ACORN: Where back kinda = Obamacare/Votes on your tax $$$


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

HHS Resurrects 'ACORN' Through ObamaCare

by Mike Flynn
4 Apr 2013

ObamaCare provides millions of dollars in grants to hire community activists and others as "navigators" to assist individuals enroll in health insurance provided by state or federal exchanges and, according to recent reports, register people to vote. In a new rule proposed Wednesday, HHS lays out numerous guidelines for these "navigators", including paying them up to $48/hour for their work. The rule, guidelines and voter registration effort are a potential vehicle to resurrect ACORN or an ACORN-like entity.

One organization expected to take a lead role in distributing the funds and overseeing hiring is Enroll America, a new non-profit headed by Anne Filipic, a former Obama White House official under Valerie Jarrett. Filipic was also a senior staff member at OFA director and a former Obama campaign director. The organization was founded, in part, by Families USA, a far-left advocacy organization that lobbied aggressively for ObamaCare, a source at HHS told Breitbart News. Filipic has said she expects Enroll America to spend $100 million on the enrollment effort. A large percentage of this is likely to come from federal funds.


AARP, NAACP and SEIU are prominent members of Enroll America's advisory board.


If a state has its own exchange, the feds will give them grants to hire "navigators," if a state doesn't, the feds will provide direct employment. The effort is expected to hire 10s of thousands of activists in the coming months.


HHS Resurrects 'ACORN' Through ObamaCare

ACORN CEO Bertha Butt

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Right wingers just can't stand the fact their policies damaged the country for decades to come and the American majority rejected their awful, dangerous and clearly destructive policies.
15% of our population thinks they have it made because one of their own is president, but the other 85% will eventually realize they are the meal, and will react accordingly.
"Navigators" Onboard Obama Gravy Train

Carol Platt Liebau


In the context of ObamaCare, just call those allies "navigators."


What a transparent, cheesy effort to reward political cronies with patronage jobs. Well, perhaps they'll be able to offer further "unbiased" guidance about how to vote to all the people they're supposed to register.

The navigators aren't the "civilian national security force" of the famed 2008 Barack Obama quote, but no doubt they've either enlistees in the new Organizing for America army -- or prime candidates for it.

"Navigators" Onboard Obama Gravy Train - Carol Platt Liebau

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Obongo to kid "where's yo lamp"

The Documented Obama Lies: Healthcare

Monday, Jun 3, 2013


Lie 1: PRESIDENT OBAMA: For my mother to die of cancer at the age of 53 and have to spend her last months of her life in the hospital rooming arguing with insurance companies because they are saying that this may be a preexisting condition and they don’t have to pay her treatment, there’s something fundamentally wrong about that.

Truth: Glenn explained, “Well, what would be fundamentally wrong is the story itself. His mother was never challenged by her insurance company because of preexisting conditions. There was some concern over her disability claim. She was treated. And when she finally came in for treatment, it was covered by insurance. By the way, she continued to receive her $85,000 a year salary plus housing and car from her employer. But don’t mention any of that because if you do, you’re a racist. Shameless to use your mother’s illness, to lie about your mother’s circumstances to gain political advantage.”

Lie 2: PRESIDENT OBAMA: If you have insurance that you like, then you will be able to keep that insurance. If you’ve got a doctor that you like, you will be able to keep your doctor. Nobody is trying to change what works.

Truth: Even if you like your plan, you may not be able to keep it.


The Documented Obama Lies: Healthcare ? Glenn Beck

ACORN Crooks on the March for Obamacare

October 1, 2013 By Matthew Vadum


A corrupt union ringleader who orchestrated massive campaigns involving identity fraud in furtherance of voter fraud and who covered up a million-dollar embezzlement involving pension funds will soon have unfettered access to confidential information on thousands of people seeking health insurance.

The union thug is disgraced ACORN founder Wade Rathke whose shady union will soon be helping people enroll in Obamacare exchanges.


Just last week President Obama picked up this statist narrative, declaring that his Soviet-style government health care scheme was all about civil rights. He expounded the ugly, neo-Marxist view that every American has the right to extract free medical care from taxpayers and unwilling providers.

“In the wealthiest nation on Earth, no one should go broke just because they get sick,” Obama bloviated. “In the United States, health care is not a privilege for the fortunate few, it is a right.”

Translation: No individual American will go broke because of Obamacare. Instead, the whole country will go broke.

And Wade Rathke’s ULU Local 100 will be at the forefront, helping to throw dirt on America’s coffin.

ACORN Crooks on the March for Obamacare | FrontPage Magazine


Ex-ACORN operatives helping roll out ObamaCare

By Perry Chiaramonte
October 15, 2013

A group formed from the ruins of ACORN is hard at work signing people up for ObamaCare, and may be collecting taxpayer cash for their work despite Congress' efforts to cut the organization and its affiliates off from government funding, a watchdog group charged.

The United Labor Unions Council Local 100, a New Orleans-based nonprofit, announced last month it would take part in a multi-state "navigator" drive to help people enroll in President Obama's health care plan. The labor council was established by ACORN founder Wade Rathke after his larger group was broken up amid scandal in 2009 and banned from receiving taxpayer funds.

“At a time when our government has ceased functioning due to an appropriations gap, it is ironic that America’s tax dollars are being doled out to an entity whose poor stewardship of our funds was well-established by Congress,” said Dan Epstein, executive director of Cause of Action, a nonpartisan watchdog group based in Washington.


"ACORN is also infamous for hiring felons without bothering to do background checks, storming hospital emergency rooms and city council chambers, using voter fraud to turn graveyards across the nation into Democratic electoral strongholds, using mob violence against bank executives and other shakedown targets, and for ruthlessly exploiting its own employees and going to court to seek an exemption from minimum wage laws," Vadum recently wrote.

Ex-ACORN operatives helping roll out ObamaCare | Fox News
Obama's been funneling money to those bastards all along and will continue to do so. I guarantee you they are ALL exempt from Obamacare too.
Subversion, Inc.: How Obama's ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers 1st Edition
by Matthew Vadum (Author)


The most important of them is the notorious ACORN – Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now – a Cloward-Piven spinoff. With Enron-style accounting practices and an elaborate corporate structure that puts international money launderers to shame, ACORN is unlike any other political strike force in U.S. history. Part pressure group, part urban terrorist network, part organized crime syndicate, ACORN claims only to want to help the poor. But it views the elimination of America’s free institutions as the only way to help the less fortunate. ACORN, President Obama’s favorite community organizing group, is all about massive voter fraud, home invasions, rent-a-mob services, intimidation, corporate shakedowns, and brutal Saul Alinsky-approved tactics.

And rumors of ACORN’s death have been greatly exaggerated. The group that became synonymous with sleaze and corruption when its employees were shown encouraging illegal behavior in the “pimp and prostitute” videos of 2009 is alive and well – and planning to resurface before the critical 2012 elections. While ACORN declared bankruptcy, its state chapters were busy changing their names and shredding documents. ACORN’s still out there operating because it never lets a good crisis go to waste.

Subversion Inc., by investigative reporter Matthew Vadum, isn’t just the story of ACORN. It’s the story of how community organizers just like President Obama are undermining America from within.”


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