According to new research, Crazy Bernie's Medicare for All plan would cost $33trillion over 10 years

3.2 Trillion now, and as the population continues to age and in general live longer those Medicare costs will be literally unbounded. The Federal tax pie will be gobbled up by an ever growing healthcare slice. And that of course will put the squeeze on the all the other government expenditures as we spend the lion's share of tax revenue on our aging, wheezing elderly population. Hey now there's a formula for success right?
Bernie’s "Medicare for All" predicted to cost nearly $33 trillion

So about 90% of the federal budget would go towards this single entitlement

Oh look, another brainiac who
Bernie’s "Medicare for All" predicted to cost nearly $33 trillion

So about 90% of the federal budget would go towards this single entitlement
So that adds up to $3.3 trillion a year.

Guess how much the US spends on health care every year right now.

Go ahead. Guess.

No need to guess, and oh look, the poster left out some very relevant information.

Imagine that.

Koch-backed study finds ‘Medicare for All’ would save U.S. trillions
The annual medical costs private and public are far higher than 3.2T.

Install competitive bidding, let marketplace determinism take effect, and the costs will go down dramatically, access will open up, and national health will improve.

It seems that Bernie wants to eliminate private healthcare. It would be a cataclysmic DISASTER. And people actually want this idiot to be president? Sanders makes Obama look like fucking Confuscius.
Yup all of Europe, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, etc., have collapsed from national health care.

A single payer system would ideally provide the following:
  • Cradle to grave age appropriate preventative care
  • The large pool which will reduce costs
  • No profit motive
  • Subsidize Clinics for easy access in every Congressional District
  • Set standards for costs for typical and common procedures
  • Provide health care education, on nutrition, exercise, contraception (reduce unwanted pregnancies & abortions) and STD's.
  • Hospice care, in home when the family supports it
  • Raise revenue by increasing the 1.45% Medicare tax to a factor to mitigate costs.
Fuck that... Socialize medicine is for a sick mother fucking pieces of shit like yourself… You know - control freaks * so shut the fuck up...
haha, you lost this round..
Socialize medicine is only exceptable if it’s 100% voluntary, Any forcing of socialized medicine on anyone else is communist at best....
Paying for the military isnt voluntary..
The military/fire/police are an necessary... The civilian federal government not so much
We have federal fire service.
And all these are federal police forces: US marshals, federal bureau of prisons, FBI, DEA, ATF, office of inspector general.
So, all these are single-payer services.
The entire federal budget for 18' is about $4 trillion. Can you imagine adding another $3.2 trillion? No doubt those costs would rise dramatically in the years to come and I bet quality of care would actually diminish.

Don't do it. Nothing beats the free market. I do believe you can have alternative sources, such as group plans as Rand Paul suggests and other choices, but America is where you go to be free. Embrace this freedom and capitalism, even as it's imperfect, it is far more perfect than any other system. I know of what I speak.
The entire federal budget for 18' is about $4 trillion. Can you imagine adding another $3.2 trillion? No doubt those costs would rise dramatically in the years to come and I bet quality of care would actually diminish.
Your decimal points do not match

Here is the headline I copied from your link

Study: 'Medicare for all' projected to cost $32.6 trillion

So is it 3.2 trillion or 32.6 Trillion?
I reported this post, and if the mods see fit, good-bye.
Did you tell the teacher? LOL

Yep. If the rules are followed someone like you ought to be punished.
You don’t have very thick skin do you?
Forcing me into socialized medicine is the greatest insult anyone can say to me, second only to more frivolous gun control laws...
What insurance do you plan to use when you are 65?
You have obviously never been sick
Good luck with that once you pass 65
The entire federal budget for 18' is about $4 trillion. Can you imagine adding another $3.2 trillion? No doubt those costs would rise dramatically in the years to come and I bet quality of care would actually diminish.
Your decimal points do not match

Here is the headline I copied from your link

Study: 'Medicare for all' projected to cost $32.6 trillion

So is it 3.2 trillion or 32.6 Trillion?

