Advantage Putin


Sep 23, 2010
Remember when Bush the Younger said this about Vladimir Putin:

I looked the man in the eye. I was able to get a sense of his soul

BBC News | EUROPE | Bush and Putin: Best of friends

Bush went on to describe Putin as a straightforward and trustworthy man. Put all of the game-playing rhetoric aside and national leaders still evaluate one another as men. Well, Putin looked John Kerry in the eye and he saw a man who betrayed his own country:


Putin keeps John Kerry waiting for THREE HOURS during his visit to Russia for meetings over Syria as relationship between the U.S. and Russia remains frosty
By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED:18:02 EST, 7 May 2013| UPDATED:05:11 EST, 8 May 2013

Vladimir Putin keeps John Kerry waiting for THREE HOURS during visit to Russia for Syria talks | Mail Online

Make no mistake here. Putin is no friend of America. He, and Russia, will always be closer to Peking than to Washington. Aside from alliances, Putin must hold John Kerry in contempt for betraying his own country after he, Kerry, returned from Vietnam:

It must make a former KGB guy like Putin sick to his stomach to treat Kerry with respect in public.

More importantly, Putin’s correct judgement of Kerry puts the US at a disadvantage. That has to swing negotiations in Putin’s favor. Worse still, every head of state knows what Kerry is. (Apparently, the US Senate has no idea of what Kerry is.)

Parenthetically, one has to wonder if Putin has anything on Kerry —— learned from American Communists, or the USSR’s Communist allies in Vietnam and China.

Finally, if you think occupying the moral high ground man-to-man is unimportant try Ronald Reagan telling Mikhail Gorbachev:

What you are doing in Afghanistan in burning villages and killing children. It’s genocide, and you are the one who has to stop it.

Now, apply that to John Kerry who never had a good word to say about fighting communism in Vietnam, while he never said a bad word Communist slaughters that took place after South Vietnam fell.

And please don’t relate the UN’s war against Islamic fundamentalism in Afghanistan to the war waged by the Soviet Union. America’s only crime in Afghanistan is fighting as part of a United Nations coalition. In the years ahead, America will get all of the blame if the war fails to accomplish anything good, while the United Nations will get all of the credit should the war produce positive results.
Interesting post, Flanders. I don't know how George Bush Jr. could have seen anything moral in Putins eyes. The bible says the eyes are the window of the soul. I have looked at his eyes and see an ice cold - cold blooded murderer. Not much more. I know the word in Europe is he is a womanizer who beat his own wife for years. There have been news articles about it in Europe. His poisoning Laventiko was a brutal death - the man is pure evil. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

I believe that before Putins term is finished you will see the Russians attack the US with a limited nuclear strike. Hard enough to take us down but not hard enough to decimate the land. The Russians have been in collusion with Cuba, Venezuala, SA gangs such as M 13, M 16, the Chinese - the Chinese troops down in Mexico are part of this plan they have to use Mexico as a gateway for the future invasion of America. That is coming from cartel members down in Mexico mind you who were invited to join up. Lots of chatter - you just have to know where to pick it up at.

Add to this Cuba to the south of Fla being backed by Russians for this invasion, Russian subs off coast of USA still here - all up and down the eastern seaboard according to my Navy Seal Commando buddy - Akula Class II Sub ( russian ) off coast of Texas last June - July wasn't only one in our waters. Just the only one reported with a photograph in very small news story and was never reported on FOX to my knowledge.

You might remember Castro prediction that America was going to fall soon. He even mentioned nuclear if I'm not mistaken. He had a big mouth and was dying to let the cat out of the bag - the Russians probably told him to shut up. The Russian troops on northern border between Canada and USA has grown substantially and of course the largest concentration of these guys - in Minnesota. Minnesota, South Fla and another state are the strongholds where Russians are set up. I forget the 3rd state. Might be Wisconsin. Anyhow, the players who joined Russians have big mouths.

Same goes for Chavez. His cancer may have been "russian induced" for his big mouth. Then you have the Iranians at same time last year talking about the soon coming fall of America. It is common knowledge in certain parts of the world that there will be an attack on America.

