Action near China Act of War?

I wouldn't put it past Obama to start a war with China to prevent the Republicans (Trump) from winning the election. Martial law to prevent the elections from happening at all.

Wish you guys would make up your mind

Is Obama getting pushed around by Putin and China or is he a war monger?

He is a war monger that gets pushed around by the good guys, ex KGB agent Putin and Communist China!!

Go Go Commie rangers Go!
China wants to control the natural resources under the ocean bed and the shipping lanes in the area.

Can't let it happen.

China wants to invade Taiwan and bring it back under their control. That is why China built the artificial islands and put military bases there.
Bull shit!

But we must inflame passions so that we can have lots of wars. When will you ever learn?

I'm not trying to inflame anyone's passions.
But you did, with the silly statement China wants to invade Taiwan.
It is not a silly statement

China want Taiwan back and will gain Taiwan eventually!

Given the diplomatic situation, China does not want to risk a war with several nations trying to take Taiwan. When protections on Taiwan lax, when China sees it can absorb Taiwan without serious risk, it may invade it.

Or it may gain it through diplomacy. There are alot of options on the table for China and time is on their side as well.
China wants to control the natural resources under the ocean bed and the shipping lanes in the area.

Can't let it happen.

China wants to invade Taiwan and bring it back under their control. That is why China built the artificial islands and put military bases there.
Bull shit!

But we must inflame passions so that we can have lots of wars. When will you ever learn?

I'm not trying to inflame anyone's passions.
But you did, with the silly statement China wants to invade Taiwan.
It is not a silly statement

China want Taiwan back and will gain Taiwan eventually!

Given the diplomatic situation, China does not want to risk a war with several nations trying to take Taiwan. When protections on Taiwan lax, when China sees it can absorb Taiwan without serious risk, it may invade it.

Or it may gain it through diplomacy. There are alot of options on the table for China and time is on their side as well.
Even if China takes Taiwan it is still NONE OF OUR BUSINESS.

Do you want young Americans to kill and die there, for nothing but enriching and empowering the State and the wealthy Oligarchy?

Did we not learn anything from Vietnam or Iraq?

China took Hong Kong back and what happened? NOTHING.

Wars and more wars...
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China wants to control the natural resources under the ocean bed and the shipping lanes in the area.

Can't let it happen.

China wants to invade Taiwan and bring it back under their control. That is why China built the artificial islands and put military bases there.
Bull shit!

But we must inflame passions so that we can have lots of wars. When will you ever learn?

Actually, it's not "bullshit".

China considers Taiwan a "wayward" province.

They don't recognize Taiwan as a separate country.

I had to deal with that first hand when I went to get a Chinese visa for my Girlfriend who was born in Taiwan.

They got very angry when they saw that.
This shit about Taiwan has been said for decades...since at least Jimma Carter, if not before. Do you really think if China really wanted Taiwan, they would not have taken it by now?

They waited decades to get Hong Kong back.

It's a pretty serious thing. Ultimately, China wants Taiwan back in the fold, they want to do it peacefully..but they want Taiwan.
And are there problems in Hong Kong? Have the commies rounded up people and sent them to the gulag? Have people been executed?
I wouldn't put it past Obama to start a war with China to prevent the Republicans (Trump) from winning the election. Martial law to prevent the elections from happening at all.

Good. Then can we finally put all The Ones detractors in those FEMA camps? I'd hate to see them go to waste through another two term President. I mean I'll never understand why President Bush didn't start a war with Iran and declare martial law.........

Ooh yeah I remember.

It's a stupid idea.

Agreed but the US actions are also provocative. Why provoke China?

Because that's simply not the way a nation "claims" territory.

They are trying to change the regional dynamic and many countries in that region have no wish to be dominated by China.
Who cares...none of our business. The US using a warship to provoke China is dumb and could lead to war...all over a stupid tiny island. Can't fix stupid.

Well yeah, it is. We have alliances in the region. We also have an interest that none of those countries start developing nuclear weapons, which, would be the best deterrent to Chinese aggression.
Oh BS.

One would think after all the failures, death, and destruction caused by US interventions, we would learn.

This is a different situation entirely.

Most of the countries asking for our help, are completely independent, stable and flourishing.

We are heavily involved in actual trade in the region which is beneficial to all parties.

Even countries like Vietnam are fighting tool and nail against Chinese domination.

We have built alliances and it is our and the world's interest that we honor those.

China wants to control the natural resources under the ocean bed and the shipping lanes in the area.

Can't let it happen.

China wants to invade Taiwan and bring it back under their control. That is why China built the artificial islands and put military bases there.
Bull shit!

But we must inflame passions so that we can have lots of wars. When will you ever learn?

I'm not trying to inflame anyone's passions.

China wants to control the natural resources under the ocean bed and the shipping lanes in the area.

Can't let it happen.

China wants to invade Taiwan and bring it back under their control. That is why China built the artificial islands and put military bases there.
Bull shit!

But we must inflame passions so that we can have lots of wars. When will you ever learn?

I'm not trying to inflame anyone's passions.
But you did, with the silly statement China wants to invade Taiwan.
It is not a silly statement

China want Taiwan back and will gain Taiwan eventually!

Given the diplomatic situation, China does not want to risk a war with several nations trying to take Taiwan. When protections on Taiwan lax, when China sees it can absorb Taiwan without serious risk, it may invade it.

Or it may gain it through diplomacy. There are alot of options on the table for China and time is on their side as well.

Pink Floyd informed you long ago, but you refused to listen and learn...

