Advanced Calculus: The John Kasich Math & Saving the GOP Brand.

Another poll finds Kasich the only Republican beating Clinton head-to-head

March 24, 2016
Kasich..may be the only one who could beat Hillary Clinton in November....That’s according to a new poll by Monmouth University, which found that while Clinton beat both Cruz and Donald Trump in head-to-head scenarios, the former secretary of State trailed Kasich by 6 percentage points....The poll’s conclusion backs an earlier poll this week by Quinnipiac University, which also found Kasich to be the only Republican candidate to defeat Clinton head-to-head, leading her by eight percentage points. Another poll finds Kasich the only Republican beating Clinton head-to-head

See, this is the "Advanced" part of the calculus math on Kasich...
No one is voting for Kasich now. What makes you think that those who wouldn't vote for him up to now would vote for him in the general election?
No one is voting for Kasich now. What makes you think that those who wouldn't vote for him up to now would vote for him in the general election?
Because Kasich has gotten the raw end of the deal on exposure on Fox News where conservatives get all their "cues" from... But the anti-Trump vote is still 2/3 of conservatives and so, with Cruz's Canadian citizenship disqualifying him (publicly), the anti-Trump vote would go to Kasich. Pretty simple math. Cruz is the establishment-favorite, like McCain, falsely billed as "an outsider". He was the second pick to the boy Rubio. The establishment doesn't want Kasich which will bring over Tiny Hand's voters when the GOP lowers the hammer on him.
Cruz and Trump could be sandbagging the RNC. just when the establishment thinks they can put in someone hand picked, Trump and Cruz form a unity ticket and walk away with 70%
No one is voting for Kasich now. What makes you think that those who wouldn't vote for him up to now would vote for him in the general election?
Because Kasich has gotten the raw end of the deal on exposure on Fox News where conservatives get all their "cues" from... But the anti-Trump vote is still 2/3 of conservatives and so, with Cruz's Canadian citizenship disqualifying him (publicly), the anti-Trump vote would go to Kasich. Pretty simple math. Cruz is the establishment-favorite, like McCain, falsely billed as "an outsider". He was the second pick to the boy Rubio. The establishment doesn't want Kasich which will bring over Tiny Hand's voters when the GOP lowers the hammer on him.
If Kasich is chosen it would result in the smallest republican turnout in history. It will look like California where only 16% of Republicans bother to vote at all.
Cruz and Trump could be sandbagging the RNC. just when the establishment thinks they can put in someone hand picked, Trump and Cruz form a unity ticket and walk away with 70%

I am looking forward to Cruz and Trump walking out hand in hand, and announcing their marriage with a big sloppy kiss.

While Chris Christy jumps up and down in the background yelling "But he chose me....he chose me!"
As usual- you are delusional.

Cruz is running for President here.
Well someone should tell Arnold Schwarzaneggar because he really wanted to run but knew he couldn't without a constitutional amendment...because of his Austrian birth certificate. I take it you're aware that Cruz has a Canadian birth certificate?
As usual- you are delusional.

Cruz is running for President here.
Well someone should tell Arnold Schwarzaneggar because he really wanted to run but knew he couldn't without a constitutional amendment...because of his Austrian birth certificate. I take it you're aware that Cruz has a Canadian birth certificate?

As usual- you should stop listening to the voices in your head.

Arnold couldn't run for President because he was not born a natural born American citizen. HIs parents were both Austrian.

Ted Cruz can run for President because he was born in a natural born American citizen- because his mother is an American citizen.

Arnold Schwartzenegger is a naturalized American citizen- Cruz was never naturalized- because he is a naturally born citizen.
The chair of the RNC yesterday on Hannity said that 1. The nomination will go to one of the three men running right now and 2. That the two front runners for various reasons by no means have the seal on that nomination.

Hannity pressed Preibus to tell him on the spot that the math disqualifies Kasich. Preibus would do no such thing. Hannity threatened in so many words that if Kasich sealed the bid "many people would be angry and upset". But what Hannity failed to also note is that if Cruz sealed the bid many people would be upset or if Tiny Hands sealed the bid, many people would be upset.

So, If Tiny Hands seals the bid, 2/3 of conservative voters would be upset...very much so.. If Cruz seals the bid then 1/3 of conservative voters would be upset....very much so. If Kasich seals the bid, because a lot of people waffle between him and Cruz, lukewarm usually either way, then 1/3 of the conservatives would be truly upset.