The Chinese navy drills in Formosa sea - the BBC interview that was pulled from television in Europe after Chinese govt complained - the BBC asked Chinese soldier what are you are training for? Without hesitation he excitedly told the BBC reporter - For the Invasion of America! It aired a single night in Europe and although it was advertised as a two part series the second night was pulled after Chinese complained. Never to be mentioned again! ha! ha!

I'm looking at the big picture here, Flanders, Russia has designs on Israel and won't make her move until America is down and out of the way. They have never dropped their ambitions to attack America and if the Russians do not hit America before Obama leaves office I would be totally shocked. I am convinced America will be hit by them before Obama's term is finished. That is how close I believe it is now. It is a real shame that the American people have no idea of just how close we are to that strike.

Another indicator of how close we are - listen to russian bloggers such as Stalingrad and mememe and you see the true heart of the Russian people towards Americans. Venomous hatred. Why? Because the people are like their leader ( rule of thumb ) and in this case Putin despises America and Americans far more than the world realizes.

Yes, Stalingrad and Mememe are the poster children for the average Russian who supports Zhirinovkys vision. In fact, Mememe even admitted she was part of Zhirinovskys party ( unbeknownst to her -admission ) You will notice both of them beat feet after I began talking about some of these things and they exposed their hatred of Americans. I wouldn't be surprised if someone over there told them to get off this board and keep their big mouths shut. It is a bit late for that but get my point.

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Correction*** I need to make a retraction - The Russians that are part of the plan to overthrow America are based in Alaska #1 - that is the largest concentration #2 is Minnesota - the 3rd is the state of Florida. That is the order according to my sources.
It's odd how some people think that once Reagan whipped russia, they would become our friends and not hold a grudge.

Never understood how Bush could say anything nice about Putin except to, possibly butter him up.

Obama clearly wants to work with putin and be more flexible, but kerry is such a complete douche. putins probably pissed that a worm was sent instead of a woman.
One more thing, Flanders. The Somali Muslims - largest concentration is in Minnesota - many trained to fight against us here ( with the Russians ) when that day comes. In fact, if you look at the most vicious muslims on continent of Africa you'll find Somali at top of the list. Why we ever allowed such a huge number to come into the USA - with the radicals concentrating in Minnesota is beyond me. You'd have to ask Obama and George Bush Jr. who both let them come here. Minnesotans should rent movie Hotel Rwanda for picture of what Muslims do with machetes and pass laws for all citizens to own guns. imo.

I have been thinking that the jihadists here who will help the Russians will be doing their practice run of fighting together here in USA because the big one will be when the Russian led Islamic army marches to Israel. It is then ( according to bible prophecy ) that they will turn on one another on the mountains of Jerusalem and slaughter each other. Israelis won't be involved other than burying all the dead bodies and cleaning up the mess. G-d is good. - Jeri
It's odd how some people think that once Reagan whipped russia, they would become our friends and not hold a grudge.

Never understood how Bush could say anything nice about Putin except to, possibly butter him up.

Obama clearly wants to work with putin and be more flexible, but kerry is such a complete douche. putins probably pissed that a worm was sent instead of a woman.

Very good observation. Bush mistook Christian for doormat in some matters. It has resulted in Muslims worldwide not realizing that Western Christians are not concientous objectors and have no problem with defending their country with firearms. None at all.

About Soviets. They have never given up their ambitions and they are closer to realizing them than ever before. ( invasion of USA) The Russians want to cut a deal with the Chinese about Taiwan in exchange for giving them our land and people once they invade. china has alot invested here - already has built ghost cities built in middle of mongolian desert & other places ( labor camps ) built to hold most of our population of usa. The Japanese will undoubtedly figure into this endgame scenario also.
Interesting post, Flanders. I don't know how George Bush Jr. could have seen anything moral in Putins eyes. The bible says the eyes are the window of the soul. I have looked at his eyes and see an ice cold - cold blooded murderer. Not much more. I know the word in Europe is he is a womanizer who beat his own wife for years. There have been news articles about it in Europe. His poisoning Laventiko was a brutal death - the man is pure evil. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

