Advanced Calculus: The John Kasich Math & Saving the GOP Brand.

Natural born citizens are born with U.S. citizenship like Cruz.

Naturalized citizens have to apply for U.S. citizenship- where is your record of Cruz being naturalized?

Well in your head of course....

I have a better question, where is your record of Cruz not having a Canadian birth certificate? .


Where is your record that you have stopped kicking puppies?

LOL......Cruz is a natural born citizen- you have no clue as to what a naturalized citizen is- or even the legitimate argument about Cruz's eligibility that does exist.

Meanwhile- I heard Kasich speak today- a very well spoken man- intelligent rational- thoughtful.

Not a chance Republicans will nominate him

p.s. he said he would not have signed NC anti-LGBT law..
Doesn't matter. This time they have the goods on the guy. When (and not "if") the USSC hears this challenge, they will weigh whether or not a man with a Canadian birth certificate, undeniable, printed, on the internet and in Alberta, Canada vital records, and who has had Canadian citizenship up until he was 40-something years old, revoking only AFTER he ran for and won a US Senate seat, the Court will find that he is ineligible.

I don't care if Captain Kangaroo brings the case, the Court will hear it and Ted will lose. We are discussing the evidence, not the people bringing that evidence to light. And....the GOP isn't going to gamble the election on whether or not the democrats will be kind enough to not push their liberal-majority buddies on the Court, anxious to fill the empty seat with one of their own, to hear this matter at the worst possible timing. Cruz is cooked. If Cruz himself doesn't step down, the RNC rules people will have to step up and make the announcement for him.. They HAVE to. They have no choice.
As far as constitution qualification there is only one issue, the meaning of natural born citizen. All the sources routinely used to interpret the Constitution confirm that the phrase “natural born Citizen” has a specific meaning: namely, someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth with no need to go through a naturalization proceeding at some later time. And Congress has made equally clear from the time of the framing of the Constitution to the current day that, subject to certain residency requirements on the parents, someone born to a U.S. citizen parent generally becomes a U.S. citizen without regard to whether the birth takes place in Canada, the Canal Zone, or the continental United States.

The federal court will certain agree that voters should be able to choose from all constitutionally eligible candidates, free from spurious arguments that a U.S. citizen at birth is somehow not constitutionally eligible to serve as President simply because he was delivered at a hospital abroad.

However, no federal court is going to see this case because the opposition to Cruz knows quite well that they would lose in federal court.
No one is voting for Kasich now. What makes you think that those who wouldn't vote for him up to now would vote for him in the general election?
Because Kasich has gotten the raw end of the deal on exposure on Fox News where conservatives get all their "cues" from... But the anti-Trump vote is still 2/3 of conservatives and so, with Cruz's Canadian citizenship disqualifying him (publicly), the anti-Trump vote would go to Kasich. Pretty simple math. Cruz is the establishment-favorite, like McCain, falsely billed as "an outsider". He was the second pick to the boy Rubio. The establishment doesn't want Kasich which will bring over Tiny Hand's voters when the GOP lowers the hammer on him.
If Kasich is chosen it would result in the smallest republican turnout in history. It will look like California where only 16% of Republicans bother to vote at all.

Yup. If the nominee with the fewest delegates gets the nomination over the candidate with the most, that's the GOP leadership telling the GOP electorate to go fuck themselves.

The GOP electorate would predictably return the favor.

But you're using rational processes in a discussion with an expressly irrational person. So good luck with that.
The notion that Republicans would refuse to vote for Kasich in November is absurd. On the other hand, there are definitely Republicans who would be hesitant to vote for Cruz, while the majority of Republicans outright refuse to vote for Trump. That, on top of the overwhelming majority of independents who would refuse to vote for either Cruz or Trump.

Trump voters don't seem to think so. A full 1 in 3 have indicated that they wouldn't vote Republican if Trump isn't nominated. And if Trump goes third party, giving his nominee voters a chance to become his candidacy voters....that number would most likely rise.

