Act of War

French President Calls Attacks an 'Act of War'

The French president calls attacks in Paris an 'Act of War'.

That is what it is. Nato needs to mobilize immediately and neutralize this threat with all due hostility. We aren't at terrorism, we are at war. The ENEMY has made it clear.

Nato should convene, tell the member states we need a quarter million troops and all will participate and land troops in Iraq and Syria FOR STARTERS. And it should make clear to the rest of the world get the fuck out of the way.

The real world is harsh and sometimes deadly force is required and right now is one of those times. And be clear, Nato will have forces in that region for decades to come.

The Nato charter states 'any attack on one member nation is an attack on all'. The time for half measures and yammering is now over, for good. Brutal force is now required, not by our choice but by what has been forced on us.

France isn't a member of NATO.

Yeah France is a member of NATO

My error:

Member states of NATO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

France withdrew from the integrated military command in 1966 to pursue an independent defense system but returned to full participation on 3 April 2009.

Well after the Fall of the Soviet Union.

A true Ally if there ever was one.
French President Calls Attacks an 'Act of War'

The French president calls attacks in Paris an 'Act of War'.

That is what it is. Nato needs to mobilize immediately and neutralize this threat with all due hostility. We aren't at terrorism, we are at war. The ENEMY has made it clear.

Nato should convene, tell the member states we need a quarter million troops and all will participate and land troops in Iraq and Syria FOR STARTERS. And it should make clear to the rest of the world get the fuck out of the way.

The real world is harsh and sometimes deadly force is required and right now is one of those times. And be clear, Nato will have forces in that region for decades to come.

The Nato charter states 'any attack on one member nation is an attack on all'. The time for half measures and yammering is now over, for good. Brutal force is now required, not by our choice but by what has been forced on us.
This is correct, of course, which is why it will never happen.

“And be clear, Nato will have forces in that region for decades to come.”

Which is why it will never happen.

Calling the attacks an 'act of war' is political-speak intended for public consumption, nothing more.

Unlike most American conservatives, Europe and the rest of the world acknowledge the fact that using conventional military tactics to address terrorism will fail, and terrorists would love nothing more than conventional military forces from the West to deploy to the ME.
French President Calls Attacks an 'Act of War'

The French president calls attacks in Paris an 'Act of War'.

That is what it is. Nato needs to mobilize immediately and neutralize this threat with all due hostility. We aren't at terrorism, we are at war. The ENEMY has made it clear.

Nato should convene, tell the member states we need a quarter million troops and all will participate and land troops in Iraq and Syria FOR STARTERS. And it should make clear to the rest of the world get the fuck out of the way.

The real world is harsh and sometimes deadly force is required and right now is one of those times. And be clear, Nato will have forces in that region for decades to come.

The Nato charter states 'any attack on one member nation is an attack on all'. The time for half measures and yammering is now over, for good. Brutal force is now required, not by our choice but by what has been forced on us.
What will Pepe le pew do now?? Curse at them in French??
Don't forget to take your sons and daughters to the recruiting station with you.

wouldn't want to look like a hypocrite now would we

You aren't going either so stop the whining, you are not in a position to pontificate to anyone else.

You seem to be saying only people actually in the military should have the right to voice an opinion on when and where the military should be used?

That is called a military dictatorship.

And to try to say American citizens should have no say about where their military should be used is ludicrous. The military exists to exert OUR will, not theirs.

I think what he's saying is that it's so easy to call for war when there's no skin in the game .

We keep going to war, no draft , not even a war tax . It's too easy for people .

I agree the draft should be reinstated today. The entire country should have skin in the game, I understand that and support that absolutely. But we have to fight. Now. Tomorrow. In two years. In 10 years. Whatever it takes. The populations of the West have to get used to the idea that we will need to repeatedly send troops to various places until the jihad crap is played out, and that will be years if not decades. That is the reality.
French President Calls Attacks an 'Act of War'

The French president calls attacks in Paris an 'Act of War'.

That is what it is. Nato needs to mobilize immediately and neutralize this threat with all due hostility. We aren't at terrorism, we are at war. The ENEMY has made it clear.

Nato should convene, tell the member states we need a quarter million troops and all will participate and land troops in Iraq and Syria FOR STARTERS. And it should make clear to the rest of the world get the fuck out of the way.

The real world is harsh and sometimes deadly force is required and right now is one of those times. And be clear, Nato will have forces in that region for decades to come.

The Nato charter states 'any attack on one member nation is an attack on all'. The time for half measures and yammering is now over, for good. Brutal force is now required, not by our choice but by what has been forced on us.

Socialism isn't working out so well.