So since "being upset" for a significant bloc of voters is a guarantee no matter what and only 1/3 of conservatives vs 2/3 of conservatives being upset is better...and the Canadian birth certificate thing.., the RNC has instead looked at who will win against Hillary. So...go ahead and cast your votes for a candidate who will lose to (or is ineligible to run against) Hillary in the Fall. Or prove you're smarter than a chimp and cast your vote for a winner. That's some advanced math!
The delegates select the nominee. Apparently Trump has just discovered that. Cruz has been lobbying delegates for the last 5 months.
Arnold couldn't run for President because he was not born a natural born American citizen. HIs parents were both Austrian.

Ted Cruz can run for President because he was born in a natural born American citizen- because his mother is an American citizen.

Arnold Schwartzenegger is a naturalized American citizen- Cruz was never naturalized- because he is a naturally born citizen.

Hmmm... a person who bears a foreign birth certificate, as Cruz does, is not natural born. And, Cruz immigrated illegally to Texas in the mid 1970s and eventually somehow got a naturalized status.
Arnold couldn't run for President because he was not born a natural born American citizen. HIs parents were both Austrian.

Ted Cruz can run for President because he was born in a natural born American citizen- because his mother is an American citizen.

Arnold Schwartzenegger is a naturalized American citizen- Cruz was never naturalized- because he is a naturally born citizen.

Hmmm... a person who bears a foreign birth certificate, as Cruz does, is not natural born. And, Cruz immigrated illegally to Texas in the mid 1970s and eventually somehow got a naturalized status.
The Return of the Birthers
Cruz never immigrated to the US because he was recognized as a US citizens by birth. There are too many legal and historical precedents to argue otherwise.
Arnold couldn't run for President because he was not born a natural born American citizen. HIs parents were both Austrian.

Ted Cruz can run for President because he was born in a natural born American citizen- because his mother is an American citizen.

Arnold Schwartzenegger is a naturalized American citizen- Cruz was never naturalized- because he is a naturally born citizen.

eventually somehow got a naturalized status.

Silhouette stop listening to the voices in your head.

'somehow got naturalized status'

Doesn't work that way.

Natural born citizens are born with U.S. citizenship like Cruz.

Naturalized citizens have to apply for U.S. citizenship- where is your record of Cruz being naturalized?

Well in your head of course....
Natural born citizens are born with U.S. citizenship like Cruz.

Naturalized citizens have to apply for U.S. citizenship- where is your record of Cruz being naturalized?

Well in your head of course....

I have a better question, where is your record of Cruz not having a Canadian birth certificate? Just because he may actually right now be in the country illegally, doesn't support your argument. It bolsters mine instead.
The Return of the Birthers
Cruz never immigrated to the US because he was recognized as a US citizens by birth. There are too many legal and historical precedents to argue otherwise.

A growing number of constitutional law scholars are arguing that Ted Cruz’s birth in Canada makes him ineligible to become U.S. president....An increasing number of high-profile constitutional law professors, including one of Cruz's own professors from Harvard Law School, have in recent days argued publicly that Cruz's birth disqualifies him....There are three leading theories of how to interpret the Constitution today. One is textualism: The Constitution means what its words say. The historical context of the words is important when a modern plain meaning is not self-evident. A second theory, adopted by many liberals, relies on a "living Constitution": the Constitution means what is most consistent with fundamental constitutional values as applied to present circumstances. The third theory, championed by many leading conservatives, is originalism: The Constitution means what ordinary people would have understood it to mean at the time it was ratified, in 1788.

I offer a fourth theory: INTENT. What was the INTENT and REASON behind the requirement for natural born and a continuous number of years residing in the US?

The second theory, to which you are glomming onto no doubt, is that we adjust the Constitutional's historical meaning to present day times. However, there are reasons we need originalists on the US Supreme Court. And that has to do with INTENT. The INTENT of the "natural born" clause was to prevent treason and treachery from foreign enemies of the US. That's also why a presidential candidate has to have been residing stateside for a number of years consecutively. The entire INTENT (which cannot change with times because of its imperative importance for national security) of the "natural born" and "residing for ( ) years" is to weed out foreign influence.

The current LIBERAL MAJORITY of the Supreme Court SEEKING TO FILL THE EMPTY SEAT WITH ONE OF THEIR OWN will Find this upon a Cruz nomination, embarrassingly around late August or early September this year in an emergency session. INTENT of the original rule is everything. And that is because of the 14th Amendment also where a person's country of origin cannot be used against them to discriminate. Today's "benign" Canadian birth certificate of a boy born to a US mother living in Canada with a Cuban father will be tomorrow's malignant Russian boy born to a Russian mother who raises him in Russia during his formative years, sired by a US citizen father in the military on shore leave. The 14th says a mother cannot be more important than a father and the 14th says Canada cannot be more important than Russia. Clearly there would be a HUGE problem with the second scenario. And so, the USSC will find against Cruz later this year and the GOP will not recover in time from that embarassing blow in time for the general election.

