Act of War

So what will the French do? Go into Syria and Iraq? And then what? This has been done already, and it just got worse.

First, they secure their borders.

Second, they send the invading army back to where they came from.

Thirdly, the world makes the ME somewhere people want to live, we do that by eliminating groups like ISIS.

ON EDIT: Really the first thing is we cut off their money supply.

We are seeing the results of an unarmed invasion and it is coming to the rest of the civilized world. What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with.
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You aren't going either so stop the whining, you are not in a position to pontificate to anyone else.

You seem to be saying only people actually in the military should have the right to voice an opinion on when and where the military should be used?

That is called a military dictatorship.

And to try to say American citizens should have no say about where their military should be used is ludicrous. The military exists to exert OUR will, not theirs.
Translation: Fuck the military... They can do as this I say, since I'm too much of a coward to enlist...

Yes, tell us what the age range for enlisting should be oh great knower of things. Be specific, its all to easy to generalize is it not.

So you're in favor of the draft because you're too old to be drafted?

You are a coward and I'm guessing it runs in your family. Go play peck, your anger pretending to be thought isn't cutting it.
I'm a veteran...

Are you??? If so, state your service...

Or are you just some jackass that wants to disrespect our troops and Veterans because you were too big of a coward to enlist???

Which post was directed to you Audey Murphy.
Translation: Fuck the military... They can do as this I say, since I'm too much of a coward to enlist...

Yes, tell us what the age range for enlisting should be oh great knower of things. Be specific, its all to easy to generalize is it not.

So you're in favor of the draft because you're too old to be drafted?

You are a coward and I'm guessing it runs in your family. Go play peck, your anger pretending to be thought isn't cutting it.
I'm a veteran...

Are you??? If so, state your service...

Or are you just some jackass that wants to disrespect our troops and Veterans because you were too big of a coward to enlist???

Which post was directed to you Audey Murphy.
So you were too chicken to serve, but now you're demanding a full-scale war that you want others to fight for you...

Damn, you must be a Lib!!!
So what will the French do? Go into Syria and Iraq? And then what? This has been done already, and it just got worse.

First, they secure their borders.

Second, they send the invading army back to where they came from.

Thirdly, the world makes the ME somewhere people want to live, we do that by eliminating groups like ISIS.

We are seeing the results of an unarmed invasion and it is coming to the rest of the civilized world. What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with.

"What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with."

That's it in a nutshell. You have to be able to see the real threats and eliminate them. No one wants war, but its been forced on us. THEY are waging war. Its time we wage it back for as long as it takes wherever we have to.

Countless drone strikes, air strikes and the rest are great and have eliminated thousands of the enemy. It isn't enough. On the ground overwhelming military force is needed. Again, for however long it takes.
Your solution seems to be 'do nothing or else they'll REALLY get mad'.
Weak attempt at a strawman, try harder next time. :rolleyes:

And you have a very simplistic way of viewing things and what other people say.
Really? that's an odd theory coming from someone who reflexively wants to unleash his inner Rambo instead of performing any sort of objective analysis regarding the situation. I would think that it would be patently obvious that these attacks in Paris are just another attempt by the forces of radical Islam into provoking just the sort of reptilian brain response that you're advocating, but apparently the obvious remains elusive to certain segments of the population.

All the talk doesn't matter at some point. Your advocation of doing nothing hoping they will stop is emboldening them. Whenever they carry out ANY attack anywhere and there is no response they believe it is because we the enemy are too afraid or too weak to do something. It doesn't matter what YOU think, it only matters what THEY think.
If you'd read what I actually wrote instead of what you think I wrote you'd see that I did not advocate "doing nothing" I plainly stated that we can support the fight against these radical Islamists but that the fight must be carried out by members of Islam, the war needs to within Islam itself NOT Islam versus the West (aka Crusades version 2.0).

I've grown tired of this 'we can't do anything or they'll want to hurt us more'. They've slaughtered thousands, exactly what are we waiting for.
..... and how many innocent Muslims have we slaughtered already? How's that working out for us? You don't seem to understand that the enemy is made up of people that are not only willing to sacrifice themselves for their cause, they HAPPILY sacrifice themselves for their cause. How is that you figure attempting to kill our way to victory has any hope of success?