French President Calls Attacks an 'Act of War'

The French president calls attacks in Paris an 'Act of War'.

That is what it is. Nato needs to mobilize immediately and neutralize this threat with all due hostility. We aren't at terrorism, we are at war. The ENEMY has made it clear.

Nato should convene, tell the member states we need a quarter million troops and all will participate and land troops in Iraq and Syria FOR STARTERS. And it should make clear to the rest of the world get the fuck out of the way.

The real world is harsh and sometimes deadly force is required and right now is one of those times. And be clear, Nato will have forces in that region for decades to come.

The Nato charter states 'any attack on one member nation is an attack on all'. The time for half measures and yammering is now over, for good. Brutal force is now required, not by our choice but by what has been forced on us.
What will Pepe le pew do now?? Curse at them in French??

Another added to ignore.
He can't handle the truth...
Don't forget to take your sons and daughters to the recruiting station with you.

wouldn't want to look like a hypocrite now would we

You aren't going either so stop the whining, you are not in a position to pontificate to anyone else.

You seem to be saying only people actually in the military should have the right to voice an opinion on when and where the military should be used?

That is called a military dictatorship.

And to try to say American citizens should have no say about where their military should be used is ludicrous. The military exists to exert OUR will, not theirs.
Translation: Fuck the military... They can do as this I say, since I'm too much of a coward to enlist...
Don't forget to take your sons and daughters to the recruiting station with you.

wouldn't want to look like a hypocrite now would we

You aren't going either so stop the whining, you are not in a position to pontificate to anyone else.

You seem to be saying only people actually in the military should have the right to voice an opinion on when and where the military should be used?

That is called a military dictatorship.

And to try to say American citizens should have no say about where their military should be used is ludicrous. The military exists to exert OUR will, not theirs.
Translation: Fuck the military... They can do as this I say, since I'm too much of a coward to enlist...

Yes, tell us what the age range for enlisting should be oh great knower of things. Be specific, its all to easy to generalize is it not.
And if it turns out to be French nationals who self-radicalized? What, civil war?

Time is up, we know who the enemy is. If they only 'influenced' others to take this action that is enough. They must be dealt with. Evil men will do evil until they are stopped.

Inaction by the West only instills confidence and a great recruiting atmosphere for these groups. "Look! The US and its allies are too afraid to come fight us".

At some point Nato has to put an end to this shit and moment has arrived.

Of course lets endeavor to out barbarian the barbarians, that's always worked so well in the past. I guess it hasn't occurred to you that a massive new military commitment in the Middle East is exactly what the radical Islamic elements want. Such action lends credence to their claims that the Western Nations are nothing more the modern day crusaders, apparently ISIS has learned some lessons from history, the question is, can we?

"An eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi

The time for considering things has passed. There are times on this planet when brutal force is the only thing that is effective. THEY have given notice they are going to kill people in the West whenever they feel like it.

Peace is preferred until someone sticks a knife in your gut, then immediate action against them is needed. Or they will pull it out and stick it in again. Which is exactly what they have been doing. Unfortunately war IS necessary sometimes on this planet.
Except for the fact that further Western military commitment in the Middle East will do nothing to stop these types of attacks, in fact it's highly likely to escalate them, the only hope for ISIS is to create a war between Islam and the West, this is the same strategy that Bin Laden was pursuing and he was largely successful in getting the ball rolling (why do you think the Middle East is in flames today?). So far the forces of radical Islam have drawn us into a sacrificing a mountain of blood and treasure, not to mention the goodwill of many in the Islamic world, and for what ? Is the situation better off today than it was when we decided to invade Afghanistan and Iraq? and you want to double down on that type of idiocy?

If we follow your idea and lash out in anger and savagery it will only advance the ISIS objectives and provide the backdrop for a larger campaign of terror and violence since it will reinforce their claims that Islam is under assault by modern day Crusaders and that the duty of every follower of Islam is to defend the faith against it. The only way for ISIS and it's ideology to be defeated is by other followers of Islam, we can support them but we cannot supplant their central role, to attempt to do so is to play right into the hands of radical Islamists.
Those slaughtering people in Paris last night don't read Gandhi quotes. And they don't think like you do. Or me.
No, they are thinking one step ahead of people that think like you do, you're actually responding in exactly the way that they want you to. Gandhi faced down violence with non-violence AND WON, there is a lesson there that the West still hasn't learned. If we want to convince the bulk of Islam that ISIS is their enemy and we are their allies then we need to stand on the moral high ground not become just another butcher in their homelands.
Don't forget to take your sons and daughters to the recruiting station with you.

wouldn't want to look like a hypocrite now would we

You aren't going either so stop the whining, you are not in a position to pontificate to anyone else.

