Actually, there's a way I might vote for Trump

"Make America Liberal Again". Vote Trump.
But he's going to build a wall! A shiny, beautiful wall! And those Goddamned beaners are going to pay for it!!! :mad:

*entire GOP base swoons*

Yeah. Build a beautiful wall to keep Mexicans out. No way that thing's getting tagged. How about this? Build an ugly wall. I'll pay for it.
Okay, let's spend 10 billion dollars building the wall. And then when it has absolutely no impact on the US economy, maybe we can start talking about REAL solutions to our problems.

Wait...what am I thinking? Demagogues will always think of other shiny objects to distract the rubes with so they don't notice the last ruse they fell for didn't pan out.
Hillary is all of these things, too. But if Clinton is elected, the pseudo-cons will continue to fight all those things tooth and nail. They will be just as nasty as ever.
Actually I believe Her Majesty, the Queen of Corruption is actually to the right of Trump on most current issues (just look at her past record/statements and compare them to Trumps past record/statements).

Congratulations Republicans you've finally managed to nominate a candidate that's to the LEFT of what the Democrats are offering up. :wtf:
Hillary is all of these things, too. But if Clinton is elected, the pseudo-cons will continue to fight all those things tooth and nail. They will be just as nasty as ever.
Actually I believe Her Majesty, the Queen of Corruption is actually to the right of Trump on most current issues
I think so, too. But you can't tell the rabid pseudo-cons that. Too much of their brains have been eroded away by their propaganda outlets.

In fact, Clinton spends all of her time and effort triangulating the shit out of things, trying to find the middle of the road to get maximum appeal. She reads the room and then adjusts her rhetoric accordingly.

Trump does the same, but he isn't as experienced at it.
Liberals should vote for Trump.

Think about it.

Trump is pro abortion, pro gun ban, pro socialized medicine, pro transgenders, and just today he says he is pro minimum wage hike. Now that this limousine liberal has hijacked the GOP nomination, every week between now and the election he will reveal more liberal positions he supports.

Hillary is all of these things, too. But if Clinton is elected, the pseudo-cons will continue to fight all those things tooth and nail. They will be just as nasty as ever.

However, if Trump is elected, the pseudo-cons will suddenly decide guns bans and socialized medicine and a hike in the minimum wage are tremendous ideas. Because if Trump believes it, it must be right.

So...yeah. Hardline far left liberals should vote Trump.

"Did I say I hate Muslims? I think they should be given citizenship and EBT cards!"

Then why do you have a "campaign of fear" tag as a sig,, presumably to incentivize people not to vote for Trump?

Oh, because you are a regressive idiot, that's why.
"Make America Liberal Again". Vote Trump.
But he's going to build a wall! A shiny, beautiful wall! And those Goddamned beaners are going to pay for it!!! :mad:

*entire GOP base swoons*

Yeah. Build a beautiful wall to keep Mexicans out. No way that thing's getting tagged. How about this? Build an ugly wall. I'll pay for it.
Okay, let's spend 10 billion dollars building the wall. And then when it has absolutely no impact on the US economy, maybe we can start talking about REAL solutions to our problems.

Wait...what am I thinking? Demagogues will always think of other shiny objects to distract the rubes with so they don't notice the last ruse they fell for didn't pan out.

I don't completely disagree with building a wall. How about this? We cut a small fraction of our military budget, and build it ourselves. We could even offer a path to citizenship to any illegals currently here who will help build it. And the jobs we give them won't be temporary. We'll still have to maintain the wall constantly.
Maybe if he starts talking about the size of his dick again.

Because there's nothing like a major party candidate talking about the size of his dick that makes me want to put an "X" next to his name on the ballot.
Yes Mac, Trump has the "dick" vote all sewn up.....We'll see in November whether the dicks in this country outnumber the assholes in this country.
Maybe if he starts talking about the size of his dick again.

Because there's nothing like a major party candidate talking about the size of his dick that makes me want to put an "X" next to his name on the ballot.

