Adam Schiff Censured

He was appointed by Trump DOJ and we did not hear he was impeded while the investigation was ongoing, even under the Trump administration. Hell, we hear little or nothing while the Trump administration was in office. The man's a dunsel.
You leftists think that anyone Trump appointed can't be intimidated and cannot do anything wrong, yet Trump himself is the Anti-Christ.
He didnt get anyone on a crime, but that doesnt mean the FBI didnt fuck up badly. They were politically driven. There is no crime for "confirmation bias" or even untheical bevahior.

Again, the FBI has admitted that it was a tremendous error that can never happen again. Why are you denying this obvious and easily provable fact? Why cant you win the argument with the truth?

They didn't "fuck up", they intentionally LIED, that is called perjury, and is a crime. But, because the swamp takes care of it own, they will not suffer any consequences for their actions.
So you think you can get away with posting quotes out of context?

Doing business in Russia doesn't mean you've met Putin.
You're going under the assumption that the Soviet Union is still in full-swing.
Russia has gone Capitalist.
Most of their money comes from oil and weapons sales.
But there are private companies in existence in Russia.
There's a lot of drug money filtering into Russia.
Prostitution is a big thing in Russia.
Russia is corrupt as Hell, and one of their best clients is the United States.

What has been reported is Trump was exploring building in Russia and decided not to go ahead.
Of course the left only wants to think the worse of any situation when it comes to a political opponent.
If their opponent isn't crooked they'll fake something to make them look crooked.
The latest is the crap about anyone who doesn't fly a LGBTQ+ Flag needs to be removed from office.

Doing business in Russia doesn't mean you've met Putin.
But working for a Ukrainian company means you should go to prison or something....

Of course the left only wants to think the worse of any situation when it comes to a political opponent.

The lack of self awareness it takes to type this is astounding...
You leftists think that anyone Trump appointed can't be intimidated and cannot do anything wrong, yet Trump himself is the Anti-Christ.
Well, if so many of Trump's appointments are that weak and can be so easily intimidated -- what does that say about the moron who picked them?

I thought he only hired the best people.....

and why are Republicans such pussies that they can't intimidate any of Biden's appointments?
Well, if so many of Trump's appointments are that weak and can be so easily intimidated -- what does that say about the moron who picked them?

I thought he only hired the best people.....

and why are Republicans such pussies that they can't intimidate any of Biden's appointments?
LMAO!!! :auiqs.jpg:

They arrested Trump for taking his own documents home with him.
They impeached him for talking to the president of Ukraine on the phone.
What makes you think that anyone on the right can get away with blackmailing or bribing a Democrat?
Ridiculous but not surprising. So now they can’t even criticize the president? That is pretty petty.
Oh come off it. It isn’t something frothy and light such as merely criticizing a President that got pencil neck Schiff censured.

It was the misuse of his office claiming to have evidence he knew full well he didn’t have. The real problem is that a mere censure isn’t sufficient.
LMAO!!! :auiqs.jpg:

They arrested Trump for taking his own documents home with him.
They impeached him for talking to the president of Ukraine on the phone.
What makes you think that anyone on the right can get away with blackmailing or bribing a Democrat?

Cool......then this case will be thrown out once he tells everybody they were totally his documents...

But question....if they were his documents and he can totally take whatever documents he wants....why was he also claiming that the FBI planted those same documents that he claims he can totally have?

And when a judge told them to prove documents were planted, Trump didn't even attempt to prove shit??

When it comes to sucking Trump's dick, you have ZERO gag reflex I see....
Really? What do you think he is getting out of being president? In office, he donated his paycheck, banned lobbying, and spent millions of his own money.
How naive. Billionaires don’t care about salaries. They don’t want salaries — even from the companies they own — because they have to pay taxes on salaries!

You are thinking like an ordinary worker.

Billionaires increase their wealth by increasing the value of their untaxed assets or from corporate earnings that enrich their privately or publicly owned companies — companies that today generally issue little or no taxable dividends. They have lines of credit (loans, which are not taxable) backed by their huge asset wealth which allows them to live like kings. They pay negligible interest on these endless lines of credit! Giving up a “presidential salary” for public relations purposes is nothing … to a billionaire.

“Banned lobbying” — where, when, to what effect? This is a bad joke.