You seem to be saying only people actually in the military should have the right to voice an opinion on when and where the military should be used?

That is called a military dictatorship.

And to try to say American citizens should have no say about where their military should be used is ludicrous. The military exists to exert OUR will, not theirs.
Translation: Fuck the military... They can do as this I say, since I'm too much of a coward to enlist...

Yes, tell us what the age range for enlisting should be oh great knower of things. Be specific, its all to easy to generalize is it not.

So you're in favor of the draft because you're too old to be drafted?
French President Calls Attacks an 'Act of War'

The French president calls attacks in Paris an 'Act of War'.

That is what it is. Nato needs to mobilize immediately and neutralize this threat with all due hostility. We aren't at terrorism, we are at war. The ENEMY has made it clear.

Nato should convene, tell the member states we need a quarter million troops and all will participate and land troops in Iraq and Syria FOR STARTERS. And it should make clear to the rest of the world get the fuck out of the way.

The real world is harsh and sometimes deadly force is required and right now is one of those times. And be clear, Nato will have forces in that region for decades to come.

The Nato charter states 'any attack on one member nation is an attack on all'. The time for half measures and yammering is now over, for good. Brutal force is now required, not by our choice but by what has been forced on us.

Socialism isn't working out so well.



Don't forget to take your sons and daughters to the recruiting station with you.

wouldn't want to look like a hypocrite now would we

You aren't going either so stop the whining, you are not in a position to pontificate to anyone else.

You seem to be saying only people actually in the military should have the right to voice an opinion on when and where the military should be used?

That is called a military dictatorship.

And to try to say American citizens should have no say about where their military should be used is ludicrous. The military exists to exert OUR will, not theirs.

I think what he's saying is that it's so easy to call for war when there's no skin in the game .

We keep going to war, no draft , not even a war tax . It's too easy for people .

I agree the draft should be reinstated today. The entire country should have skin in the game, I understand that and support that absolutely. But we have to fight. Now. Tomorrow. In two years. In 10 years. Whatever it takes. The populations of the West have to get used to the idea that we will need to repeatedly send troops to various places until the jihad crap is played out, and that will be years if not decades. That is the reality.
Let's hurry up and do it now, while Obama is still President. If we wait until a republican is elected, it'll be an illegal and unfunded war:eusa_whistle:
And if it turns out to be French nationals who self-radicalized? What, civil war?

Time is up, we know who the enemy is. If they only 'influenced' others to take this action that is enough. They must be dealt with. Evil men will do evil until they are stopped.

Inaction by the West only instills confidence and a great recruiting atmosphere for these groups. "Look! The US and its allies are too afraid to come fight us".

At some point Nato has to put an end to this shit and moment has arrived.

Of course lets endeavor to out barbarian the barbarians, that's always worked so well in the past. I guess it hasn't occurred to you that a massive new military commitment in the Middle East is exactly what the radical Islamic elements want. Such action lends credence to their claims that the Western Nations are nothing more the modern day crusaders, apparently ISIS has learned some lessons from history, the question is, can we?

"An eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi

The time for considering things has passed. There are times on this planet when brutal force is the only thing that is effective. THEY have given notice they are going to kill people in the West whenever they feel like it.

Peace is preferred until someone sticks a knife in your gut, then immediate action against them is needed. Or they will pull it out and stick it in again. Which is exactly what they have been doing. Unfortunately war IS necessary sometimes on this planet.
Except for the fact that further Western military commitment in the Middle East will do nothing to stop these types of attacks, in fact it's highly likely to escalate them, the only hope for ISIS is to create a war between Islam and the West, this is the same strategy that Bin Laden was pursuing and he was largely successful in getting the ball rolling (why do you think the Middle East is in flames today?). So far the forces of radical Islam have drawn us into a sacrificing a mountain of blood and treasure, not to mention the goodwill of many in the Islamic world, and for what ? Is the situation better off today than it was when we decided to invade Afghanistan and Iraq? and you want to double down on that type of idiocy?

If we follow your idea and lash out in anger and savagery it will only advance the ISIS objectives and provide the backdrop for a larger campaign of terror and violence since it will reinforce their claims that Islam is under assault by modern day Crusaders and that the duty of every follower of Islam is to defend the faith against it. The only way for ISIS and it's ideology to be defeated is by other followers of Islam, we can support them but we cannot supplant their central role, to attempt to do so is to play right into the hands of radical Islamists.
Those slaughtering people in Paris last night don't read Gandhi quotes. And they don't think like you do. Or me.
No, they are thinking one step ahead of people that think like you do, you're actually responding in exactly the way that they want you to. Gandhi faced down violence with non-violence AND WON, there is a lesson there that the West still hasn't learned. If we want to convince the bulk of Islam that ISIS is their enemy and we are their allies then we need to stand on the moral high ground not become just another butcher in their homelands.