That's actually the first thing I look for in a candidate. I'd vote for Hitler if he just whipped his dick out and it hit the floor.
Maybe if he starts talking about the size of his dick again. Because there's nothing like a major party candidate talking about the size of his dick that makes me want to put an "X" next to his name on the ballot..
That's actually the first thing I look for in a candidate. I'd vote for Hitler if he just whipped his dick out and it hit the floor.

Fuck yes.
Maybe if he starts talking about the size of his dick again. Because there's nothing like a major party candidate talking about the size of his dick that makes me want to put an "X" next to his name on the ballot..
That's actually the first thing I look for in a candidate. I'd vote for Hitler if he just whipped his dick out and it hit the floor.

Fuck yes.

I'm running this campaign like Jesse Owens ran a marathon. Long and hard.
Maybe if he starts talking about the size of his dick again.

Because there's nothing like a major party candidate talking about the size of his dick that makes me want to put an "X" next to his name on the ballot.

That's actually the first thing I look for in a candidate. I'd vote for Hitler if he just whipped his dick out and it hit the floor.

Well, that's actually easier to do when you're only 4 feet tall. Yet again, things are so unfair against Trump.
"Make America Liberal Again". Vote Trump.
But he's going to build a wall! A shiny, beautiful wall! And those Goddamned beaners are going to pay for it!!! :mad:

*entire GOP base swoons*

Yeah. Build a beautiful wall to keep Mexicans out. No way that thing's getting tagged. How about this? Build an ugly wall. I'll pay for it.
Okay, let's spend 10 billion dollars building the wall. And then when it has absolutely no impact on the US economy, maybe we can start talking about REAL solutions to our problems.

Wait...what am I thinking? Demagogues will always think of other shiny objects to distract the rubes with so they don't notice the last ruse they fell for didn't pan out.

I don't completely disagree with building a wall. How about this? We cut a small fraction of our military budget, and build it ourselves. We could even offer a path to citizenship to any illegals currently here who will help build it. And the jobs we give them won't be temporary. We'll still have to maintain the wall constantly.
I am pretty much in agreement. I fully support legal status and/or a path to citizenship for the illegals who are here, as do 80 percent of all Americans. Whenever I point this out to the pseudo-con rubes, and prove it, they have conniptions.

As for the military budget, I believe it is time for Europe to start paying for its own defense. They look down their noses at us for not having the big social safety nets they have. Well, let's see them fund those safety nets AND their own defense. See how that works out for them.

If Europe started paying its own defense freight, we could cut our defense budget.

It seems someone recently explained this to The Donald, because he has started parroting this belief.

I have no problem with building a wall. In fact, I actually have a vested interest in seeing that happen. I cannot disclose the reasons why.

It is the xenophobic bigotry which bothers me, not the wall. And I am not stupid enough to think our economic problems are "because Mexicans". Some of the dumber rubes think I must be a bigot because they are opposed to all Hispanics, not just Mexicans. So when I mock them with "because Mexicans" they try to turn their bigotry around on me.

This irony gives me no end of amusement. I say "because Mexicans" even when I know they hate all Hispanics. We all know when they create a mental image in their minds of an illegal immigrant, it's a Mexican.

But back to the point, our economic problems have nothing to do with illegal immigration. If we stopped every last illegal immigrant, our economy would still be sluggish.

No, our economic problems are almost exclusively due to our debts. And on this issue, the pseudo-con operate at another level of profound stupidity. "Because Democrats" and "because Negros". :lol:
"Make America Liberal Again". Vote Trump.
But he's going to build a wall! A shiny, beautiful wall! And those Goddamned beaners are going to pay for it!!! :mad:

*entire GOP base swoons*

Yeah. Build a beautiful wall to keep Mexicans out. No way that thing's getting tagged. How about this? Build an ugly wall. I'll pay for it.
Okay, let's spend 10 billion dollars building the wall. And then when it has absolutely no impact on the US economy, maybe we can start talking about REAL solutions to our problems.

