Adam Schiff Censured

I hope it affects his Senate run
/----/ Oh, it will, but in a positive way.
It's fun to watch Trumpers pretend that Putin didn't say he directed his officials to help Trump win -- and he admitted it on NATIONAL TELEVISION.....but Trumpers gonna gaslight......
Who cares?

Putin can do whatever he wants.

You gonna try to control him?

Dumbass leftards...
"Investigate us, and not only will you suffer, your family will suffer".

That's the message that the Republican thugs here are trying to send. Not just the leaders, but the petty dogshit-human Trump cultists on this board. The GOP has become a mafia clan with political titles, willing to stoop to any level to grasp and maintain power. They see themselves as being above the law, an elite group that can do anything they want. Anyone who threatens that status must be eliminated.

And yes, it's normal behavior not just for mafia clans, but for fascist regimes as well. TheParty must not be questioned. All enemies of TheParty must be destroyed.

Go on, Trump cult liars. Start robotically screaming your BigLie about "DERPDERP RUSSIA WAS A HOAX DERPDERP". Sure, it makes you look pathetic, stupid and dishonest, but what else can you do? It's not like you can talk about actual evidence, which all showed deep involvement between the Trump campaign and Russia. Even the Republican senate said so.

No matter. It's too late now. The Trump cultists have already consigned their souls to the deepest pits in Hell. They have nothing more to lose by amping up the lies. Go on, Trump cult thugs, humiliate and debase yourselves more. Repeat that BigLie at even higher volumes. At least your fellow hellbound cult pals will praise you, so you've got that. And when you're all roasting together, you can give each other highfives over how you owned the libs.
Just heard.

He well deserved censure.

The Censure of Adam Schiff Is A Gift From House Republicans.

And that is a fact ReNaziKlans. Mr. Schiff is fund raising off this stunt. The only real crime Mr. Schiff committed is that he worked to hold the Rapist and Traitor accountable for his actions.
The Censure of Adam Schiff Is A Gift From House Republicans.

And that is a fact ReNaziKlans. Mr. Schiff is fund raising off this stunt. The only real crime Mr. Schiff committed is that he worked to hold the Rapist and Traitor accountable for his actions.
I'm sure that the liar is benefiting with fund raising. It's a resume builder in the democrat tent.
Harry Reid was also good at fund raising with his lying. It's an art.
The Censure of Adam Schiff Is A Gift From House Republicans.

And that is a fact ReNaziKlans. Mr. Schiff is fund raising off this stunt. The only real crime Mr. Schiff committed is that he worked to hold the Rapist and Traitor accountable for his actions.
Repeating Schiff's own lies. He didn't stand up to Trump. He lied. You're a fool.
Just because the text of the House Resolution is so good to read, I copied it in full and share it here. Enjoy.

H. Res. 521

In the House of Representatives, U. S.,
June 21, 2023.

  • Whereas the allegation that President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election has been revealed as false by numerous in-depth investigations, including the recent report by Special Counsel John Durham, which documents how the conspiracy theory was invented, funded, and spread by President’s Trump’s political rivals;
    Whereas Representative Adam Schiff, who served as ranking minority member and then Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives (the “Intelligence Committee”), occupied positions of extreme trust, affording him access to sensitive intelligence unavailable to most Members of Congress;
    Whereas for years, Representative Schiff abused this trust by alleging he had evidence of collusion that, as is clear from reports by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, and Special Counsel Durham, never existed;
    Whereas for years, Representative Schiff has spread false accusations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia;
    Whereas on March 20, 2017, Representative Schiff perpetuated false allegations from the Steele Dossier accusing numerous Trump associates of colluding with Russia into the Congressional Record;
    Whereas once again abusing his privileged access to classified information, Representative Schiff released a memo justifying the accuracy of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant application on Trump associate Carter Page, of which was later found by Inspector General Horowitz to have 17 major mistakes and omissions, provoking FISA Court Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer to state unequivocally that the Federal Bureau of Investigation “misled the FISC”;
    Whereas as ranking minority member and Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, Representative Schiff behaved dishonestly and dishonorably on many other occasions, including by publicly, falsely denying that his staff communicated with a whistleblower to launch the first impeachment of President Trump;
    Whereas as part of his impeachment efforts, during a hearing on September 26, 2019, Representative Schiff misled the public by reading a false retelling of a phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky;
    Whereas on March 28, 2019, every Republican member of the Intelligence Committee signed a letter calling for Representative Schiff’s immediate resignation as Chairman;
    Whereas Representative Schiff hindered the ability of the Intelligence Committee to fulfill its oversight responsibilities over the Intelligence Community, an indispensable pillar of our national security; and
    Whereas these actions of Representative Schiff misled the American people and brought disrepute upon the House of Representatives: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That—

(1) the House of Representatives censures Adam Schiff, Representative of the 30th Congressional District of California, for misleading the American public and for conduct unbecoming of an elected Member of the House of Representatives;

(2) Representative Adam Schiff will forthwith present himself in the well of the House of Representatives for the pronouncement of censure;
(3) Representative Adam Schiff will be censured with the public reading of this resolution by the Speaker; and
(4) the Committee on Ethics shall conduct an investigation into Representative Adam Schiff’s falsehoods, misrepresentations, and abuses of sensitive information.