You are naïve. On this planet brutal force IS sometimes needed. And you can't continually second guess yourself and be AFRAID of what they will do in response. They're going to do it anyway.
.....and you are apparently completely ignorant of history and incapable of understanding the bigger picture from both a strategic and moral perspective.

It has nothing to do with religion or any other claptrap. They are people with guns and bombs killing unarmed innocents. I couldn't care less about their religion, we have to annihilate them.
LOL, oh boy what simplistic low brow view of the world, unfortunately the world is full of nuance and complexities which have completely evaded your notice, I have endeavored to explain that to you however it seems you won't be satisfied by anything less than further bloodshed visited upon and carried out by your fellow countrymen. I fear your sentiments will more than likely prevail with respect to the course that our "leaders" set us upon and that we shall all live to regret giving into to our collective barbarian instincts.
Yes, tell us what the age range for enlisting should be oh great knower of things. Be specific, its all to easy to generalize is it not.

So you're in favor of the draft because you're too old to be drafted?

You are a coward and I'm guessing it runs in your family. Go play peck, your anger pretending to be thought isn't cutting it.
I'm a veteran...

Are you??? If so, state your service...

Or are you just some jackass that wants to disrespect our troops and Veterans because you were too big of a coward to enlist???

Which post was directed to you Audey Murphy.
So you were too chicken to serve, but now you're demanding a full-scale war that you want others to fight for you...

Damn, you must be a Lib!!!

Your scared, go hide. The adults will handle it, don't worry. You are just eaten up by us vs them hatred, it is the only thing that keeps you warm, having some 'other' that you can point your boney finger at and say 'I'm better than you'. I hope you feel better.
So what will the French do? Go into Syria and Iraq? And then what? This has been done already, and it just got worse.

First, they secure their borders.

Second, they send the invading army back to where they came from.

Thirdly, the world makes the ME somewhere people want to live, we do that by eliminating groups like ISIS.

We are seeing the results of an unarmed invasion and it is coming to the rest of the civilized world. What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with.

"What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with."

That's it in a nutshell. You have to be able to see the real threats and eliminate them. No one wants war, but its been forced on us. THEY are waging war. Its time we wage it back for as long as it takes wherever we have to.

Countless drone strikes, air strikes and the rest are great and have eliminated thousands of the enemy. It isn't enough. On the ground overwhelming military force is needed. Again, for however long it takes.

What I think I would like to see is a joining of the three major powers. China, Russia and the US in a unified front just as the three joined in WW2.
So you're in favor of the draft because you're too old to be drafted?

You are a coward and I'm guessing it runs in your family. Go play peck, your anger pretending to be thought isn't cutting it.
I'm a veteran...

Are you??? If so, state your service...

Or are you just some jackass that wants to disrespect our troops and Veterans because you were too big of a coward to enlist???

Which post was directed to you Audey Murphy.
So you were too chicken to serve, but now you're demanding a full-scale war that you want others to fight for you...

Damn, you must be a Lib!!!

Your scared, go hide. The adults will handle it, don't worry. You are just eaten up by us vs them hatred, it is the only thing that keeps you warm, having some 'other' that you can point your boney finger at and say 'I'm better than you'. I hope you feel better.
Nobody said I'm scared...

I just don't believe the military should take orders or disrespect from a panty-waist homo Lib...

After all, look where doing that got us with Obozo...
Your solution seems to be 'do nothing or else they'll REALLY get mad'.
Weak attempt at a strawman, try harder next time. :rolleyes:

And you have a very simplistic way of viewing things and what other people say.
Really? that's an odd theory coming from someone who reflexively wants to unleash his inner Rambo instead of performing any sort of objective analysis regarding the situation. I would think that it would be patently obvious that these attacks in Paris are just another attempt by the forces of radical Islam into provoking just the sort of reptilian brain response that you're advocating, but apparently the obvious remains elusive to certain segments of the population.

