Adulting Is Hard! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Needs A Vacation From Work

The champion of the working class needs a service dog, crayons, binkie and juice boxes.

“I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term. For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political — not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed. So I’ve decided to take others along with me on IG as I learn what self-care even means and why it’s important.”

You don't say! Everyone of you working slobs, call in to your boss and let him know you are taking time off because SELF CARE IS POLITICAL!

Stock up on popcorn and head desk protection, folks. Congress in 2019 is in for one helluva bumpy ride!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announces 'self-care' break before congressional session even starts - NY Daily News

Boy, you Russian bots are obsessed with this woman. You must be TERRIFIED of her. What other point is there to the dozen of threads mocking and denigrating her?

Or it could be you're just attacking her because you're a misogynistic piece of shit who can't stand women seeking power and authority. Is that a problem for all you Russian assholes?

I'm actually of Welsh descent.

So is this the way we're going to play the game now, Dragon Lady? Anyone who points out what an idiot Che Barbie a "misogynistic piece of shit"? Here's my take on THAT strategy! I don't think women need to be put on pedestals and treated with kid gloves if they're representing us in government. When a woman does something stupid she deserves to be called out on it. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez does stupid more than most do. Pretending she doesn't could turn into a full time job. Is that a problem for you?
hey - women demand equal treatment as men.

last i saw men are pretty crude with each other.

so which is it? treat women with respect, or equally as men treat men?

Name one male Congress critter who is being mocked, denigrated and treated in this fashion. There isn't one.

Name one US Senator who is mocked, denigrated, called "crazy", or generally treated like Elizabeth Warren. Name one white Congress Critter who is called "Low IQ", other than black female members of Congress.

The women aren't being treated "the same as" the men. Nobody calls male white members of Congress or the Senate "crazy", "low IQ", or "Pocohantas". Those slurs are reserved for non-white members or women.

Name one male Congress critter who makes a public ass of himself as routinely as Socialist Barbie. There isn't one.

We mock anyone and everyone in Congress who makes a fool of themselves. It's not OUR fault that she does it so much more often.
The champion of the working class needs a service dog, crayons, binkie and juice boxes.

“I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term. For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political — not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed. So I’ve decided to take others along with me on IG as I learn what self-care even means and why it’s important.”

You don't say! Everyone of you working slobs, call in to your boss and let him know you are taking time off because SELF CARE IS POLITICAL!

Stock up on popcorn and head desk protection, folks. Congress in 2019 is in for one helluva bumpy ride!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announces 'self-care' break before congressional session even starts - NY Daily News

Boy, you Russian bots are obsessed with this woman. You must be TERRIFIED of her. What other point is there to the dozen of threads mocking and denigrating her?

Or it could be you're just attacking her because you're a misogynistic piece of shit who can't stand women seeking power and authority. Is that a problem for all you Russian assholes?

I'm actually of Welsh descent.

So is this the way we're going to play the game now, Dragon Lady? Anyone who points out what an idiot Che Barbie a "misogynistic piece of shit"? Here's my take on THAT strategy! I don't think women need to be put on pedestals and treated with kid gloves if they're representing us in government. When a woman does something stupid she deserves to be called out on it. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez does stupid more than most do. Pretending she doesn't could turn into a full time job. Is that a problem for you?
hey - women demand equal treatment as men.

last i saw men are pretty crude with each other.

so which is it? treat women with respect, or equally as men treat men?

Name one male Congress critter who is being mocked, denigrated and treated in this fashion. There isn't one.

Name one US Senator who is mocked, denigrated, called "crazy", or generally treated like Elizabeth Warren. Name one white Congress Critter who is called "Low IQ", other than black female members of Congress.

The women aren't being treated "the same as" the men. Nobody calls male white members of Congress or the Senate "crazy", "low IQ", or "Pocohantas". Those slurs are reserved for non-white members or women.

Name one male Congress critter who makes a public ass of himself as routinely as Socialist Barbie. There isn't one.

We mock anyone and everyone in Congress who makes a fool of themselves. It's not OUR fault that she does it so much more often.