I'm sure that the liar is benefiting with fund raising. It's a resume builder in the democrat tent.
Harry Reid was also good at fund raising with his lying. It's an art.

After the thousands of lies and 31-Counts of Violations of the Espionage Act, YOU have a lot of room to talk. The Rapist and Traitor has spoon fed you MAGA MAGGOTS lie, after lie, after lie, after lie and you ate each and everyone of them.

Mr. Schiff did what he, as a duly elected Representative of Congress thought his duty to do. Hold the Rapist and Traitor accountable for his corrupt and immoral actions.

All this censure did was create more ads for Mr. Schiff ahead of the March Primary in California.

Mr. Schiff is now odds on favorite to replace Feinstein. He can walk into the CADEM next year and walk away with the endorsement. All you fucked headed fools did was to give Mr. Schiff bank.
And that is unique how? Half the Republican Party and its president should be in jail then. Take the log out of your eye.
p;olitical posturing is a form of lying, I agree. But what pencil neck Schiff did went way beyond that. "I have hard evidence that Trump is a Russian agent" Schiff said that, it is a total lie and could have put the nation into a war with Russia. Censure is not enough, but its probably all the do-nothing congress will do.
After the thousands of lies and 31-Counts of Violations of the Espionage Act, YOU have a lot of room to talk. The Rapist and Traitor has spoon fed you MAGA MAGGOTS lie, after lie, after lie, after lie and you ate each and everyone of them.

Mr. Schiff did what he, as a duly elected Representative of Congress thought his duty to do. Hold the Rapist and Traitor accountable for his corrupt and immoral actions.

All this censure did was create more ads for Mr. Schiff ahead of the March Primary in California.

Mr. Schiff is now odds on favorite to replace Feinstein. He can walk into the CADEM next year and walk away with the endorsement. All you fucked headed fools did was to give Mr. Schiff bank.
Schiff lied repeatedly, lied to congress, lied to the american people, lied to the entire world. HE IS A TRAITOR?
After the thousands of lies and 31-Counts of Violations of the Espionage Act, YOU have a lot of room to talk. The Rapist and Traitor has spoon fed you MAGA MAGGOTS lie, after lie, after lie, after lie and you ate each and everyone of them.

Mr. Schiff did what he, as a duly elected Representative of Congress thought his duty to do. Hold the Rapist and Traitor accountable for his corrupt and immoral actions.

All this censure did was create more ads for Mr. Schiff ahead of the March Primary in California.

Mr. Schiff is now odds on favorite to replace Feinstein. He can walk into the CADEM next year and walk away with the endorsement. All you fucked headed fools did was to give Mr. Schiff bank.
You cannot force people to help other people in need in a police state. A malaise is part of the package. The state will offer rewards for people to show compassion for others and to sell those who do not agree out. All of us have face transgressions with people. Some pushbacks we deserve. Some we do not. Its averaging it out that cause's instabilities. That is why scorched earth is going to happen here. A year, five years, a decade or more. It will happen. There is nothing to forestall this. The people whenever empowered become masters to those who have less. When an authoritarian abuses someone who may have done more in life in nasty situations than he has, he makes an enemy.
Eric Swalwell asked Durham about how Trump “tried and concealed from the public a real-estate deal he was seeking in Moscow.” This was a deal, described in the Mueller report, in which the Russian government promised Trump several hundreds of millions of dollars in profit at no risk to himself to license a tower in Moscow. The proposed payoff, and Trump’s public lies at the time about it, gave Russia enormous leverage over his campaign. Durham replied, “I don’t know anything about that.”

When Adam Schiff asked Durham if the Russians released stolen information through cutouts, he replied, “I’m not sure.” Schiff responded, “The answer is yes,” to which Durham reported, “In your mind, it’s yes.”

When Schiff asked Durham if he knew that, hours after Trump publicly asked Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails and release them, Russian hackers made an attempt to hack Clinton emails, Durham replied, “If that happened, I’m not aware of that.”

When asked if Trump referred to those stolen emails more than 100 times on the campaign trail, Durham answered, “I don’t really read the newspapers and listen to the news.”

And when Schiff asked Durham if he was aware that Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, passed on polling data to Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian intelligence agent, at the time Russia was conducting both a social-media campaign and the release of stolen documents to help Trump, Durham replied, “You may be getting beyond the depth of my knowledge.”

David Corn reacted incredulously to the last profession of ignorance. “The Manafort-Kilimnik connection — which the Senate Intelligence Committee report characterized as a ‘grave counterintelligence threat’ — is one of the most serious and still not fully explained components of the Trump-Russia scandal,” he writes. “It is inconceivable that Durham is unaware of this troubling link.”

John Durham Admits He Knows Little About Russia Scandal

No wonder he thought the FBI was doing a witch hunt.
Durham’s testimony certainly made it look like he was tasked with ONLY finding stuff that would help Trump.

And as we have seen… he failed miserably there

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