You're ordinarily a pretty lucid poster. But on this one issue you're ignoring enormous amounts of data that contradict what you want to believe.
As usual- you are delusional.

Cruz is running for President here.
Well someone should tell Arnold Schwarzaneggar because he really wanted to run but knew he couldn't without a constitutional amendment...because of his Austrian birth certificate. I take it you're aware that Cruz has a Canadian birth certificate?

He knew he couldn't run because he wasn't a citizen at birth. Cruz was.

The courts aren't going to touch this issue. Every single case against Cruz's eligiblity has been dismissed....or stalled in the court it was submitted to. And the one dismissed case that was submitted to the USSC, the USSC has yet to grant cert. There's little to no indication that they will.

You're offering what you want to happen over what the evidence suggests will happen.
The solution to the perfect storm of democrats winning this Fall by GOP foolishness is to seed the clouds early and control the time of the rains. The GOP could rightly declare "the last man standing" after serious violations of requirements of candidates have been done by Tiny Hands and his current nemesis "The Waxen Puppet". There have to be rules of conduct of which if a candidate sinks below, the party has a right and a duty to save its brand by disqualifying said candidate(s). Who would be left standing of course is the sober, experienced and qualified candidate John Kasich.

The GOP needs to stop saying "Kasich just can't win, the math isn't on his side" and start talking about Ted Cruz's Canadian birth certificate and how those who used to support Cruz (with their "anyone but Trump vote) should now go to Kasich. THEN there would be enough abandoned delegates and amassed delegates for the RNC to force a vote at the convention for the best man to beat Hillary in the Fall.

And the polls show clearly and consistently that this man is John Kasich. Anything less would tarnish the GOP brand so harshly that it would cease to exist. John Kasich would re-establish and strengthen the brand in everyone's eyes and re-adjust the political equilibrium so vital between the two sides of the aisle.

Of course John Kasich is NOT the Cheney/Rove pick. Because anyone with eyes can see he'd tell them to fuck off if their nefarious plans might hurt the US as a whole. So this, and no other thing, is the cause of "the obvious angst in the GOP". There really is no angst. 99.999999999% of the establishment know that Kasich would save the party and win this Fall. it's just that .000000001% named "Dick Cheney and homies" that there seems to be this big uproar on the right.

But how much more will the entire republican party sacrafice for this evil .000000001% of their ranks? (Assuming a 5-time draft-dodger, gay marriage promoter, raised by democrats, Obama-praiser can be considered "GOP establishment"..). Want to talk about hurting the brand and where all the Trumpsters came from? There you go.. If the GOP could scrape off that one, huge festering barnacle off its collective butt, they'd find that all their dreams would come true..
I didn't see your algebraic equations.. polynomials..
The notion that Republicans would refuse to vote for Kasich in November is absurd. On the other hand, there are definitely Republicans who would be hesitant to vote for Cruz, while the majority of Republicans outright refuse to vote for Trump. That, on top of the overwhelming majority of independents who would refuse to vote for either Cruz or Trump.

Trump voters don't seem to think so. A full 1 in 3 have indicated that they wouldn't vote Republican if Trump isn't nominated. And if Trump goes third party, giving his nominee voters a chance to become his candidacy voters....that number would most likely rise.

You're ordinarily a pretty lucid poster. But on this one issue you're ignoring enormous amounts of data that contradict what you want to believe.

Oh shut the fuck up already. We've already been through this a million times. You're just pushing your propaganda because you want Trump to be nominated so that it guarantees a Clinton victory in November. It's nothing but hope and wet dreams with you.
Oh shut the fuck up already. We've already been through this a million times. You're just pushing your propaganda because you want Trump to be nominated so that it guarantees a Clinton victory in November. It's nothing but hope and wet dreams with you.

Shhhhhh! Skylar thinks he's sneaky!...

