Act of War

And if it turns out to be French nationals who self-radicalized? What, civil war?

Time is up, we know who the enemy is. If they only 'influenced' others to take this action that is enough. They must be dealt with. Evil men will do evil until they are stopped.

Inaction by the West only instills confidence and a great recruiting atmosphere for these groups. "Look! The US and its allies are too afraid to come fight us".

At some point Nato has to put an end to this shit and moment has arrived.

Of course lets endeavor to out barbarian the barbarians, that's always worked so well in the past. I guess it hasn't occurred to you that a massive new military commitment in the Middle East is exactly what the radical Islamic elements want. Such action lends credence to their claims that the Western Nations are nothing more the modern day crusaders, apparently ISIS has learned some lessons from history, the question is, can we?

"An eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi

The time for considering things has passed. There are times on this planet when brutal force is the only thing that is effective. THEY have given notice they are going to kill people in the West whenever they feel like it.

Peace is preferred until someone sticks a knife in your gut, then immediate action against them is needed. Or they will pull it out and stick it in again. Which is exactly what they have been doing. Unfortunately war IS necessary sometimes on this planet.

Those slaughtering people in Paris last night don't read Gandhi quotes. And they don't think like you do. Or me.

So, what is your solution for stopping these actions? What will motivate them to stop? Appeasement? Aggression? Bring them to the UN for a sit down?

These people are animals and there is no negotiating with them. It's like training a pit bull to attack and kill using various other animals for practice.

Once the mind is shot, there is nothing you can do about it. These clowns are so pumped up with their religious nonsense since childhood that the only solution is to do the same as you would do with that pit bull.
So what will the French do? Go into Syria and Iraq? And then what? This has been done already, and it just got worse.

First, they secure their borders.

Second, they send the invading army back to where they came from.

Thirdly, the world makes the ME somewhere people want to live, we do that by eliminating groups like ISIS.

We are seeing the results of an unarmed invasion and it is coming to the rest of the civilized world. What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with.

"What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with."

That's it in a nutshell. You have to be able to see the real threats and eliminate them. No one wants war, but its been forced on us. THEY are waging war. Its time we wage it back for as long as it takes wherever we have to.

Countless drone strikes, air strikes and the rest are great and have eliminated thousands of the enemy. It isn't enough. On the ground overwhelming military force is needed. Again, for however long it takes.

What I think I would like to see is a joining of the three major powers. China, Russia and the US in a unified front just as the three joined in WW2.

At this point I think all of Europe should throw their hat into the ring and we should have their backs.

Yes, I agree. But in my thinking they have their own fight with the unarmed invasion that is going on. We see what happens when a country lets an invading force march into their country unopposed. The EU needs to literally clean house. Then they can get serious about fighting the enemies of peace in the world.

Maybe they will learn, who knows? But one thing for sure, our liberals never will. They will just keep letting these foreigners come into our country in the name of goodwill.
First, they secure their borders.

Second, they send the invading army back to where they came from.

Thirdly, the world makes the ME somewhere people want to live, we do that by eliminating groups like ISIS.

We are seeing the results of an unarmed invasion and it is coming to the rest of the civilized world. What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with.

"What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with."

That's it in a nutshell. You have to be able to see the real threats and eliminate them. No one wants war, but its been forced on us. THEY are waging war. Its time we wage it back for as long as it takes wherever we have to.

Countless drone strikes, air strikes and the rest are great and have eliminated thousands of the enemy. It isn't enough. On the ground overwhelming military force is needed. Again, for however long it takes.

What I think I would like to see is a joining of the three major powers. China, Russia and the US in a unified front just as the three joined in WW2.

At this point I think all of Europe should throw their hat into the ring and we should have their backs.

Yes, I agree. But in my thinking they have their own fight with the unarmed invasion that is going on. We see what happens when a country lets an invading force march into their country unopposed. The EU needs to literally clean house. Then they can get serious about fighting the enemies of peace in the world.

Maybe they will learn, who knows? But one thing for sure, our liberals never will. They will just keep letting these foreigners come into our country in the name of goodwill.

Why do you suppose they think that way? They don't have religion so what drives them to make decisions based on "goodwill?" Why is it good will to allow the invasion that take away jobs from the lower echelon of our working class? And then those who do act hostile to the US? What country would allow such things. Oh right France.
So what will the French do? Go into Syria and Iraq? And then what? This has been done already, and it just got worse.

First, they secure their borders.

Second, they send the invading army back to where they came from.

Thirdly, the world makes the ME somewhere people want to live, we do that by eliminating groups like ISIS.

