Adam Schiff Gets John Durham to Admit Russia Helped Trump

He was attempting to accuse others of being who HE & HILLARY are and of doing what HE & HILLARY did.

Pethaps he thought trying this 'whatabout'-ism would help him out in his up-coming Censure vote.
It was really strange. I couldn't figure out why he was questioning him about stuff from the Mueller report. His task was to investigate the FBI.

Only 25 members of Congress have ever been Censured in US history.

The 1st attempt to Censure Schiff failed because too many politicians disagreed with Schiff being fined $16 million, half of the cost of the baseless, partisan criminal Impeachment investigations based on Hillary's Hoax.

Now that the fine has been stripped from the Censure it is expected to easily pass.
It was really strange. I couldn't figure out why he was questioning him about stuff from the Mueller report. His task was to investigate the FBI.

His task was to prove there was no Trump/Russia collusion in the 2016 election and to disprove the Mueller Report. He FAILED.
Only 25 members of Congress have ever been Censured in US history.

The 1st attempt to Censure Schiff failed because too many politicians disagreed with Schiff being fined $16 million, half of the cost of the baseless, partisan criminal Impeachment investigations based on Hillary's Hoax.

Now that the fine has been stripped from the Censure it is expected to easily pass.
I hope a case of Bounty will be enough to soak up all the jizz that republicans are spurting over this meaningless diversion.
The fact that a Russian approached Jr with essentially nothing is all about nothing, nothing new in the world of politics. Then again a false document paid for by Clinton and the DNC resulting in wasting millions of hard earned tax payer dollars and manipulation of FISA court and corruption of the DOJ for political reasons is acceptable and a non issue is inexcusable.
The fact that a Russian approached Jr with essentially nothing is all about nothing, nothing new in the world of politics. Then again a false document paid for by Clinton and the DNC resulting in wasting millions of hard earned tax payer dollars and manipulation of FISA court and corruption of the DOJ for political reasons is acceptable and a non issue is inexcusable.
The only goal was to put Jr in a room with a Russian....Everything else could be made up out of whole cloth from that point on, which it was.

Mission accomplished.
His task was to prove there was no Trump/Russia collusion in the 2016 election. He FAILED.

If by 'his' you mean Durham, you are again lying in this thread.

Durham could not have made it more clear:

No Russian Collusion - Hillary Hoax exposed

Crossfire Hurricane should NEVER have been opened

That means the FBI knowingly, willingly Violated the Constitution & Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA Court, illegally spied on Americans & a US president, and participated in a failed coup attempt despite having been beiefed by Brennan and knowing 'Russian Collusion' was all a Hillary Hoax.

Time to let go of the debunked 'pee pee tape' lie, the Russian dossier lie, and the Hillary Hoax.

Durham's mocking remarks back to Schiff about his own criminal / treasonous false claims, altering and manufacturing false evidence against Trump, just prior to Schiff's Censure vote was also a nice touch.

Hillary, Obama, Biden, Rice, Lynch, Vomey, McCabe, Pelosi, Schiff, and Swalwell better be getting down on their knees and thanking Durham for not recommending them all for indictment, which he could have easily done based on the evidence he provided.

Evidently Durham saw his role as investigating, finding out what really happened, gather the evidence, and submit his report, not to go further and recommend indictment for the criminals and their crimes which he exposed in his report

Republicans thought John Durham would score points on Adam Schiff during a Judiciary hearing on Wednesday. It ended up going the other way.

Thank you Adam Schiff. It took some effort - but Durham finally admitted that Russia helped Trump. That was thoroughly proven in the Mueller Report. What do you think?

What a delusional Halfwit you are. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
I hope a case of Bounty will be enough to soak up all the jizz that republicans are spurting over this meaningless diversion.

You and I seriously disagree on this.

Schiff (and others) need to be held accountable.

At least Schiff will be among only 26 politicians to ever be Censured for their crimes and misconduct.

Schiff's legacy will be to be remembered as a liar, criminal, and traitor who attempted to overthrow the US govt.

While I would prefer to see him hang, a Censure will have to do.
adam schiff is a jerk.....and a slimy fuck....and always has been....
It was Durahm, the Trump administration appointed lawyer, that admitted, the Russian stole the information, released it and it benefitted the Trump campaign. Again, he's a Republican lawyer, as I have been saying, just what can you expect? After all, look how little his 5-year investigation actually found on the FBI, only producing 2 referrals, 1 plea and no new information.

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