My favorite was one day flipping channels and landing on MSNBC to see a huge "Cruz or Lose 2016" banner in the backdrop of the new "with all due respect" show. Hilarious that such a left wing gestapo outfit would be promoting Cruz. Wonder why? Rhetorical question. They've already seen the Alberta Canada birth certificate and the renunciation of citizenship in 2014 for Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz...and there are about 5 liberal Justices on the USSC just drooling at the prospect of of a Cruz pick on the GOP side. They're keeping their September 2016 calendar clear.
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The notion that Republicans would refuse to vote for Kasich in November is absurd. On the other hand, there are definitely Republicans who would be hesitant to vote for Cruz, while the majority of Republicans outright refuse to vote for Trump. That, on top of the overwhelming majority of independents who would refuse to vote for either Cruz or Trump.

Trump voters don't seem to think so. A full 1 in 3 have indicated that they wouldn't vote Republican if Trump isn't nominated. And if Trump goes third party, giving his nominee voters a chance to become his candidacy voters....that number would most likely rise.

You're ordinarily a pretty lucid poster. But on this one issue you're ignoring enormous amounts of data that contradict what you want to believe.

Oh shut the fuck up already. We've already been through this a million times. You're just pushing your propaganda because you want Trump to be nominated so that it guarantees a Clinton victory in November. It's nothing but hope and wet dreams with you.

And by 'propaganda' you mean what is reported in the news?

Trump has the most votes of any Republican- and the GOP establishment is terrified of him- will they rig the convention to deny him the nomination- 2016 is the real life "House of Cards" happening right in front of our faces.

Cruz has the second most votes- and there is little doubt he is eligible- but is he electable? Cruz's birth in Canada is not a barrier to eligibility but certainly voters can vote against a candidate born in Canada......or against his hard core evangelical ideological agenda.

And then we come to Kasich- the rational GOP choice- who has managed to win only his home state- GOP voters have essentially ignored him

I think that the only thing standing in the way of a Clinton victory this year is Clinton- she has the potential of tanking her bid- but with Trump/Cruz/Kasich going into the convention- I don't see anyone emerging from that convention unscathed or in a position to win the general election.

House of Cards folks- House of Cards.
Oh shut the fuck up already. We've already been through this a million times. You're just pushing your propaganda because you want Trump to be nominated so that it guarantees a Clinton victory in November. It's nothing but hope and wet dreams with you.

Shhhhhh! Skylar thinks he's sneaky!..r.

Silhouette thinks its 'sneaky' to point out the actual facts, rather than her bizarre fantasies.

I actually would prefer the GOP nominate Kasich because I would love to see a sign that the majority of the GOP are actually rational grown ups.

a) Its not going to happen and
b) If it did, Trumpsters and the evangelicals will take their toys and go home.
The notion that Republicans would refuse to vote for Kasich in November is absurd. On the other hand, there are definitely Republicans who would be hesitant to vote for Cruz, while the majority of Republicans outright refuse to vote for Trump. That, on top of the overwhelming majority of independents who would refuse to vote for either Cruz or Trump.

Trump voters don't seem to think so. A full 1 in 3 have indicated that they wouldn't vote Republican if Trump isn't nominated. And if Trump goes third party, giving his nominee voters a chance to become his candidacy voters....that number would most likely rise.

You're ordinarily a pretty lucid poster. But on this one issue you're ignoring enormous amounts of data that contradict what you want to believe.

Oh shut the fuck up already. We've already been through this a million times. You're just pushing your propaganda because you want Trump to be nominated so that it guarantees a Clinton victory in November. It's nothing but hope and wet dreams with you.

Sure we have. You insist that you don't need Trump's 13,000,000 voters. And math contradicts you.

Republicans have lost the popular vote 5 of the last 6 elections. The last 2 times by more than 5 million votes. Yet you insist that the republicans are going to pull an additional 18,000,000 voters sideways out of their ass......'because'.

Nope. You're being irrational, ignoring the overwhelming evidence that strongly indicates that the GOP is fucked without Trump. And the overwhelming evidence that strongly indicates that the GOP is fucked with Trump.