All the talk doesn't matter at some point. Your advocation of doing nothing hoping they will stop is emboldening them. Whenever they carry out ANY attack anywhere and there is no response they believe it is because we the enemy are too afraid or too weak to do something. It doesn't matter what YOU think, it only matters what THEY think.
If you'd read what I actually wrote instead of what you think I wrote you'd see that I did not advocate "doing nothing" I plainly stated that we can support the fight against these radical Islamists but that the fight must be carried out by members of Islam, the war needs to within Islam itself NOT Islam versus the West (aka Crusades version 2.0).

I've grown tired of this 'we can't do anything or they'll want to hurt us more'. They've slaughtered thousands, exactly what are we waiting for.
..... and how many innocent Muslims have we slaughtered already? How's that working out for us? You don't seem to understand that the enemy is made up of people that are not only willing to sacrifice themselves for their cause, they HAPPILY sacrifice themselves for their cause. How is that you figure attempting to kill our way to victory has any hope of success?

You are naïve. On this planet brutal force IS sometimes needed. And you can't continually second guess yourself and be AFRAID of what they will do in response. They're going to do it anyway.
.....and you are apparently completely ignorant of history and incapable of understanding the bigger picture from both a strategic and moral perspective.

It has nothing to do with religion or any other claptrap. They are people with guns and bombs killing unarmed innocents. I couldn't care less about their religion, we have to annihilate them.
LOL, oh boy what simplistic low brow view of the world, unfortunately the world is full of nuance and complexities which have completely evaded your notice, I have endeavored to explain that to you however it seems you won't be satisfied by anything less than further bloodshed visited upon and carried out by your fellow countrymen. I fear your sentiments will more than likely prevail with respect to the course that our "leaders" set us upon and that we shall all live to regret giving into to our collective barbarian instincts.

"How is that you figure attempting to kill our way to victory has any hope of success?"

That is what they believe and are attempting to do.

That is what war is. Either we kill them in great numbers, or they will do the same to us.

You project your own 'perceptions' onto other people. My response isn't knee-jerk, or 'reptilian', or spur of the moment.
We've fought this mental disease over there for 14 years and we will have to fight it for a lot longer. And yes it does mean piling up as many of their bodies as is possible, that is what war is, always has been and always will be. You can't think that away. Its an ugly truth that all of humanity has had to live with for all of time and will have to live with for all of time.

It is war, period. We've been fighting it with one hand tied behind our back while they bring AK47s into a concert and slaughter unarmed civilians.

The discussion ended last night, we have to kill them. That is the price THEY set.
You are a coward and I'm guessing it runs in your family. Go play peck, your anger pretending to be thought isn't cutting it.
I'm a veteran...

Are you??? If so, state your service...

Or are you just some jackass that wants to disrespect our troops and Veterans because you were too big of a coward to enlist???

Which post was directed to you Audey Murphy.
So you were too chicken to serve, but now you're demanding a full-scale war that you want others to fight for you...

Damn, you must be a Lib!!!

Your scared, go hide. The adults will handle it, don't worry. You are just eaten up by us vs them hatred, it is the only thing that keeps you warm, having some 'other' that you can point your boney finger at and say 'I'm better than you'. I hope you feel better.
Nobody said I'm scared...

I just don't believe the military should take orders or disrespect from a panty-waist homo Lib...

After all, look where doing that got us with Obozo...

Obiwan you are a panty-waist homo lib. Whatever that means in your angry world.
So what will the French do? Go into Syria and Iraq? And then what? This has been done already, and it just got worse.

First, they secure their borders.

Second, they send the invading army back to where they came from.

Thirdly, the world makes the ME somewhere people want to live, we do that by eliminating groups like ISIS.

We are seeing the results of an unarmed invasion and it is coming to the rest of the civilized world. What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with.

"What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with."

That's it in a nutshell. You have to be able to see the real threats and eliminate them. No one wants war, but its been forced on us. THEY are waging war. Its time we wage it back for as long as it takes wherever we have to.

Countless drone strikes, air strikes and the rest are great and have eliminated thousands of the enemy. It isn't enough. On the ground overwhelming military force is needed. Again, for however long it takes.
He still can't handle the truth...
I'm a veteran...

