Actual Conservatism vs republicanism

You have MUCH more confidence in our economic future than I have. There has NEVER been a Fiat currency that did not collapse at some point. Ours began the slide to that collapse when Nixon declared the dollar not to be tied to gold reserves.
Before 2022, we'll have just over 30 Trillion dollars in actual debt. NO currency can survive that kind of manipulation and still retain credibility.

I have faith in knowing that the people who create and control the supply and the value of the USD also do not want it to crash. Although I completely disagree with the way it's over inflated, I do agree with how they've managed to keep it from crashing. Fact is, it should've crashed when the debt got to $1 trillion. And now, it's what, $27 trillion?
Question is, what's going to make it crash? Something has to happen. And the only thing I can think of that would cause that, would be for Americans to stop using it. And our allies stop trading in USD. Doing that would be a death sentence to any country that's currently trades their oil or other resources in USD. It didn't work out so well for Iraq.

That's why we're beginning to hear rumors of this "great reset". They know if they don't begin the process slowly and the collapse happens overnight then there will be mass chaos and bloodshed. I wouldn't put it past the Global/Marxist Left to bring down America economically, then leave the nation in violent upheaval for months. They will be insulated and safe while the rest of us struggle with food and shelter. The inner-city plantation dwellers as well as others who have NO margin financially will do whatever it takes to feed themselves and their children.

This isn't a left or right wing thing. The people that create and control the supply and value of the USD stand to lose a lot more than us working class stiffs. The fact of the matter is, we don't even need money. Us down here can live just fine without money, IF we all did it together.
It would simply mean that we go to work, like we normally do, and just don't worry about money. The people that work for the electric company & power plants, go to work and keep us supplied with electricity. Same as the people who work for the water company, the food industry, the car manufacturers, the drillers, refiners and everything else all the way down to the pizza delivery boy.
Those at the top, well, they stand to lose THE most important thing in their lives. Their money. Which would devastate them.
So I'm pretty sure they're going to do what ever it takes to make sure they don't lose what's most precious to them.
Money doesn't have to be backed by gold. Gold is now just an over priced inanimate object. The only reason it's still worth anything, is because enough people believe it is. Gold used to be hard to find. It took a lot of human labor to go into finding it, collecting it and then refining it. Now, they have machines that do all the work. Fact is, money could be backed by potato's or anything else.
BTW, Gold and silver is the biggest ponzi scheme since Amway.
The riots, looting, and arson of last summer will seem like the good old days by comparison. EVERY bit of this is by a plan. It isn't random and it isn't inevitable. Choices were made and they don't give a damn how many die in the process.

You're forgetting who's actually running the show. It's not the congress or the president. There's people a lot more powerful then those guys. People who's names we'll never know. Face's we'll never see on TV or some computer screen.

BTW, a little food for thought:
The Federal Reserve knows the government can't pay them back. The government knows they can't pay the Fed back. But the "loans" keep coming, right? Why is that? You'd think that if anyone owed a bank that much money, and no way to really pay it back, then the Fed could call in the note and bankrupt the government, right?
Well there's this little thing called the "Federal Reserve Act" that the government keeps in its back pocket for just such an emergency. Repealing that act, and the US treasury started printing it's own money, would destroy any federal reserve notes on the planet. Overnight, they become as worthless as a confederate bill. So, the government and the Fed work together. The Fed keeps loaning the government money. And the government allows the fed to do pretty much what ever it wants.
Now here's the kicker: If the Fed knows the government will never pay back the trillions it owes them, then is there really a debt? Seriously, if you owe someone money, and they say "don't worry about paying it back," then you don't really owe them anything.
Most of us know there's a difference in the two. It's rare to see an actual conservative in DC. But just to get more clarification, what do you think the differences are between being an actual conservative and just being a republican.
When I became a republican, I thought they were one in the same. Today, if you pay any attention to the left or the left media, you never hear them differentiate the two. So I can see why a lot on the left still consider them being the same. But those of us who lean right, know there's a difference. Some of us see a huge difference. Some only see minor differences.

So many this is a chance to really clarify the two.

What say you?
I am a libertarian/conservative

If you want to fuck a man's ass go for it, keep it behind closed doors and if you get aids and die, i wont give a shit.
If you try to rob me or do me bodily harm, i will with the force blow your ass away, as actions have consequences.
Low taxes , very small government, keep your fucking hands off me. Really quite simple.

oh one more thing, if roads and bridges, pipes , telephone wires, schools, police and firefighters, are all funded by taxpayers, why arent the poor paying for those services, they should pay their fair share...
Raise the minimum wage until even the Poor pay their fair capital share of the tax burden.
The United States Constitution was not designed to be a high tax nation. And this is where the gyrations come from with our views. It has been usurped nationally. Local, regional and state taxing entities are not involved as much in that. We are finding that taxing is never enough. It has artificially raised the prices of many things we need to survive even though it may help more. Our social costs are so expensive that we use foreign manufacturing to live off of. Unfortunately, China is becoming a world behemuoth over this. We have put ourselves between a rock and a hard place. China has nothing to lose. And knows that we are a now spoiled people that sucks off their tit.
A Republican is first and foremost concerned with the party. A conservative is first and foremost concerned with their ideology. The former will “embrace” the latter to garner votes without necessarily following thru. The latter cares more about the core values than any party.

