According to new research, Crazy Bernie's Medicare for All plan would cost $33trillion over 10 years

A national health care system would be cheaper, more inclusive, and result in better national health.

We could also setup government run feeding troughs. Think of the savings! And with government deciding what we eat, we'll be much healthier! Sing it, comrade Starkey!
The continuing obfuscation about cost is total bovine fertilizer. The proposal to make health care universal will cost no more than is presently spent. This has been made abundantly clear. The only potential losers are the bloated, greedy insurance companies. Evidently, some posters think poor people are less important than useless companies.

You mean like how government student loans kept college tuition costs down, right?
VA health care is as good as or better than the average private outpatient and hospital care in America.

Very, very few vets in the system want out of it.
VA health care is as good as or better than the average private outpatient and hospital care in America.

Very, very few vets in the system want out of it.

They'd get out if the government would cover their costs to obtain private care. You don't seem to understand that government involvement REDUCES quality of care. Additionally, government is virtually never as cost efficient as private operators. You must work in government or academia. Which is it?
VA health care is as good as or better than the average private outpatient and hospital care in America.

Very, very few vets in the system want out of it.

They'd get out if the government would cover their costs to obtain private care. You don't seem to understand that government involvement REDUCES quality of care. Additionally, government is virtually never as cost efficient as private operators. You must work in government or academia. Which is it?
Private operators are looking for profit, HUGE profits
The government has relatively low overhead
VA health care is as good as or better than the average private outpatient and hospital care in America.

Very, very few vets in the system want out of it.

They'd get out if the government would cover their costs to obtain private care. You don't seem to understand that government involvement REDUCES quality of care. Additionally, government is virtually never as cost efficient as private operators. You must work in government or academia. Which is it?
Private operators are looking for profit, HUGE profits
The government has relatively low overhead

A free market engenders competition, which keeps costs to the consumer down and requires standard of care. A government monopoly eliminates competition and drives up costs and reduces quality of care.
Bernie is nothing but a carnival Barker saying anything he can think of to make rubes believe they can win the big prize .
3 drugstore chains manage all pharmacies in America. we need COMPETITION!
Bernie Sanders now wants "Medicare For All" at a bargain price of only 32.6 trillion dollars over the next 10 years. Add that to our current $22 trillion debt plus other overruns and we are looking at owing the world about $60 trillion bucks by 2028.

To finance this, there will be massive increases in both payroll and income taxes on the American people, crippling our economic growth. I would guess that the tax burden on the middle and upper middle class will be about 50% of AGI if this happens.

There are other ways to expand medical coverage, but this plan will never work. Is national health care worth this cost? Not to me.
A free market engenders competition, which keeps costs to the consumer down and requires standard of care. A government monopoly eliminates competition and drives up costs and reduces quality of care.
So long as one continuously forgets that "A free market" has always been one-man-island fantasy and that every other developed nation already guarantees healthcare for less cost than ours.
VA health care is as good as or better than the average private outpatient and hospital care in America.

Very, very few vets in the system want out of it.

They'd get out if the government would cover their costs to obtain private care. You don't seem to understand that government involvement REDUCES quality of care. Additionally, government is virtually never as cost efficient as private operators. You must work in government or academia. Which is it?
Private operators are looking for profit, HUGE profits
The government has relatively low overhead
If only they were some wary to merge the two ...
The press is cosmopolitan and corporatist, not liberal and certainly not leftist. They treat single payer healthcare with the same contempt as they treat issues like child separation.
"I fight for the father I met in Vermont who told me that his daughter would be dead from an opioid overdose today if it weren’t for Medicaid expansion & the ACA. I fight for the mother who’s caring for a sick child and elderly parents—without vacation time or leave from work." - Crazy Bernie

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