Acosta: Border official shows Trump tunnels under border walls

In a video that is going viral, a border official is seen 48 seconds into this video, tell him president Donald Trump personally that tunnels are being dug under walls in areas of the border.
Border official shows Trump tunnels under border wall - CNN Video
So to be clear the border security KNOWS about the tunnels right? How do you think they know about the tunnels?
Could it be border security has SONAR!!!!!!!!!!! constantly scanning the ground along the border?
How fucking hilarious to watch Acosa stand in front of a border wall and tell everyone how no one is trying to cross the border there!!!!!!!!!!1
Of course there are tunnels, so you find them and blow them up. Doesn't mean we shouldn't build a barrier, it requires a lot of time and money to build a tunnel which can then be destroyed as soon as it's identified. Decent surveillance will eventually find traces of tunnel activity, or a captured illegal will spill the beans if he/she used a tunnel to get in. Or, we can use it to grab illegals coming through and maybe get some really bad guys, like drug dealers, gang bangers, and terrorists.

You don't seem to get it, the wall is not and never was meant to be the be all and end all for stopping illegal border crossings. What it does it drastically reduce the numbers of crossings, as proven in places like Yuma, San Diego, and El Paso. In combination with other measures, we can really cut down on the numbers of illegals coming in without going through a checkpoint.
Of course there are tunnels there have been for decades. Who do you think builds them? The drug Cartel. Did anyone say that steel barriers are the end all for the border security problems? The barrier/wall is the key component but just like any defense system you need layers of defense. You need the barrier, boots on the ground, surveillance equipment, x-ray machines at the ports of entry etc.
Maybe they should show the buffoon the prototypes?

Test of steel prototype for border wall showed it could be sawed through

In test, steel prototype for border wall was cut through with saw
Maybe they should show the buffoon the prototypes?

Test of steel prototype for border wall showed it could be sawed through

In test, steel prototype for border wall was cut through with saw
You're a fuicking liar!
The border patrol was able to cut threw the fence using a steel/concrete diamond coated disk powered by a chainsaw engine which was being cooled by constant water.
Last night Crissy Matthews declared it was a "hacksaw". What a bunch of fucking dummies!
Of course there are tunnels, so you find them and blow them up. Doesn't mean we shouldn't build a barrier, it requires a lot of time and money to build a tunnel which can then be destroyed as soon as it's identified. Decent surveillance will eventually find traces of tunnel activity, or a captured illegal will spill the beans if he/she used a tunnel to get in. Or, we can use it to grab illegals coming through and maybe get some really bad guys, like drug dealers, gang bangers, and terrorists.

You don't seem to get it, the wall is not and never was meant to be the be all and end all for stopping illegal border crossings. What it does it drastically reduce the numbers of crossings, as proven in places like Yuma, San Diego, and El Paso. In combination with other measures, we can really cut down on the numbers of illegals coming in without going through a checkpoint.

How many times do we have to repeat this?

Here is the problem with stupid people.

They act as if anyone claimed:

"All we need is a wall and illegal immigration will be stopped, no one will commit anymore crimes, and AIDS will be cured."

A wall, or fence, or barbed wire, or a huge pile of steaming shit is an OBSTACLE. In the military we learned that obstacles are put in place to slow down, direct or otherwise interfere with the forward movement of opposition. ALL OBSTACLES built by people can be overcome by people. The idea is not to build shit and then rely on it as a fail safe. The frogs did that. It didn't work.

No rational person can say there is "no point" in building the most effective obstacle possible in conjunction with a variety of other tactics and strategy to most effectively prevent the entry of criminals, jihadists, commie parasites and other enemy agents.

Why do we cut fire breaks in forests? So that fires never happen again? Do you lock the door as if it prevents anyone from getting in? No, it's merely a means of slowing down the advance.