Wait...what am I thinking? Demagogues will always think of other shiny objects to distract the rubes with so they don't notice the last ruse they fell for didn't pan out.

I don't completely disagree with building a wall. How about this? We cut a small fraction of our military budget, and build it ourselves. We could even offer a path to citizenship to any illegals currently here who will help build it. And the jobs we give them won't be temporary. We'll still have to maintain the wall constantly.
I am pretty much in agreement. I fully support legal status and/or a path to citizenship for the illegals who are here, as do 80 percent of all Americans. Whenever I point this out to the pseudo-con rubes, and prove it, they have conniptions.

As for the military budget, I believe it is time for Europe to start paying for its own defense. They look down their noses at us for not having the big social safety nets they have. Well, let's see them fund those safety nets AND their own defense. See how that works out for them.

If Europe started paying its own defense freight, we could cut our defense budget.

It seems someone recently explained this to The Donald, because he has started parroting this belief.

I have no problem with building a wall. In fact, I actually have a vested interest in seeing that happen. I cannot disclose the reasons why.

It is the xenophobic bigotry which bothers me, not the wall. And I am not stupid enough to think our economic problems are "because Mexicans". Some of the dumber rubes think I must be a bigot because they are opposed to all Hispanics, not just Mexicans. So when I mock them with "because Mexicans" they try to turn their bigotry around on me.

This irony gives me no end of amusement. I say "because Mexicans" even when I know they hate all Hispanics. We all know when they create a mental image in their minds of an illegal immigrant, it's a Mexican.

But back to the point, our economic problems have nothing to do with illegal immigration. If we stopped every last illegal immigrant, our economy would still be sluggish.

No, our economic problems are almost exclusively due to our debts. And on this issue, the pseudo-con operate at another level of profound stupidity. "Because Democrats" and "because Negros". :lol:

I'm for ending support for most of the countries we still prop up. Britain? They're our greatest allies in the world. I can see throwing them a few favors here and there. South Korea? They are a fairly powerful country, but they do still border a nuclear capable country run by a nutcase. Iraq? We did just level their country a little over a decade ago. Throw them a bone. Almost everybody else? Fuck em'.
But he's going to build a wall! A shiny, beautiful wall! And those Goddamned beaners are going to pay for it!!! :mad:

*entire GOP base swoons*

Yeah. Build a beautiful wall to keep Mexicans out. No way that thing's getting tagged. How about this? Build an ugly wall. I'll pay for it.
Okay, let's spend 10 billion dollars building the wall. And then when it has absolutely no impact on the US economy, maybe we can start talking about REAL solutions to our problems.

Wait...what am I thinking? Demagogues will always think of other shiny objects to distract the rubes with so they don't notice the last ruse they fell for didn't pan out.

I don't completely disagree with building a wall. How about this? We cut a small fraction of our military budget, and build it ourselves. We could even offer a path to citizenship to any illegals currently here who will help build it. And the jobs we give them won't be temporary. We'll still have to maintain the wall constantly.
I am pretty much in agreement. I fully support legal status and/or a path to citizenship for the illegals who are here, as do 80 percent of all Americans. Whenever I point this out to the pseudo-con rubes, and prove it, they have conniptions.

As for the military budget, I believe it is time for Europe to start paying for its own defense. They look down their noses at us for not having the big social safety nets they have. Well, let's see them fund those safety nets AND their own defense. See how that works out for them.

If Europe started paying its own defense freight, we could cut our defense budget.

It seems someone recently explained this to The Donald, because he has started parroting this belief.

I have no problem with building a wall. In fact, I actually have a vested interest in seeing that happen. I cannot disclose the reasons why.

It is the xenophobic bigotry which bothers me, not the wall. And I am not stupid enough to think our economic problems are "because Mexicans". Some of the dumber rubes think I must be a bigot because they are opposed to all Hispanics, not just Mexicans. So when I mock them with "because Mexicans" they try to turn their bigotry around on me.