Keep those eyes screwed shut. The world doesn't disappear just because you refuse to look at it.
The notion that Republicans would refuse to vote for Kasich in November is absurd. On the other hand, there are definitely Republicans who would be hesitant to vote for Cruz, while the majority of Republicans outright refuse to vote for Trump. That, on top of the overwhelming majority of independents who would refuse to vote for either Cruz or Trump.

Trump voters don't seem to think so. A full 1 in 3 have indicated that they wouldn't vote Republican if Trump isn't nominated. And if Trump goes third party, giving his nominee voters a chance to become his candidacy voters....that number would most likely rise.

You're ordinarily a pretty lucid poster. But on this one issue you're ignoring enormous amounts of data that contradict what you want to believe.

Oh shut the fuck up already. We've already been through this a million times. You're just pushing your propaganda because you want Trump to be nominated so that it guarantees a Clinton victory in November. It's nothing but hope and wet dreams with you.

Sure we have. You insist that you don't need Trump's 13,000,000 voters. And math contradicts you.

Republicans have lost the popular vote 5 of the last 6 elections. The last 2 times by more than 5 million votes. Yet you insist that the republicans are going to pull an additional 18,000,000 voters sideways out of their ass......'because'.

Nope. You're being irrational, ignoring the overwhelming evidence that strongly indicates that the GOP is fucked without Trump. And the overwhelming evidence that strongly indicates that the GOP is fucked with Trump.

Keep those eyes screwed shut. The world doesn't disappear just because you refuse to look at it.

The notion that Republicans would refuse to vote for Kasich in November is absurd. On the other hand, there are definitely Republicans who would be hesitant to vote for Cruz, while the majority of Republicans outright refuse to vote for Trump. That, on top of the overwhelming majority of independents who would refuse to vote for either Cruz or Trump.

Trump voters don't seem to think so. A full 1 in 3 have indicated that they wouldn't vote Republican if Trump isn't nominated. And if Trump goes third party, giving his nominee voters a chance to become his candidacy voters....that number would most likely rise.

You're ordinarily a pretty lucid poster. But on this one issue you're ignoring enormous amounts of data that contradict what you want to believe.

Oh shut the fuck up already. We've already been through this a million times. You're just pushing your propaganda because you want Trump to be nominated so that it guarantees a Clinton victory in November. It's nothing but hope and wet dreams with you.

And by 'propaganda' you mean what is reported in the news?

Trump has the most votes of any Republican- and the GOP establishment is terrified of him- will they rig the convention to deny him the nomination- 2016 is the real life "House of Cards" happening right in front of our faces.

Cruz has the second most votes- and there is little doubt he is eligible- but is he electable? Cruz's birth in Canada is not a barrier to eligibility but certainly voters can vote against a candidate born in Canada......or against his hard core evangelical ideological agenda.

And then we come to Kasich- the rational GOP choice- who has managed to win only his home state- GOP voters have essentially ignored him

I think that the only thing standing in the way of a Clinton victory this year is Clinton- she has the potential of tanking her bid- but with Trump/Cruz/Kasich going into the convention- I don't see anyone emerging from that convention unscathed or in a position to win the general election.

House of Cards folks- House of Cards.
It seems unlikely voters would vote against Cruz simply because he was born a US citizen in Canada and lived there till he was 4 years old. Most people are not so stupid as to believe this would make you unfit to serve as president.
The notion that Republicans would refuse to vote for Kasich in November is absurd. On the other hand, there are definitely Republicans who would be hesitant to vote for Cruz, while the majority of Republicans outright refuse to vote for Trump. That, on top of the overwhelming majority of independents who would refuse to vote for either Cruz or Trump.

Trump voters don't seem to think so. A full 1 in 3 have indicated that they wouldn't vote Republican if Trump isn't nominated. And if Trump goes third party, giving his nominee voters a chance to become his candidacy voters....that number would most likely rise.

You're ordinarily a pretty lucid poster. But on this one issue you're ignoring enormous amounts of data that contradict what you want to believe.

Oh shut the fuck up already. We've already been through this a million times. You're just pushing your propaganda because you want Trump to be nominated so that it guarantees a Clinton victory in November. It's nothing but hope and wet dreams with you.