The United States Constitution was not designed to be a high tax nation. And this is where the gyrations come from with our views. It has been usurped nationally. Local, regional and state taxing entities are not involved as much in that. We are finding that taxing is never enough. It has artificially raised the prices of many things we need to survive even though it may help more. Our social costs are so expensive that we use foreign manufacturing to live off of. Unfortunately, China is becoming a world behemuoth over this. We have put ourselves between a rock and a hard place. China has nothing to lose. And knows that we are a now spoiled people that sucks off their tit.
I agree to disagree. It is not so much about taxes but about improving our economy and standard of living.
The "my body" part doesn't end until birth.

Kind of like your attitude towards guns.

The baby's body isn't yours. It's just inside yours. In fact, since you're connected, then your body is the baby's body. And you're responsible for keeping it safe and fed.
If you don't have the capability of being a responsible parent, then you shouldn't have put yourself in a position to get pregnant. The consequences are either being a responsible parent or a murderer.
Nope. Until viability it's entirely my body. And your government can control it.
In today's world?
A distinction without a difference.
Sorry but if you're claiming to be a big C Conservative and you're still standing with the GOP after these last 10 years then you truly are not a Conservative.

I haven't voted republican since 2012. And that was for someone the GOP was throwing under the bus. So no, I'm not a republican. I like what they say. But I despise what they do. Especially to actual conservatives.

Does that clear things up? Or are you so far on the left that you don't even care?
I am a Republican.
But the GOP is not Republican anymore.
The Republican Party used to have room for people like Goldwater and Rockefeller in the same tent.
But the GOP in 2021?
Literally every policy based on lies and those who cannot toe the party line? Expelled.

There are still Republican Conservatives out there but elected Republicans?
With few exceptions, they're just the GOP.

Conservatives who cannot stand on principle, stand on the truth, are not Conservative and they're not Republicans...
They're just GOP.
DNC liberalism vs fanaticism and socialism. I see no difference in the democrat party but they are in charge. Why pick on republicans?
I cannot tell anymore. I have always supported small government and maximal possible individual freedom and there was a time when I thought the term conservative held to at least some of that concept. Conservatives, however, flatly do not. They love big government as much as liberals do, just different government.

Conservative, like any other term that applies to a group, is defined by what the people who actually identify as conservatives believed in and/or advocate for. Considering that, it seems to me that there is little difference in the two anymore. It is why I am not a republican or a conservative and likely will never be one and unlikely I will vote for many republicans. Post Bush, 'conservative' is no less of a big government control position than liberal in my experience.
I cannot tell anymore. I have always supported small government and maximal possible individual freedom and there was a time when I thought the term conservative held to at least some of that concept. Conservatives, however, flatly do not. They love big government as much as liberals do, just different government.

Conservative, like any other term that applies to a group, is defined by what the people who actually identify as conservatives believed in and/or advocate for. Considering that, it seems to me that there is little difference in the two anymore. It is why I am not a republican or a conservative and likely will never be one and unlikely I will vote for many republicans. Post Bush, 'conservative' is no less of a big government control position than liberal in my experience.

Good points.
And you're right, since W, the neocons took over. They took ownership of the word "conservative," and just changed the name. As in X is the new Y. They just didn't bother telling their voters about the definition change.
Most of us who are actually small government conservatives knew the changes were occurring, but couldn't do a damn thing about it. Too many ignorant republican's just went along with it.
I got "removed" from a tea party event (2009) for trying to explain how the republicans were screwing up the tea party. You'd have thought I was trying to support Trump at a Hillary rally.
The United States Constitution was not designed to be a high tax nation. And this is where the gyrations come from with our views. It has been usurped nationally. Local, regional and state taxing entities are not involved as much in that. We are finding that taxing is never enough. It has artificially raised the prices of many things we need to survive even though it may help more. Our social costs are so expensive that we use foreign manufacturing to live off of. Unfortunately, China is becoming a world behemuoth over this. We have put ourselves between a rock and a hard place. China has nothing to lose. And knows that we are a now spoiled people that sucks off their tit.

I agree to disagree. It is not so much about taxes but about improving our economy and standard of living.

You're both correct.
I cannot tell anymore. I have always supported small government and maximal possible individual freedom and there was a time when I thought the term conservative held to at least some of that concept. Conservatives, however, flatly do not. They love big government as much as liberals do, just different government.

Conservative, like any other term that applies to a group, is defined by what the people who actually identify as conservatives believed in and/or advocate for. Considering that, it seems to me that there is little difference in the two anymore. It is why I am not a republican or a conservative and likely will never be one and unlikely I will vote for many republicans. Post Bush, 'conservative' is no less of a big government control position than liberal in my experience.