This irony gives me no end of amusement. I say "because Mexicans" even when I know they hate all Hispanics. We all know when they create a mental image in their minds of an illegal immigrant, it's a Mexican.

But back to the point, our economic problems have nothing to do with illegal immigration. If we stopped every last illegal immigrant, our economy would still be sluggish.

No, our economic problems are almost exclusively due to our debts. And on this issue, the pseudo-con operate at another level of profound stupidity. "Because Democrats" and "because Negros". :lol:

I'm for ending support for most of the countries we still prop up. Britain? They're our greatest allies in the world. I can see throwing them a few favors here and there. South Korea? They are a fairly powerful country, but they do still border a nuclear capable country run by a nutcase. Iraq? We did just level their country a little over a decade ago. Throw them a bone. Almost everybody else? Fuck em'.
Britain actually does a pretty good job of paying their own defense tab. Which explains why their social safety net is rife with holes.
Yeah. Build a beautiful wall to keep Mexicans out. No way that thing's getting tagged. How about this? Build an ugly wall. I'll pay for it.
Okay, let's spend 10 billion dollars building the wall. And then when it has absolutely no impact on the US economy, maybe we can start talking about REAL solutions to our problems.

Wait...what am I thinking? Demagogues will always think of other shiny objects to distract the rubes with so they don't notice the last ruse they fell for didn't pan out.

I don't completely disagree with building a wall. How about this? We cut a small fraction of our military budget, and build it ourselves. We could even offer a path to citizenship to any illegals currently here who will help build it. And the jobs we give them won't be temporary. We'll still have to maintain the wall constantly.
I am pretty much in agreement. I fully support legal status and/or a path to citizenship for the illegals who are here, as do 80 percent of all Americans. Whenever I point this out to the pseudo-con rubes, and prove it, they have conniptions.

As for the military budget, I believe it is time for Europe to start paying for its own defense. They look down their noses at us for not having the big social safety nets they have. Well, let's see them fund those safety nets AND their own defense. See how that works out for them.

If Europe started paying its own defense freight, we could cut our defense budget.

It seems someone recently explained this to The Donald, because he has started parroting this belief.

I have no problem with building a wall. In fact, I actually have a vested interest in seeing that happen. I cannot disclose the reasons why.

It is the xenophobic bigotry which bothers me, not the wall. And I am not stupid enough to think our economic problems are "because Mexicans". Some of the dumber rubes think I must be a bigot because they are opposed to all Hispanics, not just Mexicans. So when I mock them with "because Mexicans" they try to turn their bigotry around on me.

This irony gives me no end of amusement. I say "because Mexicans" even when I know they hate all Hispanics. We all know when they create a mental image in their minds of an illegal immigrant, it's a Mexican.

But back to the point, our economic problems have nothing to do with illegal immigration. If we stopped every last illegal immigrant, our economy would still be sluggish.

No, our economic problems are almost exclusively due to our debts. And on this issue, the pseudo-con operate at another level of profound stupidity. "Because Democrats" and "because Negros". :lol:

I'm for ending support for most of the countries we still prop up. Britain? They're our greatest allies in the world. I can see throwing them a few favors here and there. South Korea? They are a fairly powerful country, but they do still border a nuclear capable country run by a nutcase. Iraq? We did just level their country a little over a decade ago. Throw them a bone. Almost everybody else? Fuck em'.
Britain actually does a pretty good job of paying their own defense tab. Which explains why their social safety net is rife with holes.

The kicker are these "fiscal conservatives" who donated over $800,000 to a pizza joint because they had to shut down for eight days. EIGHT WHOLE DAYS! And they don't even cater to weddings anyways. People are fucking stupid.
I wasn't for Trump but seeing the leftist FEAR AND LOATHING is too much fun to mess with. I want him to choose a VP even wilder than he is! Sarah Palin is still HOT (for a GILF) although I can no longer hear her voice without hitting the mute-button. I think she'd be a great pick....DRILL BABY DRILL!!! :lol:

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