I never saw a Repub make fun of Michelle Bachmann and she did so on a regular basis...

"What I love about New Hampshire and what we have in common is our extreme love of liberty...You're the state where the shot heard round the world in Lexington and Concord."

"I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out then under another Democrat president, Jimmy Carter. I'm not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it's an interesting coincidence."

"Well what I want them to know is just like, John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That's the kind of spirit that I have, too"
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

I thought the crux of the post was that she didn't start the job yet so why take a vacation? No?

Did she not have a job prior to the election?

Campaigning. I believe she actually quit her job before that.

I can actually see where someone would want a little time to rest and clear her head between campaigning for office and actually taking office.

I have no idea why she feels the need to make a big media circus out of it. Just go tend to your personal business and shut up about it.
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

I thought the crux of the post was that she didn't start the job yet so why take a vacation? No?

Did she not have a job prior to the election?

Campaigning. I believe she actually quit her job before that.

I can actually see where someone would want a little time to rest and clear her head between campaigning for office and actually taking office.

I have no idea why she feels the need to make a big media circus out of it. Just go tend to your personal business and shut up about it.

I agree about the sharing of personal data, but I see so much of it from people her age I am not going to bash her for is how she grew up.
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

Where are you from, lazy?

I am from the US and I take all the vacation and time off my company allows. Anyone that does not is a fucking moron.

Lazy slack-ass.

Whatever moron, there is more to life than working. But you are such a good little sheep that you have bought into the narrative your masters have sold you.

Some of us actually enjoy our jobs and feel personally invested in them.

On the other hand, my company doesn't actually give us a choice about taking time off. If you have over a certain amount of PTO accrued by December, you WILL take a freaking vacation and get some rest. No arguments.
The champion of the working class needs a service dog, crayons, binkie and juice boxes.

“I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term. For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political — not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed. So I’ve decided to take others along with me on IG as I learn what self-care even means and why it’s important.”

You don't say! Everyone of you working slobs, call in to your boss and let him know you are taking time off because SELF CARE IS POLITICAL!

Stock up on popcorn and head desk protection, folks. Congress in 2019 is in for one helluva bumpy ride!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announces 'self-care' break before congressional session even starts - NY Daily News

Boy, you Russian bots are obsessed with this woman. You must be TERRIFIED of her. What other point is there to the dozen of threads mocking and denigrating her?

Or it could be you're just attacking her because you're a misogynistic piece of shit who can't stand women seeking power and authority. Is that a problem for all you Russian assholes?

I'm actually of Welsh descent.

So is this the way we're going to play the game now, Dragon Lady? Anyone who points out what an idiot Che Barbie a "misogynistic piece of shit"? Here's my take on THAT strategy! I don't think women need to be put on pedestals and treated with kid gloves if they're representing us in government. When a woman does something stupid she deserves to be called out on it. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez does stupid more than most do. Pretending she doesn't could turn into a full time job. Is that a problem for you?
hey - women demand equal treatment as men.

last i saw men are pretty crude with each other.

so which is it? treat women with respect, or equally as men treat men?

Name one male Congress critter who is being mocked, denigrated and treated in this fashion. There isn't one.

Name one US Senator who is mocked, denigrated, called "crazy", or generally treated like Elizabeth Warren. Name one white Congress Critter who is called "Low IQ", other than black female members of Congress.

The women aren't being treated "the same as" the men. Nobody calls male white members of Congress or the Senate "crazy", "low IQ", or "Pocohantas". Those slurs are reserved for non-white members or women.

Name one male Congress critter who makes a public ass of himself as routinely as Socialist Barbie. There isn't one.

We mock anyone and everyone in Congress who makes a fool of themselves. It's not OUR fault that she does it so much more often.
well these days to each side many on the "other" side make fools of themselves and "earn" the mocking.

i think these days we just love to mock and that's all there is to it.
Some of us actually enjoy our jobs and feel personally invested in them.

On the other hand, my company doesn't actually give us a choice about taking time off. If you have over a certain amount of PTO accrued by December, you WILL take a freaking vacation and get some rest. No arguments.

