Act of War

Don't forget to take your sons and daughters to the recruiting station with you.

wouldn't want to look like a hypocrite now would we

You aren't going either so stop the whining, you are not in a position to pontificate to anyone else.

You seem to be saying only people actually in the military should have the right to voice an opinion on when and where the military should be used?

That is called a military dictatorship.

And to try to say American citizens should have no say about where their military should be used is ludicrous. The military exists to exert OUR will, not theirs.
Translation: Fuck the military... They can do as this I say, since I'm too much of a coward to enlist...

Yes, tell us what the age range for enlisting should be oh great knower of things. Be specific, its all to easy to generalize is it not.

So you're in favor of the draft because you're too old to be drafted?

You are a coward and I'm guessing it runs in your family. Go play peck, your anger pretending to be thought isn't cutting it.

You're the one who wants other people to be drafted. And you're calling me a coward?
Brainstorm possible actions. I don't care if you call it ISIS or AlQueada , Islam is the enemy.

1.) Close all USA Mosque tomorrow. Ban Islam. Declare it enemy to West. Deport any who resist.
2.) No immigration for 10 years. Never immigration from Muslim countries. Close border(s). shoot.
3.) Co-ordinated airstrike as many Mosque as possible World-Wide next Friday afternoon.
4.) Nuke Mecca. who cares if they don't like it. We don't like what they do. Enough of their crap.

Take a breather, eat some bacon cheeseburger.
What I think I would like to see is a joining of the three major powers. China, Russia and the US in a unified front just as the three joined in WW2.

At this point I think all of Europe should throw their hat into the ring and we should have their backs.
Coupled with excluding the refugees from coming into the US, since terrorists will come in with them...

But Newton seems to be overlooking the fact that there are more efficient ways to deal with ISIS in Syria and Iraq than sending in large numbers of ground troops...

We should send in B-52s to carpet-bomb training camps and convoys, back our European allies with unlimited air strikes , and actually make a SERIOUS effort to arm the Kurds.

And hang around to rebuild afterwards??? Nope!!! If the rag heads turned a blind eye to ISIS, they pay the price.

That's fine if you could find military experts to agree with you, but most don't. Most know that to win a war, you can't do it from the air. Kill a few of them, annoy them a bit? Yes, you can do that, but not defeat them.

Why do you suppose the Palestinian conflict has been going on for decades? Because Israel won't wipe them off the face of the earth. Shoot a couple here, launch a few missiles there, and in a few months or years, it starts all over again.

So Israel should be focused on a genocide of the Palestinian people?

That's a BIT ironic don't you think?

Nope, just making a point. If you want to win a war, you have to annihilate the enemy hands down--especially when you're talking about a bunch of mentally deranged people.

If Israel's legitimate aim is to annihilate the Palestinians, that makes it a legitimate aim if the Palestinian want to annihilate the Israelis.
Want to take care of ISIS.
1. Cut all funding to all countries in the Middle East
2. Cut all military aid to all countries in the Middle East
3. Eliminate all travel to all countries in the Middle East
4. Eliminate all immigration from all countries in the Middle East
Problem Solved
And if it turns out to be French nationals who self-radicalized? What, civil war?
The enemy is Militant Islam.

A cancerous growth that spans national and regional boundaries and ethnicities.

But which centers-upon and manifests itself most prominently in a handful of nations or regions across the globe.

Presenting, therefore, a target-rich environment for both preemptive and reactive military action of a fairly decisive and substantive nature.

If various Western Nations can manage to re-discover their courage and act intelligently, effectively and without pity - giving no quarter.
Take your immigration stuff to another post, this one is Act of War re the French leader's speech. There are endless threads for wailing on immigration, thanks for participating in USMB and have a nice day.
And if it turns out to be French nationals who self-radicalized? What, civil war?

Time is up, we know who the enemy is. If they only 'influenced' others to take this action that is enough. They must be dealt with. Evil men will do evil until they are stopped.

Inaction by the West only instills confidence and a great recruiting atmosphere for these groups. "Look! The US and its allies are too afraid to come fight us".

At some point Nato has to put an end to this shit and that moment has arrived.

So how do you propose a counter-attack will be mounted? Where? Upon whom? The attackers killed themselves or were killed by the Gendarmerie. The others within this terrorist group in Paris are so heavily embedded into the local outlying neighborhoods, predominantly Muslim areas, as to be invisible.
And if it turns out to be French nationals who self-radicalized? What, civil war?

Time is up, we know who the enemy is. If they only 'influenced' others to take this action that is enough. They must be dealt with. Evil men will do evil until they are stopped.

Inaction by the West only instills confidence and a great recruiting atmosphere for these groups. "Look! The US and its allies are too afraid to come fight us".

At some point Nato has to put an end to this shit and that moment has arrived.

