Admit your black face sins


Faaaaaakin racist! You even used green. That’s low.
Office party years ago in a liberal setting. The girls begged me to dress-up as Michael Jackson for a thriller theme. I did it all up, threw on an Afro too, and some blood across my nose to account for "nose enhancements". Until today I didn't recognize my sin against man-kind. I thought it was all in fun.

I committed a great offense. Admit to your blackface sins.
Two buddies and me went to a Richard Pryor concert decades ago, in Detroit. We joked at time about doing black face and Afro, to blend in. There weren’t many white folks in the crowd.

Do we need to repent too?

PS - we loved Pryor. Does that save us?
too bad you chickened out
Not really. I suspect if we had showed up like that, we definitely would have taken a beating. Justifiably.
I used to dress as an Indian for Halloween

Does Red Face count
So, I guess that makes every vaudeville stage-actor of the 19th or early 20th centuries to be a racist, eh?


Some probably were.

Some probably were not.

Different times.

My guess is that the vast majority of those actors were merely playing to a popular theme of the times.

The past is the past.

Let it go.

Stop snow-flaking over every little thing.

And this Virginia blackface business was - indeed - a very little thing.

Downright microscopic, if it weren't for the yelping dogs, thirsty for the Gubner's blood.

But, the guy's political career is now over.

He can no longer effectively govern.

Time for him to go.

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