Are you??? If so, state your service...

Or are you just some jackass that wants to disrespect our troops and Veterans because you were too big of a coward to enlist???

Which post was directed to you Audey Murphy.
So you were too chicken to serve, but now you're demanding a full-scale war that you want others to fight for you...

Damn, you must be a Lib!!!

Your scared, go hide. The adults will handle it, don't worry. You are just eaten up by us vs them hatred, it is the only thing that keeps you warm, having some 'other' that you can point your boney finger at and say 'I'm better than you'. I hope you feel better.
Nobody said I'm scared...

I just don't believe the military should take orders or disrespect from a panty-waist homo Lib...

After all, look where doing that got us with Obozo...

Obiwan you are a panty-waist homo lib. Whatever that means in your angry world.

I am pretty sure he voted for Hillary in the 2008 primary. Though, he won't admit it.

So what will the French do? Go into Syria and Iraq? And then what? This has been done already, and it just got worse.

First, they secure their borders.

Second, they send the invading army back to where they came from.

Thirdly, the world makes the ME somewhere people want to live, we do that by eliminating groups like ISIS.

We are seeing the results of an unarmed invasion and it is coming to the rest of the civilized world. What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with.

"What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with."

That's it in a nutshell. You have to be able to see the real threats and eliminate them. No one wants war, but its been forced on us. THEY are waging war. Its time we wage it back for as long as it takes wherever we have to.

Countless drone strikes, air strikes and the rest are great and have eliminated thousands of the enemy. It isn't enough. On the ground overwhelming military force is needed. Again, for however long it takes.
He still can't handle the truth...

Who is "he?"
And if it turns out to be French nationals who self-radicalized? What, civil war?

Time is up, we know who the enemy is. If they only 'influenced' others to take this action that is enough. They must be dealt with. Evil men will do evil until they are stopped.

Inaction by the West only instills confidence and a great recruiting atmosphere for these groups. "Look! The US and its allies are too afraid to come fight us".

At some point Nato has to put an end to this shit and moment has arrived.

Of course lets endeavor to out barbarian the barbarians, that's always worked so well in the past. I guess it hasn't occurred to you that a massive new military commitment in the Middle East is exactly what the radical Islamic elements want. Such action lends credence to their claims that the Western Nations are nothing more the modern day crusaders, apparently ISIS has learned some lessons from history, the question is, can we?

"An eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi

The time for considering things has passed. There are times on this planet when brutal force is the only thing that is effective. THEY have given notice they are going to kill people in the West whenever they feel like it.

Peace is preferred until someone sticks a knife in your gut, then immediate action against them is needed. Or they will pull it out and stick it in again. Which is exactly what they have been doing. Unfortunately war IS necessary sometimes on this planet.

Those slaughtering people in Paris last night don't read Gandhi quotes. And they don't think like you do. Or me.

So, what is your solution for stopping these actions? What will motivate them to stop? Appeasement? Aggression? Bring them to the UN for a sit down?
I am not sure of the leaning of this site but the article does seem to take a shot at both sides. What is interesting is that they say ISIS was formed because of the power vacuum created in Iraq. But if I read the article correctly that is like saying a social club was formed, ISIS was nothing in Iraq until they moved to the real power vacuum created in Syria and Libya, along with Obama supplying them weapons. First directly and then by doing nothing when ISIS took them from Iraq.

Truth in Media: The Origin of ISIS - Ben Swann's Truth In Media

The militant group ISIS was formed as a small insurgent group in Iraq in 2006. Swann noted that while they tried to create problems for the U.S. military, they had no money and no real ability to recruit.

It wasn’t until 2009 that ISIS shifted its focus from Iraq, where it was largely unsuccessful in developing a foothold, and focused on the civil war in Syria,” Swann said.

While in Syria, ISIS still struggled to gain a foothold. Swann attributed this to the fact that two larger groups fighting against President Bashar al-Assad were overpowering them: al-Nusra Front – or al-Qaeda – and the Free Syrian Army.