I believe that before Putins term is finished you will see the Russians attack the US with a limited nuclear strike. Hard enough to take us down but not hard enough to decimate the land. The Russians have been in collusion with Cuba, Venezuala, SA gangs such as M 13, M 16, the Chinese - the Chinese troops down in Mexico are part of this plan they have to use Mexico as a gateway for the future invasion of America. That is coming from cartel members down in Mexico mind you who were invited to join up. Lots of chatter - you just have to know where to pick it up at.

Add to this Cuba to the south of Fla being backed by Russians for this invasion, Russian subs off coast of USA still here - all up and down the eastern seaboard according to my Navy Seal Commando buddy - Akula Class II Sub ( russian ) off coast of Texas last June - July wasn't only one in our waters. Just the only one reported with a photograph in very small news story and was never reported on FOX to my knowledge.

You might remember Castro prediction that America was going to fall soon. He even mentioned nuclear if I'm not mistaken. He had a big mouth and was dying to let the cat out of the bag - the Russians probably told him to shut up. The Russian troops on northern border between Canada and USA has grown substantially and of course the largest concentration of these guys - in Minnesota. Minnesota, South Fla and another state are the strongholds where Russians are set up. I forget the 3rd state. Might be Wisconsin. Anyhow, the players who joined Russians have big mouths.

Same goes for Chavez. His cancer may have been "russian induced" for his big mouth. Then you have the Iranians at same time last year talking about the soon coming fall of America. It is common knowledge in certain parts of the world that there will be an attack on America.

The Chinese navy drills in Formosa sea - the BBC interview that was pulled from television in Europe after Chinese govt complained - the BBC asked Chinese soldier what are you are training for? Without hesitation he excitedly told the BBC reporter - For the Invasion of America! It aired a single night in Europe and although it was advertised as a two part series the second night was pulled after Chinese complained. Never to be mentioned again! ha! ha!

I'm looking at the big picture here, Flanders, Russia has designs on Israel and won't make her move until America is down and out of the way. They have never dropped their ambitions to attack America and if the Russians do not hit America before Obama leaves office I would be totally shocked. I am convinced America will be hit by them before Obama's term is finished. That is how close I believe it is now. It is a real shame that the American people have no idea of just how close we are to that strike.

Another indicator of how close we are - listen to russian bloggers such as Stalingrad and mememe and you see the true heart of the Russian people towards Americans. Venomous hatred. Why? Because the people are like their leader ( rule of thumb ) and in this case Putin despises America and Americans far more than the world realizes.

Yes, Stalingrad and Mememe are the poster children for the average Russian who supports Zhirinovkys vision. In fact, Mememe even admitted she was part of Zhirinovskys party ( unbeknownst to her -admission ) You will notice both of them beat feet after I began talking about some of these things and they exposed their hatred of Americans. I wouldn't be surprised if someone over there told them to get off this board and keep their big mouths shut. It is a bit late for that but get my point.


To Jeri: I don’t doubt your take on Russia’s desire. So far fear of retaliation is the safeguard America’s enemies cannot overcome.

Leading Democrats represent the biggest internal threat to our safety because their policies make a mockery out of retaliation; cutting the military, using the intelligence community to support their Socialist agenda, etc. The Democrat threat is clearly seen in nuclear disarmament treaties like New START. That treaty did not affect China or North Korea, while Russia gave up nothing.

Hussein & Company pushing to ratify the UN’s Small Arms Treaty is another serious threat. Ratifying and implementing the ATT is essential before occupation. No army looks forward to invading, let alone occupying, a country with a population armed to the teeth; less so when many are veterans with combat training.

Returning to John Kerry for a minute.

