtesy of List of countries by total health expenditure per capita - Wikipedia

What we are doing wrong is not have every single US citizen pay federal taxes, and allowing illegals to pour over the borders by the millions!

Our Presdent does not pay federal taxes

Why should a family struggling to support themselves?
Crooked Donnie does not pay taxes
The continuing obfuscation about cost is total bovine fertilizer. The proposal to make health care universal will cost no more than is presently spent. This has been made abundantly clear. The only potential losers are the bloated, greedy insurance companies. Evidently, some posters think poor people are less important than useless companies.
We already spend $1.5T on Medicare, Medicaid, VA Health System, and SCHIP. That doesn't include healthcare for 1.3 million active duty military personnel.

Subtract that from the putative add-on figure.
Try using math.
Says the guy who didn't understand 1 does not equal ten. Says the guy who clearly does not understand exponential growth.

Here is some math for you: highest per capita spending, worse outcomes than any developed country. Crunch the numbers and tell us what that means, in terms of value.
I understand exponential growth just fine. Price and cost increases are a fact of life, rarely does a service not increase in cost so your point is moot. You don't understand that the $33 tril is an estimate assuming everything runs fine and efficiently. We have proven with every agency we have that isn't the case. I will ask you the question one more time. How are we going to pay for it? This report plainly states that doubling corporate and individual taxes wont pay for it. Ill take our spending per capita any day of the week. Our health care is the highest quality of any nation, that's according to the World Health Organization. That's a value I will pay extra for.
OK Republicans....

Your turn ...You don’t want Obamacare, you don’t want Medicare for all

What is your plan?

Hopefully NOT taking over health care with with government. The last thing I want it Trump making my health care decisions.
A national health care system would be cheaper, more inclusive, and result in better national health.

This is going to happen.

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