And by 'propaganda' you mean what is reported in the news?

Trump has the most votes of any Republican- and the GOP establishment is terrified of him- will they rig the convention to deny him the nomination- 2016 is the real life "House of Cards" happening right in front of our faces.

Cruz has the second most votes- and there is little doubt he is eligible- but is he electable? Cruz's birth in Canada is not a barrier to eligibility but certainly voters can vote against a candidate born in Canada......or against his hard core evangelical ideological agenda.

And then we come to Kasich- the rational GOP choice- who has managed to win only his home state- GOP voters have essentially ignored him

I think that the only thing standing in the way of a Clinton victory this year is Clinton- she has the potential of tanking her bid- but with Trump/Cruz/Kasich going into the convention- I don't see anyone emerging from that convention unscathed or in a position to win the general election.

House of Cards folks- House of Cards.
It seems unlikely voters would vote against Cruz simply because he was born a US citizen in Canada and lived there till he was 4 years old. Most people are not so stupid as to believe this would make you unfit to serve as president.

Its very unlikely to matter in this election either way. Even Trump, King Birther.....has largely given up on the topic.
The notion that Republicans would refuse to vote for Kasich in November is absurd. On the other hand, there are definitely Republicans who would be hesitant to vote for Cruz, while the majority of Republicans outright refuse to vote for Trump. That, on top of the overwhelming majority of independents who would refuse to vote for either Cruz or Trump.

Trump voters don't seem to think so. A full 1 in 3 have indicated that they wouldn't vote Republican if Trump isn't nominated. And if Trump goes third party, giving his nominee voters a chance to become his candidacy voters....that number would most likely rise.

You're ordinarily a pretty lucid poster. But on this one issue you're ignoring enormous amounts of data that contradict what you want to believe.

Oh shut the fuck up already. We've already been through this a million times. You're just pushing your propaganda because you want Trump to be nominated so that it guarantees a Clinton victory in November. It's nothing but hope and wet dreams with you.

And by 'propaganda' you mean what is reported in the news?

Trump has the most votes of any Republican- and the GOP establishment is terrified of him- will they rig the convention to deny him the nomination- 2016 is the real life "House of Cards" happening right in front of our faces.

Cruz has the second most votes- and there is little doubt he is eligible- but is he electable? Cruz's birth in Canada is not a barrier to eligibility but certainly voters can vote against a candidate born in Canada......or against his hard core evangelical ideological agenda.

And then we come to Kasich- the rational GOP choice- who has managed to win only his home state- GOP voters have essentially ignored him

I think that the only thing standing in the way of a Clinton victory this year is Clinton- she has the potential of tanking her bid- but with Trump/Cruz/Kasich going into the convention- I don't see anyone emerging from that convention unscathed or in a position to win the general election.

House of Cards folks- House of Cards.
The idea that the party will rig the convention against Trump originated with Trump. He apparently didn't understand that voters don't choose the nominee, delegates do and this is nothing new. Many states allow for uncommitted delegates. Also, some states allow the party heads to choose the delegates which is what happened in Colorado.

Trump's ignorance is truly amazing.
The notion that Republicans would refuse to vote for Kasich in November is absurd. On the other hand, there are definitely Republicans who would be hesitant to vote for Cruz, while the majority of Republicans outright refuse to vote for Trump. That, on top of the overwhelming majority of independents who would refuse to vote for either Cruz or Trump.

Trump voters don't seem to think so. A full 1 in 3 have indicated that they wouldn't vote Republican if Trump isn't nominated. And if Trump goes third party, giving his nominee voters a chance to become his candidacy voters....that number would most likely rise.

You're ordinarily a pretty lucid poster. But on this one issue you're ignoring enormous amounts of data that contradict what you want to believe.

Oh shut the fuck up already. We've already been through this a million times. You're just pushing your propaganda because you want Trump to be nominated so that it guarantees a Clinton victory in November. It's nothing but hope and wet dreams with you.

And by 'propaganda' you mean what is reported in the news?

