According to new research, Crazy Bernie's Medicare for All plan would cost $33trillion over 10 years

Bernie’s "Medicare for All" predicted to cost nearly $33 trillion

So about 90% of the federal budget would go towards this single entitlement
I'm sure Cortez will support it.

of course she is already on board

she says "tax the rich" to pay for it

however she neglected to mention at what level income is "the rich"
Let’s start with $1 million a year at 50 percent
Let’s not.
The Democrats have always said they want socialized medicine. They've been saying it for a very long time.

The Republicans offered NOTHING as an alternative in all that time.

And that is how you know the GOP sold us all down the river to socialized medicine, boys and girls. And you allowed yourselves to be thoroughly hoaxed into going along.

That's what you get for being brainless parroting rubes.
If people were to pay for their own shit like they’re supposed to we would not have this evil scourge of socialism trying to make its way into people’s personal lives
Sorry, but your blathering is a big bag of NOTHING. That's why we have ObamaCare and will eventually have single payer.
Obamacare was a scam. It still is.
$30 Trillion to the debt over a decade sounds exactly like Trumps tax cuts.

imagine that
The country is 225+ trillion in debt so does it really matter anymore?
How much of that was pissed away for war?
Actually social entitlement programs make up the vast majority of that… There is nothing more wasteful than a socialist entitlement program
And nothing less sustainable
Bernie’s "Medicare for All" predicted to cost nearly $33 trillion

So about 90% of the federal budget would go towards this single entitlement

I bet you miss the ACA now, when those in it paid.

Yeah, I paid 44% more for my health insurance than i had to pay before. All so that 5 million could get minimal coverage that would still result in their bankruptcy if they ever were forced to use it. Funny how that worked. Remember, health insurance does not equal health CARE. It merely claims that you will pay for your care. Everyone could still get the care.
Fuck that... Socialize medicine is for a sick mother fucking pieces of shit like yourself… You know - control freaks * so shut the fuck up...

I reported this post, and if the mods see fit, good-bye.

Won't happen.

Do you too believe rustic and other's like him seem to have a Teflon skin?

Yes, you will be told to just put them on ignore, but the thing about that is, even if you put them on ignore, that doesn't change the fact that they can drag your name through the dirt to all the other posters on the forum, it just means you don't see them doing it.

I never put a poster on Ignore, mostly I skip past them and seek substantive and thoughtful posts; something the person in question has never provided. He's a coward without nothing to offer but echoes and meme's.
A single payer system would ideally provide the following:
  • Cradle to grave age appropriate preventative care
  • The large pool which will reduce costs
  • No profit motive
  • Subsidize Clinics for easy access in every Congressional District
  • Set standards for costs for typical and common procedures
  • Provide health care education, on nutrition, exercise, contraception (reduce unwanted pregnancies & abortions) and STD's.
  • Hospice care, in home when the family supports it
  • Raise revenue by increasing the 1.45% Medicare tax to a factor to mitigate costs.
Fuck that... Socialize medicine is for a sick mother fucking pieces of shit like yourself… You know - control freaks * so shut the fuck up...

I reported this post, and if the mods see fit, good-bye.

Won't happen.

Do you too believe rustic and other's like him seem to have a Teflon skin?

Yes, you will be told to just put them on ignore, but the thing about that is, even if you put them on ignore, that doesn't change the fact that they can drag your name through the dirt to all the other posters on the forum, it just means you don't see them doing it.
the least of my concerns is if some moon beam on these threads say something negative about me.
Bernie’s early onset dementia is showing how low IQ he is. Sad! SOrRy basement dwelllers, healthcare isn’t a right. It never will be. Find a good job with benefits instead of using all that energy to bitch about how life isn’t how you want it. Not a fairytale.
Bernie’s "Medicare for All" predicted to cost nearly $33 trillion

So about 90% of the federal budget would go towards this single entitlement

Americans paid 3.4 trillion last year for healthcare. That number is expected to rise each year by at least 5%.
Long way to go to hit the 33 tril Bernie the nutbag wants. Let’s not forget all the other free crap he wants.

Didn't read my link did you?

The study was funded by the Koch brothers Libertarian think tank, and the number is $32.6 trillion.

A $2 trillion savings of what we are currently spending.

So if we put the plan into place, everyone has healthcare, and $2 trillion can be used as an infrastructure stimulus that would create millions of good paying jobs rebuilding the country to boot.

Or we can stick with your way, that costs more money, and is a proven failure.
Bernie’s "Medicare for All" predicted to cost nearly $33 trillion

So about 90% of the federal budget would go towards this single entitlement

Americans paid 3.4 trillion last year for healthcare. That number is expected to rise each year by at least 5%.
Long way to go to hit the 33 tril Bernie the nutbag wants. Let’s not forget all the other free crap he wants.

Didn't read my link did you?

The study was funded by the Koch brothers Libertarian think tank, and the number is $32.6 trillion.

A $2 trillion savings of what we are currently spending.

So if we put the plan into place, everyone has healthcare, and $2 trillion can be used as an infrastructure stimulus that would create millions of good paying jobs rebuilding the country to boot.

Or we can stick with your way, that costs more money, and is a proven failure.
I like my way. It isn’t a proven failure. Yes that what was spent however it wasn’t done through taxing people and spreading the wealth. The government never has and never will be able to run something of this magnitude and it would not come in on hay budget.
a conservative think-tanker accidentally argued that medicare for all would save 2 trillion dollars. you cant make it up!
Bernie’s "Medicare for All" predicted to cost nearly $33 trillion

So about 90% of the federal budget would go towards this single entitlement
I'm sure Cortez will support it.

of course she is already on board

she says "tax the rich" to pay for it

however she neglected to mention at what level income is "the rich"
Let’s start with $1 million a year at 50 percent
Let’s not.
What is the top rate in Canada?
Bernie’s "Medicare for All" predicted to cost nearly $33 trillion

So about 90% of the federal budget would go towards this single entitlement

Americans paid 3.4 trillion last year for healthcare. That number is expected to rise each year by at least 5%.
Long way to go to hit the 33 tril Bernie the nutbag wants. Let’s not forget all the other free crap he wants.
Like so called free college.

The "business class" is always whining about unqualified workers. Then they want others to pay for education.
a conservative think-tanker accidentally argued that medicare for all would save 2 trillion dollars. you cant make it up!

Yep. Somebody actually ran the numbers, and being a con think tank ( biggest oxymoron out there ) just knew they would come up with numbers that proved Bernie Sanders wrong.

And to their dismay, found out he was right, and would actually be cheaper, and cover everybody.

This is the direction we are going in whether you agree with it or not.

Of course all of you trumpanzees are welcome to get on a plane to Moscow, if it becomes to unbearable for you.
Bernie’s "Medicare for All" predicted to cost nearly $33 trillion

So about 90% of the federal budget would go towards this single entitlement
I'm sure Cortez will support it.

of course she is already on board

she says "tax the rich" to pay for it

however she neglected to mention at what level income is "the rich"
Let’s start with $1 million a year at 50 percent
Let’s not.
What is the top rate in Canada?
I don’t know. This ain’t Canada
Long way to go to hit the 33 tril Bernie the nutbag wants.
Um...3.4 trillion times ten is 34 trillion, which I believe is greater than 33 trillion. And the 3.4 trillion number is expected to rise by at least 5% every year. Would you like to borrow my abacus? ;)

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