We are seeing the results of an unarmed invasion and it is coming to the rest of the civilized world. What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with.

"What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with."

That's it in a nutshell. You have to be able to see the real threats and eliminate them. No one wants war, but its been forced on us. THEY are waging war. Its time we wage it back for as long as it takes wherever we have to.

Countless drone strikes, air strikes and the rest are great and have eliminated thousands of the enemy. It isn't enough. On the ground overwhelming military force is needed. Again, for however long it takes.

What I think I would like to see is a joining of the three major powers. China, Russia and the US in a unified front just as the three joined in WW2.

At this point I think all of Europe should throw their hat into the ring and we should have their backs.
Coupled with excluding the refugees from coming into the US, since terrorists will come in with them...

But Newton seems to be overlooking the fact that there are more efficient ways to deal with ISIS in Syria and Iraq than sending in large numbers of ground troops...

We should send in B-52s to carpet-bomb training camps and convoys, back our European allies with unlimited air strikes , and actually make a SERIOUS effort to arm the Kurds.

And hang around to rebuild afterwards??? Nope!!! If the rag heads turned a blind eye to ISIS, they pay the price.
Obama called it, umm, I forgot. The historic act of terrorism on an Ally in Europe might as well have been a accident on the Beltway for all the concern and emotion Barry Hussein showed. They didn't call him "no drama Obama" in college for nothing. You can imagine, as rumors said, Barry Hussein eating pizza while Americans ran out of ammunition in the Benghazi battle. He sounded like one of those robotic voices you hear when you call an insurance company. "We will do what ever we can". Yeah right.
So what will the French do? Go into Syria and Iraq? And then what? This has been done already, and it just got worse.

First, they secure their borders.

Second, they send the invading army back to where they came from.

Thirdly, the world makes the ME somewhere people want to live, we do that by eliminating groups like ISIS.

We are seeing the results of an unarmed invasion and it is coming to the rest of the civilized world. What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with.

"What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with."

That's it in a nutshell. You have to be able to see the real threats and eliminate them. No one wants war, but its been forced on us. THEY are waging war. Its time we wage it back for as long as it takes wherever we have to.

Countless drone strikes, air strikes and the rest are great and have eliminated thousands of the enemy. It isn't enough. On the ground overwhelming military force is needed. Again, for however long it takes.

What I think I would like to see is a joining of the three major powers. China, Russia and the US in a unified front just as the three joined in WW2.

At this point I think all of Europe should throw their hat into the ring and we should have their backs.
Coupled with excluding the refugees from coming into the US, since terrorists will come in with them...

But Newton seems to be overlooking the fact that there are more efficient ways to deal with ISIS in Syria and Iraq than sending in large numbers of ground troops...

We should send in B-52s to carpet-bomb training camps and convoys, back our European allies with unlimited air strikes , and actually make a SERIOUS effort to arm the Kurds.

And hang around to rebuild afterwards??? Nope!!! If the rag heads turned a blind eye to ISIS, they pay the price.

That's fine if you could find military experts to agree with you, but most don't. Most know that to win a war, you can't do it from the air. Kill a few of them, annoy them a bit? Yes, you can do that, but not defeat them.

Why do you suppose the Palestinian conflict has been going on for decades? Because Israel won't wipe them off the face of the earth. Shoot a couple here, launch a few missiles there, and in a few months or years, it starts all over again.
First, they secure their borders.

Second, they send the invading army back to where they came from.

Thirdly, the world makes the ME somewhere people want to live, we do that by eliminating groups like ISIS.

We are seeing the results of an unarmed invasion and it is coming to the rest of the civilized world. What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with.

"What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with."

That's it in a nutshell. You have to be able to see the real threats and eliminate them. No one wants war, but its been forced on us. THEY are waging war. Its time we wage it back for as long as it takes wherever we have to.

Countless drone strikes, air strikes and the rest are great and have eliminated thousands of the enemy. It isn't enough. On the ground overwhelming military force is needed. Again, for however long it takes.

What I think I would like to see is a joining of the three major powers. China, Russia and the US in a unified front just as the three joined in WW2.

At this point I think all of Europe should throw their hat into the ring and we should have their backs.
Coupled with excluding the refugees from coming into the US, since terrorists will come in with them...

But Newton seems to be overlooking the fact that there are more efficient ways to deal with ISIS in Syria and Iraq than sending in large numbers of ground troops...

We should send in B-52s to carpet-bomb training camps and convoys, back our European allies with unlimited air strikes , and actually make a SERIOUS effort to arm the Kurds.