Good points.
And you're right, since W, the neocons took over. They took ownership of the word "conservative," and just changed the name. As in X is the new Y. They just didn't bother telling their voters about the definition change.
Most of us who are actually small government conservatives knew the changes were occurring, but couldn't do a damn thing about it. Too many ignorant republican's just went along with it.
I got "removed" from a tea party event (2009) for trying to explain how the republicans were screwing up the tea party. You'd have thought I was trying to support Trump at a Hillary rally.
I am not sure how much the voters disagreed in the first place with the move though. Honestly, most voters seem to be more interested in what their favorite actor had for lunch than policy and positions of the people they vote for.

The vast majority of people vote for their team and leave it at that from my experience. I really hope I am wrong because the absolute worst thing that can happen to any form of government that relies on the voters is for those voters to become apathetic.
I am not sure how much the voters disagreed in the first place with the move though. Honestly, most voters seem to be more interested in what their favorite actor had for lunch than policy and positions of the people they vote for.

The vast majority of people vote for their team and leave it at that from my experience. I really hope I am wrong because the absolute worst thing that can happen to any form of government that relies on the voters is for those voters to become apathetic.

I think you're right. The proof is in Trumps record. Obama's record and the rest of them.
Like when Trump approved the $1.4 trillion spending bill, that funded Planned Parenthood. Or the day after the election when he announced he wasn't going to "lock her up." Or when he banned bump stocks. His supporters found a way to justify it. Those things were oh so important to them, until Trump decided they weren't.
The same could be said about Obama's record. But the end result was their supporters just overlooked it.

Which was the entire point of the OP.

And honestly, I was hoping that it would wake up a few of the die hard party supporters as to what they're actually supporting. That's all it took for me to stop supporting the democrats. Then the Republicans. And finally the Libertarians.
I am not sure how much the voters disagreed in the first place with the move though. Honestly, most voters seem to be more interested in what their favorite actor had for lunch than policy and positions of the people they vote for.

The vast majority of people vote for their team and leave it at that from my experience. I really hope I am wrong because the absolute worst thing that can happen to any form of government that relies on the voters is for those voters to become apathetic.

I think you're right. The proof is in Trumps record. Obama's record and the rest of them.
Like when Trump approved the $1.4 trillion spending bill, that funded Planned Parenthood. Or the day after the election when he announced he wasn't going to "lock her up." Or when he banned bump stocks. His supporters found a way to justify it. Those things were oh so important to them, until Trump decided they weren't.
The same could be said about Obama's record. But the end result was their supporters just overlooked it.

Which was the entire point of the OP.

And honestly, I was hoping that it would wake up a few of the die hard party supporters as to what they're actually supporting. That's all it took for me to stop supporting the democrats. Then the Republicans. And finally the Libertarians.
It would be nice if the libertarian party got its shit together. They do have a platform that I can mostly get behind but no connection with actual ways to get there or serious candidates. The last libertarian candidate played footsie with woke culture and that has really turned me off.
It would be nice if the libertarian party got its shit together. They do have a platform that I can mostly get behind but no connection with actual ways to get there or serious candidates. The last libertarian candidate played footsie with woke culture and that has really turned me off.

You and I both. Getting their shit together always seems to be the trouble with them. Makes me wonder what kind of party they'd be if they actually had the majority.
With Justin Amash in their corner now, maybe he'll bring some sanity back to the party. I like Justin. And like you, I like most of the LP's platform.
Honestly, it's the party supporters that turn me off the most.

On a side note, the R & D's may have already infiltrated the LP and that's why it never progresses. Why it selects people like Bob Barr, Gary Johnson and the last one you mentioned, as their candidate.
You know, at the LP's national convention, the VP spot has to be voted on by the delegates. But they've never opposed the winning candidate's selection. I know no libertarians who liked or trust Bill Weld.
Only assholes want to continue the war on people who do drugs that you don't do.
I'm an asshole because I don't want these sort of people around? Then I'm an asshole.
Druggies tend to create a lot of innocent victims. They rob, steal, beat, abuse, molest, rape and murder to get their drugs.
Those that do it in the privacy of their own homes, can keep a job and family provided for, I could care less if they do drugs or not. BUT those that plague our streets and commit crimes against innocent people, I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.


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Only assholes want to continue the war on people who do drugs that you don't do.
I'm an asshole because I don't want these sort of people around? Then I'm an asshole.
Druggies tend to create a lot of innocent victims. They rob, steal, beat, abuse, molest, rape and murder to get their drugs.
Those that do it in the privacy of their own homes, can keep a job and family provided for, I could care less if they do drugs or not. BUT those that plague our streets and commit crimes against innocent people, I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
The same can be said of people who drink alcohol or who like rap music. When are you going to wage war on them? You lie when you said you don't care if people do drugs. If that were true, then you would be against the drug war. Like all drug warriors, you are a liar.

The issues you list are a result of the war on drugs, not the drugs themselves.

Drug warriors are the world's biggest hypocrites.

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