These leftist parasites are the dumbest fucking creatures on the planet.
What is most objectionable about the tunnels is that we collpase them or seal them but make sure they are empty first.
In a video that is going viral, a border official is seen 48 seconds into this video, tell him president Donald Trump personally that tunnels are being dug under walls in areas of the border.
Border official shows Trump tunnels under border wall - CNN Video
So to be clear the border security KNOWS about the tunnels right? How do you think they know about the tunnels?
Could it be border security has SONAR!!!!!!!!!!! constantly scanning the ground along the border?
How fucking hilarious to watch Acosa stand in front of a border wall and tell everyone how no one is trying to cross the border there!!!!!!!!!!1

You have to understand you are talking with leftists whose diet is full of soy. Once a difficulty shows up they just go all limp. It just can't possibly be overcome. There is no chance we can secure the border and not let Mexico take over the nation. It really is an impossible pipe dream. 5 billion dollars? Are you kidding me, we don't have that, it's 0.000% of the budget.
Of course there are tunnels, so you find them and blow them up. Doesn't mean we shouldn't build a barrier, it requires a lot of time and money to build a tunnel which can then be destroyed as soon as it's identified. Decent surveillance will eventually find traces of tunnel activity, or a captured illegal will spill the beans if he/she used a tunnel to get in. Or, we can use it to grab illegals coming through and maybe get some really bad guys, like drug dealers, gang bangers, and terrorists.

You don't seem to get it, the wall is not and never was meant to be the be all and end all for stopping illegal border crossings. What it does it drastically reduce the numbers of crossings, as proven in places like Yuma, San Diego, and El Paso. In combination with other measures, we can really cut down on the numbers of illegals coming in without going through a checkpoint.

The Op obviously doesn't know that they have been finding tunnels for decades. When found they are blown up.

Nothing new was shown. Tunnels have always been one way to get across the border.
In a video that is going viral, a border official is seen 48 seconds into this video, tell him president Donald Trump personally that tunnels are being dug under walls in areas of the border.
Border official shows Trump tunnels under border wall - CNN Video

What the hell, Acosta had to come out with something after his last video went viral....dumbass.
No word about the tunnels?

What kinda word would you like? Look, we know you're trying to come up with an argument against a wall. We understand a wall will not stop all illegal activity. We also understand a wall will curtail that illegal activity, dramatically. As tunnels are dug, they will be discovered, and as they are discovered they will be addressed. As tunnels are filled in, we'll find out they're trying other methods. Not quite sure what is so fricken difficult to understand.
In a video that is going viral, a border official is seen 48 seconds into this video, tell him president Donald Trump personally that tunnels are being dug under walls in areas of the border.
Border official shows Trump tunnels under border wall - CNN Video

What the hell, Acosta had to come out with something after his last video went viral....dumbass.
No word about the tunnels?

What kinda word would you like? Look, we know you're trying to come up with an argument against a wall. We understand a wall will not stop all illegal activity. We also understand a wall will curtail that illegal activity, dramatically. As tunnels are dug, they will be discovered, and as they are discovered they will be addressed. As tunnels are filled in, we'll find out they're trying other methods. Not quite sure what is so fricken difficult to understand.

What is really difficult to understand is how to replace the Americans if the democrat party can no longer bring in uncontrolled 3rd world immigration?
In a video that is going viral, a border official is seen 48 seconds into this video, tell him president Donald Trump personally that tunnels are being dug under walls in areas of the border.
Border official shows Trump tunnels under border wall - CNN Video

Which is harder and far more time and resource consuming? Walking across an open parcel of land or encountering a barrier, acquiring the tools to dig underneath it, digging underneath it, and then crawling out the other side?

It shouldn't take you more than a fraction of a second to honestly answer that question in your head, so once you do perhaps you will realize the absurdity of using that example to defend your position.
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In a video that is going viral, a border official is seen 48 seconds into this video, tell him president Donald Trump personally that tunnels are being dug under walls in areas of the border.
Border official shows Trump tunnels under border wall - CNN Video

Which is harder and far more time and resource consuming? Walking across an open parcel of land or encountering a barrier, acquiring the tools to dig underneath it, digging underneath it, and then crawling out the other side?

If shouldn't take you more than a fraction of a second to honestly answer that question in your head, so once you do perhaps you will realize the absurdity of using that example to defend your position.
Democrats are not against barriers.

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