Throughout the Bush years, then-Senator Biden never stopped whining about America’s lost respect in the International community. Yet not one word from big mouth Biden when Putin disrespected Kerry, and, by extension, the American people. Putin has to be laughing his ass off wondering what the hell is going on in Washington. A drunken female replaced by a traitor. Maybe Biden can tell us how in hell that regained the lost respect he preached for eight years.
Correction*** I need to make a retraction - The Russians that are part of the plan to overthrow America are based in Alaska #1 - that is the largest concentration #2 is Minnesota - the 3rd is the state of Florida. That is the order according to my sources.

What a crock of total ignorance!
Here's a couple of links, educate yourself before you post complete BS!
Ameredia: Russian American Demographics
Russian American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Russian speaking population in USA and Canada is estimated to be about 6 million.

Leading States
New York, California, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts.

Leading Cities
New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Detroit.

Percentage Distribution
NY Tri-State Area – 24%
California – 16%
Illinois – 16%
Pennsylvania – 10%
Massachusetts – 8%
Florida – 7%
DC and Maryland – 3%

Your "sources"?
Putin took Kerry's measure when Kerry got himself and our organizations thrown out of Bolivia.
Putin took Kerry's measure when Kerry got himself and our organizations thrown out of Bolivia.

To Katzndogz: The man is a walking disaster:

Yet such processes are Kerry’s Pavlovian response to any world crisis, no matter how 21st century.

President Obama himself sometimes publicly scoffs at such solutions, yet Kerry toils to launch ever more peace processes — even at the cost of undermining his boss.

In his Asian swing last month, Kerry vowed to “reach out” to North Korea. If Pyongyang behaves nicely, he promised, we may reward Kim Jong Un by “allowing” him to reopen the Yongbyon nuclear facility. “Our choice is to negotiate,” Kerry said, adding that America won’t waste a perfectly good peace process “just because of a kind of predetermined stubbornness.”

Kerry: A pavlovian peace-processor
Last Updated: 11:43 PM, May 12, 2013
Posted: 11:32 PM, May 12, 2013

Kerry: A pavlovian peace-processor -

“What do I know and when did I learn it?” should be included in the presidential oath of office. In Hussein’s case he should have known about John Kerry, and I should have titled this thread —— Advantage: Everybody Except Americans.
Ballot box stuffing was shown on TV...

Russia's Presidential Election Observers Were Pressured And Intimidated
March 19, 2018 • Before and during the election, observers said they were targeted. Vladimir Putin won a fourth term.
As Vladimir Putin won a fourth term on Sunday, reports have surfaced of election observers being harassed and intimidated that day and in the days leading up to the vote. More than 1,300 foreigners reportedly served as election monitors in the presidential election, which took place on March 18 and yielded a predicted win for Putin. Many observers came from places and political backgrounds that are friendly to the Russian government in an attempt "to create an international stamp of approval for the vote," reported The Guardian. Sputnik, a Kremlin-backed news outlet, reported that observers judged the election to be "fair and transparent." But numerous independent media outlets found observers who said they saw violations.

A month before Russia's presidential election, observer David Kankiya was informed by the police that his car might have been used to commit a crime, Reuters reported. He was detained, charged with disobeying police and sent to jail for five days. "I was detained and charged on a false pretext," Kankiya told the news agency. "It's political pressure." Police say Kankiya didn't produce identification during a routine check. As the presidential election drew closer, Kankiya's car tires were slashed and pro-Kremlin journalists accosted him in two separate incidents, he told Reuters.

Kankiya is a coordinator at Golos, a nongovernmental election watchdog that was labeled a "foreign agent" because it received foreign aid. Volunteers from Golos — a word that translates to both "vote" and "voice" — say when entering or leaving Russia, they are often stopped by border staff who accuse them of having terrorist links, according to Reuters. Before the election, a Golos representative told The Guardian that police ripped up a contract to lease office space. The location was supposed to be a call center to receive reports of election violations. The representative said that police officers threatened the landlord of the building: "You shouldn't hold this event here or you'll have trouble." The Russian government denied involvement.

Police also attempted to stop activist observers from visiting polling stations, The Guardian reported. The officers raided headquarters of opposition figure Alexei Navalny, who was banned from the election, and they tried to seize documents that would give observers access to polling locations.


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