“Spent millions of his own money” — prove it. He promised originally to finance his own campaigns, but turned them into just another con to milk his followers. Now he claims to being “unfairly persecuted” (though he brought most of his problems unto himself through his big mouth or his own conduct) — and of course his followers are still sending him tens of millions to fight those perverts, communists and “Demonrats.”

Only history will reveal if Trump and his family businesses emerge richer or poorer from when he first walked down that Trump Tower escalator.

Trump was always famous — from the days of his being a spoiled heir of a billionaire father — for seeking fame and attention, needing and enjoying the media spotlight in NYC, appreciated by the politicians mostly for giving freely to whoever was in power.

Failing to grow his many businesses, bankrupting many, ruining contractors and partners, finally even the big U.S. banks stopped offering him cheap business loans. So Trump took to branding himself and his name, re-invented himself as a media personality, and used his cunning and savvy to turn to the big stage and spotlight of national politics. Money was always one obsession for “The Donald,” but egoism and ego-gratification was what drove him and still drives him.

I watched (as a blue collar worker) Donald Trump grow up in NYC and saw how he evolved into the aggrieved old megalomaniacal demagogue he became, dividing the country and bringing us to the brink of civil war.

But because he knows well how to push your buttons, you think he did it all out of … altruism, and for the good of our nation!
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You seem to gobble pretty well yourself. I'm very critical of Trump, are you ever critical of Biden?
link 3 recent posts of yours being critical of trump.

Feel free to indict Hillary.....I don't care.'re gonna have to wait until he leaves office.
Not sure how.......
I hate biden
I hate trump
Back on topic, I believe there are plenty of sane (D) that just want to see the best candidates run and the BEST candidate win.
I prefer biden NOT even run, and I certainly don't believe your angle of the fix is in for biden.
(D) need to bring a solid candidate......I don't know who that is yet, but if it's RFKjr, then great.....Let's hear his platform.
(D) need to make sure biden doesn't run in 2024, just like pos trump.

In the POTUS race, ALL of America needs to realize that both biden and trump are useless old fucks.

trump somehow has this cult following, but clearly he is losing it too.
At least I can say that about biden.
100% YES.
If you quit whining and let this trial happen, or settlement, and accept ALL results, favorable or unfavorable, then by ALL means Yes. *****

Once biden leaves office, you RWI's can charge him with the same crime.
Go ahead.....No One is above the law.

****we know this will NEVER happen, you won't accept any result expect total dismissal.
I didn't think the republicans had the 'nads to actually do it.

With their reelection funds and support threatened, it would have taken "nads" not to do it knowing that they would be seeking employment after 2024.
link 3 recent posts of yours being critical of trump.

West Tennessee? I was just down there a few years ago to see the solar eclipse from there! Stayed at a motel in Kentucky then the next morning, went down there and ended up in some small town north of Nashville in someone's backyard and watched it with the people who lived there. Had breakfast and dinner as well in some small diner in the small town a few miles away and enjoyed real southern hospitality.
Come on back sometime. You don't have to wait for the next eclipse.
You leftists think that anyone Trump appointed can't be intimidated and cannot do anything wrong, yet Trump himself is the Anti-Christ.
The thing is, if a trump appointee doesn't do everything the Trumpers want, they aren't worth a crap and have turned out to be the dreaded "Deep State" I do not ever expect to agree or appreciate every decision an appointee of any party or administration. Yet, they have no sense of judgement of their own people, such as the case of George Santos. He is not expelled or censured, either one. The cuss fight, cat fight on the floor of Congress yesterday was certainly not a conservative affair of legislators maintaining the dignity of that house.

I got to admit, though. Trump may very well be the Anti-Christ, in every sense of the word.

The censuring of Schiff, was not a surprise, to anybody, happening the politically charged, us against them world of Washington politics, but still, as a straight party line vote, totally meaningless and changing nothing.
Come on back sometime. You don't have to wait for the next eclipse.

Got caught in a rainstorm on the way home and almost got killed in a traffic incident. Doubt I'll be back down that way (it was brutally hot in August) but I do plan to travel to an Ohio farm next year to see another total solar eclipse with a friend on his parent's farm.

But the people in Tennessee did have some good food! I enjoyed some biscuits and gravy, fried catfish, sweet potato fries and vinegar pie among other things. I like hot spicy food. :SMILEW~130:
But working for a Ukrainian company means you should go to prison or something....

The lack of self awareness it takes to type this is astounding...

What was he doing for all of that money?

Enquiring minds want to know......

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