And hang around to rebuild afterwards??? Nope!!! If the rag heads turned a blind eye to ISIS, they pay the price.

That's fine if you could find military experts to agree with you, but most don't. Most know that to win a war, you can't do it from the air. Kill a few of them, annoy them a bit? Yes, you can do that, but not defeat them.

Why do you suppose the Palestinian conflict has been going on for decades? Because Israel won't wipe them off the face of the earth. Shoot a couple here, launch a few missiles there, and in a few months or years, it starts all over again.

So Israel should be focused on a genocide of the Palestinian people?

That's a BIT ironic don't you think?
Funny that only yesterday RWnuts were on the board bitching about Obama killing terrorists instead of arresting them.
Today, comically, the flip flop.
And if it turns out to be French nationals who self-radicalized? What, civil war?

Time is up, we know who the enemy is. If they only 'influenced' others to take this action that is enough. They must be dealt with. Evil men will do evil until they are stopped.

Inaction by the West only instills confidence and a great recruiting atmosphere for these groups. "Look! The US and its allies are too afraid to come fight us".

At some point Nato has to put an end to this shit and moment has arrived.

Of course lets endeavor to out barbarian the barbarians, that's always worked so well in the past. I guess it hasn't occurred to you that a massive new military commitment in the Middle East is exactly what the radical Islamic elements want. Such action lends credence to their claims that the Western Nations are nothing more the modern day crusaders, apparently ISIS has learned some lessons from history, the question is, can we?

"An eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi
We cannot expect to launch anything with Obabble in the lead. He is a wimp. Strangles any operation with pussy ROE.
Which post was directed to you Audey Murphy.
So you were too chicken to serve, but now you're demanding a full-scale war that you want others to fight for you...

Damn, you must be a Lib!!!

Your scared, go hide. The adults will handle it, don't worry. You are just eaten up by us vs them hatred, it is the only thing that keeps you warm, having some 'other' that you can point your boney finger at and say 'I'm better than you'. I hope you feel better.
Nobody said I'm scared...

I just don't believe the military should take orders or disrespect from a panty-waist homo Lib...

After all, look where doing that got us with Obozo...

Obiwan you are a panty-waist homo lib. Whatever that means in your angry world.
Naw, I'm a veteran, and vets aren't too partial to queers...

But since you're so hot for an all-out war, I wonder why you refuse to go down to the recruiter's office and say you want to volunteer to go over and help straighten out the mess Hillary and Obama created.

Don't forget to pick up Chelsea and Obozo's girls on the way!!!

If you are a vet you whine like no other. You don't want to go? Too scared? Don't go then. See how easy?
"How is that you figure attempting to kill our way to victory has any hope of success?"

That is what they believe and are attempting to do.
No, that's not what they are attempting to do, they're not that stupid, what they are attempting to do is unite the Islamic world against the West since it's only way they can achieve their objective (control of the Islamic world). They are currently succeeding in that objective precisely because the West is allowing itself to be drawn directly into the conflict and they can do that using nothing more than a handful of "martyrs" with simple weapons. This isn't a secret, Bin Laden himself plainly stated their goal was to do this and in the course of events he fully intended to bleed the West dry of blood and treasure and we played right into his hands by invading Afghanistan and Iraq, just look at the results of that stupidity and ask yourself do you want to double down on that?

That is what war is. Either we kill them in great numbers, or they will do the same to us.
You're still living in the past, this isn't a war of large scale force upon force, it's far more nuanced than that, so pull your head out of WW II for a moment and examine CURRENT realities.

You project your own 'perceptions' onto other people. My response isn't knee-jerk, or 'reptilian', or spur of the moment.
I'm afraid that it is, your response is nothing more than an "eye for eye" and it displays the naiveté that is so prevalent within the ranks of American warhawks, to whit: "we will send them a message that to join the forces of radical Islam is to sign your own death warrant", unfortunately these are people that don't care about dying in fact they welcome the opportunity to become martyrs for Islam. Your solution is to create more of them by sacrificing any hope of being able to make a moral argument against their cause.

We've fought this mental disease over there for 14 years and we will have to fight it for a lot longer. And yes it does mean piling up as many of their bodies as is possible, that is what war is, always has been and always will be. You can't think that away. Its an ugly truth that all of humanity has had to live with for all of time and will have to live with for all of time.
Yep and how is that working out for us so far?

It is war, period. We've been fighting it with one hand tied behind our back while they bring AK47s into a concert and slaughter unarmed civilians.