Then, came a pivotal moment that most Americans aren’t even aware of,” Swann said. “In June 2013, a Northern General for the Free Syrian Army spoke out on Al Jazeera Qatar and stated that if international forces did not send weapons, the rebels attempting to overthrow Syrian president Bashar al-Assad would lose their war within a month.”
So what will the French do? Go into Syria and Iraq? And then what? This has been done already, and it just got worse.

First, they secure their borders.

Second, they send the invading army back to where they came from.

Thirdly, the world makes the ME somewhere people want to live, we do that by eliminating groups like ISIS.

We are seeing the results of an unarmed invasion and it is coming to the rest of the civilized world. What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with.

"What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with."

That's it in a nutshell. You have to be able to see the real threats and eliminate them. No one wants war, but its been forced on us. THEY are waging war. Its time we wage it back for as long as it takes wherever we have to.

Countless drone strikes, air strikes and the rest are great and have eliminated thousands of the enemy. It isn't enough. On the ground overwhelming military force is needed. Again, for however long it takes.

What I think I would like to see is a joining of the three major powers. China, Russia and the US in a unified front just as the three joined in WW2.

At this point I think all of Europe should throw their hat into the ring and we should have their backs.
I'm a veteran...

Are you??? If so, state your service...

Or are you just some jackass that wants to disrespect our troops and Veterans because you were too big of a coward to enlist???

Which post was directed to you Audey Murphy.
So you were too chicken to serve, but now you're demanding a full-scale war that you want others to fight for you...

Damn, you must be a Lib!!!

Your scared, go hide. The adults will handle it, don't worry. You are just eaten up by us vs them hatred, it is the only thing that keeps you warm, having some 'other' that you can point your boney finger at and say 'I'm better than you'. I hope you feel better.
Nobody said I'm scared...

I just don't believe the military should take orders or disrespect from a panty-waist homo Lib...

After all, look where doing that got us with Obozo...

Obiwan you are a panty-waist homo lib. Whatever that means in your angry world.
Naw, I'm a veteran, and vets aren't too partial to queers...

But since you're so hot for an all-out war, I wonder why you refuse to go down to the recruiter's office and say you want to volunteer to go over and help straighten out the mess Hillary and Obama created.

Don't forget to pick up Chelsea and Obozo's girls on the way!!!
So what will the French do? Go into Syria and Iraq? And then what? This has been done already, and it just got worse.

First, they secure their borders.

Second, they send the invading army back to where they came from.

Thirdly, the world makes the ME somewhere people want to live, we do that by eliminating groups like ISIS.

We are seeing the results of an unarmed invasion and it is coming to the rest of the civilized world. What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with.

"What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with."

That's it in a nutshell. You have to be able to see the real threats and eliminate them. No one wants war, but its been forced on us. THEY are waging war. Its time we wage it back for as long as it takes wherever we have to.

Countless drone strikes, air strikes and the rest are great and have eliminated thousands of the enemy. It isn't enough. On the ground overwhelming military force is needed. Again, for however long it takes.
He still can't handle the truth...

Who is "he?"
So what will the French do? Go into Syria and Iraq? And then what? This has been done already, and it just got worse.

First, they secure their borders.

Second, they send the invading army back to where they came from.

Thirdly, the world makes the ME somewhere people want to live, we do that by eliminating groups like ISIS.

We are seeing the results of an unarmed invasion and it is coming to the rest of the civilized world. What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with.

"What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with."

That's it in a nutshell. You have to be able to see the real threats and eliminate them. No one wants war, but its been forced on us. THEY are waging war. Its time we wage it back for as long as it takes wherever we have to.

Countless drone strikes, air strikes and the rest are great and have eliminated thousands of the enemy. It isn't enough. On the ground overwhelming military force is needed. Again, for however long it takes.

What I think I would like to see is a joining of the three major powers. China, Russia and the US in a unified front just as the three joined in WW2.

At this point I think all of Europe should throw their hat into the ring and we should have their backs.

Yes, I agree. But in my thinking they have their own fight with the unarmed invasion that is going on. We see what happens when a country lets an invading force march into their country unopposed. The EU needs to literally clean house. Then they can get serious about fighting the enemies of peace in the world.

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