According to new research, Crazy Bernie's Medicare for All plan would cost $33trillion over 10 years

Long way to go to hit the 33 tril Bernie the nutbag wants.
Um...3.4 trillion times ten is 34 trillion, which I believe is greater than 33 trillion. And the 3.4 trillion number is expected to rise by at least 5% every year. Would you like to borrow my abacus? ;)
What the hell are you yammering about. 3.4 is a tenth of Bernie’s plan. So there is a long way to go. Do I need to draw it out for you?
I like my way. It isn’t a proven failure.
Sure it is. Higher per capita spending than countries with universal health care with worse health outcomes than countries with universal healthcare. That's failure.
Our healthcare is the best standard of quality in the world according to the world health organization. What’s your point there Poindexter.
3.4 is a tenth of Bernie’s plan
And the cost projection of Bernie's plan was over ten years...and we spent 3.4 trillion last year.....get it?

Haha, yes, please draw out how 1= 10. ;)
Yes I get it. Never has the government pulled off anything within budget. Don’t you get it? Did you not read that doubling all corporate and individual taxes wouldn’t cove r the cost? Try education it’s a wonderful thing.
3.4 is a tenth of Bernie’s plan
And the cost projection of Bernie's plan was over ten years...and we spent 3.4 trillion last year.....get it?

Haha, yes, please draw out how 1= 10. ;)
Yes I get it. Never has the government pulled off anything within budget. Don’t you get it?
Well, that's not really a budget. And the 3.4 million is expected to increase by 5% every year. You get that, right?

Either way, it's all a bunch of pissing in the wind, without price controls.
3.4 is a tenth of Bernie’s plan
And the cost projection of Bernie's plan was over ten years...and we spent 3.4 trillion last year.....get it?

Haha, yes, please draw out how 1= 10. ;)
Yes I get it. Never has the government pulled off anything within budget. Don’t you get it?
Well, that's not really a budget. And the 3.4 million is expected to increase by 5% every year. You get that, right?

Either way, it's all a bunch of pissing in the wind, without price controls.
Try again. It states that doubling taxes won’t pay for it. It is an estimate. And we know how that goes. 5% increase isn’t an issue.
Bernie’s "Medicare for All" predicted to cost nearly $33 trillion

So about 90% of the federal budget would go towards this single entitlement

Oh look, another brainiac who
Bernie’s "Medicare for All" predicted to cost nearly $33 trillion

So about 90% of the federal budget would go towards this single entitlement
So that adds up to $3.3 trillion a year.

Guess how much the US spends on health care every year right now.

Go ahead. Guess.

No need to guess, and oh look, the poster left out some very relevant information.

Imagine that.

Koch-backed study finds ‘Medicare for All’ would save U.S. trillions
The problem with that is that forces people to pay for other peoples shit while getting not benefits themselves...
Someone always loses in socialism... Always the people fitting the bill. so fuck Off
Fuck that... Socialize medicine is for a sick mother fucking pieces of shit like yourself… You know - control freaks * so shut the fuck up...
haha, you lost this round..
Socialize medicine is only exceptable if it’s 100% voluntary, Any forcing of socialized medicine on anyone else is communist at best....
Paying for the military isnt voluntary..
The military/fire/police are an necessary... The civilian federal government not so much
We have federal fire service.
And all these are federal police forces: US marshals, federal bureau of prisons, FBI, DEA, ATF, office of inspector general.
So, all these are single-payer services.
All rampant with waste fraud and abuse
Did you tell the teacher? LOL

Yep. If the rules are followed someone like you ought to be punished.
You don’t have very thick skin do you?
Forcing me into socialized medicine is the greatest insult anyone can say to me, second only to more frivolous gun control laws...
What insurance do you plan to use when you are 65?
You have obviously never been sick
Good luck with that once you pass 65
I have been debt-free and self-employed for 20+ years, I don’t have to worry about whether my Social Security check will come in. Because I don’t expect anything from the federal government because it’s all fraud
5% increase isn’t an issue.
A 5% annual increase of a number like 3. 4 trillion isn't an issue? Do you even understand exponential growth?
Yes I do. 5% is pretty small in the scheme of things. Do you have a clue why you are trying to propose. The tax rate to individuals would be staggering. Far exceeding the 5% growth. Try looking at it objectively. It can’t be paid for.
The Democrats have always said they want socialized medicine. They've been saying it for a very long time.

The Republicans offered NOTHING as an alternative in all that time.

And that is how you know the GOP sold us all down the river to socialized medicine, boys and girls. And you allowed yourselves to be thoroughly hoaxed into going along.

That's what you get for being brainless parroting rubes.
If people were to pay for their own shit like they’re supposed to we would not have this evil scourge of socialism trying to make its way into people’s personal lives
Sorry, but your blathering is a big bag of NOTHING. That's why we have ObamaCare and will eventually have single payer.
Same difference a pile of piss and shit
The tax base can’t pay for this.
It already does, and it does so at an inflated cost due to indigent care, collections, and bankruptcy. Do you think foreigners pay for our healthcare now?
It can’t be paid for period. I for one am not good with my tax rate doubling to pay for this. My healthcare costs are far below that now. I am not interested in get a lower quality of care while I’m charged aba cost that is more than for times my expense now. That is ridiculous.

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