If you read the article you'll figure it out.
The Democrats have always said they want socialized medicine. They've been saying it for a very long time.

The Republicans offered NOTHING as an alternative in all that time.

And that is how you know the GOP sold us all down the river to socialized medicine, boys and girls. And you allowed yourselves to be thoroughly hoaxed into going along.

That's what you get for being brainless parroting rubes.

I agree.

The only thing that can put dimocrap scum back into power is the Health Care situation.

We need to go to the Swiss System. It's brilliant and it is NOT socialized medicine.

Healthcare in Switzerland - Wikipedia

Healthcare in Switzerland is universal and is regulated by the Swiss Federal Law on Health Insurance. There are no free state-provided health services, but private health insurance is compulsory for all persons residing in Switzerland

The problem is, the Federal Government doesn't have the power, only the States do and the States are gutless.
"private health insurance is compulsory for all persons residing in Switzerland"

Well look at you. In favor of a health insurance mandate!
The Democrats have always said they want socialized medicine. They've been saying it for a very long time.

The Republicans offered NOTHING as an alternative in all that time.

And that is how you know the GOP sold us all down the river to socialized medicine, boys and girls. And you allowed yourselves to be thoroughly hoaxed into going along.

That's what you get for being brainless parroting rubes.
If people were to pay for their own shit like they’re supposed to we would not have this evil scourge of socialism trying to make its way into people’s personal lives
Sorry, but your blathering is a big bag of NOTHING. That's why we have ObamaCare and will eventually have single payer.
Total health expenditure per capita in PPP international U.S. dollars (not inflation-adjusted).[1][3][4]

Country 2013 2014 2015 2016
Australia 4,186 4,289 4,493 4,708
Austria 4,861 5,001 5,100 5,227
Belgium 4,505 4,656 4,778 4,840
Canada 4,461 4,502 4,613 4,753
Chile 1,646 1,737 1,877 1,977
Czech Republic 2,380 2,476 2,466 2,544
Denmark 4,772 4,906 5,058 5,205
Estonia 1,652 1,773 1,885 1,989
Finland 3,920 3,935 3,993 4,033
France 4,331 4,464 4,530 4,600
Germany 4,961 5,200 5,353 5,551
Greece 2,175 2,099 2,210 2,223
Hungary 1,776 1,821 1,913 2,101
Iceland 3,707 3,891 4,106 4,376
Ireland 5,033 5,082 5,276 5,528
Israel 2,423 2,595 2,713 2,822
Italy 3,235 3,271 3,352 3,391
Japan 4,207 4,269 4,436 4,519
Korea 2,252 2,396 2,535 2,729
Latvia 1,224 1,311 1,434 1,466
Luxembourg 6,693 6,850 6,818 7,463
Mexico 1,038 1,026 1,054 1,080
Netherlands 5,303 5,322 5,297 5,385
New Zealand 3,402 3,496 3,545 3,590
Norway 5,979 6,136 6,190 6,647
Poland 1,576 1,606 1,704 1,798
Portugal 2,536 2,599 2,664 2,734
Slovak Republic 2,100 2,009 2,059 2,150
Slovenia 2,586 2,647 2,731 2,835
Spain 2,941 3,057 3,180 3,248
Sweden 5,070 5,170 5,266 5,488
Switzerland 6,794 7,096 7,536 7,919
Turkey 978 1,003 997 1,088
United Kingdom 3,845 3,989 4,125 4,192
United States 8,616 9,036 9,507 9,892
The entire federal budget for 18' is about $4 trillion. Can you imagine adding another $3.2 trillion? No doubt those costs would rise dramatically in the years to come and I bet quality of care would actually diminish.
Your decimal points do not match

Here is the headline I copied from your link

Study: 'Medicare for all' projected to cost $32.6 trillion

So is it 3.2 trillion or 32.6 Trillion?
Ewe need to get your calculator and figure out 32.6 trillion over ten years

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