I like my job, but it is not the top priority in my life, not even close.

During my 20 years in the Corps I put my heart and soul into it and it was first too many times. I am too old for that now...I choose my current employer due to their view on the proverbial work-life-balance. Turned down a job for more money that would have meant way more hours.
Can someone translate that into Human?

Vacations are bad and you should never take one...:290968001256257790-final:
Perhaps she can use the word “vacation”.

Her generation has different phrases, happens with every generation. Quit being such an old fuddy duddy.
My kids are her age and they and their friends don’t talk stupid like her.

My youngest is her age and this is EXACTLY what they talk like. They are the hardest working and most enthusiastic people I know. My daughter and her husband have already launched one successful business with 5 full time employees, and plans to expand to 8 next year. All of her friends are starting businesses, and succeeding in ways one would have never guessed watching as teenagers.

My older two children are in her age group, and neither of them speak like her. In fact, they both sound remarkably like English teachers, even when they don't want to.
The champion of the working class needs a service dog, crayons, binkie and juice boxes.

“I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term. For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political — not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed. So I’ve decided to take others along with me on IG as I learn what self-care even means and why it’s important.”

You don't say! Everyone of you working slobs, call in to your boss and let him know you are taking time off because SELF CARE IS POLITICAL!

Stock up on popcorn and head desk protection, folks. Congress in 2019 is in for one helluva bumpy ride!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announces 'self-care' break before congressional session even starts - NY Daily News
Who gives a shit that she's taking some time off on her own dime ?

No one, which is why we're mocking her for making a press event out of it.
Where are you from, lazy?

I am from the US and I take all the vacation and time off my company allows. Anyone that does not is a fucking moron.

Lazy slack-ass.

Whatever moron, there is more to life than working. ....

Go smoke some weed, useless slacker.

Too many weakling losers in the younger generations, I guess.

Not sure mid-50s is the younger generation. ...

Then there goes the only excuse for your weak character.
Vacations are bad and you should never take one...:290968001256257790-final:
Perhaps she can use the word “vacation”.

Her generation has different phrases, happens with every generation. Quit being such an old fuddy duddy.
My kids are her age and they and their friends don’t talk stupid like her.

My youngest is her age and this is EXACTLY what they talk like. They are the hardest working and most enthusiastic people I know. My daughter and her husband have already launched one successful business with 5 full time employees, and plans to expand to 8 next year. All of her friends are starting businesses, and succeeding in ways one would have never guessed watching as teenagers.

My older two children are in her age group, and neither of them speak like her. In fact, they both sound remarkably like English teachers, even when they don't want to.

Then I would say that based upon the family members I have on FB that are that age, your children are in the minority.
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

People don't usually take the vacation BEFORE THEY START WORK.

But even still, the mockery isn't for spending a little time resting and relaxing. It's for being such an incredible drama queen about it. I don't generally hold a press conference before climbing into my yoga pants and ratty t-shirt in front of the TV.

you are not a 29 year old either...I assume.

Both of my niece in laws are that age and exactly the same way. They post about the most personal crap that none of us would ever think of posting about. The good news is that by the time it gets down to my daughter's age group (23) they have for the most part moved past that.

No, but my daughter is, and she's also a social media addict. She STILL doesn't feel the need to publicize her every move to this extent.

And how in the hell is this dumb little broad going to learn maturity, self-control, and circumspection if people don't point out the need for it?
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

People don't usually take the vacation BEFORE THEY START WORK.

But even still, the mockery isn't for spending a little time resting and relaxing. It's for being such an incredible drama queen about it. I don't generally hold a press conference before climbing into my yoga pants and ratty t-shirt in front of the TV.

Yes they do. It's very common. Every time I've changed jobs, people are shocked that I'm not taking time off before I start my new job, since there will be little opportunity to do so after I start, and the learning curve takes a toll.

You don't appear on TV because no one is interested in anything you do.

Very common to whom? If I'm changing jobs, I'm anxious to get started, because I have no desire for a disruption in my regular income flow.