The discussion ended last night, we have to kill them. That is the price THEY set.
And yet you wish to escalate that violence? You think that the West slaughtering more innocents in the Middle East is going to discourage this type of barbarism?
So you were too chicken to serve, but now you're demanding a full-scale war that you want others to fight for you...

Damn, you must be a Lib!!!

Your scared, go hide. The adults will handle it, don't worry. You are just eaten up by us vs them hatred, it is the only thing that keeps you warm, having some 'other' that you can point your boney finger at and say 'I'm better than you'. I hope you feel better.
Nobody said I'm scared...

I just don't believe the military should take orders or disrespect from a panty-waist homo Lib...

After all, look where doing that got us with Obozo...

Obiwan you are a panty-waist homo lib. Whatever that means in your angry world.
Naw, I'm a veteran, and vets aren't too partial to queers...

But since you're so hot for an all-out war, I wonder why you refuse to go down to the recruiter's office and say you want to volunteer to go over and help straighten out the mess Hillary and Obama created.

Don't forget to pick up Chelsea and Obozo's girls on the way!!!

If you are a vet you whine like no other. You don't want to go? Too scared? Don't go then. See how easy?
I'm a vet who doesn't think our military should be sent into a massive war under piss-poor leadership...

Let Obama prove he's serious by taking out the training camps and concentrations of ISIS fighters with heavy bombing (arming and relying on our allies in the region to help support our spotters)...

Then, once we get a President in office who is willing to take the gloves off, commence mopping-up operations...

But a full-scale war under the Muslim apologist that's in the White House now??? Are you nuts???
"How is that you figure attempting to kill our way to victory has any hope of success?"

That is what they believe and are attempting to do.
No, that's not what they are attempting to do, they're not that stupid, what they are attempting to do is unite the Islamic world against the West since it's only way they can achieve their objective (control of the Islamic world). They are currently succeeding in that objective precisely because the West is allowing itself to be drawn directly into the conflict and they can do that using nothing more than a handful of "martyrs" with simple weapons. This isn't a secret, Bin Laden himself plainly stated their goal was to do this and in the course of events he fully intended to bleed the West dry of blood and treasure and we played right into his hands by invading Afghanistan and Iraq, just look at the results of that stupidity and ask yourself do you want to double down on that?

That is what war is. Either we kill them in great numbers, or they will do the same to us.
You're still living in the past, this isn't a war of large scale force upon force, it's far more nuanced than that, so pull your head out of WW II for a moment and examine CURRENT realities.

You project your own 'perceptions' onto other people. My response isn't knee-jerk, or 'reptilian', or spur of the moment.
I'm afraid that it is, your response is nothing more than an "eye for eye" and it displays the naiveté that is so prevalent within the ranks of American warhawks, to whit: "we will send them a message that to join the forces of radical Islam is to sign your own death warrant", unfortunately these are people that don't care about dying in fact they welcome the opportunity to become martyrs for Islam. Your solution is to create more of them by sacrificing any hope of being able to make a moral argument against their cause.

We've fought this mental disease over there for 14 years and we will have to fight it for a lot longer. And yes it does mean piling up as many of their bodies as is possible, that is what war is, always has been and always will be. You can't think that away. Its an ugly truth that all of humanity has had to live with for all of time and will have to live with for all of time.
Yep and how is that working out for us so far?

It is war, period. We've been fighting it with one hand tied behind our back while they bring AK47s into a concert and slaughter unarmed civilians.

The discussion ended last night, we have to kill them. That is the price THEY set.
And yet you wish to escalate that violence? You think that the West slaughtering more innocents in the Middle East is going to discourage this type of barbarism?

I'm done. This is a nonstop circle.

There are times unrestricted war is necessary. This is one of those times. They are the ones that demand it. We should land a quarter million man army and not leave for a good long time.
Your scared, go hide. The adults will handle it, don't worry. You are just eaten up by us vs them hatred, it is the only thing that keeps you warm, having some 'other' that you can point your boney finger at and say 'I'm better than you'. I hope you feel better.
Nobody said I'm scared...

I just don't believe the military should take orders or disrespect from a panty-waist homo Lib...

After all, look where doing that got us with Obozo...

Obiwan you are a panty-waist homo lib. Whatever that means in your angry world.
Naw, I'm a veteran, and vets aren't too partial to queers...

But since you're so hot for an all-out war, I wonder why you refuse to go down to the recruiter's office and say you want to volunteer to go over and help straighten out the mess Hillary and Obama created.

Don't forget to pick up Chelsea and Obozo's girls on the way!!!