Your solution seems to be 'do nothing or else they'll REALLY get mad'.

And you have a very simplistic way of viewing things and what other people say.

All the talk doesn't matter at some point. Your advocation of doing nothing hoping they will stop is emboldening them. Whenever they carry out ANY attack anywhere and there is no response they believe it is because we the enemy are too afraid or too weak to do something. It doesn't matter what YOU think, it only matters what THEY think.

I've grown tired of this 'we can't do anything or they'll want to hurt us more'. They've slaughtered thousands, exactly what are we waiting for.

You are naïve. On this planet brutal force IS sometimes needed. And you can't continually second guess yourself and be AFRAID of what they will do in response. They're going to do it anyway.

It has nothing to do with religion or any other claptrap. They are people with guns and bombs killing unarmed innocents. I couldn't care less about their religion, we have to annihilate them.
Don't forget to take your sons and daughters to the recruiting station with you.

wouldn't want to look like a hypocrite now would we

You aren't going either so stop the whining, you are not in a position to pontificate to anyone else.

You seem to be saying only people actually in the military should have the right to voice an opinion on when and where the military should be used?

That is called a military dictatorship.

And to try to say American citizens should have no say about where their military should be used is ludicrous. The military exists to exert OUR will, not theirs.
Translation: Fuck the military... They can do as this I say, since I'm too much of a coward to enlist...

Yes, tell us what the age range for enlisting should be oh great knower of things. Be specific, its all to easy to generalize is it not.

So you're in favor of the draft because you're too old to be drafted?

You are a coward and I'm guessing it runs in your family. Go play peck, your anger pretending to be thought isn't cutting it.
And if it turns out to be French nationals who self-radicalized? What, civil war?

Time is up, we know who the enemy is. If they only 'influenced' others to take this action that is enough. They must be dealt with. Evil men will do evil until they are stopped.

Inaction by the West only instills confidence and a great recruiting atmosphere for these groups. "Look! The US and its allies are too afraid to come fight us".

At some point Nato has to put an end to this shit and that moment has arrived.

I am thinking it is time for NATO to do something, not the UN. We don't need the UN any more powerful then it is already, which isn't much.
Don't forget to take your sons and daughters to the recruiting station with you.

wouldn't want to look like a hypocrite now would we

You aren't going either so stop the whining, you are not in a position to pontificate to anyone else.

You seem to be saying only people actually in the military should have the right to voice an opinion on when and where the military should be used?

That is called a military dictatorship.

And to try to say American citizens should have no say about where their military should be used is ludicrous. The military exists to exert OUR will, not theirs.

I think what he's saying is that it's so easy to call for war when there's no skin in the game .

We keep going to war, no draft , not even a war tax . It's too easy for people .

I agree the draft should be reinstated today. The entire country should have skin in the game, I understand that and support that absolutely. But we have to fight. Now. Tomorrow. In two years. In 10 years. Whatever it takes. The populations of the West have to get used to the idea that we will need to repeatedly send troops to various places until the jihad crap is played out, and that will be years if not decades. That is the reality.
Let's hurry up and do it now, while Obama is still President. If we wait until a republican is elected, it'll be an illegal and unfunded war:eusa_whistle:
Right now it would be payed by IOUs, those IOUs payed by going into more debt payed by debt, all based on printing more worthless paper...
Don't forget to take your sons and daughters to the recruiting station with you.

wouldn't want to look like a hypocrite now would we

You aren't going either so stop the whining, you are not in a position to pontificate to anyone else.

You seem to be saying only people actually in the military should have the right to voice an opinion on when and where the military should be used?

That is called a military dictatorship.

And to try to say American citizens should have no say about where their military should be used is ludicrous. The military exists to exert OUR will, not theirs.
Translation: Fuck the military... They can do as this I say, since I'm too much of a coward to enlist...

Yes, tell us what the age range for enlisting should be oh great knower of things. Be specific, its all to easy to generalize is it not.

So you're in favor of the draft because you're too old to be drafted?

You are a coward and I'm guessing it runs in your family. Go play peck, your anger pretending to be thought isn't cutting it.
I'm a veteran...

Are you??? If so, state your service...

Or are you just some jackass that wants to disrespect our troops and Veterans because you were too big of a coward to enlist???

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