She doesn't appear on TV because people are interested in most of what she does, either. She appears on TV because A) she assumes she's interesting, and B) she wants to try to MAKE people interested in what she's doing.
I am from the US and I take all the vacation and time off my company allows. Anyone that does not is a fucking moron.

Lazy slack-ass.

Whatever moron, there is more to life than working. ....

Go smoke some weed, useless slacker.

Too many weakling losers in the younger generations, I guess.

Not sure mid-50s is the younger generation. ...

Then there goes the only excuse for your weak character.

Not being a slave to my job does not make me of weak character.

I give my employer all that they ask for and a little more.

But I will not give them my life, my wife, my kids, and I am all more important than that job.

When you are lying on your deathbed you will not not care about that job or how much you worked.

When you are dead your job will not give a shit about you, they will replace you and move on.

There is more to life than working, the sooner you find that out the better off you will be.
She doesn't appear on TV because people are interested in most of what she does, either. She appears on TV because A) she assumes she's interesting, and B) she wants to try to MAKE people interested in what she's doing.

and either she is right or it is working as you people cannot stop talking about her.

Seems she has moved into your free.
The champion of the working class needs a service dog, crayons, binkie and juice boxes.

“I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term. For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political — not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed. So I’ve decided to take others along with me on IG as I learn what self-care even means and why it’s important.”

You don't say! Everyone of you working slobs, call in to your boss and let him know you are taking time off because SELF CARE IS POLITICAL!

Stock up on popcorn and head desk protection, folks. Congress in 2019 is in for one helluva bumpy ride!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announces 'self-care' break before congressional session even starts - NY Daily News
Can someone translate that into Human?

Vacations are bad and you should never take one...:290968001256257790-final:
Perhaps she can use the word “vacation”.

Her generation has different phrases, happens with every generation. Quit being such an old fuddy duddy.
My kids are her age and they and their friends don’t talk stupid like her.
Why don’t you get them to run for Congress and see how they do?
The champion of the working class needs a service dog, crayons, binkie and juice boxes.

“I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term. For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political — not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed. So I’ve decided to take others along with me on IG as I learn what self-care even means and why it’s important.”

You don't say! Everyone of you working slobs, call in to your boss and let him know you are taking time off because SELF CARE IS POLITICAL!

Stock up on popcorn and head desk protection, folks. Congress in 2019 is in for one helluva bumpy ride!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announces 'self-care' break before congressional session even starts - NY Daily News
Who gives a shit that she's taking some time off on her own dime ?
Conservatives get outraged at someone taking time off for themselves ......that perk is reserved for Presidential golf outings (only Republican ones)
The champion of the working class needs a service dog, crayons, binkie and juice boxes.

“I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term. For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political — not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed. So I’ve decided to take others along with me on IG as I learn what self-care even means and why it’s important.”

You don't say! Everyone of you working slobs, call in to your boss and let him know you are taking time off because SELF CARE IS POLITICAL!

Stock up on popcorn and head desk protection, folks. Congress in 2019 is in for one helluva bumpy ride!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announces 'self-care' break before congressional session even starts - NY Daily News
Your party lost 40 seats and your answer is obsessing with a Bronx Representative.
Please keep it up.
The pendulum swung back LIKE IT ALWAYS DOES.
Takes nothing away from the fact that morons in NY elected another Guam tipping over moron.
Perhaps she can use the word “vacation”.

Her generation has different phrases, happens with every generation. Quit being such an old fuddy duddy.
My kids are her age and they and their friends don’t talk stupid like her.

My youngest is her age and this is EXACTLY what they talk like. They are the hardest working and most enthusiastic people I know. My daughter and her husband have already launched one successful business with 5 full time employees, and plans to expand to 8 next year. All of her friends are starting businesses, and succeeding in ways one would have never guessed watching as teenagers.

My older two children are in her age group, and neither of them speak like her. In fact, they both sound remarkably like English teachers, even when they don't want to.

Then I would say that based upon the family members I have on FB that are that age, your children are in the minority.

I should certainly hope so. I was aiming to raise exceptional people, not mediocrities who can't speak without embarrassing themselves.

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