If you are a vet you whine like no other. You don't want to go? Too scared? Don't go then. See how easy?
I'm a vet who doesn't think our military should be sent into a massive war under piss-poor leadership...

Let Obama prove he's serious by taking out the training camps and concentrations of ISIS fighters with heavy bombing (arming and relying on our allies in the region to help support our spotters)...

Then, once we get a President in office who is willing to take the gloves off, commence mopping-up operations...

But a full-scale war under the Muslim apologist that's in the White House now??? Are you nuts???

Sorry dude your us vs them hatred is so intensely out of whack I am also done with you. You don't see reality.

Good luck to you. If you are a vet, thanks for serving.
French President Calls Attacks an 'Act of War'

The French president calls attacks in Paris an 'Act of War'.

That is what it is. Nato needs to mobilize immediately and neutralize this threat with all due hostility. We aren't at terrorism, we are at war. The ENEMY has made it clear.

Nato should convene, tell the member states we need a quarter million troops and all will participate and land troops in Iraq and Syria FOR STARTERS. And it should make clear to the rest of the world get the fuck out of the way.

The real world is harsh and sometimes deadly force is required and right now is one of those times. And be clear, Nato will have forces in that region for decades to come.

The Nato charter states 'any attack on one member nation is an attack on all'. The time for half measures and yammering is now over, for good. Brutal force is now required, not by our choice but by what has been forced on us.
The North American Trade Organization ? What are they going to do? Offer tax free body bags ?
"What we don't need to be are Neville Chamberlains thinking these people can be reasoned with."

That's it in a nutshell. You have to be able to see the real threats and eliminate them. No one wants war, but its been forced on us. THEY are waging war. Its time we wage it back for as long as it takes wherever we have to.

Countless drone strikes, air strikes and the rest are great and have eliminated thousands of the enemy. It isn't enough. On the ground overwhelming military force is needed. Again, for however long it takes.

What I think I would like to see is a joining of the three major powers. China, Russia and the US in a unified front just as the three joined in WW2.

At this point I think all of Europe should throw their hat into the ring and we should have their backs.
Coupled with excluding the refugees from coming into the US, since terrorists will come in with them...

But Newton seems to be overlooking the fact that there are more efficient ways to deal with ISIS in Syria and Iraq than sending in large numbers of ground troops...

We should send in B-52s to carpet-bomb training camps and convoys, back our European allies with unlimited air strikes , and actually make a SERIOUS effort to arm the Kurds.

And hang around to rebuild afterwards??? Nope!!! If the rag heads turned a blind eye to ISIS, they pay the price.

That's fine if you could find military experts to agree with you, but most don't. Most know that to win a war, you can't do it from the air. Kill a few of them, annoy them a bit? Yes, you can do that, but not defeat them.

Why do you suppose the Palestinian conflict has been going on for decades? Because Israel won't wipe them off the face of the earth. Shoot a couple here, launch a few missiles there, and in a few months or years, it starts all over again.

So Israel should be focused on a genocide of the Palestinian people?

That's a BIT ironic don't you think?

Nope, just making a point. If you want to win a war, you have to annihilate the enemy hands down--especially when you're talking about a bunch of mentally deranged people.
Nobody said I'm scared...

I just don't believe the military should take orders or disrespect from a panty-waist homo Lib...

After all, look where doing that got us with Obozo...

Obiwan you are a panty-waist homo lib. Whatever that means in your angry world.
Naw, I'm a veteran, and vets aren't too partial to queers...

But since you're so hot for an all-out war, I wonder why you refuse to go down to the recruiter's office and say you want to volunteer to go over and help straighten out the mess Hillary and Obama created.

Don't forget to pick up Chelsea and Obozo's girls on the way!!!

If you are a vet you whine like no other. You don't want to go? Too scared? Don't go then. See how easy?
I'm a vet who doesn't think our military should be sent into a massive war under piss-poor leadership...

Let Obama prove he's serious by taking out the training camps and concentrations of ISIS fighters with heavy bombing (arming and relying on our allies in the region to help support our spotters)...

Then, once we get a President in office who is willing to take the gloves off, commence mopping-up operations...

But a full-scale war under the Muslim apologist that's in the White House now??? Are you nuts???

Sorry dude your us vs them hatred is so intensely out of whack I am also done with you. You don't see reality.

Good luck to you. If you are a vet, thanks for serving.
Have a good day, and we can discuss this again in about 14 months, when we get a President in office that can actually come up with a coherent strategy, instead of one with an insane desire to start illegal wars at the first opportunity...

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