Dogs of war and men of hate
With no cause, we don’t discriminate
Discovery is to be disowned
Our currency is flesh and bone
Hell opened up and put on sale
Gather ’round and haggle
For hard cash, we will lie and deceive
Even our masters don’t know the web we weave
-Pink Floyd
China wants to invade Taiwan and bring it back under their control. That is why China built the artificial islands and put military bases there.
Bull shit!

But we must inflame passions so that we can have lots of wars. When will you ever learn?

I'm not trying to inflame anyone's passions.
But you did, with the silly statement China wants to invade Taiwan.

They do and it is a serious situation, Gipper. Nothing silly about it.
Oh please...if China wanted Taiwan they would have taken it by now.

Must America kill and die everywhere around the world? Send your children or grandchildren to die for nothing but empowering the State and enriching the military industrial complex....okay?

Apparently some Americans NEVER learn? The power elite love you.

I shared a few thoughts on the subject, Gipper. That is all. I do not want to see America go to war. I have no desire to send my children or anyone else's children to die in a war. War is a terrible thing.
Bull shit!

But we must inflame passions so that we can have lots of wars. When will you ever learn?

I'm not trying to inflame anyone's passions.
But you did, with the silly statement China wants to invade Taiwan.

They do and it is a serious situation, Gipper. Nothing silly about it.
Oh please...if China wanted Taiwan they would have taken it by now.

Must America kill and die everywhere around the world? Send your children or grandchildren to die for nothing but empowering the State and enriching the military industrial complex....okay?

Apparently some Americans NEVER learn? The power elite love you.

I shared a few thoughts on the subject, Gipper. That is all. I do not want to see America go to war. I have no desire to send my children or anyone else's children to die in a war. War is a terrible thing.

What we all must realize is war is ALWAYS the health of the state. War is NEVER necessary. War is a tool used by the power elite to control us, steal our wealth, and murder our young.
China wants to invade Taiwan and bring it back under their control. That is why China built the artificial islands and put military bases there.
Bull shit!

But we must inflame passions so that we can have lots of wars. When will you ever learn?

Actually, it's not "bullshit".

China considers Taiwan a "wayward" province.

They don't recognize Taiwan as a separate country.

I had to deal with that first hand when I went to get a Chinese visa for my Girlfriend who was born in Taiwan.

They got very angry when they saw that.
This shit about Taiwan has been said for decades...since at least Jimma Carter, if not before. Do you really think if China really wanted Taiwan, they would not have taken it by now?

They waited decades to get Hong Kong back.

It's a pretty serious thing. Ultimately, China wants Taiwan back in the fold, they want to do it peacefully..but they want Taiwan.
And are there problems in Hong Kong? Have the commies rounded up people and sent them to the gulag? Have people been executed?
I've visited Hong Kong several times. Twice before the Mainland Chinese took it over.

In Aberdeen Bay there used to be a community of people that lived on boats. It was kind of cool. They were poor but they were self sufficient.

The British government had a unique deal with them. They could pay taxes in dried fish or eggs.

After the take over? They were all gone.
Granny says send one o' dem guided missiles up Xi's butt - dat'll tell him Obama means business...

China: Will Respond to US Ships with All Necessary Means
Oct 29, 2015 -- China's military will take "all necessary" measures in response to any future U.S. Navy incursions into what it considers its territorial waters around islands in the South China Sea, a Defense Ministry spokesman said Thursday.
The statement by Col. Yang Yujun followed the sailing of a U.S. guided missile destroyer within the 12-nautical mile (22-kilometer) territorial limit of one of the islands newly created by China in the strategically vital region. The U.S. refuses to recognize the man-made islets as deserving of sovereign territory status. The Chinese side took no forceful action during the USS Lassen's sail-by on Tuesday, but strenuously protested the maneuver. China's reaction fits the pattern in similar such incidents in recent years. Yang offered no details on how Beijing might respond differently in the future. "We would urge the U.S. not to continue down the wrong path. But if the U.S. side does continue, we will take all necessary measures according to the need," Yang said. China's resolve to safeguard its national sovereignty and security interests is "rock-solid," he added.


Guided missile destroyer USS Lassen arrives at the Shanghai International Passenger Quay in Shanghai, China, for a scheduled port visit.​

China claims virtually the entire South China Sea and its islands, reefs and atolls as its sovereign territory, an assertion challenged by five other regional governments. While the U.S. takes no formal position on sovereignty, it insists on freedom of navigation and has urged China to cease its ambitious project to construct new islands complete with buildings, harbors and airstrips. Yang reiterated Beijing's claim that the USS Lassen violated Chinese sovereignty and international law, although the sail-by appeared to fall under internationally allowed "innocent passage" rules. Yang gave no details of China's claims. Yang said a pair of Chinese navy ships had shadowed the Lassen, monitored its actions and issued warnings.

The spokesman said China supported the right to freedom of navigation and overflight, but accused the U.S. of abusing those for its own interests. "We are strongly against any kind of effort in the name of freedom of navigation that might damage the interests and security of the littoral states," Yang said. Yang said that the commander of the Chinese navy, Adm. Wu Shengli, would present China's "solemn position" on the issue in a video conference later Thursday with the U.S. head of naval operations, Adm. John Richardson. However, he indicated that the incident wouldn't disrupt official exchanges between the sides, saying that planning was still underway for a visit by Adm. Harry Harris Jr., commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, later this year. Harris recently stated that the South China Sea is no more China's than the Gulf of Mexico is Mexico's.

China: Will Respond to US Ships with All Necessary Means |

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