So how do you propose a counter-attack will be mounted? Where? Upon whom? The attackers killed themselves or were killed by the Gendarmerie. The others within this terrorist group in Paris are so heavily embedded into the local outlying neighborhoods, predominantly Muslim areas, as to be invisible.

In Iraq and Syria, where they are. It would be a relatively quick campaign and 'Isis' would be no more. There would only be the scattered remnants of a failed 'caliphate' which also cannot be underestimated.

What psychological impact will it have when the 'caliphate' is destroyed in a week.

All the nutjobs around the world will continue isolated attacks here and there now and then, no matter what we do or don't do. Doesn't matter, you have to kill the queen and the hive will eventually die.
Don't forget to take your sons and daughters to the recruiting station with you.

wouldn't want to look like a hypocrite now would we

You aren't going either so stop the whining, you are not in a position to pontificate to anyone else.

You seem to be saying only people actually in the military should have the right to voice an opinion on when and where the military should be used?

That is called a military dictatorship.

And to try to say American citizens should have no say about where their military should be used is ludicrous. The military exists to exert OUR will, not theirs.

If we commit the military to a mission, politicians can't tie their hands with ridiculous rules of engagement. Been there done that, it does nothing but get people killed and accomplishes little or nothing. The military is there for one reason, break things and destroy the enemy. Innocent folks will get caught in the cross fire, that's war.
...If we commit the military to a mission, politicians can't tie their hands with ridiculous rules of engagement. Been there done that, it does nothing but get people killed and accomplishes little or nothing. The military is there for one reason, break things and destroy the enemy. Innocent folks will get caught in the cross fire, that's war.

Our military is designed to 'kill people and break things'...

Not to engage in 'nation-building'...

If we commit, we go in there, and kill, and destroy, and then walk away, leaving the survivors to wander the smoking ruins and to rebuild, at their own expense.

Or, their rich Muslim neighbor-countries can pitch-in for once, and pick-up the tab for the rebuilding.

If we go in again, we kill, we destroy, then we just walk away.

Phukk 'em.
Don't forget to take your sons and daughters to the recruiting station with you.

wouldn't want to look like a hypocrite now would we

You aren't going either so stop the whining, you are not in a position to pontificate to anyone else.

You seem to be saying only people actually in the military should have the right to voice an opinion on when and where the military should be used?

That is called a military dictatorship.

And to try to say American citizens should have no say about where their military should be used is ludicrous. The military exists to exert OUR will, not theirs.

If we commit the military to a mission, politicians can't tie their hands with ridiculous rules of engagement. Been there done that, it does nothing but get people killed and accomplishes little or nothing. The military is there for one reason, break things and destroy the enemy. Innocent folks will get caught in the cross fire, that's war.

I agree, its time to simply point at a map for our military and say THERE.
Take your immigration stuff to another post, this one is Act of War re the French leader's speech. There are endless threads for wailing on immigration, thanks for participating in USMB and have a nice day.

And if it turns out to be French nationals who self-radicalized? What, civil war?

Time is up, we know who the enemy is. If they only 'influenced' others to take this action that is enough. They must be dealt with. Evil men will do evil until they are stopped.

Inaction by the West only instills confidence and a great recruiting atmosphere for these groups. "Look! The US and its allies are too afraid to come fight us".

At some point Nato has to put an end to this shit and that moment has arrived.

So how do you propose a counter-attack will be mounted? Where? Upon whom? The attackers killed themselves or were killed by the Gendarmerie. The others within this terrorist group in Paris are so heavily embedded into the local outlying neighborhoods, predominantly Muslim areas, as to be invisible.

In Iraq and Syria, where they are. It would be a relatively quick campaign and 'Isis' would be no more. There would only be the scattered remnants of a failed 'caliphate' which also cannot be underestimated.

What psychological impact will it have when the 'caliphate' is destroyed in a week.

All the nutjobs around the world will continue isolated attacks here and there now and then, no matter what we do or don't do. Doesn't matter, you have to kill the queen and the hive will eventually die.

You sound like Bush in 2003 selling the Iraq war. I think he said it would only take a couple of months and a couple of billion dollars.
And you didn't answer my question. How would it be a relatively quick campaign when ISIS members will hide in local village and town households where they will hold their hosts hostage by pointing a gun to their children's heads?

Notice they don't do the big black flag-waving parades anymore. There's a reason for that. They have become invisible.

For more information on this subject, pick up a copy of "Chasing Ghosts" by Paul Rieckhoff, founder of and Iraq war veteran.

I'm sorry, did I somehow accidentally navigate to the Twilight Zone Message Board? Liberals advocating running off to war to kill the evil Muslim terrorists, while conservatives are acting like scared little children. What is wrong with everyone?
I say we react in kind: Highly surgical, coordinated attacks by the Navy SEALs after ascertaining positions and movements of ISIS cells through intel. Sure worked on bin Laden.

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