ACLU goes after Obama

Well, under the current law, DOJ does have authority to get phone records if there's a natl security leak and that's the only way to find the link.

Government Seizes AP Phone Records - Business Insider

That's not a defense of obama, but I don't think this is really new ground breaking stuff. If it turns out the records were not related to natl security, then that is a different story.

But as usual, the folks who just dislike Obaam can't really distinguish between scandal and their own political leanings. It's the IRS scandal that potentially really could lead to ..... dare I say the word ..... impeachment.

This Is No Ordinary Scandal -

It's an Understatement on how I feel about Obama. I can't stand him and think he's a disgrace to the office he serves.

The DOJ can get Wire Tap Authority from the courts quickly within the realm of law. This has been proven within the Patriot Act. Only cases of National Security can wire taps be gotten WITHOUT A COURT ORDER. And then they are required to get the warrant within 48 hours after the Tap has been performed.

I'd have to look it up for the actual time requirement. But EVEN UNDER THE PATRIOT ACT THE WARRANT STILL HAS TO BE OBTAINED even AFTER THE FACT.


Whether its wrong or right is a different question, but were you somehow asleep when Bushii got phone records from mutl phone companies w/o warrants? Records are different from taps. the records come from your telephone provider.
FISA makes it illegal to intentionally engage in electronic surveillance under appearance of an official act or to disclose or use information obtained by electronic surveillance under appearance of an official act knowing that it was not authorized by statute; this is punishable with a fine of up to $10,000 or up to five years in prison, or both.[9] In addition, the Wiretap Act prohibits any person from illegally intercepting, disclosing, using or divulging phone calls or electronic communications; this is punishable with a fine or up to five years in prison, or both.[10]

Still looking for the time requirment. I still think it's 48 hours after the fact. It has to be issued PERIOD or they are in violation of the law. It allows Roving wire taps, but still must be authorized by the FISA Court.
Whether its wrong or right is a different question, but were you somehow asleep when Bushii got phone records from mutl phone companies w/o warrants? Records are different from taps. the records come from your telephone provider.

And exactly when did your crystal ball tell you my feelings about actions under Bush. I don't like
Abuse of Power by either party. It was abused back then and abused now. They abused the ROVING TAPS authority to decide they can tap anyone they please, WHICH IS STILL AGAINST THE LAW if the ORDER FROM THE FISA COURT DOESN'T AUTHORIZE IT.

In other words the Government NOW AND THEN abuses their power and do as they please irregardless of the law.

Reality check. Did the DOJ now have a Warrant to perform these taps and is it against the law?

If they violate the law, will they PROSECUTE THEMSELVES?

Of course they will not, which is why they feel they are above the law. Only Special Prosecuters can go after them here, or they will continue to get away with it. That's the deal.

So lets say WHO CARES I'm ordering a Pizza, because we can't do anything about it huh...............Which is why this abuse will continue.
How do you know they didn't have a warrant? I haven't seen anything to indicate they didn't, have you?

Then call the doj and have them prove it. Should be an easy disclosure from the FISA Court shouldn't it?
Simple question...........

Obama is the DOJ's boss. He seems upset as a front, so WHY DOESN'T HE FIRE PEOPLE IN THE DOJ starting with Holder?
Different subject, but why hasn't the Commissioner of the IRS been fired who is now the Affordable Commissioner for the IRS?

If they wanted to do what's right, they should fire those were in charge of the abuses by the IRS. Yet that lady still has her job.

Typical BS.
How do you know they didn't have a warrant? I haven't seen anything to indicate they didn't, have you?

Then call the doj and have them prove it. Should be an easy disclosure from the FISA Court shouldn't it?

In the first place, the FISA court is a secret court by law and I can't get that information. Congress can.

That's a very good indication why we ought to wait for Congress or an independent investigator to actually find out the facts before jumping to conclusions...right?
Different subject, but why hasn't the Commissioner of the IRS been fired who is now the Affordable Commissioner for the IRS?

If they wanted to do what's right, they should fire those were in charge of the abuses by the IRS. Yet that lady still has her job.

Typical BS.

Don't you think we ought to wait and see if she's actually done something which warrants dismissal, or do you just favor a lynch mob?
Don't you think we ought to wait and see if she's actually done something which warrants dismissal, or do you just favor a lynch mob?

The IRS has already ADMITTED WRONG DOING. The IG has already investigated part of this situation and found that they targetted Conservative Groups. She was in charge when these actions were going on under her leadership.

Why the hell should she get a free pass? Had this happened in a Corp. she'd already be a fired butt. Yet she got bonuses of over 100 g's instead and STILL HOLDS A COMMISSIONER'S POSITION as the other Resigns a WHOLE 2 WEEKS EARLY. LOL
That's a very good indication why we ought to wait for Congress or an independent investigator to actually find out the facts before jumping to conclusions...right?

What INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATOR? None are being called for. Only committee after committee after committee on all the issues now.

That would include Bengazzi and the LIES FROM THE ADMINISTRATION AS WELL.

Lynch mob will do when the IRS Audits citizens for POLITICAL REASONS INSTEAD OF THE LAW.

Those that did it, should GO TO JAIL, and not pass go...............

But in a Real Govt. Monopoly Game the rules to the many don't apply to the few.

Where does the Abuse of Power Stop?

Would the same people posting here agree with them attacking say a White IRS agent AUDITING BLACK PEOPLE FOR BEING BLACK? Or a Black IRS agent AUDITING WHITE PEOPLE FOR BEING WHITE?
Religious IRS agent auditing atheists or vise a versa.

You get the point, WHERE DOES THE ABUSE OF POWER STOP. At what point do we as AMERICANS STAND UP, and SAY "THAT'S ENOUGH".


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