According to new research, Crazy Bernie's Medicare for All plan would cost $33trillion over 10 years

5% is pretty small in the scheme of things.
No it isn't, what a patently absurd thing to say. And add to that it is 5% of 3.4 trillion, and over ten years it is a huge, huge number.
It isn’t absurd. Costs go up it’s no surprise he cost of this plan will go up also. Don’t be naive. The baseline isn’t even correct. How are you going to pay for it?
Bernie’s "Medicare for All" predicted to cost nearly $33 trillion

So about 90% of the federal budget would go towards this single entitlement

Americans paid 3.4 trillion last year for healthcare. That number is expected to rise each year by at least 5%.
Long way to go to hit the 33 tril Bernie the nutbag wants. Let’s not forget all the other free crap he wants.

Didn't read my link did you?

The study was funded by the Koch brothers Libertarian think tank, and the number is $32.6 trillion.

A $2 trillion savings of what we are currently spending.

So if we put the plan into place, everyone has healthcare, and $2 trillion can be used as an infrastructure stimulus that would create millions of good paying jobs rebuilding the country to boot.

Or we can stick with your way, that costs more money, and is a proven failure.
No thanks
As long as it’s voluntary and I have no problem with it...
Leave the rest of us out of it....
a conservative think-tanker accidentally argued that medicare for all would save 2 trillion dollars. you cant make it up!
Medicare only works if it’s voluntary, make it an opt in and it will be fine but for those that want nothing to do with it So be it
It isn’t absurd.
To think 5% is not significant in exponential growth is absurd.

Do you think the number one cost of bankruptcy is significant? How about the number one per capita spending in the world, despite being behind every industrialization nation on health outcomes? Is that significant?

Like I said, this is all pissing in the wind, without price controls.
Bernie’s "Medicare for All" predicted to cost nearly $33 trillion

So about 90% of the federal budget would go towards this single entitlement
I'm sure Cortez will support it.

of course she is already on board

she says "tax the rich" to pay for it

however she neglected to mention at what level income is "the rich"
Let’s start with $1 million a year at 50 percent
Let’s not.
What is the top rate in Canada?
No one should be taxed more than in the teens... tops
It isn’t absurd.
To think 5% is not significant in exponential growth is absurd.

Do you think the number one cost of bankruptcy is significant? How about the number one per capita spending in the world, despite being behind every industrialization nation on health outcomes? Is that significant?

Like I said, this is all pissing in the wind, without price controls.
We aren’t behind every industrialized country. The weighting system is screed. Why is it that the WHO ranks quality of care as only 10%. That is insane.
Anyway sitting down to eat and have no more time.
Double iut tax rate doesn’t pay for it.
Which is a stupid way of looking at it, considering we will be replacing exhorbitant, existing health insurance premiums.
The premiums are still less than the oppresive tax rate needed to pay for this. People still have responsibility for their own lives. Big brother can’t alwasy be there. The problem with all of this is eventually you run out of other people’s money.
It isn’t absurd.
To think 5% is not significant in exponential growth is absurd.

Do you think the number one cost of bankruptcy is significant? How about the number one per capita spending in the world, despite being behind every industrialization nation on health outcomes? Is that significant?

Like I said, this is all pissing in the wind, without price controls.
We aren’t behind every industrialized country. The weighting system is screed. Why is it that the WHO ranks quality of care as only 10%. That is insane.
Anyway sitting down to eat and have no more time.
We absolutely are behind them all, by every objective measure available. I am unmoved by your emotions, which are not a good substitute for empirical evidence.
The premiums are still less than the oppresive tax rate needed to pay for this.
Wrong, obviously. for that to be true, you would have to say that Health Care would suddenly cost more than it does paid for with private dollars.

But again...price ccontrolsare in order, regardless of whether or not we implement Universal Health Care.
The premiums are still less than the oppresive tax rate needed to pay for this.
Wrong, obviously. for that to be true, you would have to say that Health Care would suddenly cost more than it does paid for with private dollars.

But again...price ccontrolsare in order, regardless of whether or not we implement Universal Health Care.
You go ahead and have your socialize medicine, the rest of us want nothing to do with it it does not require our participation....
It isn’t absurd.
To think 5% is not significant in exponential growth is absurd.

Do you think the number one cost of bankruptcy is significant? How about the number one per capita spending in the world, despite being behind every industrialization nation on health outcomes? Is that significant?

Like I said, this is all pissing in the wind, without price controls.
We aren’t behind every industrialized country. The weighting system is screed. Why is it that the WHO ranks quality of care as only 10%. That is insane.
Anyway sitting down to eat and have no more time.
We absolutely are behind them all, by every objective measure available. I am unmoved by your emotions, which are not a good substitute for empirical evidence.
My statements are factually correct. Look it up. It is you applying emotion. I’m done with this. Dinner and a nice bottle of Petrus awaits.
The premiums are still less than the oppresive tax rate needed to pay for this.
Wrong, obviously. for that to be true, you would have to say that Health Care would suddenly cost more than it does paid for with private dollars.

But again...price ccontrolsare in order, regardless of whether or not we implement Universal Health Care.
Try using math. I’m correct and you are simply incorrect. It’s very plain. Phone is now off. I’ve wasted too much time with you. It was fun at first now you just boar the hell out of me.
Try using math.
Says the guy who didn't understand 1 does not equal ten. Says the guy who clearly does not understand exponential growth.

Here is some math for you: highest per capita spending, worse outcomes than any developed country. Crunch the numbers and tell us what that means, in terms of value.

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