Default: Hillary wins and the USSC gets to have another LIBERAL JUSTICE providing a PERMANENT LOCK on the rapid progression of the cult-like escalation of changes coming from the far left. And, any time a group behaving like a cult seals the bid on power in a country, the end of that country is not far behind.

It's not an exaggeration to say that getting rid of Cruz as soon as possible off the campaign trail is a matter of national importance. Kasich on the other hand represents a clean, legitimate win for the GOP and a continuation of very important principles the founding fathers had in mind. It would mean a more balanced USSC nomination and a more stable country that actually represents the will of the people and not the will of an errant cult in the vast minority.

You will hear more and more trash talk of "how Kasich doesn't have a chance!!" coming from the left. I found it amusing that MSNBC who is the voice of the liberal left, had a huge poster in their backdrop of "with all due respect" show yesterday. It said "Cruz or Lose 2016". Now what would a completely liberal outfit be doing pitching for a GOP candidate in the first place? Could it be that Cruz consistently polls losing to Hillary in the general? Or could it be the staff at MSNBC know all too well the legality of a Cruz run and how their buddies on the USSC will decide later this Summer on the question they WILL HEAR if Cruz gets the nomination? (remember, USSC Justices have come in to MSNBC before and have essentially bragged about their prejudice on live TV on Obergefell for example, before it was decided...)
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Well this advanced math class just got a little more interesting: Breaking: North American Law Center To Release Files Proving Ted Cruz Was Never A U.S. Citizen

They've issued an ultimatum that Cruz come clean in the next 2 weeks or they will. And it's probably because these two documents exist:


And this one (note the date of revocation as May 2014...2 years after Cruz ran for senator and a Canadian...)


Digest reality. And, welcome aboard former Cruz supporters!
Any minute Cruz is going to be disqualified as a candidate and children in same sex families will have their contract rights violated.

Any second now, it's going to happen.
Well this advanced math class just got a little more interesting: Breaking: North American Law Center To Release Files Proving Ted Cruz Was Never A U.S. Citizen

They've issued an ultimatum that Cruz come clean in the next 2 weeks or they will. And it's probably because these two documents exist:


And this one (note the date of revocation as May 2014...2 years after Cruz ran for senator and a Canadian...)


Digest reality. And, welcome aboard former Cruz supporters!
You do realize that the North American Law Center is a far right extremist group that started the Birther movement, has been attacking Cruz since he entered the race, spend nearly four years working to impeaching Obama, lead the fight to disqualify John McCain in his presidential run, and has been labeled a hate group by the SPLC.
Doesn't matter. This time they have the goods on the guy. When (and not "if") the USSC hears this challenge, they will weigh whether or not a man with a Canadian birth certificate, undeniable, printed, on the internet and in Alberta, Canada vital records, and who has had Canadian citizenship up until he was 40-something years old, revoking only AFTER he ran for and won a US Senate seat, the Court will find that he is ineligible.

I don't care if Captain Kangaroo brings the case, the Court will hear it and Ted will lose. We are discussing the evidence, not the people bringing that evidence to light. And....the GOP isn't going to gamble the election on whether or not the democrats will be kind enough to not push their liberal-majority buddies on the Court, anxious to fill the empty seat with one of their own, to hear this matter at the worst possible timing. Cruz is cooked. If Cruz himself doesn't step down, the RNC rules people will have to step up and make the announcement for him.. They HAVE to. They have no choice.
The only reason you like Kasich is you believe he'll will end up being more anti-gay than Trump. I find that hysterical since both of their views concerning queers are hauntingly familiar.

That being said, I would vote Kasich in a heartbeat if he got the nod but he isn't going to get the nod.
Not true. In fact I believe Ted Cruz has the most anti-gay platform of all three of them. Except he is Canadian so, not qualified to run. In fact if I had to point at the one thing about Kasich that rubs me the wrong way is his refusal to make a strong statement against gay marriage.

I will bet you Kasich WILL get the nod.

Well, that ends Kasich's campaign. Considering your perfect record, the chance of him getting the nod is now-exactly-zero.
Natural born citizens are born with U.S. citizenship like Cruz.

Naturalized citizens have to apply for U.S. citizenship- where is your record of Cruz being naturalized?

Well in your head of course....

I have a better question, where is your record of Cruz not having a Canadian birth certificate? .

Where is your record that you have stopped kicking puppies?

LOL......Cruz is a natural born citizen- you have no clue as to what a naturalized citizen is- or even the legitimate argument about Cruz's eligibility that does exist.

Meanwhile- I heard Kasich speak today- a very well spoken man- intelligent rational- thoughtful.

Not a chance Republicans will nominate him.

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