Trump has the most votes of any Republican- and the GOP establishment is terrified of him- will they rig the convention to deny him the nomination- 2016 is the real life "House of Cards" happening right in front of our faces.

Cruz has the second most votes- and there is little doubt he is eligible- but is he electable? Cruz's birth in Canada is not a barrier to eligibility but certainly voters can vote against a candidate born in Canada......or against his hard core evangelical ideological agenda.

And then we come to Kasich- the rational GOP choice- who has managed to win only his home state- GOP voters have essentially ignored him

I think that the only thing standing in the way of a Clinton victory this year is Clinton- she has the potential of tanking her bid- but with Trump/Cruz/Kasich going into the convention- I don't see anyone emerging from that convention unscathed or in a position to win the general election.

House of Cards folks- House of Cards.
The idea that the party will rig the convention against Trump originated with Trump. He apparently didn't understand that voters don't choose the nominee, delegates do and this is nothing new. Many states allow for uncommitted delegates. Also, some states allow the party heads to choose the delegates which is what happened in Colorado.

Trump's ignorance is truly amazing.

Oh, Trump gets how the convention works. He's just trying to frame it for his supporters. After the first vote, its genuinely an open bid. As the delegates are no longer obligated to vote for anyone in particular.

But by framing it as a 'rig' or a 'cheat', he's far more likely to convince his supporters to believe it.....and walk away or support him in a third party run. Which he (and polling) has made quite clear to the RNC leadership. Its a deterrant against a brokered convention.....a M.A.D. defense.

Its quite calculated. And unlike our local math deniers, the RNC recognizes the reality of the threat.
How does Kasich expect to win a contested convention with no organization putting loyal delegates in place for ballots after the first one?
The notion that Republicans would refuse to vote for Kasich in November is absurd. On the other hand, there are definitely Republicans who would be hesitant to vote for Cruz, while the majority of Republicans outright refuse to vote for Trump. That, on top of the overwhelming majority of independents who would refuse to vote for either Cruz or Trump.

Trump voters don't seem to think so. A full 1 in 3 have indicated that they wouldn't vote Republican if Trump isn't nominated. And if Trump goes third party, giving his nominee voters a chance to become his candidacy voters....that number would most likely rise.

You're ordinarily a pretty lucid poster. But on this one issue you're ignoring enormous amounts of data that contradict what you want to believe.

Oh shut the fuck up already. We've already been through this a million times. You're just pushing your propaganda because you want Trump to be nominated so that it guarantees a Clinton victory in November. It's nothing but hope and wet dreams with you.

And by 'propaganda' you mean what is reported in the news?

Trump has the most votes of any Republican- and the GOP establishment is terrified of him- will they rig the convention to deny him the nomination- 2016 is the real life "House of Cards" happening right in front of our faces.

Cruz has the second most votes- and there is little doubt he is eligible- but is he electable? Cruz's birth in Canada is not a barrier to eligibility but certainly voters can vote against a candidate born in Canada......or against his hard core evangelical ideological agenda.

And then we come to Kasich- the rational GOP choice- who has managed to win only his home state- GOP voters have essentially ignored him

I think that the only thing standing in the way of a Clinton victory this year is Clinton- she has the potential of tanking her bid- but with Trump/Cruz/Kasich going into the convention- I don't see anyone emerging from that convention unscathed or in a position to win the general election.

House of Cards folks- House of Cards.
The idea that the party will rig the convention against Trump originated with Trump. He apparently didn't understand that voters don't choose the nominee, delegates do and this is nothing new. Many states allow for uncommitted delegates. Also, some states allow the party heads to choose the delegates which is what happened in Colorado.

Trump's ignorance is truly amazing.

Except he isn't ignorant. He was ripping Santorum on twitter in 2012 for the exact thing he just did. Falling to get delegate slates together ahead of key elections.
How does Kasich expect to win a contested convention with no organization putting loyal delegates in place for ballots after the first one?

How many "loyal" delegates does anyone have, beyond the legal binding in the first ballot?

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